I am helping

Chapter 165 The curtain opens!

Chapter 165 The curtain opens!

At about ten o'clock in the evening, under the leadership of Li Yunlong, the Xinyi Mission arrived near Yangquan Railway Station.

Lu Yingjun, the captain of the Sword Squadron, brought his team members to meet up.

In a forest, the members of the Sword Squad were hidden in the dark, and Lu Yingjun reported to Li Yunlong the situation of the enemy he had detected.

A group of battalion commanders and company commanders directly under him were also listening.

"We captured a puppet company commander during the day."

"This kid's mouth is quite stiff, and he was willing to confess after two teeth were knocked out by the monk."

"There are more than 2300 devils stationed in Yangquan City, all of them are the headquarters of the Japanese Fourth Brigade, and there is also a regiment of the Puppet Army's 3rd Mixed Brigade."

"The devil has a tank squadron, the exact number of tanks is unknown, and there is also an artillery brigade."

Li Yunlong narrowed his eyes when he heard the words, the little devil of Gou Ri is quite rich, and he actually has a tank squadron and an artillery brigade.

"What about the train station? How about the strength and deployment of the train station?" Li Yunlong said calmly.

The first battle of the new regiment will be fought at Yangquan Railway Station, destroying Yangquan Railway Station and annihilating the enemy troops at the railway station, so that the Yangquan enemy cannot reinforce along the railway.

Lu Yingjun has already figured out the deployment of troops and firepower at Yangquan Railway Station.

"There is a squad of devils stationed at Yangquan Railway Station, plus a company of puppet troops, about 180 people, two cannon towers, and 4 machine guns."

While talking, Lu Yingjun drew a sketch on the ground with a branch, marking the location of the two blockhouses.

Yangquan Railway Station is very close to Yangquan, and basically it is rarely attacked by the Eighth Route Army, so the troops deployed by the devils here are not too many, and their strength and firepower are similar to those of medium-sized strongholds.

Li Yunlong nodded, taking down the train station was a piece of cake for the Xinyi Regiment, and it only took one battalion to take it down easily.

Each company of the infantry battalion of the new regiment is now armed with machine guns, bazookas and 60mm mortars.

The soldiers of the new regiment accumulated a lot of experience in attacking strongholds in the battle to pull out the strongholds of Baijin Railway and Yuliao Highway.

The gun towers that the devils and the puppet army relied on were not easy to use in front of the Xinyi regiment. The firepower and troops at the train station were easier to fight than the devils' stronghold.

"By the way, there are two armored patrol cars, but the devils usually drive them out to patrol along the railway at night." Lu Yingjun added.

"The devil's patrol car is nothing to be afraid of. If the devil drives out tonight, it won't be able to come back. If it is in the train station, it will be blown up." Li Yunlong said in a disdainful tone.

Hehe... More than 20 regiments launched an attack on more than 100 strongholds of the Zhengtai Railway. After tonight, the Zhengtai Railway Section, the lifeline of the Devils in North China, will be completely paralyzed.

"It's just an armored patrol car, and it only bullies and bullies the guerrillas. If we meet our new regiment, a rocket will directly smash it to pieces."

Zhang Dabiao is very confident. After killing the devil's tank unit last time, he is not at all afraid of facing the devil's tanks or armored vehicles.

Li Yunlong stared at Lu Yingjun's sketch, and said, "Draw Yangquan and the road from Yangquan to the train station."

At that moment, Lu Yingjun started drawing again on the ground, and after a while, a sketch was drawn, and Li Yunlong saw the sketch clearly through the hazy moonlight.

Li Yunlong pointed to the branch and said.

"The distance from Yangquan to the railway station is about 3 kilometers. It's not far, and it's not close."

"Next, I will make the following combat deployment."

"At zero o'clock, the Third Battalion pretended to attack the train station to lure out the devils in Yangquan City."

"The first battalion and the second battalion ambushed on both sides of Yangquan to the railway station. Once the devil reinforcements rushing to the railway station come in, they will open fire immediately."

"After the fight, don't get too entangled with the enemy, and retreat to the Lion Mountain immediately."

"As soon as the fire was fired here, the third battalion immediately captured the train station, destroyed the train station, and then withdrew to Lion Mountain."

"Let's not expose our hole cards first, and don't use machine cannons and mountain cannons."

"Leave the artillery battalion in the woods here and don't go there. The cavalry battalion is responsible for protecting the artillery battalion."

"Once the battle starts, the guard company, the machine gun company and the heavy machine gun company immediately seize the Lion Mountain."

"Do you understand their respective tasks?"

"Understood!" Everyone shouted in unison.

"Then get ready to go."

Li Yunlong said in a low voice, everyone turned around and walked towards their respective troops, only Sun Desheng squatted in place.

"Regimental Commander, our cavalry battalion also wants to participate in the battle." Seeing Li Yunlong standing up, Sun Desheng quickly stood up and said.

"This battle is different. This battle is either a fortified battle or a positional battle. You cavalry are not suitable." Li Yunlong waved his hand.

"Our cavalry can also fight tough battles and positional battles, no worse than their infantry." Sun Desheng insisted.

"What can you do so stupidly? Let your boy protect the artillery and protect the artillery. If you talk nonsense with me, be careful that I will dismiss you." Li Yunlong scolded.

Sun Desheng didn't dare to say anything anymore, looking at Li Yunlong with aggrieved and fearful eyes.

Li Yunlong said to Sun Desheng again.

"I won't say much about how important the Shanpao Battalion is to our Xinyi regiment."

"Take this battle as an example. Tomorrow, the devil's artillery will definitely bombard our new regiment's position."

"The key to winning this battle is to let the artillery battalion carry out long-range bombardment on the devil's artillery positions."

"That's why your cavalry battalion has a heavier mission than the infantry. If something happens to the artillery battalion, labor and management will take your skin off."

Because there are not many trees on the Lion Mountain, even if the mountain cannon battalion is set up on the reverse slope, the devil's cannon can't hit it, but don't forget that the devil still has planes.

If the Mountain Cannon Battalion is located on the anti-slope of Lion Mountain, the aerial bomb dropped by a bomber can make the entire Mountain Cannon Battalion reimbursed.

Therefore, Li Yunlong had no choice but to place the Shanpao Battalion in the distance to hide first, waiting for the opportunity, and at the critical moment, use the precise method to give the devil a hard time.

"Yes!" Sun Desheng said proudly, "The cavalry battalion promises to complete the mission!"

After speaking, Sun Desheng quickly returned to his command position.

The surroundings fell silent, and time passed slowly in a suffocating wait.

At 11:[-] in the evening, the night was quiet, only the sound of dogs barking in the distance could be heard.

Under the cover of the night, all the ministries of the new regiment moved towards the designated place, and the collision of the grenades on their waists made a slight ding-dong sound.

Wang Qiang is a rascal in Shangzhuang Village. He is ignorant and idle all day long. When he got up at night, he suddenly heard a strange noise outside in the hut.

Through the gap in the hut, he saw all gray figures marching quickly on the road outside.

When the Japanese shot Eight Lu in the city, he saw it from a distance and recognized the clothes.

The eight-way team passed by quickly, but Wang Qiang's mind became active, and his eyes rolled around.

In the end, Wang Qiang couldn't resist the temptation to reward 100 oceans for reporting the whereabouts of the Eighth Route Army. Wang Qiang tiptoed out of the hut and knocked on the door of the house of the traitor Yang Fugui in the same village.

Hearing that the main force of the Eight Routes passed through the village, Yang Fugui immediately took Wang Qiang to find the Japanese, but he was held down like a pig when he left the village.

It was the special forces of the Sword Squadron who held the traitor down.

After all, this is an enemy-occupied area, and it is inevitable for large troops to pass by the village to leak information, so Lu Yingjun had already sent his team to guard the intersections leading to Yangquan, the devil's stronghold and the railway station, in case someone would tip off the devil.

The Sharp Sword Squadron was covering in secret, and all the troops arrived at the designated position smoothly without leaking the news.

Outside the train station, Zhao Gang raised his wrist to look at his watch and said, "Lao Li, it's time."

Li Yunlong raised the pistol in his hand and pulled the trigger without hesitation, a sudden bang of the gun broke the tranquility of the night.

The gunshot was the signal to attack, and the gunshots outside the train station immediately rang out like popping beans.

"Fire!" The third battalion commander shouted.

The 5 mortars and 8 grenades on the artillery position of the third battalion opened fire immediately.

Since it is a feint attack, the bigger the situation, the better.

After a muffled bang, a row of shells and grenades landed on the train station almost at the same time, and the train station was immediately shrouded in flames and smoke.

The devils and puppet soldiers in the train station were attacked and fell into a panic, but they reacted quickly.

The devil's machine gun in the gun tower screamed wildly, and long tongues of flame spewed out from the shooting holes, pouring machine gun bullets outward.

Some devils and puppet soldiers rushed out of the train station, shooting and running towards the foxholes around the train station.

The machine gunners of the third battalion immediately took care of the devils and puppet soldiers who ran out. Under the heavy rain of bullets, more than a dozen devils and puppet soldiers fell down.

At the entrance of the railway station, on a circular machine gun position built with surrounding sandbags, the Jap machine gunner fired a light machine gun with a crooked handle.

The next moment, a mortar shell fell, and fell precisely into the ring formation. With a bang, the three devils inside were killed on the spot.

After 5 minutes, Li Yunlong reckoned that the devils at the train station must have called for help.

Even if there was no call for help, the devils in Yangquan would have heard such a big movement.

"Third Battalion Commander, it's time, take down the train station for me." Li Yunlong turned around and said to Chen Dugu.

"Yes, head!" Chen Dagu responded.

"Get rid of the devil's searchlight for me."

"Bazooka, give it to me."

Chen Dagu roared loudly, and the sharpshooters of the third battalion aimed at the devil's searchlight, and with a bang, the devil's searchlight shattered.

A group of bazooka soldiers moved towards the devil's gun tower from the flank.

1 machine gun was killed, and there were only 2 machine guns in the devil's blockhouse on the front, one light machine gun and one heavy machine gun.

The Devil's machine gunner in the blockhouse only shot towards the place where there were flames outside based on feeling, and never expected that the sixth child was quietly approaching the blockhouse.

At a distance of about 200 meters, the grenadier soldiers stopped and lay down on the ground, quietly starting to load rockets.

The coolest thing about using a bazooka to hit a devil's artillery building is that it can carry out long-distance bombardment without having to cross the trenches dug by the devils and the barbed wire fences arranged.

The firepower of the machine guns attracted the firepower from the devil's gun tower, and the bazooka soldiers led rocket launchers to launch rockets from the flanks to attack. The machine gunners and bazooka soldiers of each battalion and company had cooperated quite tacitly.

A rocket with a tail flame slid a dark red trajectory in the night sky, and quickly hit the devil's gun tower opposite.

Amidst the sound of a huge explosion, the Devil's Tower was torn apart by rockets like a shattered rotten one, with rubble and bricks falling down.

(End of this chapter)

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