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Chapter 164 The brave who meet in a narrow road wins!

Chapter 164 The brave who meet in a narrow road wins!

Chapter 63 Meeting on a Narrow Road, the Brave Wins!

With the assistance of the battalion commanders and company commanders directly under him, Li Yunlong perfected the battle plan.

Even if the new regiment is well equipped and has strong combat effectiveness, Li Yunlong will not attack Yangquan as soon as he goes up.

Even if Yangquan could be defeated, it would be a miserable victory. Li Yunlong would never fight such a foolish battle.

So the key to this battle is whether they can kill the main force of the devils in Yangquan first in the wild.

This battle is definitely a tough one for Xinyituan.

Otherwise, the headquarters would not entrust this task to Xinyituan.

Li Yunlong was going to bed early, and had to leave early tomorrow morning.

After checking the sentry post, I returned to the inner room of the regiment headquarters. Before I lay down after washing my feet, the phone on the table rang.

Ding ding ding, ding ding!

Li Yunlong quickly picked it up, put the phone to his ear, and said, "Hi, this is Xinyituan."

"Li Yunlong!"

The Brigadier's voice rang in his ears.

"Yo, Brigadier?"

Hearing the voice of the brigade commander, Li Yunlong's entire expression and eyes became cautious involuntarily.

The brigade commander asked: "It's me, is your regiment ready?"

Li Yunlong hurriedly said: "Report to the brigade commander, the new regiment has finished preparations and can set off tomorrow morning."

"That's good." The brigade commander said, "Send half of your regiment's bazooka and bazooka soldiers to the brigade headquarters."

"What are you doing, Brigadier, robbing?" Li Yunlong was dumbfounded.

Last month, the Xinyi Regiment has been training and waiting for missions, but last month, the Xinyi Regiment has been fighting, destroying more than 30 strongholds on the Yuliao Highway and Baijin Railway.

1 stronghold is counted as 3 machine guns or 3 bazookas, plus some scattered gun towers that were removed.

The devils and puppet soldiers in the county did not dare to go out.

The new regiment now had 70 bazookas and 50 cannon.

The firepower has been enhanced to the company level, and each company has an artillery platoon equipped with 2 bazookas, 1 machine gun and 1 mortar.

At this point, Li Yunlong felt that the firepower of the new regiment was still not enough.

This is because the brigade commander promised not to rob during this period of time. If he came to rob, the firepower would have to be halved.

However, the brigade commander has long been waiting for Li Yunlong to train the bazooka soldiers.

"Li Yunlong, do you still remember what I said before?" the brigade commander asked.

"What?" Li Yunlong asked with a vigilant expression on his face.

"I told you to get more bazookas from your channel, and then train the bazooka soldiers well. It will be of great use to me, remember?" said the brigade commander.

"It seems to be... Brigadier, did you say that you will not rob me?" Li Yunlong remembered and asked quickly.

Haha laughed, and the brigade commander said: "I did say that, but I said that I would not rob some time ago, and I didn't say that I would not rob in the future. Now that the time is up, quickly send the bazooka soldiers with the bazooka to the brigade headquarters to report."

Li Yunlong was stunned. At the beginning, he heard the brigade commander said that he would not rob, so he ignored it when he was happy.

The emotional brigade leader is going to rob people and bazookas together, so he is happy for nothing.

Li Yunlong's face suddenly turned into a bitter gourd: "Brigade Commander, do you think it's easy for me to train these bazooka soldiers? How about I give you the bazooka? Leave the bazooka soldiers for me?"

"Nonsense!" the brigade commander said, "The soldiers of the other regiments have never touched the bazooka, so how could they know how to use it? Even if they learn how to use it in a short time, they won't be able to hit it for sure."

"Could it be that you, Li Yunlong, have the heart to fight against the enemy's machine gun fire with explosive packs in your arms, to blow up the enemy's bunkers and strongholds?"

"The most I can promise you is that you, the bazooka soldiers, teach the soldiers of the other regiments how to use the bazooka, and then return it to you!"

"I won't rob your cannons this time. The location of Lion Mountain is easy to be bombed by devil planes. You must pay attention to air defense there."

Li Yunlong's bazooka soldiers are all experienced, honed on the battlefield, and have a high hit rate on 200-meter moving targets.

"Okay, okay, brigade commander, the first rank of the official is crushing people, what you say is what you say."

"I will take half of the bazooka soldiers to report to the brigade headquarters with the bazooka."

"In addition, I will hand in 10 machine guns and let the bazooka soldiers take them there. Our new regiment still has 40 machine guns, which are enough for air defense."

Now that the brigade commander said so, Li Yunlong couldn't hide it anymore, so he immediately agreed to send another 10 cannons to the brigade commander.

Although he felt that the firepower was still not strong enough, the firepower of the brother troops was even worse, so he used some firepower to support the brother troops.

If it is not planned to fight Yangquan, Li Yunlong will definitely send out more bazookas and bazooka soldiers to his brother troops.

"That's right, it's just these three walnuts and two dates, you boy still pick and search with me." The brigade commander laughed and hung up the phone.

Immediately, Li Yunlong ordered 35 rocket launchers from each company, and 10 machine guns from the machine gun company.

Let these 70 bazooka soldiers bring 35 bazookas and 10 cannons to report to the brigade headquarters overnight.


Early the next morning, outside the entrance of Yangcun Village.

More than 2200 members of the Xinyi Regiment assembled and stood by.

A few months ago, after militiamen from one battalion joined the new regiment, the new regiment now has more than 2600 people.

More than 30 people were killed or injured in the battle to destroy more than 300 devil strongholds.

The Sword Squadron has gone one step ahead and went to the vicinity of Yangquan for reconnaissance. Although it is an enemy-occupied area, the infiltration of an out-and-out special force cannot be avoided.

Therefore, there are only more than 2200 people gathered outside the entrance of Yangcun Village.

More than 2200 commanders and fighters lined up neatly in units of battalions and companies.

The soldiers of the cavalry battalion stood beside the horses, with Yunlong sabers on their waists and rifles on their backs, and all the horses fell silent.

Soldiers in the artillery battalion lead mules or military horses, each mule or military horse carries cannon parts, and behind them are mules or military horses full of shell boxes.

The soldiers of the machine gun company stood beside the mules, and each mule pulled a machine gun behind it, and the shells were carried on the mules.

In front of the infantry formation, the light machine guns, heavy machine guns, and mortars of each battalion were neatly arranged.

The bazooka soldier carried a rocket launcher on his back, the flamethrower carried a flamethrower, and each soldier had a gas mask pinned to his waist.

Both the flamethrower and the gas mask were acquired in last month's deal.

In the process of attacking the stronghold, because of the lack of weapons to clean up the broken enemy fortifications, more than a dozen soldiers were lost, so Li Yunlong gritted his teeth and made 10 flamethrowers.

The flamethrower is known by the soldiers as an artifact to clean up devils' gun towers and bunkers.

The commanders and fighters have firm faces, and the whole team is full of killing spirit.

Right now, whether it is the morale, fighting skills and will of the soldiers, or the weapons and equipment, they are all at the peak of the new regiment's combat effectiveness since the establishment of the new regiment.

Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang walked out quickly from the entrance of the village and came to a slope in front of the soldiers.

According to the usual practice, before starting to fight, the commanders of the Eighth Route Army will usually mobilize before the battle to boost morale.

Zhao Gang held a tin horn, looked around, put the horn to his mouth and said.

"Comrades, since the Japanese devils invaded China, they have destroyed our homeland and mutilated our compatriots. I don't need to say more about the tragedy. Everyone has seen it."

"After the Japanese North China Front Army Tada Hayao came to power last year, he implemented his so-called cage tactics."

"Trying to use the railway as the pillar, the highway as the chain, and the bunker as the lock, trying to trap and starve us to death."

"If the enemy's intentions are allowed to succeed, the situation for the military and civilians in our base areas will be extremely severe in the future!"

"Now, we are going to launch a counterattack against the enemy!"

"What I want to say is that although our Xinyi regiment has won many battles, our enemies are still stronger than us!"

"The next battle will be extremely difficult and cruel, and many of us will die!"

"But remember, no matter how great the sacrifice, this is the price we have to bear."

"Because we are soldiers! We shoulder the mission and responsibility of defending the soil and resisting the enemy!"

Everyone stared at Zhao Gang, silently, but the fighting spirit in their hearts was already ignited at this moment.

Afterwards, Zhao Gang handed the trumpet to Li Yunlong, signaling him to speak to the commanders and fighters.

Li Yunlong took the trumpet, with a stern expression and sharp eyes: "What I want to say, Political Commissar Zhao has already said, I just want to add something."

"The whole regiment, from me as the regiment leader to the soldiers, must have a correct attitude."

"This time we are going to fight the devils, and at the same time, we are going to get rich and eat meat."

"We are a group of howling wolves who want to eat the meat of devils, not only the meat of devils, but also their bones to swallow."

"It is necessary to have this kind of courage and spirit, so that the devils will be afraid when they hear about our Eighth Route Army and our Xinyi Regiment."

"I told you, when we met on a narrow road—"

The soldiers looked crazy, and howled soaring into the sky, raising their weapons above their heads: "The brave wins!"




After three deafening shouts of killing, the fighting spirit of the soldiers was completely ignited.

Li Yunlong's expression of satisfaction flashed away, and then he returned to his sternness, and shouted: "All of the new group, let's go!"

Immediately, more than 2200 commanders and fighters marched northward in units of battalions and companies.

According to the order of the division headquarters, the eight main regiments that participated in the battle before 8:[-] p.m. must move to the edge of the Japanese-occupied area of ​​the Zhengtai Railway to hide and stand by.

Then, wait until nightfall and march quickly, going deep into the Zhengtai Railway in the enemy-occupied area.

By twelve o'clock tonight, that is, before zero o'clock, the eight main groups must arrive at the designated positions.

The Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region and the dozen or so main regiments participating in the attack received the same order.

As long as the zero o'clock is over, the troops will attack the strongholds on Zhengtai Road in units of battalions, and the militia will cooperate to destroy the railway. The main purpose is to destroy the railway and attack the strongholds.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Li Yunlong led the new regiment to the designated location and hid in the woods.

After resting for a few hours, the sky gradually darkened, and it was time to set off.

The soldiers had enough to eat and drink, and under the leadership of Li Yunlong, they continued to advance towards Yangquan.

(End of this chapter)

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