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Chapter 155 Reward order!

Chapter 155 Reward order!
Even if the Japanese army is placed in the inside line of the high-level Jinsui Army to pass the information to the Japanese First Army Command, it is useless.

Because the Xinyi regiment had already run into the deep mountains, the Eighth Route Army was good at fighting in mountains and jungles, and the Japanese army had nothing to do.

Unless the Japanese army gathers tens of thousands of troops to carry out a sweeping sweep of Mount Heng and Mount Wutai.

But not to mention whether the Japanese army can quickly gather so many troops for such a large-scale raid, the military supplies used for the raid must be prepared at least one or two months in advance.

Therefore, the devils only circled around the outskirts of the mountain, and withdrew before dark, fearing that they would be ambushed by the Eighth Route Army.

Kusuyama Hideyoshi's sense of smell is still very sensitive, he knows that the Eight Routes have not suffered any losses, and the heavy weapons and supplies are still there.

This Eight Route Army will definitely bite back at the Japanese army who chased into the mountain. After all, everyone has a temper after being chased by the sky and the earth for two hours.

Li Yunlong was indeed ready for an ambush, but he overestimated the devils who were chasing him, and the devils didn't dare to go deep, so he had to give up.


Three days later, Xinyituan had returned to Yangcun.

This raid of more than [-] kilometers to northern Shanxi to ambush the Devils tank regiment, the soldiers of the entire Xinyi regiment were exhausted.

For four consecutive days, he marched more than [-] kilometers in a hurry every night, and he couldn't slow down after ten days and a half months of rest.

But those were ordinary soldiers, and to Li Yunlong, a veteran of the Red Army who had traveled [-] miles, it was nothing more than a piece of cake.

At the regiment headquarters, Zhao Gang had a look of exhaustion on his face. Although he had a good sleep after returning home, he still felt a little weak all over.

Li Yunlong then jokingly said: "What's the matter, old Zhao, you are so tired after going out to do a side job? If you want me to say, you have to rely on us rough people to fight the war. You intellectuals will lose their chains at critical moments. Next time you have such a battle, you Don't join in the fun, stay in the base area to watch the house, and let me lead the team alone."

Jokes aside, Li Yunlong admired Zhao Gang from the bottom of his heart. Zhao Gang gave the military horse to the wounded, and walked down the whole process just like the soldiers on his feet. Even his feet had blisters. Few intellectuals can do it. No one in the group disagreed with this point.

Zhao Gang sat down on the kang, took off his shoes, and said.

"You have a good idea. Let you lead the team alone, and no one is in charge of you. Why don't you pierce the sky?"

"Take this time as an example. If I hadn't stopped you that night, you would have taken the artillery company to the airport in Taiyuan to bombard the little devil."

On the day of being chased in the basin, the cavalry battalion lost more than [-] cavalrymen under the dive strafing and bombing of the Devil planes.

All the cavalry were Li Yunlong's treasures, and Li Yunlong became anxious on the spot, and wanted to take the artillery company to blow up the devil's airport in Taiyuan.

It was only more than [-] kilometers away from Taiyuan, and it took more than half the night to reach it by a quick march, but Zhao Gang stopped him on the spot.

Zhao Gang's reason was also very simple. They were going to bomb the airport. They might be surrounded by devils before they got close to Taiyuan, and sacrificed in vain.

Li Yunlong was also dazzled by the momentary anger, and after calming down, he felt that the success rate was almost zero, so he resolutely gave up the plan to take the artillery company to attack the devil's airport, but Li Yunlong secretly vowed to get back to this place sooner or later.

"How is it possible that labor and management would do such a stupid thing?" Li Yunlong said, "That was just a moment of anger."

Zhao Gang stretched his feet in front of Li Yunlong: "Stop talking nonsense, quickly pick the blisters on my feet."

"The feet of you intellectuals are delicate." Li Yunlong said, "You have blisters on your feet after walking a few steps?"

"What is a few steps? That's a full 300 kilometers!" Zhao Gang said angrily, "I think you don't have back pain when you are standing and talking."

"It's as if I didn't go?" Li Yunlong said, "If you had gone on the [-]-mile Long March back then, you would have been exhausted a few days ago."

Bickering is back to bickering, but Li Yunlong's hands were not idle, he found a needle and took advantage of Zhao Gang's inattention, and gently pricked it into the blister.

Although he grinned his teeth in pain, Zhao Gang didn't yell out, otherwise Li Yunlong would have to tease Commissar Zhao a few words about his sissy.

"It's much more comfortable." After Li Yunlong punctured the blister on his foot, Zhao Gang was relieved, and a relaxed smile appeared on his face.

As soon as Zhao Gang retracted his feet, he also retracted the smile on his face and said.

"Old Li, the results and losses of this battle have been calculated."

"The total casualties were 288, of which 136 were killed, more than 58 were seriously injured, and 94 were slightly injured."

There were only more than 200 casualties in Hulugou, and more than 60 people died in the cavalry battalion in the XZ Basin under the Devil's plane.

War has its own laws, and it is impossible to just take advantage and not suffer losses.

Even if the new regiment has superior firepower and troops, and the terrain is extremely favorable, it is impossible to ambush the Japanese tank regiment with zero casualties.

Zhao Gang continued: "In addition to the non-combat reduction of more than 30 people, our new regiment only has 1700 people."

Li Yunlong said: "The brigade commander promised us more than 400 recruits and a dozen company and platoon officers. In just a few days, they should be in place."

After a pause, Li Yunlong asked again: "How about the seizure and ammunition consumption?"

Zhao Gang took out a statistical list from his pocket and handed it to Li Yunlong: "This is the statistics of the second battalion commander last night. You went to bed early yesterday, so he gave it to me."

Li Yunlong took a look, and saw that the statistics list read:

38 rifles and 321 pieces.

4 Type [-] light machine guns.

There are 11 grenades.

More than 37 rounds of 3000 mm caliber shells.

More than 47 rounds of 3000mm shells.

More than 7 rounds of 7mm machine gun ammunition.

More than 2000 Type [-] grenades.


5 cannons.

7 bazookas.

3 Maxim heavy machine guns.

6 light machine guns.



There are more than 6000 machine shells.

More than 7.7 rounds of 7mm machine gun ammunition.

More than 7.92 rounds of 9mm machine gun ammunition.


After reading the statistical list, Li Yunlong, good guy, although a lot was captured, the loss was greater in comparison.

Aside from the more than 1000 devils that were killed.

Judging from the capture, damage and consumption, if there is no ammunition reimbursement and the assistance of the 2 mountain artillery battalions, this would be a loss-making business.

Because the 6000 shells captured by Li Yunlong were useless, because he did not have rapid-fire guns with a caliber of 37mm and 47mm.

This time the seizure can at most equip a battalion of weapons and ammunition, but it consumes a lot of ammunition.

Because the light and heavy machine guns and submachine guns of the new group now have very strong firepower, and strong firepower means that the bullets are expensive.

Especially in the next few air defenses, when the light and heavy machine guns and machine guns were fired, the bullets and shells were fired, as if they didn't want money.

There is no way around this. Only when the ammunition is willing to be willing to form an air defense firepower network can the air defense be effective, and the Japanese planes dare not approach.

A few days ago, Li Yunlong thought that Xinyi Tuan could rest easy with four to 500,000 rounds of ammunition.

But after this battle, his mind changed.

There is no sense of security without a few million rounds of ammunition.

"These more than 6000 shells should all be handed over to the brigade headquarters." Li Yunlong said, "These weapons and ammunition were seized, just to equip the recruits."

"That's fine." Zhao Gang nodded and said, "By the way, the combat approval and awards from the brigade headquarters have already come down."

"What did the Brigadier say?" Li Yunlong asked nervously, and was taken aback for a second, "And there are awards?"

Li Yunlong did this kind of thing more than once, and basically won the battle every time, and was scolded by the brigade commander every time.

Of course, after all, he won the battle and was not punished.

Zhao Gang felt a little funny, this guy was fearless before doing big things, and he was more courageous than anyone else, but after this thing was done, he became scared instead.

"I know that the brigade commander's intelligence is very powerful. Maybe the brigade commander will know not long after we finished our work in Hulugou."

"However, on the way back, I thought about it, and roughly counted the results of the battle, and sent the communications troops to the brigade headquarters to report the results of the battle."

Hearing this, Li Yunlong nodded, secretly thinking that Old Zhao was quite thoughtful.

The intelligence of the brigade is one thing, but Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang still have the attitude they should have.

And the brigade commander just needs this attitude as an excuse to silence others.

After fighting such a big victory, at most the brigade commander will criticize verbally, and the matter will be over if he says that he does not set an example. There is a high probability that the mistakes will not be held accountable, and the military exploits will not be commended.

Li Yunlong has long been familiar with the way.

Zhao Gang took out some papers from his pocket and handed them to Li Yunlong one by one:
"This is a commendation order issued by the brigade department."

"This is a commendation order issued by the division headquarters."

"This is a commendation order issued by the General Political Department of the Eighth Route Army."

"This is a commendation order from Chairman Jiang of the Chongqing government."

"This is a commendation order from Chief Yan, Chief of the Second Theater Command."

"By the way, Chief Yan also rewarded us with a new group of 3000 Yuan, which is on the way to be delivered."

Li Yunlong received the commendation orders one by one, his eyes widened.

He looked at the content on the paper, and he could understand some of it, all of which were praises for his action.

Good guy, this is the first time I have received a 5-point commendation order at the same time after leading troops to war for so many years.

And what's even more rare is that the brigade commander didn't scold him?Also praised?

"Old Zhao, I still have some words..." Li Yunlong said, "Quickly read it to me, what is written in this award telegram?"

"You have to learn your culture well." Zhao Gang took the telegram and reported, "The soldiers are very enthusiastic about their culture learning. As the regiment leader, you can't take the lead?"

Li Yunlong snorted: "Study, learn ass, if I don't study, I will still lead troops to fight?"

"Do you want to learn?" Zhao Gang said, "If you don't want to learn, you can find someone else to read it."

"Learn, learn." Li Yunlong said, "Can't I learn?"

In the beginning, Yan Laoxi's telegram was at the bottom, but after Li Yunlong turned it over, it reached the top, and Zhao Gang was about to pick up the telegram and read it.

Li Yunlong said: "You don't need to read the words of Yan Laoxi and Lao Jiang, but read the words of the brigade commander, division commander and head of the headquarters."

Zhao Gang picked up the commendation telegram from the Political Department of the Eighth Route Army and read: "In view of the fact that Comrade Li Yunlong led his troops to wipe out the Seventh Tank Regiment of the Japanese Army, it greatly encouraged the national confidence in the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, and caused heavy casualties to the Japanese Army in the so-called security areas of the enemy. Loss, especially Comrade Li Yunlong made a great contribution."

(End of this chapter)

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