I am helping

Chapter 153 The scalp is numb from the show.

Chapter 153 The scalp is numb from the show.

After a wave of dive strafing and bombing.

The 7 Devils turned around and swooped down again.

"The battalion commander flashed, the devil plane is coming at you!"

One of the Devil fighter jets swooped down on Sun Desheng, and the machine guns under the wings opened fire violently.

Just as Sun Desheng pushed the bullet into the chamber, he turned back and set up the gun, set up the starting pistol between the calcium carbide sparks, aimed at the flight path of the Devil's plane, and pulled the trigger.

With a slight shake of the shoulder, the bullet roared out of the barrel, but I don't know if it hit or not?

However, there is not much time for Sun Desheng to think, because the bullet marks fired by the Devil's plane have quickly extended along the ground.

At this time, it must be too late to pull the rein and change direction.

The hearts of the soldiers nearby were all in their throats, lest something bad happen to the battalion commander here.

In this calcium carbide spark, Sun Desheng suddenly kicked his feet, and flew out from the horse sideways, hugged his head and landed on the ground. The inertia caused his whole body to roll several times on the ground.

It was this action that saved his life.

The machine gun shells fired by the Nakajima fighter jets almost swept over the horse's back, and the horse fell to the ground whining.

A soldier rushed over to check on his horse. Sun Desheng stood up cursing, got on his horse, and rode the same horse with the soldier.

Sun Desheng looked at the fighter plane just now, and saw that Devil plane made a somersault and was about to dive and attack again.

"It's a pity..." Sun Desheng said secretly.

The Devil's plane swooped down and fired two more rounds. The ammunition was almost exhausted, and then it flew in the direction of Taiyuan in a desperate manner.


Taiyuan, the headquarters of the Japanese First Army.

Yoshio Shinozuka was talking to Hayao Tada, Commander of the North China Front Army.

"Xiaozuka-kun!" Hayao Tada's tone was very bad, "I just received the news that something happened to the Seventh Chariot Regiment in your defense area, right?"

"Yes!" Shinozuka Yoshio did not deny it, and paused, "Commander, more than an hour ago, the Seventh Chariot Regiment was ambushed by the Eighth Army in Hulugou on Tongpu Highway, and the entire army was wiped out!"

"Baga!" Tada Hayao asked, "Why didn't you report this situation in time? Do you know the consequences of this incident?"

"Smi Marseille, Your Excellency, Commander!" Shinozuka Yoshio said, "Our department has lost two planes because of rushing to the rescue of the Seventh Tank Regiment, so I want to report to you after all the Eight Routes are wiped out. This matter!"

"Oh?" Hayao Tada's tone softened slightly, "So, the Eight Routes have already been surrounded by the Neighborhood?"

"That's not yet." Yoshio Shinozuka was afraid of being scolded, so he hurriedly explained, "That's right, there are about 2000 people in this Eighth Route Army, after the attack on the Seventh Chariot Regiment."

"Balu forcibly crossed the Tongpu Highway and entered the XZ Basin, preparing to flee to Mount Heng and Mount Wutai."

"In the basin without any shelter, the Eighth Route Army can't find a place to hide."

"I have ordered the air forces at Taiyuan Airport and Datong Airport, as well as the cavalry to pursue the attackers and slow down their escape speed."

"At the same time, I have sent troops to seal the road of the Eight Routes into the mountain. It can be said that the Eight Routes have fallen into a deadlock."

"All the chasing troops can almost complete the encirclement of the Eight Routes before dark."

"It is expected to completely annihilate the Eight Routes before tomorrow morning, and avenge Maeda Colonel and the warriors of the [-]th Chariot Regiment!"

"Really?" Hayao Tada was a little unconvinced, "Can we really annihilate this Eight Route Army?"

"Yes!" Shinozuka Yoshio said immediately, "If this Eight Routes escapes, I am willing to bear all the consequences at that time."

Tada Jundao: "The Seventh Chariot Regiment is going south to support the Zaoyi battlefield. If this incident causes changes in the Zaoyi battlefield, you should know the consequences."

"Hi!" Shinozuka Yoshio paused.

"Yoxi!" Tada Jun said happily, "Then I will wait for your good news."

"Hi!" Shinozuka Yoshio paused.

After a while, Yoshio Shinozuka heard a click on the phone, followed by a blind tone, and then hung up the phone forcefully.

Hideyoshi Kusuyama stepped forward and said to Yoshio Shinozuka, "Your Excellency, Commander, why don't you send troops from Taiyuan and Yangquan to encircle and suppress the Eight Route Army?"

"No, and there are not many troops in Taiyuan and Yangquan combined." Shinozuka Yoshio waved his hands and said, "Now there are seven imperial armies, which together have the strength of a regiment, which is enough to deal with the Eight Route Army."

Nanshan Hideyoshi didn't say any more after listening. Taiyuan and Yangquan did not have many troops to send.

Because the 9th brigade stationed in Taiyuan and the 4th brigade stationed in Yangquan were sent to assist the Baijin Railway, and they are now rushing to southeast Shanxi.

The 3rd Brigade, which defends the Tongpu Railway and Highway, is also mopping up the Eighth Route Army in Northwest Shanxi.

From Shinozuka Yoshio and Kusuyama Hideyoshi's point of view, it was as easy as pie for a group of Japanese troops to encircle and eat up 2000 Eighth Route Army troops.

However, the thing is that the more you are afraid of something, the more often it will come.

"Your Excellency, Commander!" Communications Staff Toshimatsu Kasai held a telegram, walked in quickly, and said with a pause, "Urgent telegram from the Aviation Corps!"

"Read!" Yoshio Shinozuka stared at the map and said with a wave of his hand.

"Hi!" Toshimatsu Kasai picked up the telegram and read, "Our cavalry was attacked by machine guns from the Eighth Route Army and suffered heavy losses!"

"The eight-way cavalry tied the branches and brought up a 2-kilometer-wide dust cloud as they ran."

"All the infantrymen of the eighth route entered the dust and fog, and the plane lost its target, so they launched a chase attack on the cavalry of the eighth route, with little effect."

"The ammunition has been exhausted and is on the way back to the airport!"

"On board His Majesty the Emperor, on board the Great Japanese Imperial Army!"

"Nani?" Shinozuka Yoshio was stunned when he heard this, his eyes were filled with disbelief.

Kusuyama Hideyoshi and Iteng Takeo looked at each other even more.

How could this kind of operation still work?
Dodge planes by raising dust with horses and branches?

Shinozuka Yoshio, Kusuyama Hideyoshi and other devils in the war room couldn't help their scalps tingling at this moment.

While admiring the opponent's open mind, it feels very bad at the same time.

"There are cavalry on the Eighth Road?" Yoshio Shinozuka roared angrily, "Why didn't you report it before? Also, are the cavalry of the Imperial Army a bunch of pigs, knowing that the Eighth Route has machine guns and actively chasing after them..."

Before he finished speaking, Yoshio Shinozuka realized that something was wrong, obviously he ordered the cavalry to pursue it?
You can't blame others for this.

Toshimatsu Kasai is also suffering and can't tell, even if the aviation soldiers report that there are cavalry on the Eight Routes, so what?

Who would have thought that the Eighth Route Army would use cavalry to make such a show?
Kusuyama Hideyoshi hurriedly asked, "How many Eighth Route cavalry did the aviation force kill?"

"I just finished talking with Kato Osamu, the captain of the flying team." Toshimatsu Kasai turned around and paused, "There are probably more than 20 cavalrymen killed!"

Nanshan Hideyoshi asked again: "How many cavalry are there in the Eighth Route?"

Kasai Toshisong replied: "The Eighth Route Cavalry has no less than 200 cavalry!"

"Nani?" Kusuyama Hideyoshi said in astonishment, "It took seven planes to kill more than 20 Eighth Route cavalry?"

"Yes!" Toshimatsu Kasai said suddenly, "That's true. The cavalry of the Eight Route Army are scattered widely and are running at high speed. They change direction immediately when the plane is on the dive route, but fighter jets and attack planes are not Good shot."

"Baga, Lu!" Yoshio Shinozuka couldn't hold back when he heard this, he cursed angrily, picked up the blue and white porcelain teacup on the table, and threw it heavily on the ground.

The blue-and-white porcelain teacup burst at the sound, and Yoshio Shinozuka's hands were also burned red and trembling slightly.

Only then did I realize that this was Longjing tea that had just been brewed in boiling water.

In order to save the commander's face, he had to hold back his expressionless face.

Shinozuka Yoshio asked blankly: "Which officer is leading the team from Dingxiang County to stop it?"

"It's Major Suzuki Toshiyuki." Kasai Toshimatsu said suddenly, "To form the 3rd Battalion directly under the 500th Brigade, there are more than [-] troops going to block the Eighth Route!"

Shinozuka Yoshio said, "Immediately give Major Suzuki an electric power and order him to move forward at full speed. If the eighth road is not blocked, Major Suzuki will cut his belly to thank the Emperor!"

"In addition, after ordering the aviation unit to return, replenish the ammunition and fuel, and continue to attack the Eighth Route Cavalry!"

"Hi!" Kasai Toshimatsu paused, then walked out.


More than an hour later, over the XZ Basin.

Behind more than a hundred Eighth Route cavalrymen, the sky was covered by dust and mist.

Mr. Kato Ryuichi pushed the joystick familiarly, and drove the Nakajima fighter jet to dive down from a high altitude towards an eight-way cavalry.

This eight-way cavalryman is galloping on the ground, and he is also very skilled in riding.

The Eighth Route Army seemed to have heard the loud roar of the plane behind him. He looked back and immediately turned his horse, ran in a tangential direction, and then changed the direction after running for a while.

In short, it is to use the high speed of the horse to change the forward direction one after another, so that the pilot has to continuously pull the joystick to adjust the dive angle of the fighter.

However, this does not bother Ryuichi Kato, who is an ace pilot.

The two 2mm heavy machine guns under the wings spit out long flames, and the machine gun bullets bounced two half-meter-high mud and fog bullet marks on the ground.

With the high-speed movement of the fighter jet, the mud and mist bullet marks also quickly extended to the eight-way cavalry.

This eight-way cavalryman's riding skills are very good, and when he sensed the danger coming, he immediately pulled the reins to control the horse to change the direction of running when the bullet marks swept over.

It's just that when he turned the direction, he just hit the bullet mark, followed by blood mist splashing, and he was turned on his back.

Kato Takashi held the joystick and pulled the plane up. At the same time, there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth, but suddenly he saw a large forest and mountains in front of him.

The corners of the raised mouth froze instantly.

Baga, something is wrong, there is a mountainous area ahead, but the Japanese army who came to intercept it has not yet arrived.

Sun Desheng and the soldiers of the cavalry battalion couldn't help being happy when they saw a large forest one kilometer away.

Looking behind him, he immediately urged the horse to run towards the forest.

After arriving at the edge of the forest, he pulled the rein suddenly, there was a sound of horse neighing, and then turned over and got off the horse.

"Set up the machine guns, air defense! Air defense!"

The general rushed to the woods, and before he had time to rest, the soldiers of the cavalry battalion quickly picked up their guns and shot towards the sky.

A firepower network composed of more than a dozen light machine guns fired at the Devil's plane.

At the beginning, the Devil's plane dared to dive, straf and bomb.

However, as the soldiers came out of the dust, more and more machine guns and cannons were set up to form a dense air defense firepower network.

The Devil's plane didn't dare to approach it anymore, and after hovering at high altitude for a while, it had to fly away in a desperate manner.

(End of this chapter)

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