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Chapter 142 Killed as a Fat Pig!

Chapter 142 Killed as a Fat Pig!

In Taiyuan, the headquarters of the Japanese First Army.

Miyano Michiichi, chief of staff of the North China Front Army, returned to Peiping by plane after his inspection.

Not long after Commander Shinozuka Yoshio woke up, Communications Staff Toshimatsu Kasai walked in and reported to him.

"Report to the general, the Tongpu North Road defenders report that the Jinggou Bridge was blown up last night, and a train full of cement was also blown up and fell into a mountain stream."



Yoshio Shinozuka's face darkened suddenly. The first news he received early in the morning was still bad news, which made it difficult for him to be in a good mood all day long.

Coincidentally, part of the cement on this train was the reinforced concrete stronghold that Shinozuka Yoshio planned to use to build the Yuliao Highway.

I didn't expect it to disappear halfway, and I have to wait until next month for the next truckload of cement.

During this period, cement was called cement by the Chinese. Like steel bars, cement was also a material that the Japanese army was in short supply.

"What's going on?" Shinozuka Yoshio frowned, "Tongpu Road is so well-defended, it still can't stop Tuba Road from blowing up the bridge?"

Kasai Toshimatsu said: "In addition to the bombing of the Jinggou Bridge, a small unit was also attacked by the enemy near the Xiaotang stronghold. Both attacks were carried out by the same enemy."

After the Japanese army started to implement Hayao Tada's cage policy, the security incidents in various places did decrease a lot, but there were still sporadic attacks and harassment.

However, bad incidents like this kind of bridge bombing rarely happen.

"How long will it take for the bridge to be repaired?" Yoshio Shinozuka asked.

"It will take at least half a month!" Kasai Toshimatsu replied.

Half a month?Yoshio Shinozuka's face darkened, which meant that Tongpu North Road would be paralyzed for half a month.

The materials looted from Datong will not reach Taiyuan for at least half a month.

But this is the end of the matter, and Yoshio Shinozuka can't say much. In the past, the railway was often bombed, but it has stopped a little in recent months.

At this moment, a young officer wearing the rank of captain walked in holding a telegram, walked up to Toshimatsu Kasai, clapped his feet together, and handed over the telegram with both hands.

Afterwards, the Japanese captain turned and left, Kasai Toshimatsu glanced at the telegram and said.

"General, the headquarters of the North China Front Army has called. Tomorrow, the [-]th Wing of Tanks stationed in Mongolia will take a train along Tongpu Road and go south from our defense area to reinforce the Zaoyi battlefield."

"Commander Tada ordered us to do a good job in the reception of railway stations in advance."

Yoshio Shinozuka's face darkened, the Seventh Chariot Regiment came at an inopportune time.

At this time, Shinozuka Yoshio did not link the bridge bombing incident with the Seventh Tank Regiment.

After all, a full tank regiment of the Japanese army has more than 50 tanks, which can exist sideways in any theater in China.

The Chinese army in Shanxi dared to provoke the Seventh Tank Regiment to seek death, so Yoshio Shinozuka didn't even think about it.

Yoshio Shinozuka got up and walked to the map, looked down from Datong along the Tongpu Railway, and found the Jinggou Bridge.

Turning around, he said to Kasai Toshimatsu: "Give power to the Seventh Chariot Regiment, tell them to take the train to Yuanping Station, get off the train and follow the highway to Taiyuan."

Yuanping Station is about 110 kilometers away from Taiyuan. The speed of the tank on the road can reach more than 30 kilometers per hour. It only takes more than three hours to drive the tank to Taiyuan along the road.

The problem is not big.

"Hi!" Kasai Toshimatsu paused, then walked quickly towards the communication room.


At night, southeast Shanxi, Baijin railway line.

As the main regiment of the 385th Brigade of the Eighth Route Army invaded Nanguan Town, the entire Baijin Railway Breakthrough battle started.

With the assistance of more than 2 people, the main forces launched a massive attack on the railway line of more than 200 miles.

The main force stormed the strongholds along the railway, and the road-breaking troops broke the road with the active cooperation and strong support of the masses.

very busy.

At the same time, the Lujiazhuang stronghold between Shouyang and Taiyuan on the Zhengtai Railway.

Cao Jiang, the first company commander of the cavalry battalion, ordered the generals to tie all their horses in a nearby grove, and then led his troops to quietly approach the stronghold.

The cavalry battalion of the new regiment had just been formed, and most of the cavalry were not good enough in horsemanship, but there was no problem dismounting and fighting, because these were elite veterans.

Moreover, each cavalry company strictly follows the firepower configuration of the infantry company, that is, each squad has a light machine gun and an additional submachine gun.

Therefore, each cavalry company of the new regiment has 9 light machine guns and 9 submachine guns, and the firepower is very fierce.

This time Li Yunlong also temporarily assigned two mortar squads to the cavalry company, a total of 4 mortars. In addition, he also temporarily assigned 2 Maxim.

Open the fight.

Cao Jiang had never fought such a rich battle, and immediately ordered all mortars and machine guns to fire.

Cannonballs continuously fell into the stronghold and exploded, and the gunfire was very dense, like firecrackers.

The devils and puppet troops in the Lujiazhuang stronghold were usually harassed by sporadic guerrillas. I had never seen such a formation before, and thought they were attacked by a regiment from the Eighth Route Army, so they were so scared that they called and shook people on the spot.

The nearby devil patrol team heard the gunshots and rushed over, and even Shouyang County sent devil reinforcements.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Xinyi regiment cut the barbed wire from a dozen positions and quickly passed the Zhengtai Railway.

When the devils from Shouyang County rushed to the Lujiazhuang stronghold for reinforcements, the cavalry company had already mounted their horses and fled away.


Early the next morning.

Yoshio Shinozuka called Kazuki Yamamoto to play chess.

The two discussed the Japanese army's weapons while playing chess.

Kazuki Yamamoto said: "General, with all due respect, the ordnance officials in charge of ordnance production are too rigid and old-fashioned. Let's see what weapons they equip the Japanese Army."

"There are only five rounds of the [-]-type rifle, and every time a round is fired, you have to manually pull the bolt to eject the casing. The light machine gun is also insufficiently equipped, and the firepower is too poor."

Although he recognized Kazuki Yamamoto's theory of special operations, Yoshio Shinozuka had a different view on the issue of army equipment.

Shinozuka Yoshio said: "Japan is a country with poor resources. If it is equipped with automatic weapons, it will greatly increase the cost of combat."

"Based on the base of 150 rounds of ammunition carried by a single soldier, a rifle used for single-shot shooting can almost support a day's combat."

"And 150 rounds of ammunition may not last an hour for the kind of continuous-fire submachine gun equipped by the Secret Service."

"If all 100 million troops are equipped with submachine guns, then the empire's existing resources, productivity, and transportation capabilities will be expanded by at least ten times."

"Such a high-cost war cannot be afforded by the empire."

"General, in my opinion." Kazuki Yamamoto said, "It is an indisputable fact that the empire is poor in resources. If it were not for this reason, the empire would not have needed to wage this war."

"However, since the Manchuria Incident in 1931, the three northeastern provinces of China have become the empire's largest resource supply and military production base."

"Now, most of China's land and resources have also fallen into the hands of the empire."

"So such a vast occupied area, such abundant resources and cheap labor..."

"Why don't you adjust the arms production in time and come up with better weapons and equipment for the troops?"

"Nowadays in European countries, individual weapons are almost dominated by automatic firearms. The strength of an army's combat effectiveness is mainly reflected in its firepower."

"Powerful firepower supplemented by advanced strategies and tactics, such as special tactics, can achieve imperial hegemony."

Compared with Yoshio Shinozuka, Kazuki Yamamoto, who participated in the Battle of Nomenkan, has a deeper understanding of what is called real modern warfare.

The air fleet roared, the heavy artillery roared on the ground, and the tanks rushed intensively.

Aerial bombs and large-caliber heavy artillery blasted the Japanese positions into a sea of ​​flames.

Thousands of tanks came overwhelmingly, and the tracks of the tanks mercilessly crushed the Bushido spirit of the Japanese soldiers.

Yoshio Shinozuka sighed slightly, and was about to speak.


Toshimatsu Kasai, the communications staff officer, walked in quickly, with a rather ugly expression on his face, as if something had happened.

Walking up to Shinozuka Yoshio, Kasai Toshimatsu paused and said:

"The Baijin Railway was attacked by the Eighth Route Army, the bridge was bombed, more than 50 kilometers of roadbed were destroyed, the rails and sleepers were stolen by the Eighth Route Army, and the main force of the Eighth Route Army also stormed Nanguan Town and other strongholds and military depots along the railway line. The garrison suffered heavy casualties .”

"Nani?" Shinozuka Yoshio said incredulously, standing up abruptly.

Kazuki Yamamoto remained unmoved, as if this was what he expected.

Shinozuka Yoshio suddenly thought of what Kazuki Yamamoto said a few days ago, that the deputy commander of the Eighth Route Army would never let the Japanese army's cage policy be implemented.

Didn't expect it to come true so soon.

Sure enough, the Eight Routes made their move on the Baijin Railway.

Yoshio Shinozuka took the telegram and looked at it, only to see that it read:

Last night, the strongholds, gun towers, and bunkers along the Baijin Railway were attacked by the Eighth Route Army on a large scale. The attacking force was at least 10,000 people, and the militia and ordinary people may not be less than 3.

According to preliminary estimates, in just one night, dozens of kilometers of roads were destroyed, dozens of bridges were bombed, and a train was damaged.

The rails and sleepers were all stripped away...

The specific casualties cannot be estimated for the time being, and the attack on the Baijin Railway of the Eighth Route Army is still in progress.

"Baga!" Shinozuka Yoshio picked up the blue and white porcelain teacup on the table and slammed it down on the ground.

With a crisp ding, the blue and white porcelain teacup shattered, and the freshly brewed Longjing tea spilled all over the floor.

The railway, which spent a lot of money and material resources for more than a year, was about to be repaired, but it was destroyed overnight.

The Eighth Route Army launched a combat operation when the Baijin Railway was about to be repaired, which made Shinozuka Yoshio feel like he was fattening up a pig before killing him.

And the railway they repaired by the Japanese army is that fat pig.

Suddenly, Yoshio Shinozuka had a bad feeling in his mind and hurriedly asked, "Have Zhengtai Railway and Tongpu Railway been attacked on a large scale?"

"There is no large-scale attack." Kasai Toshimatsu said, "Major Takahashi stationed in Shouyang County reported that the Lujiazhuang stronghold was attacked by the Eighth Route Army last night. The attacking Eighth Route Army's strength was about one battalion. Major Takahashi led the reinforcements to arrive. , Eighth Route then fled, and this morning the patrol team found that many barbed wires had been cut, and it is suspected that a small group of Eighth Route troops crossed the Zhengtai Railway last night."

"Leave him alone in small units." Shinozuka Yoshio breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as he expected, the Eighth Route's attack on the Baijin Railway had reached the limit they could bear, and there were no more troops to attack Zhengtai Road and Tongpu Road.

After a pause, Shinozuka Yoshio said to Kasai Toshimatsu: "Order the defenders of Taigu, Laiyuan, and Qin counties to rush to the rescue of the Baijin Railway."

"Order the 9th Brigade and the 4th Brigade to move towards the Baijin Railway."

"Remind Major General Koshiko Toranosuke and Major General Tsuda Mitake to scare the Eighth Route Army away, and never go deep into the Eighth Route Army's hinterland."

"Hi!" Kasai Toshimatsu said with a pause.

(End of this chapter)

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