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Chapter 150 Chase and Intercept!

Chapter 150 Chase and Intercept!

The 358th regiment of the Jinsui Army.

Chu Yunfei, Fang Ligong and Sun Ming led the guard squad back to the regiment headquarters at full speed.

Walking quickly into the war room, Chu Yunfei stared at the map of northern Shanxi, his gaze sank.

However, Sun Ming looked at Fang Ligong and said with a smile, "Chief of Staff Fang, you lost this bet. What about the horse card?"

"Oh!" Fang Ligong laughed, took out an exquisite pistol from the holster, and handed it to Sun Ming, "I am willing to admit defeat."

Although Sun Ming only had the rank of captain, Fang Ligong had the rank of lieutenant colonel.

But Sun Ming was Chu Yunfei's adjutant and bodyguard, and also the commander of the 358 regiment's security company, and he was a celebrity in front of Chu Yunfei.

Fang Ligong was not easy to offend, he was polite to him.

Sun Ming looked at the Ma Pai Luzi, put the gun back into the holster, and said with emotion: "This trip was really not in vain. A Japanese tank regiment was killed right in front of our eyes."

"It's really unbelievable." Fang Ligong said, "However, Balu is just relying on the accuracy of the information and the weapon in his hand."

"Moreover, the Eighth Route Army ran from southeast Shanxi to the Japanese defense area and laid an ambush and killed the Japanese tank regiment."

"The Japanese army will not easily put them back. Most likely, the Japanese army has dispatched a large army to encircle and suppress them at this time."

"For this Eighth Route Army, the safest place right now is the defense zone of our 358th regiment, but Li Yunlong rejected our regiment commander's kindness."

Although Li Yunlong played amazingly in Cangyun Ridge and Hulugou, even though he had experienced many battles and made great achievements in battle, Fang Ligong still felt that Li Yunlong, who was born with mud legs, was just like that, and there was nothing outstanding in tactics.

Even if you, Li Yunlong, kill a Japanese brigade, you will not be recognized for your meritorious service.

Fang Ligong took a step forward and said, "Regimental Commander, I think you can report to the Commander's Department and ask Commander Yan to come forward to negotiate with the high-level Eighth Route Army. Whether it is the exchange of weapons and equipment, or other methods, Commander Yan will always find a way to deal with it." Ask Balu to hand over the manufacturing method of the loudspeaker weapon, if it succeeds, we will not have to worry about the lack of anti-tank weapons in the future."

"Do you really think that the big trumpet weapon was made by Balu himself?" Chu Yunfei asked with a smile on his face.

"Isn't it?" Fang Ligong was taken aback, "Li Yunlong lied to us?"

"Definitely not." Chu Yunfei said, "The Eighth Route Army can't even make bullets. How could it be possible to make such advanced weapons?"

"That big trumpet weapon looks like a high-end foreign product, and the Eighth Route Army's arsenal will never make it."

"With the loudspeakers and cannons in their hands, I guess that Balu received international aid through some secret channel."

"International aid?" Fang Ligong asked, "Could it be that the Soviet Union is secretly giving aid to the eight parties without going through the government?"

Chu Yunfei said:

"Who knows, as long as this kind of thing is not caught on the spot, neither the Eighth Route nor the Soviet Union will admit it."

"However, I estimate that the aid received by the Eighth Route Army will not be too much. At most, it will build a model unit like our 358th regiment."

"The regiment makes sense." Fang Ligong thought for a while, and then said, "No matter where the Eighth Route Army got their weapons and equipment, it is estimated that it will be difficult for them to break out of the encirclement now."

"The devils have aircraft tracking and reconnaissance in the sky. Once they are found, the Japanese troops in several counties on the ground will definitely rush to them immediately."

"Tear up the new one."

"Even if Xinyi Regiment can break out of the encirclement, I estimate that most of the casualties will be lost, and the vitality will be seriously injured."

"If Li Yunlong had led his troops into our defense zone, he would have been spared this trouble. It's a pity that this man is too conceited to take thousands of Japanese troops seriously..."

Chu Yunfei turned around and said, "Sun Ming, disperse all the scouts, pay close attention to the movement of the new regiment, and report immediately if there is any situation!"

"Yes, group seat!"

Sun Ming turned around and walked out.


Meanwhile, the XZ Basin.

The soldiers of the new regiment were carrying their guns to the Tokyu along the basin.

After cleaning the battlefield, Li Yunlong led his troops straight to the Tongpu Railway. Although the Tongpu Railway was well-defended, it was impossible to withstand the new group's strong attack.

After crossing the Tongpu Railway, there is the XZ Basin with a width of about 30 kilometers, Yimapingchuan.

To the east of the basin are Mount Wutai and Mount Heng.

"We have to enter the mountains before dark to escape the pursuit of the devils."

Zhao Gang and Li Yunlong walked side by side, Li Yunlong pointed at the map and said.

The distance of more than 30 kilometers requires at least three hours of rapid marching to get there, but fortunately, the basin is flat and easy to walk.

As long as you enter the mountainous area, and then take the mountain road to the south at night, you only need to march quickly for one night to reach the Zhengtai Railway.

Not far from the Zhengtai Railway is the territory of the Eighth Route Army.

The premise is that there are no devils chasing and intercepting, but both Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang know that it is impossible.

"Comrades, speed up!" Zhao Gang shouted loudly while waving his hands, "Followers follow!"

The seriously wounded were carried on stretchers, and the lightly wounded rode on horseback. The whole team didn't seem to be in a panic, and they ran away with guns on their backs as a unit.

At this time, there was a buzzing sound in the distance.

The ghost plane has arrived!



"All battalions and companies prepare for air defense!"

Looking back, he saw the three devil planes flying from a high place, Li Yunlong roared loudly.

Following Li Yunlong's order, the soldiers of the new regiment reacted simultaneously almost instantly. The soldiers who had been sprinting in a line scattered at once, crawling and dodging in units of squads.

The soldiers protected the wounded, the cavalry company commanded the army horses, and all the army horses obeyed the instructions of their masters to lie on the ground.

At the same time, the machine gunners of each squad set up all the light and heavy machine guns and aimed them in the direction of the sky devil's plane.

The machine gun company also loaded the shells and quickly set up, and pulled the trigger on the devil's plane.

Da da da…

Bullets rained down on the flight path of the Devil's plane in an instant, and the dark red tracer bullets almost covered the entire sky.


The Devil pilot seemed to have expected it long ago, and pulled the joystick from a long distance, pulling the plane into the clouds, and the bullets all missed.

"Cease fire, all cease fire!"

Li Yunlong roared loudly when he saw the Devil plane looming in the clouds through the binoculars.

Just a moment ago, the bullets and shells combined let alone fired tens of thousands of rounds, but he didn't even touch the hair of the devil's plane. If no one reimbursed him, Li Yunlong would faint in the toilet.

"Damn it, the devil's plane has learned to be smart." Li Yunlong cursed, "I dare not approach it now. If it dares to dive, I will take down two planes."

Watching the Devil's plane fly away and then turn back, but the Devil's plane was flying so high that it didn't dare to dive down.

Although the range of this mechanism anti-aircraft gun is more than 4000 meters, but the height of the Devil's aircraft, wanting to shoot it down is similar to winning the lottery.

"Leader, political commissar, I don't think the Devil's plane is here to bomb." Zhang Dabiao walked over and stared at the Devil's plane in the sky and said, "It seems to be here for reconnaissance."

"The First Battalion Commander is right." Zhao Gang nodded and said, "Lao Li, it seems that we are being targeted by the Devil's plane. The Devil's plane must have a radio communication device to transmit our whereabouts to the Devil's ground troops."

Li Yunlong narrowed his eyes: "This is not good news, we have to leave quickly."

"Stand up." Li Yunlong shouted loudly, "Pass my order, and all the ministries will run forward immediately!"


Taiyuan, the headquarters of the Japanese First Army.

At this time, the Eighth Route Army's attack on the Baijin Railway continued.

The several reinforcements sent by Shinozuka Yoshio to the Baijin Railway were severely beaten by the Eighth Route Army and fled back to the counties in a hurry.

Now that the Japanese army has lost control of the Baijin Railway, the railway has been ravaged by the Eighth Route Army. Only when the Fourth and Ninth Brigades arrive at the Baijin Railway can the Eighth Route Army be driven away and regain control of the Baijin Railway.

Therefore, Shinozuka Yoshio's mind is only thinking about destroying the Eighth Route Army of the Seventh Regiment of Ambush Tanks.

Communications Staff Toshimatsu Kasai received the news and rushed to report to Yoshio Shinozuka: "General, the aviation unit just sent back a message by radio that the Eighth Route Army has been found."

"Where is it?" Shinozuka Yoshio asked in a startled spirit.

Kasai Toshimatsu pointed to the map and said, "To the east of the Tongpu Railway, about 5 kilometers south of the XZ Basin, the Eighth Route is running eastward."

Shinozuka Yoshio immediately looked at the map, and the intention of going down the Eight Routes was ready to be revealed. He must want to escape into the mountains and escape the pursuit of the Japanese army.

Balu's movements are indeed fast enough. He has already run 5 kilometers, and there are still 25 kilometers to go. If he runs at full speed, he may reach the mountain in two hours.

Kasai Toshimatsu said again: "The attack plane has transmitted the position of Eight Road to the ground troops by radio!"

Yoshio Shinozuka had a gloomy expression, and ordered in a cold tone:
"Order the cavalry of all ministries to catch up immediately and harass the Eight Route Army."

"All the planes from Xincheng Airport and Datong Airport took off immediately, headed to the XZ Basin to attack the Eighth Route, and cooperated with the cavalry to slow down their escape speed."

"Balu has anti-aircraft guns, it only needs high-altitude bombing and strafing, and it is not aimed at killing Balu."

"In addition, the garrison of Dingxiang County was dispatched immediately to guard the intersection of Tuba Road into the mountain within two hours."

"The reinforcements from all walks of life entered the XZ Basin at the fastest speed, and chased the Eight Routes!"

"We must wipe out this eight-way force in the XZ Basin!"

"Hi!" Kasai Toshimatsu turned and walked towards the communication room.


Not long after, Devil planes from Xincheng Airport took off one after another.

Not all of the 21 aircraft of the Japanese First Army were in Taiyuan. There were also airports in Datong and Changzhi, and there were 13 in Taiyuan.

Three of them had already been killed by the Eighth Route Army, and one of them was nearly scrapped, and three were used for reconnaissance, so there were only four planes that took off this time.

Together with the 3 fighter jets and 2 attack planes at Datong Airport, a total of 11 planes can be used to harass the Eight Routes.

After these ghost planes took off, they formed a flying formation and flew towards the XZ Basin.

XZ Basin is only more than 50 kilometers away from Taiyuan, and the Devil's plane reached the sky over XZ Basin less than half an hour after taking off.

The Devil pilot soon saw the Eighth Route Army soldiers running wildly on the basin.

(End of this chapter)

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