I am helping

Chapter 143 God is trying to make our old Li rich.

Chapter 143 God is trying to make our old Li rich.

The Battle of the Baijin Railway was in full swing.

Under the leadership of Li Yunlong, the soldiers of the new regiment have passed through the Zhengtai Railway, and all the ministries have arrived at the designated positions.

On Crouching Tiger Mountain, north of Taiyuan, the Sword Squad had finished reconnaissance of the terrain and rushed to join the main force.

In the early morning, in a forest, Captain Lu Yingjun reported to Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang what he had detected, while several battalion commanders listened.

Lu Yingjun said: "Reporting to the head of the delegation and the political commissar, the Jinggou Bridge was blown up by us the night before. In less than half a month, the devils will never want to open the Tongpu Railway to traffic."

"Well done!" Li Yunlong nodded and asked, "Did you find any terrain suitable for an ambush along the road?"

For the Sword Team, Li Yunlong did not hesitate to praise him. From the surprise attack on Liao County to the bombing of bridges and reconnaissance, the Sword Team completed every task very well.

Never dropped the chain.

Lu Yingjun pointed to the map and said.

"Yesterday we reconnaissance along the highway and found two ideal ambush locations."

"One is Hulugou, and the other is Crouching Tiger Mountain."

Li Yunlong's expression changed: "Talk about these two places separately."

Lu Yingjun said: "Hulugou is a bit similar to Dawanggou where we ambushed the Black Island Cavalry Regiment in Qi County last time."

"The road passes through the bottom of the ditch. This section of the road is full of stones washed by the water. Both sides of the road are gentle slopes."

"Our ambush can condescend to form a pincer attack on the Devils tank from both sides."

Li Yunlong nodded, condescending and attacking from both sides, this terrain is simply the best place to ambush.

Lu Yingjun continued: "The only disadvantage here is that it is not easy to hide on both sides of the road, and the ambush troops are likely to be discovered in advance by the devil's reconnaissance plane."

Just this morning, Li Yunlong saw two enemy planes flying north from overhead.

Fortunately, the Xinyi group had already hidden in the woods at that time, otherwise the ghosts would have to find out their whereabouts.

The devil's reconnaissance planes flew everywhere on the railways and highways, scouting the movements of the Chinese army.

The closer to Taiyuan, the more frequently you can see the devil's plane.

"What about Crouching Tiger Mountain?" Li Yunlong asked point by point on the map.

Lu Yingjun said: "There are trees on Crouching Tiger Mountain, which can be well concealed, but the road passes halfway up the mountain, and only one side can attack the devils condescendingly."

Li Yunlong's eyes sank, staring at the map, his eyes revealing his thoughts.

Right now there is absolutely no time to reconnaissance the entire road, so we can only choose one of these two places as an ambush location, and as soon as possible.

Because I don't know when the devil tank will arrive.

The advantages and disadvantages of both ambush positions are obvious.

One is condescending and can form a two-sided attack on the devils, but it is not easy to hide.

One can be hidden, but only one side is condescending to attack the devils, and once the devils fire arson bombs into the forest during the battle, it will be a bad thing.

Looking at the map, they are relatively close to Hulugou, only about five kilometers from the map.

It can be reached in half an hour by quick march.

Li Yunlong asked: "Is there any grass on the gentle slopes on both sides of Hulugou? What color is it?"

"There is grass." Lu Yingjun nodded, "Most of them are only half a meter high, and the grass is green."

Li Yunlong looked up and smiled, "Lao and capital have a solution."

Following Li Yunlong's line of sight, Zhang Dabiao looked over his head, and he was the first to understand Li Yunlong's intentions among all the people.

Zhang Dabiao raised his mouth and said, "Commander, what do you mean, all our soldiers should wear clothes made of grass, branches and leaves?"

"That's right!" Li Yunlong nodded and said, "We used to fight guerrillas with the national army in Hubei, Henan and Anhui, and we often did this. Wearing it is the most suitable for cold shooting."

The eyes of Zhao Gang and the other battalion commanders lit up. This is a good idea!

Just do what you say, the battalion commanders and the company commanders directly under them quickly issued orders, and the soldiers had already finished their breakfast by this time.

Climbing trees, mowing grass, the soldiers began to get busy.

Tie the branches and green grass with string, and then put them on the body, with a grass ring on the top of the head, and the warrior who is not afraid of getting dirty even smeared his face with mud.

If you lie down there, you will never see anyone unless you get closer.

Even the guns, machine guns, and bazookas in the hands of the soldiers were covered with grass for camouflage.

Putting the mules, horses and cavalry battalion in the woods to stand by, Li Yunlong led the rest of the troops to Hulugou.

With camouflage grass on his body, he walked slowly, because if he walked too fast, the body shaking became larger, and the camouflage grass would easily fall apart.

As a result, before walking halfway, there was a slight buzzing sound in the sky. Li Yunlong stopped and listened carefully for two seconds.

His expression changed slightly, and he shouted loudly: "It's a devil plane, stay where you are and hide!"

The soldiers threw themselves on the side of the road one after another, motionless, and ordered and prohibited.

Fortunately, the Devil pilot didn't find out, and the Devil's plane flew away. Li Yunlong didn't get up from the ground until the sound of the plane could no longer be heard.

He looked at the direction the Devil's plane was flying away, snorted coldly, and thought to himself, don't be crazy, you will be so high or low that you will be ordered to take down a few planes later.

"Go ahead!" Li Yunlong waved his hand.

The soldiers continued to move forward wearing camouflage grass.

About half an hour later, Li Yunlong marched to Hulugou with more than 1700 people except the cavalry battalion and the logistics department.

As soon as he arrived, Li Yunlong scouted the terrain here immediately, and he found that the terrain was much better than he imagined.

Hulugou is actually a canyon in the shape of a gourd. The bottom of the valley is a road covered with gravel, and the gentle slopes on both sides are like a huge gourd.

What's more rare is that the connecting position of the two gourds is very narrow, only more than three meters wide. Once the battle starts, the enemy must not be able to look at each other from head to tail.

Haha...God, this is to make our old Li rich.

Immediately Li Yunlong called the battalion commander and the company commander directly under the regiment headquarters together.

"This is Hulugou."

Li Yunlong pointed to the gentle slopes on both sides and the road in the middle of the canyon, then drew a gourd on the ground with a bayonet, and finally cut the whole gourd in half from top to bottom with a horizontal cut. This mark represents this road .

Without unnecessary nonsense, Li Yunlong pointed to the traces on the ground and began to deploy troops.

"The first battalion set up an ambush on both sides of the exit of the gourd ditch, and opened fire immediately when the devils were about to walk out of the gourd exit, and knocked out the front tanks with rocket launchers."

"The first shot can be fired by the monk. The monk can shoot accurately."

"The second battalion and the third battalion set up ambushes on both sides in turn, and the heavy machine gun company guarded the entrance for me, so that the devils behind could not escape."

"The machine gun company and the bazooka soldiers of each battalion are evenly distributed on both sides of the Hulugou."

"The first wave of attack is crucial. The first round of machine gun fire and rockets knocked out at least half of the devil tanks."

"The rest of the tanks will be called by us one by one!"

"In addition, the soldiers must pay attention to concealment."

"Whoever loses his pawn, I'll take his skin off!"

Having said that, Li Yunlong stopped.

"Yes!" The battalion and company commanders responded loudly.


The actions of the new regiment were hidden from the devils' reconnaissance planes and passed through the blockades of devils' railways and highways.

But it was discovered by scouts from the 358th regiment of the Jinsui Army.

After the 358th regiment of the Jinsui Army changed defense, it happened to occupy a piece of land in Anhua County nearby.

After Chu Yunfei finished breakfast at the regiment headquarters and was about to inspect the first battalion, Fang Ligong hurried in.

"Tuan Zuo, there is a situation." Fang Ligong reported, "The scouts just reported that an unidentified army is moving along the road from Taiyuan to XZ."

"This group of enemies is camouflaged with branches and weeds. There are about 2000 people. I don't know if they are enemies or friends."

"Oh?" Chu Yunfei stood up, walked quickly to the map, and asked, "Where is it?"

"Here, near Hulugou." Fang Ligong pointed to the map.

"Hulugou?" Chu Yun flew to look at the map, his eyes revealing his thoughts, "Could it be that Balu wanted to ambush the Japanese transport team here?"

"But the problem is..." Fang Ligong said, "It's an enemy-occupied area, there are only a few guerrilla activities, and there is no main force of the Eighth Route."

Chu Yunfei narrowed his eyes and said, "Then you mean that this army is likely to be the Japanese army, and the target is our 358th regiment?"

"It doesn't look like it to me." Fang Ligong wondered, "The Japanese army wants to attack our 358 regiment, so there is no need to sneak around."

"And the direction is wrong. Maybe, as Tuan Zuo said, it is the main force of a certain Eighth Route that wants to ambush the Japanese transport team here."

"If it is the eight-way ambush devil transport team, we can just use the trick of praying mantis to catch cicadas, and the oriole is behind, which can just alleviate the problem of our 358th regiment's shortage of supplies."

Chu Yunfei chuckled lightly: "I, Chu, am I the kind of person who takes advantage of others' danger?"

About half an hour later, the scouts reported again that this unidentified army had set up an ambush in Hulugou.

At present, both Chu Yunfei and Fang Ligong confirmed that this team must be from the Eighth Route Army, and they had received information that they were going to ambush the Japanese army transport team in Hulugou.

"Brother Li Gong." Chu Yunfei took off the whip from the wall and smiled, "Are you interested in watching how the Xiaba Road fights together?"

"Tuan Zuo, that's an enemy-occupied area." Fang Ligong was startled, "If it's not necessary, don't take risks lightly."

Chu Yunfei said bluntly: "I'm not afraid of eight ways, what am I afraid of?"

"Forget it." Fang Ligong said, "Then I will risk my life to accompany the gentleman and take a trip with the group seat."

Chu Yunfei turned his head and said, "Sun Ming, prepare your horse!"

Sun Ming: "Yes!"


In Hulugou, Li Yunlong lay quietly among the soldiers.

From a distance, the whole is green, and the camouflage on the soldiers blends perfectly with the surrounding grass.

Lu Yingjun came up from behind and whispered to Li Yunlong: "Regimental Commander, Li Changshun just caught a tongue. He is a scout from the 358th Regiment of the Jinsui Army. According to him, our whereabouts have been reported to the regiment headquarters of the 358th Regiment. "

"Damn it..." Li Yunlong frowned, "The 358 regiment? It's really a narrow road."

"Send a messenger to notify Sun Desheng, and tell him to tie up all the army horses, and then lead the cavalry battalion to put on camouflage grass and move to a position one kilometer behind us to hide."

"It's not necessary, is it?" Zhao Gang said in a low voice, "The Jinsui army is our friendly army, so they probably wouldn't stab us in the back."

"What a fucking friendly army." Li Yunlong's tone was unquestionable, "It is this friendly army that labor and capital are defending."

(End of this chapter)

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