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Chapter 156 Receiving the goods, an extra gift!

Chapter 156 Receiving the goods, an extra gift!
At noon that day, Li Yunlong contacted Chen Feng by radio.

It means that the work has been done and the goods are waiting for delivery.

Chen Feng said that delivery can be made tomorrow.

At noon the next day, Chen Feng took Yan Shuangying to Yang Village on horseback.

Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang were waiting at the entrance of Yangcun village early.

As soon as he met Li Yunlong, Chen Feng said without hesitation: "Brother is really a brave man, he wiped out the Seventh Regiment of Japanese tanks with a single regiment, I admire you!"

This is not a compliment, but a heartfelt compliment.

Li Yunlong is really fierce when it comes to beating little devils.

And after the new regiment was equipped and its firepower surpassed that of the devils, it became even more outrageous.

Chen Feng had no doubts, if there were 20,000 people with soldiers and weapons like the Xinyi Regiment, Li Yunlong might really dare to attack Taiyuan.

Li Yunlong laughed.

"Haha... My brother is so ridiculous, I am not a brave person."

"It's just that the weapons and equipment supported by my brother are good enough, the firepower is fierce enough, and the soldiers of the new regiment are fighting to the death."

"Otherwise, my head, Li Yunlong, will be seized by military law."

After a pause, Li Yunlong asked: "Brother, has the goods arrived?"

Chen Feng raised his wrist to look at it, and said, "It's about an hour away."

"Brother Chen Feng and Hero Yan are exhausted all the way." Zhao Gang said enthusiastically, "Why don't you go to the regiment headquarters to drink some water and take a rest."

"Yes, yes, yes." Li Yunlong said, "Don't worry about the goods, go to the regiment headquarters to rest first."

At that moment, several soldiers from the guard platoon stepped forward to take the horses from Chen Feng and Yan Shuangying and led them to the stables.

Chen Feng walked towards the regiment headquarters together with Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang, Yan Shuangying followed Chen Feng closely.

As soon as he reached the regiment headquarters, Chen Feng saw that the yard of the regiment headquarters was full of wounded people. These wounded were all bandaged, some were sitting on the ground, and some were lying on stretchers.

There were so many wounded that there was not even a place to stay in the courtyard of the regiment headquarters, and several health workers were there to take care of them.

"Brother, I'm sorry, the casualties in this battle are too high, and the villagers' homes are full..." Li Yunlong said embarrassedly.

"It's okay." Chen Feng turned his head to signal Yan Shuangying to wait outside, and walked into the inner room of the regiment headquarters with Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang.

There was also a seriously wounded person lying on Li Yunlong's kang in the inner room. His whole body was wrapped like zongzi, with only one pair of eyes outside, which were closed tightly.

Chen Feng felt a throbbing pain in his heart, he couldn't see these soldiers being injured.

It seems that although Li Yunlong managed to get this business done, the casualties and losses of Xinyituan were not small.

This is similar to Chen Feng's guess. After all, he ran for more than [-] kilometers to the enemy-occupied area to attack the Japanese tank regiment.

Casualties are also expected.

After all, it is already a miracle to be able to kill the Japanese chariot unit in the enemy-occupied area and escape in time.

"Don't you have a field hospital on the Eighth Route?" Chen Feng asked, "Why don't you send these wounded to the hospital?"

"The seriously wounded have all been sent to the hospital, and the ones left in the regiment are all lightly wounded," Li Yunlong said.

Several people sat around the table, Zhao Gang poured a bowl of water, Chen Feng thanked him and took a sip.

"Brother, this is the statistical consumption list for this battle." Li Yunlong handed Chen Feng the piece of paper that the second battalion commander counted.

In addition to the statistical consumption of ammunition, there are also weapons seized and weapon loss.

Chen Feng drank his saliva while watching, and then said: "In view of the heavy casualties of your regiment this time, I will also reimburse the weapons damaged in this battle."

It was originally negotiated that only the ammunition consumed would be reimbursed, and damaged weapons would not be covered.

Chen Feng knew that this should be the general list of the new group's statistics, and Li Yunlong was too lazy to make a new one, so he gave it to him directly.

Therefore, there should be no cheating by Li Yunlong, and it also means that Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang have absolute trust in him.

"Brother, you are so interesting!" Li Yunlong smiled, "Haha...you are literally my brother Li Yunlong."

"Brother Chen Feng, thank you so much. On behalf of all the commanders and fighters of the Xinyi Regiment, I would like to express my gratitude to you."

With a smile on Zhao Gang's face, he stood up and stretched out his right hand to Chen Feng, with a sincere tone and expression.

"Political Commissar Zhao is polite. You are fighting the devils on the front line. It's okay if I give you some weapons and ammunition." Chen Feng stood up and shook hands with Zhao Gang lightly, but Zhao Gang enthusiastically grabbed his hand and shook it twice vigorously. open.

The three chatted for more than half an hour, and Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang told Chen Feng some details of the battle.

Chen Feng even felt that it was not easy for Xinyituan to fight this battle.

Half an hour later, Chen Feng saw that it was almost time, so he proposed to take the transport team and cavalry to receive the goods.

Immediately, Li Yunlong asked the guard Huzi to notify the logistics transport team and the cavalry battalion to gather at the entrance of the village.

At the entrance of the village, Chen Feng saw that Sun Desheng's left hand was hung by a bandage wrapped around his neck, and asked, "Battalion Commander Sun was also injured?"

Sun Desheng brought the cavalry to receive the goods several times, so Chen Feng was very impressed with the cavalry battalion commander of the Xinyi Regiment, but the two did not say anything.

"I was chased by a ghost plane and fell off my horse. The doctor said that my hand was broken and I was lucky to save my life."

When Sun Desheng heard from the group leader that the other party was the big boss, he was flattered by the sudden concern.

Li Yunlong scolded angrily: "You bastard, you have the nerve to say that, relying on your marksmanship, you can use your rifle to hit the devil's plane if you succeed. The plane was not shot down, not to mention the loss of a military horse, and almost killed you." Get in, you loser."

Sun Desheng lowered his head and didn't dare to speak. He knew that the commander's temper was like this. The harder he scolded you, the more he actually cared about you.

"Let's go to receive the goods first." Zhao Gang said from the side.

Everyone walked towards the receiving place, and the logistics transport team and the cavalry battalion formed a long queue of more than one kilometer on the road.

About half an hour later, everyone led the transport team to the receiving location.

At this time, the goods have not arrived yet.

Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang were not in a hurry. They both knew that the other party was using airdrop to deliver the goods, which was safe and fast.

After a while, there was a humming motor roar in the sky.

Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang looked at each other, and they were both slightly happy, the goods arrived!
Chen Feng then took out the flare gun, installed the flare, then opened the safety, and pulled the trigger toward the sky, a red flare rose slowly with a screaming sound and tail flame.

In the field of vision of Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang's telescopes, a huge flying formation flew directly towards this side.

The escorting fighter jets and cargo transport planes almost filled half of the sky, at least dozens of them.

Li Yunlong, Zhao Gang and the soldiers were all stunned when they saw it, what a huge formation.

As fighter jets and transport planes flew overhead, densely packed airdrop boxes dropped with parachutes.

"If we had so many planes a few days ago..." Li Yunlong sighed quietly, "we wouldn't be chased by the devil's planes."

Zhao Gang said: "The national strength is poor and weak, and the weapons and equipment are not as good as small Japan. The root cause is that our industry is backward. To develop industry into an industrial powerhouse requires at least several generations of hard work. Now we can't change our country's plight, but I believe there is One day, our China will definitely become an industrial powerhouse, and no one will dare to bully us any more.”

Chen Feng really wanted to say that this prosperous world is as you wish... But when the words came to his lips, Chen Feng's tone and eyes were firm: "Commissioner Zhao, there must be such a day."

One of the big reasons why the Chinese Air Force is like a little devil right now.

After the September [-]th Incident, overseas Chinese and domestic people donated a lot of money to the national government to buy airplanes in order to resist Japan and save the country.

At that time, there were billions of dollars, which was enough for 1300 planes, but Lao Jiang's wife only bought 300 planes, and deposited the rest of the money in foreign banks to earn interest...

Later, when the Dongchuang incident was discovered, they took out a sum of money and went to Italy to buy a plane. Italy is an ally of Japan, and it was given a deal by Italy.

Not to mention spending a lot of money to save the country in vain, but also bought a bunch of broken copper and iron.

If all that money was used to develop the air force, it wouldn't be possible for the national army's air force to be wiped out soon after the war of resistance broke out.

Even if it loses to the Japanese aviation force, the little devil's aviation force will inevitably pay a heavy price.

"Yes!" Zhao Gang nodded heavily, "There will definitely be that day!"

"If, I mean if." Chen Feng said, "If you can kill a Japanese major general, you can give an extra air support."

Li Yunlong's eyes lit up: "An extra gift?"

"That's right, an extra gift." Chen Feng nodded and said, "It's not included in the original business."

Li Yunlong asked: "What if the Japanese lieutenant general and general are killed?"

Chen Feng smiled without saying a word.

"It's enough to kill a Japanese major general." Zhao Gang said with a smile, "Killing Japanese lieutenant generals and generals, I dare not even think about it."

"Old Zhao, you're bored now." Li Yunlong said, "We've already killed three major commanders. The lieutenant general and the general will sooner or later."

In a cheerful atmosphere, densely packed airdrop boxes landed one after another.

The M1 mountain cannon weighs more than 1300 kilograms. It is afraid of being broken when it is air-dropped, so it is disassembled and dropped separately.

In addition to the mountain cannons airdropping 24 mountain cannons at one time, the two bases of 4800 shells are also in place this time.


When the last airdrop landed, Li Yunlong waved his hand, and the transport team and soldiers from the cavalry battalion stepped forward immediately.

The first batch of goods had been delivered, so Chen Feng and Yan Shuangying bid farewell to Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang and left.

The transport team and the cavalry battalion will soon return the goods to the valley field in Yangcun.

Looking at the mountain cannon parts and shells piled up in his hands, the smile on Li Yunlong's face was like that of an old farmer watching the harvest.

All the hard work and sweat you put in before it was worth it!

(End of this chapter)

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