I am helping

Chapter 170 Devils Will Counseling!

Chapter 170 Devils Will Counseling!
The front command of the new regiment issued an order for shelling.

As Lu Yingjun roared at the radio communicator, the sound of the cannon instantly tore through the peaceful air.

The 12 shells fired from the first round of the Shanpao Battalion fell from the same direction on the position outside the west gate of Yangquan City.

Metal projectiles with a breath of death pierced the air and made a terrifying whistling sound, and the west gate of Yangquan City was immediately plunged into a sea of ​​smoke and flames.

In order to achieve the suddenness of the shelling, the Shanpao Battalion did not conduct pre-test firing, but determined the shooting parameters with precision methods, and strived to make the first batch of shells hit the Japanese army hard.

Mitake Tsuda, head of the Fourth Brigade, was holding a telescope to observe the situation on the battlefield, when a red signal flare suddenly appeared in the field of vision of the telescope.

Then, countless tongues of flame suddenly sprang out from the Eighth Route's position, and these tongues of flame were drawn towards the attacking Japanese army like a whip, and the Japanese army who attacked at the front fell down.

Immediately afterwards, two attacking tanks were fired, causing Mitake Tsuda's face to darken instantly.

While thinking about why this Tubalu had such powerful firepower, Mitake Tsuda suddenly heard a strange whistling sound in the air.

The sound passed over the Lion Mountain, from far to near.

The battle-tested Mitake Tsuda suddenly turned pale.

As a professional soldier, he certainly knew better than others that this sound was the sound of high-speed projectiles piercing the air.

"Not good!" Tsuda Meiwu was immediately pushed down by the armored vehicle by the guards.

However, it was too late, the first batch of shells had already landed in front of Yangquan City. Amid the earth-shaking explosion, the entire city gate was filled with gunpowder smoke and shrapnel flew across.

A 75mm grenade landed right next to the armored vehicle, blasting Tsuda and his two guards into a pink mist.

Even the armored vehicle was overturned by the explosion. When the smoke cleared, Tsuda Mitake and the two guards disappeared.

The two trucks were blown up into scrap iron and ignited a raging fire, and the devil guards who were in charge of guarding the surrounding area suffered heavy casualties.

Kurosawa Shoji, who was urging the soldiers to attack, was pushed to the ground by the guards when the first batch of shells hit the ground, and then jumped up from the ground.

Kurosawa Shoji looked in the direction of the city gate, and rushed over desperately.

The Devil Artillery noticed something was wrong the moment they heard the whistling sound of the shells, and saw that the shells fell 500 meters behind and hit the brigade commander.

The captain of the Devils Artillery Corps sensed that something was wrong, and immediately ordered a change of position.

However, it is not so easy to move the artillery positions that have been built in a hurry. In less than half a minute, a sharp and strange howling sound came from above the head.

Faced with the artillery shells falling from the sky, the Devil Artillery soldiers were at a loss for a while, and all lay on the ground, leaving their fate to God's will.

One after another, the artillery shells hit the devil's artillery position, and the shock wave raged with sharp shrapnel, blowing away the devil's field artillery, infantry artillery and mortar.

Some shells even hit the ammunition box, making a more violent explosion sound. After three rounds of shelling, the entire Devils artillery position was destroyed, and corpses littered the field.


In the headquarters of the new regiment, I saw this scene with a telescope.

Li Yunlong looked very satisfied, and Lao Gao grinned at the corner of his mouth: "A mountain cannon battalion, covered by 12 mountain cannons, is enough for the little devil to drink a big pot."

Zhao Gang also said: "This is much more powerful than infantry artillery and mortars. One shell can blow up a large area."

"Just now the first round of shells landed outside the city wall. I don't know if it hit the devil commander?"

Li Yunlong snorted: "Whether you hit or not, the little devil is not feeling well at this time."

"The devil's artillery position has been eliminated."

"Let's continue feeding."

"Lu Yingjun, report the parameters to Wang Chengzhu immediately, and implement artillery coverage against the devils attacking the frontal slope."

At this time, the devil's attack on the site continued.

The Devil tanks used for the first wave of attack have all been killed by Bazooka.

Although there are still a few tanks parked behind the Devils, the Devils tanks pose little or even little threat to the Xinyi regiment.

Machine guns and bazookas are easy and fun to deal with the devil's thin-skinned tanks.

Right now, the artillery position that poses the greatest threat to the Xinyi regiment has been killed by the rear mountain artillery battalion. Now it only needs to focus on dealing with the devil infantry, killing a large number of devil infantry, and laying the groundwork for the subsequent attack on Yangquan City.

Lu Yingjun had already calculated the shooting parameters, and immediately grabbed the receiver and microphone of the radio communication machine, and shouted loudly: "Dong San Dong San, please answer if you hear it."

The sound of artillery roaring down the mountain was too low for the other party to hear.

After a while, Wang Chengzhu's voice rang through the receiver: "Dong three received it, hole two, hole two, did you hit the target, did you hit the target?"

The artillery position was a full 5 kilometers away from Lion Mountain, and Wang Chengzhu didn't know if the shells fired hit the little devil.

Lu Yingjun replied, "Hit the bull's eye!"

Wang Chengzhu's excited voice came from the receiver: "Beautiful!"

Immediately, Lu Yingjun took the receiver and microphone, and conveyed the new shooting parameters to Wang Chengzhu in secret words.

The devil's tank had already been killed by Bazooka, but there were so many devils that the battle became fierce and stalemate.

These devils are all elites, with excellent marksmanship, and they charge towards Xinyi group's position without fear of death.

However, the firepower network composed of machine gun firepower and submachine gun firepower of the new regiment pressed the devils to a position 70 meters away from the forward position.

After attacking for almost 10 minutes, the devils didn't even touch the forward position.

Soon, boom!boom!The Shanpao Battalion began to concentrate fire and shelling again, and the whistling sound of shells blazing across the sky resounded in the dark sky.

The whistling sound came from far to near, and it exploded in the middle of the devil crowd, setting off a cloud of mud and fog.

The devils who attacked at the beginning didn't feel anything, but the shells of the Eighth Route Army seemed to be inexhaustible, and they fell in pieces to harvest the lives of devil soldiers.

Moreover, none of these shells landed on the Eighth Route Army's positions, and all of them fell on the devil's offensive route.

Finally, the devil couldn't stand it anymore, and the captain of the devil's battalion waved his command knife and ordered to retreat.

But the artillery of the Eighth Route Army continued to fire, and the devil's shells followed wherever the shells landed, and the impact was extremely accurate.

Xu Jin's barrage followed the devils all the way to Yangquan City, and did not stop until the devils who survived fled into Yangquan City.

The ghost soldiers were all psychologically shadowed by the artillery of the Eighth Route Army.


On the Lion Mountain, watching the little devil flee into Yangquan City, he immediately closed the city gate. Li Changshun spat and said in a disdainful tone, "That's it? The devil is scared?"

Beside him, Wei Dayong's expression and tone were equally disdainful: "A bunch of trash."

The first battalion and the second battalion were fighting lively below, but the Sword Squadron sat on the bench behind. Seeing comrades in arms killing devils in front, the monk was very itchy.

Li Yunlong said that everyone in the Sword Squadron is a treasure, and they would not change for any battalion commander. The Sword Squadron basically has no routine combat tasks.

So the Sword Squadron became a reserve team like the Third Battalion.

Monk Wei and Li Changshun hoped that the devils would rush out and compete with the new regiment at this time.

In this way, the Sword Squadron is likely to participate in the battle and kill the devils.

"Xiao Shunzi, do you think the little devil dares to come out?" Monk Wei looked at Li Changshun.

The devils fell into the regiment leader's trick, and suffered heavy losses in the first wave of attacks. Six tanks were lost, and no less than 20 artillery pieces were lost. It is estimated that they dare not even come out now.

Ever since Monk Wei used the bazooka to hit 5 tanks last time and got a first-class merit, among the several team leaders, they started chattering again.

"Who are you calling Xiao Shunzi?" Li Changshun glared at Monk Wei, "I guess the devil is afraid to come out."

"I'm calling you." Monk Wei said, "If the devils don't come out, wouldn't our Sword Squadron be unable to eat meat?"

"Then I'll call you little monk from now on. If you don't have meat, you won't have meat." Li Changshun shrugged indifferently.

"Hey, it's really boring." Monk Wei twisted his neck, his expression lacking interest.

But Wang Xikui had already borrowed a machine gun from the machine gun company and pushed it over.

"What are you two muttering about?"

"The little devil will definitely send a plane to bomb us. Borrow a machine gun from the machine gun company."

"See if we can shoot down a plane or two to satisfy our hunger."

"Come on, this thing is powerful, I like it." Monk Wei grinned.

Monk Wei stood up and went straight to a gun emplacement of the machine gun company. This gun emplacement was well concealed, the entire machine gun was covered by grass and branches, and the soldiers were covered with grass and tree camouflage, and wore Grass ring.

He licked his lips, looked at the machine gun with burning eyes, and turned to look at the two soldiers.

"You two go to rest, I'll make this thing for you two." Monk Wei stared fiercely, and the two soldiers involuntarily gave up their gun positions.

"Thank you." Monk Wei grinned and pushed the cannon away.

Only then did the two soldiers come to their senses, stomped their feet and cried to the commander of the machine gun company: "This monk Hua is very arrogant, grab our machine gun."

"Forget it, let them use it if you want. Anyway, it's a loan, and it's not that you won't return it." He Jie waved his hand and said.

He Jie didn't dare to easily offend the ruthless people of the Sword Squadron, and this wasn't the first time machine guns were robbed.

Originally, the entire Xinyi regiment had 50 machine guns, 20 of which belonged to the gun platoons of each company, and the remaining 30 belonged to the machine gun company, but the regiment leader gave 10 to the brigade commander. There are only 20 cannons, and Li Yunlong has arranged these 40 cannons on the top of the hill, far apart from each other, to guard against the planes of the little devils.

On the frontal slope, when they saw the devils running back into the city, they ran out of the trenches one after another to clean up the battlefield.

It doesn't matter whether the devil is dead or not, and whether the devil lying on the ground is moving or not, first use the bayonet to stab the vital point first.

One after another, the sound of the bayonet piercing into the flesh sounded one after another.


New regiment headquarters.

Zhao Gang looked at Li Yunlong and asked, "Old Li, should we attack Yangquan next?"

"It's not that simple, the devil will definitely attack again." Li Yunlong's tone was calm and his eyes were deep.

Zhao Gang rarely sees Li Yunlong's eyes like this, which means that Li Yunlong's mind is running at high speed and he is extremely calm.

Zhao Gang said: "The devil's desperate attack failed, and his morale must have been greatly affected. He probably won't attack again? What's more, what kind of attack will the devil use? We have killed all the artillery and cannons, and their tanks are like waste. Like iron."

Li Yunlong looked up at the sky: "It's true that the Devil's artillery and cannons were killed by us, and the Devil's tank was useless, but don't forget that the Devil still has planes."

"Devil plane..."

Zhao Gang was stunned, and suddenly thought of the scene where the whole Xinyi group was chased by the devil plane a few months ago, his face changed slightly.

"Lu Yingjun, notify Wang Chengzhu immediately, hide all the mountain cannons, and tell them to act quickly."

Zhao Gang turned to Lu Yingjun and ordered.

(End of this chapter)

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