I am helping

Chapter 159 Teacher, I congratulate you for getting rich!

Chapter 159 Teacher, I congratulate you for getting rich!

Not long after the brigade commander finished his breakfast, the division commander called.

ding ding ding-

The operator picked up the phone to answer it, then covered the receiver, turned his head and shouted: "Brigade Commander, Division Commander's call!"

The brigade commander's heart tightened, and he walked over quickly, hoping that the division commander didn't come to fight the autumn wind.

But the more you are afraid of something, the more you will come. As soon as the brigade commander picked up the phone, the teacher's laughter came from the receiver: "Chen Geng, I congratulate you on getting rich."

In fact, when the brigade commander was playing the autumn wind, he said Gong Xi Fa Cai, which he learned from his teacher.

When the brigade commander gets rich, the division commander will come to congratulate him on making a fortune, and ask brigade commander Chen to hand over part of the equipment, which is an old tradition.

"Teacher, why am I making a fortune? It's nothing." Brigadier Chen said, "I'm so poor that I can't get rid of it."

"Can this matter be hidden from my eyes?" Master Liu said, "Yesterday Li Yunlong handed it over to your mountain artillery battalion. Do you still want to hide it?"

"Master, what did you say?"

"Hey Hey hey…"

"Master, can you hear it?"

"I can't hear it clearly. There may be something wrong with the phone. Don't worry, sir. I'll ask the phone operator to fix it."

"Chen Geng, keep pretending to me. If you pretend again, I will come to the brigade headquarters of the 386th brigade to find you in person." The teacher's tone was not in a hurry, not at all anxious.

He still doesn't know Chen Geng?
Like Li Yunlong, he has a lot of tricks.

Seeing that he couldn't pretend anymore, Brigadier Chen pretended to pat the phone and said, "Hey, hey, I'm fine now, I can hear you, what did you just say, sir?"

"I told you to send the American mountain artillery battalion that Li Yunlong handed over to the division headquarters." The division commander said on the phone.

"What are you doing, Master? Robbery, no, no, absolutely no."

Brigadier Chen was dumbfounded. The division commander wanted to rob his entire Shanpao battalion as soon as he made a move. It was too ruthless, even more ruthless than he robbed Li Yunlong.

This mountain cannon battalion was his lifeblood, and he was robbed by the division commander as soon as he got it.

孽 孽!
After a pause, Brigadier Chen said again: "I'm going to save this mountain artillery battalion to form an artillery regiment. Besides, my artillery regiment is your artillery regiment, Commander?"

"See if you can do it." The division commander smiled, "You have a brigade that will form an artillery regiment, but my division should have an artillery brigade?"

The brigade commander said: "Master, if I make an artillery regiment, you can use it at any time, but if you make an artillery brigade, will the boss also have to rob you? The boss will tell you when the time comes, let's see you Yes, if you make an artillery brigade in one division, then my group army will have to make an artillery division, and then you have to hand over the mountain cannons to the headquarters?"

"What you said makes sense, but I don't listen." The division commander said, "Hurry up and send someone from the Shanpao Battalion to the division headquarters."

"Teacher, let's discuss it again." The brigade commander said, "Can I hand in half of the 6 mountain cannons? By the way, there are 3000 rounds of 37mm and 3000 rounds of 47mm shells. I will also hand in all of them."

"Chen Geng, do you think my place is a vegetable market?" The teacher said, "You still bargain with me. It's not like you don't know that the artillery can be used together to exert the greatest power. This matter is not negotiable."

"That's what you say." Brigadier Chen said, "But the devil has planes, so we can't put our eggs in one basket. If the devil's plane finds out and takes our guns away, wouldn't it be a big loss?"

"This is not something you should consider." The teacher asked, "Let me ask you, what are the three major disciplines and eight points of attention?"

The brigade commander said: "Teacher, you see that you are here again."

"Don't you just want a mountain cannon battalion? I handed over 6 mountain cannons to the division headquarters, and you can go to Li Yunlong to ask for 6 more?

"He also has a mountain cannon battalion with 12 mountain cannons."

Anyway, the Xinyi Regiment still has a mountain artillery battalion. Even if the brigade commander doesn't say it now, the division commander will know sooner or later.

The division commander will definitely beat Li Yunlong's autumn wind when he finds out. It's better to sell Li Yunlong now and keep the 6 mountain cannons of the brigade.

In this way, the entire 386 brigade still has 12 mountain cannons, and the brigade headquarters and the new regiment have 6 each.

"Is there still such a situation?"

"Then you hand in six mountain cannons, and I'll call Li Yunlong again."

The division commander originally guessed that Chen Geng robbed this mountain artillery battalion from Li Yunlong. Li Yunlong must still have mountain artillery in his hand, but it is estimated that there are not many.

It seems wrong now, Li Yunlong still has a mountain artillery battalion?Could it be that Li Yunlong took the initiative to hand in that mountain artillery battalion?This kid is smart.

"Thank you, sir, thank you, sir, I thank you, sir." Brigadier Chen said repeatedly with a happy expression on his face.

"Hang up." The teacher hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

The brigade commander was a little dazed when he heard the blind voice coming from the phone. He was going to take this opportunity to ask the division commander for recruits and military cadres. It seemed that he had to wait until next time.

"Well, our brigade's artillery regiment is gone."


In Yangcun, Xinyi Regiment Headquarters.

After Li Yunlong came back from the brigade after drinking yesterday, he fell asleep, but he woke up early today.

After losing a bet with Zhao Gang last time, he hadn't had a drink for almost half a month, which made him greedy, but yesterday he finally got over his addiction to alcohol.

In fact, Li Yunlong's alcohol capacity is not considered good, but he just likes to drink, and after a few liangs of drinking, he will get high. He is addicted to vegetables.

Li Yunlong had nothing to do after breakfast, so he took out a plate of raw peanuts and ate them for fun.

The battalions and companies directly under the New First Regiment were resting, and there were no training tasks recently. Commissar Zhao was in charge of ideological and political work, and he became the shopkeeper again.

ding ding ding-

The phone on the table rang, Li Yunlong picked it up casually, put the phone to his ear: "Hi, this is Xinyituan."

"Li Yunlong, it's me." The teacher's voice rang through the phone.

"Ouch, teacher!" Li Yunlong looked straight, "Why do you have time to call me?"

The teacher said:
"I've heard from others that you got rich, you have two mountain artillery battalions in storage, plus the artillery from the new regiment, it's enough for an artillery regiment."

"Someone suggested to me that you should be the commander of the artillery regiment of our 129th Division, Li Yunlong, do you think I should consider this suggestion?"

"After all, your ability is obvious to all. The mortars and mountain guns you brought in are enough to equip an artillery regiment."

"Which bastard is making suggestions behind his back?" Li Yunlong said angrily, "Isn't this nonsense, our old Li is an infantry soldier, but he can't do artillery work!"

Now the equipment level of the new regiment and the combat effectiveness of the commanders and fighters, Li Yunlong would not change the position of brigade commander, let alone the commander of the artillery regiment.

What's more, as the commander of the artillery regiment, he can no longer lead soldiers around to do side jobs like the commander of the infantry regiment, nor can he take part in hand-to-hand combat with a big knife to kill devils.

"That's it." The division commander said, "Since you are not the commander of the regiment, then hurry up and send me your mountain artillery battalion to the division headquarters."

"What are you doing, Master?" Li Yunlong was dumbfounded for a moment, "A robbery? No way."

After a pause, Li Yunlong emphasized again: "Absolutely not."

"I didn't rob you." The division commander laughed, "Didn't you just say that yourself? You, Li Yunlong, are just an infantryman. You can't do artillery work, and you can't be the commander of the artillery regiment."

"As far as I know, you handed over a mountain artillery battalion to the brigade headquarters, and you also have a mountain artillery battalion."

"In addition to your new regiment's original nearly 20 artillery pieces, is that enough for an artillery regiment?"

"Since you can't be the commander of the artillery regiment, then hand over the mountain artillery battalion to the division headquarters and continue to be the commander of your infantry regiment."

"Farewell, Master." Li Yunlong said hastily, "Do you think it's easy for me to get these two mountain artillery battalions?"

After a pause, Li Yunlong said again: "Teacher, you are being unreasonable. I just handed in the equipment for a mountain artillery battalion in the brigade, and now I have handed in the equipment for a mountain artillery battalion in the division headquarters to fight against the seventh regiment of Japanese tanks." Before the Japanese army, our Xinyi Regiment didn’t have a mountain cannon. After killing the [-]th Tank Regiment, our Xinyi Regiment still didn’t have a mountain cannon. Didn’t our Xinyi Regiment annihilate the Japanese Army’s [-]th Tank Regiment for nothing? ?”

"Teacher, let me tell you the truth. To be honest, you must not tell others."

"These aids and equipment are all earned by winning battles. This time to wipe out the Seventh Wing of Devils Chariots, the amount of aid is 2 battalions of mountain artillery and 2 base shells."

"My aid channel, people are already thinking that our Xinyi group is weak."

"All these mountain cannons have been handed in, how can I do business with them next time?"

"The stronger our new regiment is, the bigger the business we do, and the more equipment assistance we get, the stronger our new regiment will be."

"This is called getting rich first and then getting rich later."

"Wouldn't it be a big loss if the other party finds the Jinsui Army or the Central Army for assistance because the other party dislikes our new regiment as weak?"

"We have to keep flowing, sir, do you think this is the truth?"

Like the brigade commander, the division commander had already guessed the aid rules of the mysterious patriotic surnamed Chen, and he only recognized Li Yunlong.

In fact, the division commander didn't intend to ask for all of Li Yunlong's mountain cannons, he just wanted to deceive Li Yunlong and see if he could get some information.

Although the information obtained was limited, the teacher got the result he wanted.

At that moment, the division commander said: "Okay, then you will leave 7 mountain cannons, and send me the remaining 5 mountain cannons and the corresponding shells to the division headquarters."

"Thank you, teacher, thank you, teacher!" Li Yunlong smiled happily and thanked again and again.

In fact, Li Yunlong had already guessed that besides the brigade commander, he would be robbed, either the division commander or the boss, because this is the Shanpao Battalion, everyone would be envious.

Being robbed by the teacher, Li Yunlong didn't have many accidents, so he kept a hand.

In a few days, the Xinyi Regiment will be able to make up for another Shanpao Battalion.

"Beat sex!" The teacher laughed, and then hung up the phone with a snap.


At the headquarters of the 129th Division, the division commander hung up the phone with a snap, feeling very good.

With 11 mountain cannons, it can barely be regarded as a mountain cannon battalion. If you gather artillery from other troops, you can definitely make another artillery regiment.

After making two phone calls, my mouth felt dry. As soon as the teacher took a sip of water to moisten his throat, he heard a faint voice behind him: "Master, I congratulate you on getting rich."

The division commander quickly turned around, seeing the boss and the deputy chief of staff standing behind him, he was dumbfounded: "Boss, chief of staff, when did you come?"

Afterwards, the division commander's face collapsed and he said: "Can you stop robbing my mountain artillery? I want to make an artillery regiment."

"Who said you are going to rob your mountain cannon?" The boss's face darkened, "I just congratulate you on getting rich. The headquarters already has an artillery regiment directly under it. Why rob your mountain cannon?"

(End of this chapter)

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