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Chapter 163 The Main Mission of the New 1st Regiment!

Chapter 163 Xinyi Regiment's Main Attack Mission!

Li Yunlong, who came back from the division meeting, immediately ordered the new regiment to enter a state of combat readiness.

Soldiers in the cooking class began to prepare dry food.

The logistics department distributes ammunition to individual soldiers.

Each soldier has 150 rounds of rifle ammunition, each light machine gun has 1000 rounds of machine gun ammunition, each heavy machine gun has 3000 rounds of machine gun ammunition, and each submachine gun has 600 rounds of ammunition...

As for the Sword Squadron, there is an unlimited supply of ammunition, which means that you can give you as much as you want.

In terms of weapons and equipment, there is no rigid requirement for the players to use which guns, but what guns you are good at using, you can use whatever guns.

Moreover, the training bombs of the Sword Squadron are also the most in the whole regiment, almost unlimited.

Now there are more than 50 people in the Sword Squadron, and each team member is equipped with a Japanese horse, more than 40 submachine guns, 6 sniper rifles, 6 Bren light machine guns, 5 bazookas, and 10 grenade launchers.

And Chen Feng gave them special combat uniforms tailored for them in combination with the gray military uniforms of the Eighth Route Army.

Unlimited supply of Japanese-style melon grenades, German-style burdocks, and grenades.

It can be said that the Sword Squadron has been armed to the teeth.

However, Lu Yingjun felt that the firepower was not enough, so he applied to Li Yunlong for two M2 2mm mortars.

He knew that the head of the regiment generally would not let the Sword Squadron take on the task of attacking fortified areas, but in the reconnaissance mission, there will definitely be situations where the enemy headquarters is found, but the weapon in his hand cannot reach it at a distance, so use mortars to attack the enemy headquarters It is extremely important, and a mortar can sometimes even change the direction of a battle.

The M2 60mm mortar weighs only 38 catties, which is not a problem at all for the sword squadron equipped with military horses.

The soldiers intensify their training during the day and sleep with their guns in their hands at night, because orders from the division headquarters may come down at any time, so they must be ready at all times.

However, this wait lasted for a month, and the dry food prepared by Xinyituan was eaten and fried again, repeated several times, and the time came to late August.

On this day, Li Yunlong came back from a meeting at the division headquarters, and immediately asked the communications corps to notify the company commanders of the battalions to come to the regiment headquarters for a meeting.

"Old Li, are you back? The headquarters finally decided to do something?"

After Zhao Gang received the news, he walked into the regiment headquarters first, and asked Li Yunlong a little excitedly.

Li Yunlong was wearing leggings, nodded and said.

"That's right, here's our chance."

"The devils dispatched a regiment from various ministries in North China to central China, including troops from the Fourth and Ninth Brigades of the Japanese Army."

"There is also the 8th Brigade of the Second Army of the Japanese Army who is sweeping the Jizhong Military Region. At this time, the number of devils on the Zhengtai Railway is relatively reduced. The head of the headquarters thinks it is time."

"Great, I'm finally going to do it!" Zhao Gang clenched his fist and waved it vigorously, his tone excited.

The soldiers and civilians in the base area have long been suffocated by the cage tactics implemented by the devils in North China.

Except that the strongholds and gun towers on the Baijin Railway and Yuliao Highway were mowed down by Xinyituan.

In almost the entire North China region, the devils relied on the artillery towers and strongholds that were difficult for the Eighth Route Army to break through, locked up all the Eighth Route Army and civilians in the base areas, cut off the traffic in the base areas, blocked the economy of the base areas, and then implemented the Sanguang policy on the base areas. To die of starvation, like a prisoner in a prison.

And now, it's finally time to break the devil's cage!
Attack the devil's most important Zhengtai Railway in Shanxi!

"What is the mission of our regiment?" Zhao Gang asked hastily, "Have you grabbed the main mission?"

"Of course, there are dozens of regiments participating in the battle, but there are only two main attack tasks, and the rest are all assist tasks. One of the main attack tasks is ours."

Li Yunlong glanced at Zhao Gang with a confident tone.

Dozens of regiments participated in the battle, and there were more wolves than flesh. If Zhao Gang went to the division headquarters for a meeting, he would probably not be able to get the main attack task.

To grab the main attack task, we have to do it ourselves, Lao Li.

Zhao Gang was about to ask what the main attack mission was, but the company commanders directly under each battalion came in one after another at this moment.

Although a lot of telephones and telephone lines were seized, the companies directly under each battalion were stationed very close to Yangcun, so no telephone lines were taken.

A group of battalion commanders and directly subordinate company commanders were chatting in the outer room of the regiment headquarters.

"What's the noise?" Li Yunlong lifted the curtain and came out of the inner room, his sharp eyes swept over, and the noise stopped abruptly.

In terms of personal force, Li Yunlong is not the top of the regiment, but these battalion and company commanders are in front of Li Yunlong, just like Li Yunlong is in front of the brigade commander.

Cowardly from the heart, cowardly that cannot be resisted.

Zhao Gang walked out from behind Li Yunlong. Seeing this scene, he secretly thought that he couldn't hold back this group of warriors.

"What are you doing?"


Li Yunlong said again, and then everyone hurriedly found a stool to sit down, their expressions were a little excited. After waiting for a month, the task finally came!
Everyone looked at Li Yunlong with burning eyes. According to the rules of previous meetings, after a little thought, they knew that the group leader must have summoned them to assign tasks.

Afterwards, Li Yunlong took out a map and spread it out on the table, his eyes swept over everyone's faces.

"I think everyone has guessed it."

"Everyone was called this time because the order from the headquarters came down."

Looking around, Li Yunlong chuckled, and the next sentence exploded among the crowd like a blockbuster.

"Our task this time is..."

Feeling that this sentence was not quite right, Li Yunlong hurriedly changed his words and said, "Our goal this time is... to hit Yangquan!"

This time the Eighth Route Army had two main offensive tasks, one was to defend Lion Mountain, and the other was to attack Niangziguan.

Niangziguan is the throat of Jin Province and Hebei Province. It has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times, and now it is an important transit hub station of Zhengtai Railway.

The terrain of Niangziguan is dangerous, easy to defend and difficult to attack. It was at Niangziguan that the teaching regiment of the Jinsui Army fought against the 20th Division of the Japanese Army.

Lion Mountain is a mountain less than three kilometers west of Yangquan. It is close to Yangquan Railway Station. Occupying Lion Mountain can prevent the Japanese army from Yangquan from sending reinforcements to the Zhengtai Railway on the west side.

The task of Xinyi regiment is to occupy Lion Mountain, control the throat of Zhengtai Railway, and contain the Japanese troops stationed in Yangquan.

However, Li Yunlong's appetite is not limited to headquarters tasks.

"Hit Yangquan?"

The one who exclaimed was He Jie, the commander of the machine gun company, but his expression was different from the last battle meeting when Li Yunlong said that he would fight the Japanese tank regiment.

I saw excitement in his eyes, his face flushed, and the word "excitement" was written on his face.

As for the rest of them, Zhang Dabiao, Zheng Yu, Chen Dugu, Sun Desheng, Wang Chengzhu and others were gearing up, looking eager to try, and Lu Yingjun's eyes sparkled.

"That's right, hit Yangquan!" Li Datuan nodded, emphasizing the word "Dayangquan" in his tone.

At the same time, the index finger tapped the location of Yangquan on the desktop map.

"Our first battalion is willing to be the main attacker. Commander, you can say what you want our first battalion to fight." Zhang Dabiao took the lead in expressing his opinion.

"Leader, our second battalion will fight wherever you point!" Zheng Yu followed closely behind.

"Our third battalion is ready to go at any time!" Chen Dagu, the commander of the third battalion, said loudly.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Chengzhu, the commander of the artillery battalion, Sun Desheng, the commander of the cavalry battalion, He Jie, the commander of the machine gun company, and Wang Dashan, the commander of the heavy machine gun company, also expressed their opinions.

Zhao Gang on the side, watching the reaction of this group of people, has long been used to it.

Yangquan is an important military town of the Japanese army, and it is also the home of the Japanese elite fourth brigade. There must be a lot of devils and puppet troops stationed there. These people actually don't ask about the specific battle plan, and they don't even think about attacking Yangquan. Feasibility, everyone is so excited that they can't wait to set off immediately.

However, Zhao Gang frowned slightly, with some suspicion in his brows.

Will the headquarters issue such an order?Let the new regiment go to Yangquan one by one?

Thinking of this, Zhao Gang asked, "Regimental Commander, are we the only regiment? No other troops to assist?"

Li Yunlong said: "Of course there are assists. There are 20 regiments participating in the attack on Zhengtai Road this time. This is not counted as the assisting troops. There are more assisting troops than this."

"I mean." Zhao Gang said, "Are there any other troops fighting Yangquan with us?"

"That's not true. The commander considered that our new regiment was too powerful, so he didn't send troops to assist us." Li Yunlong's face was not red and his heart was beating.

"Isn't that right? How about I call and ask the teacher?"

Zhao Gang had a half-smile, he had already guessed that the mission given by the headquarters to the new regiment was definitely not this, and this bastard was definitely not telling the truth.

Li Yunlong quickly stopped Zhao Gang from speaking.

"The teacher is very busy now, so don't call him."

"The task given to us by the headquarters is to seize the Lion Mountain, attack the railway station and the devil's military station, and contain the devils in Yangquan."

"The key to this battle is to contain the devils in Yangquan."

"Then I attacked Yangquan City and wiped out the Japanese army, and achieved the goal of containing the Yangquan devils. Isn't that reasonable?"

If the division commander knew of Li Yunlong's bold plan, he would have to disqualify him from participating in the war. Li Yunlong was also afraid that Zhao Gang would really call the division commander.

After a pause, Li Yunlong said again: "Commissioner Zhao, you won't be cowardly, will you?"

"If you are discouraged, as the team leader, I can approve you not to participate in this battle. I will lead the team alone in this battle, and you will guard your home in Yangcun."

A group of battalion commanders and company commanders directly under the regiment looked at Zhao Gang. Zhao Gang saw in their eyes that everyone wanted to fight Yangquan.

In fact, Zhao Gang didn't really want to call the division commander to report Li Yunlong's report, he just wanted to deceive him, but he didn't expect that Li Datuan commander would be sent to the army in front of all the battalion and company commanders.

"When did you see me, Zhao Gang, being cowardly?" Zhao Gang frowned, how could he admit being cowardly at this time?
"Since you didn't persuade me, it means you agree."

A sly smile appeared on Li Yunlong's face.

This shit... Zhao Gang couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, and fell into his pit again.

Li Yunlong said again: "Don't worry, when did our old Li ever make a loss-making business?"

"Without this diamond, I wouldn't take on this porcelain job. If I'm not sure, I dare to hit Yangquan?"

"Let's talk about my preliminary battle plan..."

Li Yunlong spread out the paper on the map on the table.

After Li Datuan finished his preliminary battle plan, everyone surrounded him one after another, offering advice and suggestions, and the battle plan was gradually perfected.

(End of this chapter)

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