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Chapter 158 Brigadier, congratulations on getting rich!

Chapter 158 Brigadier, congratulations on getting rich!
"Brigade Commander, congratulations on your fortune!"

Li Yunlong's cannon barrel jingled.

Wow... There was an uproar all around, the brigade commander's eyes were as bright as light bulbs, and even the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up:

"There are really 12 mountain cannons!"

"Li Yunlong, you kid gave me a big surprise!"

"Don't talk about drinking, even if you want to drink foreign wine, I will find a way to get it for you."

At the end of the brigade commander's speech, he couldn't help grinning and laughing loudly.

The Eighth Route Army only had about a dozen mountain cannons in total, all of which were directly under the artillery regiment at the headquarters. There were very few shells, and each shot required the approval of the head of the headquarters.

These two small-caliber shells should have been seized, and the mountain cannon and 75mm shells should have come from a mysterious patriot surnamed Chen.

For the 386th Brigade and even the entire Eighth Route Army, this mountain artillery battalion is not too much to say, it is definitely a strategic weapon.

It seems that labor and capital are going to have an artillery regiment, haha...

Originally, the brigade headquarters had only one artillery company directly under it, but recently Li Yunlong handed in nearly 10 artillery pieces, so the brigade commander also assembled an artillery battalion.

In addition to this mountain artillery battalion, there are nearly 30 artillery pieces, which can barely be called an artillery regiment.

Deputy Brigadier Han, Chief of Staff Zhou, Ding Wei and Cheng Shifa hurried over, touching this and that, as if seeing a gold ingot.

Deputy brigade commander Han and chief of staff Zhou touched the mountain cannon happily.

And when Ding Weicheng sent them a few, the hala almost flowed down.

Cheng Shifa quickly wiped his saliva: "Brigade Commander, you have a mountain artillery battalion, and you can issue those [-]-type infantry artillery."

"Fuck off, if you want infantry artillery, go find the devil yourself." The brigade commander's face darkened and cursed, "Lao-management is going to make an artillery regiment."

Cheng Shifa didn't dare to speak anymore. People like Li Yunlong who are second to none are afraid of the brigade commander, and Kong Jie and Cheng Shifa are even more afraid.

"Brigade Commander, congratulations on getting rich!" Ding Wei said with a smile, "Such a happy event, you have to treat me, right?"

"That's no problem!" The brigade commander laughed, "I'm not the boss, Xiao Wang, use my allowance to buy a pig from a fellow villager's house and let the cooking team slaughter it for meat."

"Yes, brigade commander!" The guard Xiao Wang straightened up, turned around and ran towards the brigade commander's house, and then called the cooking class to rush to the fellow villager's house to sell pigs.

"Haha..." Kong Jie laughed, "It looks like we're going to have Lao Li's favor today."

The brigade commander patted the barrel, looked at the shells again, turned his head to deputy brigade commander Han and said, "Old Han, take the guards and even store these mountain cannons and shells."

"Okay, no problem." Deputy Brigadier Han said, "Guard company, fire the cannon!"

The brigade commander looked at the onlookers again: "Everyone else has dispersed."

The crowd of onlookers dispersed.

Li Yunlong and several regiment leaders followed the brigade commander to the brigade headquarters room.

Kong Jie asked, "Old Li, you handed over a mountain cannon battalion to the brigade headquarters, how many mountain cannons do you have?"

"No, there isn't even one. There is only one mountain artillery battalion in total." Li Yunlong denied it flatly, "All have been handed over to the brigade headquarters."

"Everyone is an old comrade-in-arms, who doesn't know who?" Ding Wei said, "Old Li, don't hide it, and tell us the truth. How many mountain cannons do you have?"

The brigade commander also asked curiously: "Li Yunlong, tell me the truth, how many mountain cannons do you have?"

"Hey..." Captain Li grinned, "Not too many, I only have one mountain artillery battalion with 2400 shells."

It is commonplace to brag to old comrades in arms, but Li Yunlong did not dare to lie in front of the brigade commander.

"My God, you still have a mountain cannon battalion?" Kong Jie's voice changed, "How much money did you make this time?"

"Harm, it's just the equipment of two mountain artillery battalions and two basic ammunition, it's not worth mentioning."

Li Yunlong waved his hand, although the meaning in his words sounded like he didn't care, but he couldn't help but look a little smug.

Rich and noble do not return home, such as brocade clothing at night.

After making a fortune and pretending to be aggressive in front of the brigade commander and his old comrades in arms, Li Yunlong was not to mention how secretly he felt.

The head of Cheng Shifa directly wrote envy and bitterness on his face.

How come all the good things belong to Li Yunlong?

Why is my old Cheng not so lucky?
"My God, do you still have a mountain cannon battalion?" Kong Jie's eyes widened, and he was stunned.

"Old Li, I haven't seen you for a while, how did you become a local rich man?" Zhang Xianyong, the head of the group, was also shocked.

"It's time to beat the local tyrants again." Ding Wei laughed, his tone surprised.

The brigade commander also showed deep surprise on his face. He expected that Li Yunlong would definitely keep some mountain artillery for himself, but he didn't expect that it was also a mountain artillery battalion.

However, the brigade commander was embarrassed to beat Li Yunlong's autumn wind again.

Because Li Yunlong took the initiative to hand in a mountain artillery battalion and 8400 rounds of shells.

If Li Yunlong didn't take the initiative to hand in these mountain cannons and shells today, the brigade commander would definitely call Gong Xi Fa Cai when he knew about it.

At that time, the brigade commander will leave Li Yunlong with one or two mountain artillery company equipment at most.

Although Li Yunlong received the award this time, but after all, Li Yunlong cut first and then played, the brigade commander has a reason to fight the autumn wind. If Li Yunlong does not hand in the mountain cannon, the brigade commander will scare Li Yunlong and say that he will report to the headquarters. His hat was taken off.

But the brigade commander would definitely not report it, and Li Yunlong would only complain a few words at most, but in the end he would obediently hand in most of the mountain cannons.

The brigade commander looked at Li Yunlong and narrowed his eyes slightly, this kid has learned a lot...

"Old Li, you really turned an old hen into a duck in the blink of an eye." Cheng Shi said sourly.

"Go, go, what an old hen turns into a duck." Li Yunlong glared, "Our old Li just flew up a branch and turned into a phoenix."

"Li Yunlong, if you have any request, please ask quickly." The brigade commander knew Li Yunlong too well, and he didn't plan to go back empty-handed when he knew this guy, otherwise he would definitely be escorted by Zhao Gang this time.

"Brigade Commander, let me tell you the truth."

"At present, our Xinyi Regiment really has two difficulties that you need to solve."

Li Yunlong was not too polite. After all, he took the initiative to hand in a mountain artillery battalion and 8400 rounds of shells. It's not too much for me to ask, right?

Moreover, this is the brigade commander's initiative to help our Xinyi regiment solve difficulties.

Li Yunlong rubbed his hands: "The first difficulty is that I want the brigade commander to apply to the headquarters for an artillery battalion for our new regiment."

"That's no problem." The brigade commander nodded, "I can apply to the headquarters for you."

Last time, the Xinyi Regiment completely wiped out the Black Island Cavalry Regiment, and the application for cavalry battalion formation was quickly approved by the headquarters. This time, the Japanese tank regiment was completely wiped out, and there should be no problem applying for the artillery battalion formation.

"Old Li, does your new regiment have more than [-] guns now?" Cheng Shifa said, "You have applied for an artillery battalion. A dozen guns are enough for a battalion. I suggest handing in the remaining dozen or so guns." Give it to the brigade."

Of course Li Yunlong knew what Cheng Shifa was thinking, and his abacus was clinking.

He wanted to wait until Li Yunlong handed over the cannons, and the brigade commander's artillery regiment would not need so many. The 772 regiment was the main force, and the brigade commander would definitely give priority to equipping them with the extra cannons.

"I can send those mortars down to increase firepower at the battalion level."

"Who stipulates that an artillery battalion can only have a dozen guns?"

"Or did you, Cheng Shifa, decide?"

"If you have that ability, why don't you go to the devil and get a dozen cannons and hand them over to the brigade commander?"

Li Yunlong's mouth is like a machine gun.

Today Li Yunlong was quite polite, he gave face to the brigade commander and chief of staff Zhou, otherwise he would have to spray Cheng Shi with blood.

"Besides, the brigade commander didn't say anything, why are you coaxing, the brigade commander is still sitting there, even the brigade commander doesn't pay attention to you?"

After finishing speaking, Li Yunlong added another sentence, which can be described as a lore.

As Li Yunlong expected, wearing glasses, a refined and easy-going, even somewhat gentle brigade commander raised his head and gave Cheng Shifa a faint look.

"Where can it be?" Cheng Shifa trembled suddenly, and quickly laughed, and was immediately stunned by Li Yunlong.

"And what else?" asked the Brigadier.

"This is the second difficulty." Li Yunlong said, "I would like to ask the brigade commander to send another 400 recruits from the teaching regiment to our new regiment."

"The main reason is that our Xinyi regiment is the hero regiment of the Eighth Route Army, and it is the main trump card regiment."

"Look at the 358th Regiment, the main trump card of the Jinsui Army, with a strength of 5000 people, how much to replenish as much as it loses, and the guns, ammunition and food are sufficient."

"Look at our trump card main team. There are less than 2000 people. If we go out, we will lose face to our Eighth Route Army."

"We also want to form a strengthening regiment to give our Eighth Route Army a face."

"I can pay for the ammunition and food myself, but for this soldier, I hope the brigade commander can help with it."

The brigade commander is very clear that this guy has no interest in false titles. He only has ideas for things that are actually useful. Now that he has his own weapons and ammunition channels, he has long guessed that someone must be coming.

The brigade commander was also happy with the development of the Xinyi Regiment. The more victories the Xinyi Regiment fought, the more aid Li Yunlong received.

Cheng Shifa guessed that the brigade commander would not agree, because the brigade commander had already assigned more than 800 people to the new regiment, first the No. 400 militiamen from the Taiyue Military Region, and then the No. 400 recruits from the teaching regiment.

Li Yunlong came to ask for someone again, how could the brigade commander agree?
But the brigade commander's next sentence made Cheng Shifa dumbfounded.

"I'll give you No. 400 people, but it's not the recruits of the teaching regiment. There are only so many recruits in our 386 brigade. I'll give you No. 400 militiamen." The brigade commander said.

"Thank you, Brigadier, thank you, Brigadier, I thank you, Brigadier." Li Yunlong smiled.

He also had the attitude of giving it a try, but he didn't expect the brigade commander to agree so simply.

"Brigade Commander, I can't figure it out. Why should all the benefits belong to Li Yunlong?" Cheng Shifa was sour again. Which one is the main force of the 772th Brigade, the 386nd Regiment or the Xinyi Regiment?

"If you can't figure it out, you have to figure it out." The brigade commander snorted, "If you still can't figure it out, then go back and think about it slowly!"

Next, the brigade commander killed a pig with his own allowance and entertained several regiment leaders.

Of course, Li Yunlong was mainly entertained, and the others followed suit.

After eating and drinking enough, the group leaders went back separately.

Early the next morning, Master Liu heard that Li Yunlong handed over 12 mountain cannons and more than 8000 shells to Chen Geng.

(End of this chapter)

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