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Chapter 169 Fire Now!

Chapter 169 Fire Now!
At the west gate of Yangquan City, under the city gate.

The elite Japanese troops of about 2000 people have been assembled.

Although the force is less than one regiment, the equipment of these 2000 devils is extremely sophisticated.

Because these are the headquarters of the Fourth Brigade.

There is not only an artillery brigade, but also a tank squadron, and the other two infantry brigades are also well equipped.

Each infantry brigade has an artillery squadron under its jurisdiction, with very powerful firepower.

This is also the reason why the headquarters handed over the containment task to the Xinyi regiment, because other troops may not be able to withstand it.

An armored car drove out of the city. A Japanese major came down from the right, ran to the left and opened the door, and then put his hand on the roof of the car. The brigade commander, Mitake Tsuda, stepped out of the car.

Masaji Kurosawa, who was observing the Lion Mountain, and several captains with the rank of lieutenant commander, walked over quickly.

Masahiro Kurosawa paused and said, "Brigade Commander, Lion Mountain was occupied by the Eight Routes last night. I'm afraid we will have to annihilate the Eight Routes to get there."

The terrain of Lion Mountain is very strange. This is the throat of Yangquan, and occupying Lion Mountain can cut off the passage of Zhengtai Railway.

It is not impossible to detour from other places, but tank squadrons, trucks and towed field guns cannot be taken there.

Without these heavy firepower, the devil's combat effectiveness would have to be reduced by at least half, and the speed of advancing westward would have to be reduced by more than half.

There is not even heavy firepower, and there is a danger of being wiped out by the Eight Routes. After all, the Eight Routes dispatched a lot of troops this time.

Moreover, Balu must have considered the detour, and might have sent troops to wait for them on the small road.

Thinking room.

With a cold and resolute look on his face, Mitake Tsuda raised his binoculars and looked towards Lion Mountain.

Through the field of vision through the telescope, I saw that Lion Mountain had many more fortifications such as trenches and foxholes overnight.

In the middle of the trench fortifications, a red flag fluttered in the wind on the top of the hill.


Seeing this scene, Mitake Tsuda became furious immediately. Eight Routes dared to stop the Fourth Brigade at Lion Mountain. It was courting death.

Masaji Kurosawa paused and said, "Brigade Commander, I suggest that members of the Gangcun Squadron be incorporated into the Mountain Squadron to launch a tentative attack on the enemy!"

However, Mitake Tsuda waved his hand, and said in a cold tone: "We don't have so much time to spend here, and ordered the first and second squadrons of the chariot squadron, the second infantry brigade, and the Gangcun squadron to be incorporated into the mountain squadron to take down the Lion Mountain in one fell swoop. !"

"The Artillery Brigade is preparing to fire at the Eighth Route position in Lion Mountain to provide artillery support for the attacking troops."

"Hi!" Kurosawa Masaji hesitated for a moment, then he still listened to the order.

Launching a general attack as soon as they come up is a typical lunatic's style of play. The correct tactic is to let a small group of troops attack to test out the firepower and deployment of troops from the eight routes.

Then use artillery to kill the firepower of the Eighth Route, and send troops to detour to the rear wing of Lion Mountain to attack from both sides.

However, considering such a powerful firepower, two squads of tanks, and thousands of infantry, only one assault can take down the opposite hill.

Kurosawa Shoji didn't say much.

Following the order of Mitake Tsuda, the Japanese troops quickly began to move.

The captain of the artillery brigade ordered his artillery to move forward to a position 2.5 kilometers away from Lion Mountain to build an artillery position.

The distance between Lion Mountain and Yangquan City is flat, and there is not even a place to cover it.

Therefore, the artillery positions of the devils can only be exposed to the vision of the Eighth Route Army.

A little farther away, we have to go to Yangquan City to deploy artillery, but the Type 90 70mm mortar and the Type [-] [-]mm infantry gun cannot reach the Lion Mountain position.

The effective range of these two types of artillery is only 2.8 kilometers.

As for the Type 38 75mm field gun, it has a range of 8 kilometers, but the Devil Artillery doesn't believe this evil at all, and Balu has the ability to destroy their artillery positions.

The tanks of the devil's two squads, and an infantry brigade, plus a mixed infantry squadron, an attack force of about 1 people is also ready.

Seeing this scene, Tsuda Mitake showed a confident smile on his face.

This attack force can easily defeat a division of the Chinese army.

He had even seen the scene where his soldiers occupied Lion Mountain.


In Lion Mountain, the temporary headquarters of the new regiment.

A temporary headquarters built of wood on the reverse slope of the ridge.

Cover the top with a camouflage net, step on the ladder, and use a pair of binoculars to have a panoramic view of the positive slope position and the outside of Yangquan City.

At this time Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang were stepping on the ladder, using binoculars to observe the movements of the devils in Yangquan City.

In the position on the front slope, there was no new regiment of soldiers. Li Yunlong knew that the devil's cannon was powerful, so he temporarily put all the soldiers on the back slope.

When the devils start their official attack, enter the frontal slope position from the reverse slope to fight against the devils.

"one two three four five six."

"Look, Lao Li, the Devils are preparing to attack 6 tanks, 3 light tanks, and 3 medium tanks."

"There is also the devil's artillery position. There must be more than 20 cannons, including mountain artillery, infantry artillery and mortars."

"It seems that once the devil came up, he spent a lot of money."

Zhao Gang pointed to the devils who were about to attack in front of the west gate and said.

Li Yunlong frowned: "Damn, Tsuda Mitake is a typical lunatic's style of play, but it's a bit like me."

"There is no tentative attack, and the main attack is the first to come up. Concentrate superior firepower and troops, and defeat the enemy with just one attack."

"But the shortcomings of this tactic are obvious." Zhao Gang said, "If the first attack fails and is frustrated, it will affect morale, and it will be difficult to win the mountain later."

Li Yunlong said: "Look at the devil's firepower configuration, tanks, artillery, and thousands of infantry. If it hadn't met our new regiment, few regiments of our Eighth Route Army could withstand it."

Zhao Gang nodded and said, "That's true."

Li Yunlong turned his head to look at Lu Yingjun, and asked, "Lu Yingjun, can you do it? Have you calculated the shelling parameters of the devil's artillery position?"

"Report to the head, it will be ready soon!"

Lu Yingjun stood on the ladder, and in front of him was a 16x gun scope. While observing the devil's artillery positions with the gun scope, he was calculating with a precise map.

Precision method, every member of the Sword Squadron must learn to calculate, they are the eyes of the artillery.

"Captain, the calculation is done." Lu Yingjun put down his pen and said, "There is an armored vehicle parked under the city gate, and there are many people standing beside it. I guess it is the devil commander."

Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang raised their binoculars and looked towards the city wall, but the binoculars were not as powerful as the gun mirror, so they couldn't see clearly.

"I can't see clearly with this telescope." Zhao Gang said, "Lao Li, where's your telescope?"

"I can't see clearly either." Li Yunlong said.

"Regimental Commander, Political Commissar, try my cannon sight." Lu Yingjun gave up his observation position, Li Yunlong stepped on the ladder, and looked through the sight of the cannon sight.

Sure enough, I saw an armored vehicle under the city wall, and there were several trucks around it, surrounded by devil soldiers with live ammunition.

Although the military ranks of the devils next to the armored car cannot be seen clearly, the devils who can sit in the armored car must be quite high-ranking.

The corners of Li Yunlong's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a mouthful of white teeth: "Haha... It seems that the devil commander didn't take me seriously, Li Yunlong, and dared to show it in front of us."

"Lu Yingjun, also calculate the shooting parameters at the position of the armored vehicle, and inform Wang Chengzhu."

"Before shelling the devil's artillery position, first use artillery fire to blast it at my armored vehicle."

After speaking, Li Yunlong gave up the position of the gun mirror to observe, and Lu Yingjun stepped on the wooden ladder again, and began to measure the shooting parameters of the armored vehicle.

Soon, after calculating the shooting parameters, Lu Yingjun turned on the radio, held the receiver to his ear with one hand, and put the microphone to his mouth with the other.

"Dong San Dong San, I am Dong Er, please answer!"

The Xinyi Regiment has three radio communication machines, Li Yunlong's numbered Dongyao (01), Lu Yingjun's numbered Dong02 (03), and Wang Chengzhu's numbered Dong[-] ([-]).

"Dongsan received it, please tell me!" Wang Chengzhu's voice rang through the radio.

"The target city wall of the whole battalion, the ruler is 57 69, and the right is [-] [-], ready!"

Then Lu Yingjun looked at Li Yunlong, and Li Yunlong shook his head: "No rush, wait for the devils to attack first."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a sharp whistling sound in the sky, and the overwhelming artillery shells fell towards the artillery position that the new regiment built last night.

A moment later, groups of artillery shells fell into the position, and the sound of explosions roared continuously and extended wantonly. The artillery fire shrouded the entire front slope of Lion Mountain in gunpowder smoke.

There was no test firing, and it was covered by artillery fire as soon as it came up.

In the endless smoke, all the earthworks built by Xinyi group last night were all destroyed. The 70mm infantry artillery, 90mm mortar, and 75mm field artillery, these three types of artillery are all very powerful. A mass of ground plowed over and over again.

"Damn it, the devil is so fucking rich. It's as if the shell doesn't cost any money." The sand from the explosion of the shell fell from the top, and Li Yunlong couldn't help but flatten his mouth.

"The devil's attacking troops are starting to move forward." Zhao Gang said suddenly after the devil shelled the position for 5 minutes.

Li Yunlong hurriedly raised his binoculars to look. Through the field of vision of the binoculars, 6 devil tanks were in front, followed by devils densely packed like locusts, rushing towards the frontal slope.

When the devil's attacking troops entered the 300-meter position of the forward position, Li Yunlong gave an order.

Under the leadership of Zhang Dabiao and Zheng Yu, the soldiers of the first battalion and the second battalion on the reverse slope crossed the reverse slope and entered the front slope position.

Mitake Tsuda, who saw this scene through the telescope, almost had his nose crooked. Just now, more than 1000 shells were fired, and he was lonely?

But at the moment, the arrow is on the string and has to be fired. When the devil tank enters the front position at a distance of 150 meters, the soldiers of the first and second battalions are already in position, and all the light and heavy machine guns are set up. , The bazooka soldiers have loaded the rockets.

As the Devils tank moved forward, the turret rapid-fire guns and heavy machine guns fired at the position, and the devils behind them were separated in skirmish lines.

The Devil tank entered the position 100 meters ahead of the front position. Li Yunlong asked the guards to play a red signal flare and gave the order to fire.

Lu Yingjun grabbed the receiver of the radio communicator and shouted loudly: "Dong San Dong San, fire immediately!"


(It’s August, begging for a guaranteed monthly pass!)

(End of this chapter)

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