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Chapter 152 Don't Abandon, Don't Give Up!

Chapter 152 Don't Abandon, Don't Give Up!

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Gang quickly mobilized the soldiers.

"Pass my order, all soldiers cover their mouths and noses with towels, take off their leggings and cover their faces."

Towels and garlic are must-haves for soldiers in battle, they are used to protect against devil gas, not to mention leggings, every soldier has them wrapped around their calves.

Li Yunlong also shouted loudly: "We must take good care of the wounded, our new regiment will never leave a brother behind!"

"There are also heavy machine guns, machine guns, rocket launchers and mortars. I must have them!"

"It must not fall into the hands of devils!"

"Yes!" The soldiers responded loudly while covering their mouths and noses with towels.

That is to say, the weather has been fine for a period of time, and the sun has dried up the grass in the entire basin, the ground is dry and hard, and a cloud of dust will fly up when you stomp your feet casually.

If it is rainy or snowy in winter, Li Yunlong really has no choice but to run scattered and passively beaten as Zhao Gang said.

Zhao Gang also had to admire that Li Yunlong had no education, but he was quite creative.

"Old Li, your mind is really fast." Zhao Gang said, "You can't even keep up with the car."

"What do you think?" Li Yunlong tied the towel on the back of his head, and snorted softly, "I have been in the army for so many years, and I have experienced at least a hundred battles. After beating Lao Jiang and beating little devils, if I don't have any skills, I will see Lord Yan sooner. gone."

"In ancient times, our old Li is not only comparable to crouching dragon and phoenix chick, but he is also a general who can lead a party."

Zhao Gang suddenly laughed and said, "You said you are fat, and you are still breathing with me?"

Afterwards, Zhao Gang turned to guard Xiao Li and said, "Give me Barrett."

"Political commissar." Xiao Li said, "Let me carry it, I can stand it."

Barrett weighs nearly 30 kilograms, and it is not easy to carry it and run.

"There's so much nonsense you talk about." Zhao Gang stared, "Give it to me if you tell me, be careful and I'll beat you."

"Oh!" Xiao Li thought to himself that the intellectuals are also ruthless enough. If they learn badly from the head of the group, they will beat and swear at every turn.

Zhao Gang took Barrett and carried it on his shoulders.

With a laugh, Li Yunlong said: "Old Zhao, that's right, commanding troops has to swear."

"You cultural people command the troops to attack the mountain. Generally speaking, a battalion commander, please organize troops to attack the mountain. If you can't attack, I will punish you."

"Such soft words will affect the combat effectiveness of the troops."

"If you want to say that, first battalion commander, take down that hill for me, grandma, if you can't take it down, I'll chop your shit up."

"Listen to this cheering up. When the troops heard this, they immediately screamed."

"Brother, at least my brother eats two years more salt than you, listen to me."

"That's you." Zhao Gang said, "I can't wait to make fun of you."

Having said that, Zhao Gang felt that Li Yunlong's words were somewhat reasonable.

But it's not good to be full of foul words like Li Yunlong, you have to find a balance between these two points, Zhao Gang thought for a while.

At the end of the entire team, the shell boxes and bullet boxes that were originally carried on the horses were unloaded and handed over to the soldiers to carry them.

Fortunately, the heaviest ammunition box was only fifty catties. Two soldiers were in charge of one ammunition box, and it was not a big problem to take turns carrying it.

Sun Desheng frowned, and said to the commander of the third battalion: "Old Chen, all our cavalry battalions have gone to the front to collect ashes. What about the lightly wounded?"

In addition to the ammunition boxes, dozens of lightly wounded soldiers were also carried on the backs of the army horses.

"How many people are lightly wounded?"

Chen Dagu asked: "You can ask the team leader to apply to bring the horses of the Sword Squad, the soldiers of the Sword Squad are all scuds, let them run."

Because the number of military horses was sufficient before, Li Yunlong did not assign missions to the military horses of the Sword Squad, considering that there might be emergencies at any time.

But now that the military horses in the cavalry battalion had missions, these lightly wounded men could no longer ride away.

Severely injured people are carried on stretchers, but there are not enough stretchers at the moment. These lightly wounded people can walk slowly, but they must not run.

A few snorts of military horses rang in the ears of Sun Desheng and Chen Dugu, and they turned their heads to see that it was Lu Yingjun leading the sharp sword team who took the initiative to lead the military horses over.

Lu Yingjun said: "Two battalion commanders, hurry up and get the wounded on their horses?"

Sun Desheng shook his head: "You only have 33 horses, but I have more than 50 wounded here, and there are not enough military horses."

Chen Dugu said: "Then your cavalry battalion can even out more than twenty horses?"

"Don't waste that effort." Lu Yingjun waved his hand like a fan, "The remaining 20 or so wounded will be handed over to our Sword Squad."

Lu Yingjun knew that if there were more than 200 army horses, the width would have to be reduced by more than [-] meters, and the new regiment would be a little more dangerous.

"Leave it to you?" Sun Desheng was taken aback, "What are you going to do?"

"Easy!" Lu Yingjun turned his head and shouted to the members of the Sword Squad, "Brothers, the wounded!"

"Our new regiment will never leave a brother behind!"

Wei Dayong ran after Lu Yingjun while talking, carrying a wounded soldier on his back.

Behind Duan Peng, Wang Gensheng, Li Changshun, Cao Jinwang, Wang Xikui and other team members rushed forward to carry a wounded person on their backs.

Seeing this scene, the nearby soldiers couldn't help their noses sore, and a strange feeling rose from their hearts.

This is the friendship in battle. At the critical moment of life and death, never give up and never give up!

"Captain Lu, your Lijian team is doing well!" Seeing this, Chen Dagu said, "But there are still 20 kilometers ahead, so it's not good to be exhausted. I'll pick 30 or so strong ones from the third battalion. Take turns with you."

"Okay!" Lu Yingjun did not refuse. Even a superman would find it difficult to run for more than 100 kilometers with a load of more than 20 kilograms on his back.

After resting here for about 10 minutes, the physical strength of the soldiers has basically recovered.

By this time the cavalry battalion was ready.

"Cavalry battalion, get on your horse!" Sun Desheng gave an order, and a rough long howl rose into the sky: "The cavalry is ten meters apart, run for me!"

The more than 200 soldiers of the cavalry battalion got on their horses one after another, and the horses sensed the will of their masters and started to run on their horses' legs.

Because the cavalry battalion didn't come, there were only more than 200 military horses, otherwise the cavalry battalion could create a dust cloud 3 kilometers wide.

As the soldiers of the cavalry battalion ran under the crotch of the horse, a cloud of dust could have been raised during the fast running of the horse's hooves, and with the addition of the broom tied to the horse, the amount of dust and cloud raised was doubled in an instant.

As the cavalry passed through the ranks and then dispersed quickly, the dust rose rapidly and soon became obscuring.

"Come on!" Li Yunlong roared.

Covering their mouths, noses and cheeks, leaving only a pair of eyes outside, the soldiers immediately rushed into the dust cloud, and then quickly dispersed.

Visibility suddenly became very low in the dust and fog, but following the sound of horseshoes and the footprints of horseshoes on the ground, you will not lose your way.

Of course, the so-called dispersal is not based on each soldier, but on the squad, so that mutual support can be achieved so that the soldiers will not be left behind.

Each cannon is pulled by a mule, and the cannon weighs no more than 150 kilograms, so it doesn't take much effort for the mule to pull it.

And some equipment like heavy machine guns are carried by soldiers in turn, 60mm mortars and rocket launchers are even lighter, as for infantry guns and field guns, they were not brought at all this time.

It was too late when the Devil pilot at the high altitude noticed the abnormality and swooped down by pulling the joystick.

Looking down from a high altitude, a 2-kilometer-wide dust cloud rises, with a length of more than 1 km in front and back, and it is still elongating.

From the top to the bottom, there is no figure of the eight roads at all, and 2 kilometers multiplied by one kilometer is 1 million square meters. The eight roads with less than 200 people are scattered in such a large area.

Even if you can throw bombs and dive bombing now, it is still a lottery, and the probability of winning is very low.

The order of these devil pilots was to cooperate with the cavalry to harass the Eight Routes and slow down the escape speed of the Eight Routes, so when the Eight Routes stagnated, they did not swoop down to straf and bomb.

The eight-way air defense firepower network is too fierce.

With the financial and logistical capabilities of the Japanese army, these ghost pilots did not dare to waste aerial bombs at will.

So, these ghost pilots lowered their flying altitude and headed straight for the Eighth Route Army cavalry in front.

As long as these eight-way cavalry are killed, they can stop them from creating dust and fog.

Without the dust and fog, these eight roads would not be able to run unscrupulously.

Da da da…

Seven Devil planes swooped down towards the seven soldiers of the cavalry battalion respectively. The two wings of the planes burst into flames, and the bullets fired splashed mud mist half a meter high on the ground.

The cavalry soldiers heard the sound one after another, turned their heads to look, and knew that the devil's plane was coming towards them.


The soldiers shouted and turned their horses around.

Facing the strafing of the Devil's plane, running towards or against the direction of the Devil's fighter jet is courting death, and one has to run sideways, tangential to the plane's dive trajectory.

The speed at which humans run on the ground is absolutely impossible to be faster than the speed at which fighter jets adjust their firing angles in the air.

But there is a chance for the running speed of the war horse, because the speed of the war horse can reach more than 60 kilometers per hour when running at full speed.

As long as you see the devils swooping down towards you, you can immediately turn the direction of the horse running, and you will have a chance to avoid the dives and strafing shots of the devils' planes.

This round of the devil's dive and strafing only hit two cavalry soldiers. One cavalry soldier was shot in the shoulder by a machine gun and fell off his horse. The other horse's hind leg was broken, and the soldier was thrown out.

But the fighter jets of this group of devils pulled up and then swooped down immediately after a somersault.

This time it was a direct dive and strafing.

"Scatter, everyone!" Sun Desheng yelled immediately.

Facing the cavalry soldiers facing the Devil's plane, they immediately turned their horses and galloped towards the tangent of the Devil's plane.

This time the diving machine gun fire missed the cavalry, but the exasperated devils dropped a few aerial bombs, and several cavalry were affected by the explosion and fell off their horses.

However, there are more than 200 cavalry in the cavalry battalion, and this loss can be fully borne.

In the fierce air-to-ground pursuit, the ammunition of the Devil's plane was also being consumed rapidly.

 Begging for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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