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Chapter 151 You Are Really A Genius!

Chapter 151 You Are Really A Genius!
The soldiers of the new regiment were already sweating profusely from running.

But still gritted his teeth and continued to run forward.

During this period of time, the advantages of the new group diet improvement are reflected.

After running fast for 20 minutes, they have already run 5 kilometers. The physical strength of the soldiers is still able to withstand it, and there is not much falling behind.

However, there are still more than 20 kilometers away from the end of the basin, which is a big test for the physical strength of the soldiers.

Hearing the roar of the humming plane motor coming from the southwest direction, Li Yunlong raised his binoculars and turned his head to look while running.

Another 4 Devil planes flew towards them.

The Devil plane that had been circling overhead also began to drop bombs.


Two aerial bombs landed tens of meters away from the team and exploded. With fireballs and gunpowder smoke rising, two mushroom clouds rose.

A dozen fighters were overturned by the blast, but nothing happened.

Li Yunlong secretly said something bad about Gou Ri, he was really afraid of something!
I'm afraid that the devil's plane will come to this set. Although the hit rate is low, as long as the devil's plane hits a few aerial bombs, it will blow up a large area.

And when you were running, the Devil planes suddenly concentrated on you to dive and straf and bomb you, which could kill hundreds of you at once.

But Li Yunlong didn't dare to divide his troops, because once the soldiers were all dispersed, the devil's planes could unscrupulously chase their buttocks, dive, straf and bomb.

Because the machine gun needs to stop to operate, and there is no way to cover such a large area.

"Stop moving forward!"


"Air defense preparation!"

Li Yunlong shouted loudly.

Li Yunlong's voice was so loud that the soldiers running around heard it, and the battalion and company commanders called the soldiers to hide.

Following his order, the soldiers of the new regiment reacted quickly, and the originally relatively concentrated team dispersed at once, and the teams arranged in squads hid separately.

The soldiers were panting heavily, but their movements were unambiguous. The machine gunner set up the machine gun, the machine gunner set up the machine gun, and the rest of the soldiers found a place to lie down.

Each warrior carries some grass and branches on his back for concealment, and wears a grass ring on his head.

Regarding the concealment after the arrival of the devil plane, the fighters have practiced this set of actions many times, and have actual combat experience twice.

So the soldiers are very skilled and don't panic at all.

da da da da...

The sound of machine guns and machine guns sounded like popping beans, and a cobweb-like orange-red tracer bomb trajectory covered the sky.

Seeing this, the Devil pilots quickly raised their altitude, hid in the clouds and stayed away, the machine guns and machine guns of the Eighth Route Army fought lonely.

"Damn it! Here we go again!" Li Yunlong couldn't help cursing when he saw this scene.

"Old Li, it's not okay to go on like this." Zhao Gang walked over quickly, with a serious expression on his face, "It's better to let the soldiers run separately in squads. The devil only has seven planes."

"Soldiers running separately can reduce the hit rate of the devil's plane."

There is no way to do this. Fighting at high altitudes and low altitudes already has an advantage.

Even if the devils pilots were careless and shot down two devil planes, the devils are still at an absolute disadvantage if they don't dive and shoot.

If it is a defensive battle, there are more than 20 anti-aircraft guns, which can effectively defend against the air when the anti-aircraft guns have sufficient shells.

Under such circumstances, the Devil's plane may not dare to approach the bomb, and the Devil's plane will leave when it runs out of fuel.

But right now Xinyituan is fleeing, and they definitely can't wait here for the devil's plane to run out of fuel. By then, devils from all directions will surround them.

"No!" Li Yunlong flatly refused, "The casualties would be too great!"

Zhao Gang got angry: "Why not?"

"We don't know how many devils are chasing us behind, and we don't know if there are any devils ahead."

"The devil plane obviously wants to delay our forward speed. Do you know that if we don't spread out, we might have to board the whole regiment."

"Of course the labor and management know!" Li Yunlong became even more angry, and shouted loudly, "If the labor and management say no, then they can't do it!"

The nearby soldiers looked over in surprise when they heard the sound, and quickly turned their faces away, as if nothing had happened.

Zhao Gang pointed at Li Yunlong's nose and cursed: "Li Yunlong, you fucking bastard!"

"Labor and capital are bastards." Li Yunlong said, "What's the matter? You, Zhao Gang, still want to fight labor and capital?"

After finishing speaking, Li Yunlong ignored Zhao Gang and raised his binoculars to look at the Devil's plane.

The Devil's plane had already flown far away, and the soldiers stopped firing one after another.

Suddenly, Li Yunlong saw a large amount of gunpowder smoke rising from the explosion of the Devil's aerial bomb, and the dust rising from the soldiers running before, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration, as if he had caught something.

After a while, Li Yunlong laughed loudly and said, "Haha... Labor and management have a solution."

After finishing speaking, Li Yunlong laughed at Zhao Gang again and said, "Old Zhao, I have a solution."

Zhao Gang was speechless immediately, this guy is a dog, right?
Just now they were quarreling and baring their teeth at him, but now they are wagging their tails again.

Zhao Gang quickly forced a smile on his face and asked, "Old Li, what can you do?"

But Li Yunlong shouted loudly: "Communication soldier, immediately go and call the company commanders directly under each battalion!"

A devil cavalry team of more than 50 people chased up along the traces left by the Eighth Route Army on the basin.

The devil's infantry was still far away, and had just crossed the Tongpu Railway.

In fact, there were not many devil troops to catch up, and the largest encirclement and suppression army had only more than 500 people.

Because the Japanese army was mopping up the base area of ​​the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army in Northwest Shanxi, the devils in several nearby counties were mobilized to take away a large number of troops.

This is also the reason why Li Yunlong did not lead his troops to the northwest of Shanxi. If there were no raids by the devils, the new regiment would only have to go to the mountains in the northwest of Shanxi, and then cross the XZ flat into the mountains at night, and rest in the mountains for a day and a night A quick march can reach the Zhengtai Railway.

Of course, a lot of devil cavalry were also mobilized, and the two encirclement and suppression troops only had a total of more than 50 cavalry, and they followed closely.

These ghost cavalry were enough chicken thieves, and they stopped one after another at a distance of 400 meters from the soldiers at the tail of the new regiment, riding on horseback and firing guns to harass them.

Because the little devil cavalry also saw that the Eighth Route Army had cavalry, and there were a lot of them, so they didn't dare to get too close, and the guns in the hands of the devils at a distance of 400 meters could also threaten the Eighth Route Army.

But the soldiers of the machine gun company are not used to these devils.

While the comrades in the cavalry battalion were shooting at the devil, he sneakily pulled three dual-mounted cannons to the back, and waited for the devil to find out.

The firepower equivalent to 6 machine guns whipped towards the devil cavalry like a whip.

Coupled with the firepower of more than a dozen light machine guns in the cavalry battalion, the devil cavalry saw that the situation was not good, and they turned their horses and ran away.

It was too late to run away, and the people who were shot were turned on their backs on the spot. Although the devil cavalry scattered widely, they suffered heavy casualties.


Soon, Zhang Dabiao, Zheng Yu, Chen Dugu, Wang Chengzhu, Sun Desheng, as well as Wang Dashan, the company commander of the heavy machine gun company, He Jie, the company commander of the machine gun company, and the sharp sword unit faced Lu Yingjun, and ran over quickly after receiving the order. They surrounded Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang solemnly.

Li Yunlong glanced at the crowd, with a stern look on his face, and said:
"Now there are devils flying planes, and devils chasing soldiers below."

"Now I'll make a long story short."

"Sun Desheng, in your cavalry battalion, tie the grass and branches on the soldiers with ropes to the horse's tail, drag the grass and branches on the ground, like a broom, the more each horse's tail is tied, the more it is good."

"Commander, what do you mean, tie the broom to the horse, and use the large amount of dust brought up by the horse to cover the sight of the devil pilot?" Zhang Dabiao turned his head very quickly, and Li Yunlong understood him before he finished speaking. the meaning of.

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard the words, and Zhao Gang's face was even more joyful.

Although there was a large cloud of smoke and dust when the soldiers and horses ran just now, there was not enough dust to block the devil pilot's vision at all.

In this way, the soldiers will definitely eat a mouthful of ashes, but eating ashes is better than losing their lives, and the soldiers also ate a lot of ashes during the run just now.

Of course, if the devil driver found something was wrong, he would definitely throw bombs into the dust mist angrily, but the soldiers scattered widely, and the devil had no target, so the casualty rate was greatly reduced.

Li Yunlong continued: "The distance between each army horse is more than ten meters. Our two cavalry companies have 200 army horses, which is a full width of 2 kilometers."

"Hey, let's scatter all the commanders and fighters in the middle of the 2-kilometer-wide dust cloud, so as to ensure that the devil pilot can only see a black eye, and can't see anything."

"Once the cavalry battalion gets up the dust and fog, the rest of the battalions immediately disperse into it."

"Remember two points. One is to let the soldiers cover their mouths and noses with towels, and cover their faces with leggings. The amount of dust is not small."

"Secondly, the soldiers must run in the direction of the sound of the cavalry's horseshoes, and they must not lose their way in the dust and fog. Once they are alone, the devil's fighter jets are not vegetarians."

"There is also the cavalry battalion. If the devil pilots find something is wrong, they will definitely chase you. When they sense that the devil plane is chasing you, you just run around like this."

Li Yunlong drew an S shape on the ground with his fingers.

"And your cavalry battalion can't run too fast. Today is windy, and the dust and fog won't last long."

"Once the dust and fog dissipate, our infantry will not be able to keep up, and we will become living targets for devil planes."

"Time is urgent!"

"Sun Desheng, I only give you 5 minutes, let's go immediately after 5 minutes!"

"The meeting is over, get ready to go!"

"Yes!" Everyone shouted in unison, and then the battalion and company commanders ran towards their respective troops.

"Machine gunners and machine gun companies stay where they are!" shouted as they walked, "The rest take all the grass and branches on their bodies to the cavalry battalion!"

"Quick, move fast!"

Following the orders of the battalion and company commanders, the soldiers took off their camouflage and hurried to the cavalry battalion.

"Make these grasses and branches into brooms, tie the long ropes around the body, and tie the short ropes to the horse's tail."

"Hurry up, we only have 3 minutes!"

Seeing the soldiers busy in an orderly manner, Zhao Gang heaved a sigh of relief, and smiled, "Old Li, you really are a genius."

"Who are you scolding?" Li Yunlong also breathed a sigh of relief, and said casually, "You dog Ri is a genius."

(End of this chapter)

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