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Chapter 171 is hard to bear.

Chapter 171 is hard to bear.

At the headquarters of the Fourth Brigade of the Japanese Army in Yangquan.

The chief of staff of the brigade, Kurosawa Shoji, stared at the pile of shredded meat in front of him, and was stunned, like a sculpture.

The minced meat was about to be wrapped in the battle robe, which was collected at the point of impact, with gravel, soil, and shrapnel sandwiched in it, and the crimson blood dripped out of the battle robe like a filter.

Although Mitake Tsuda is tyrannical, bloodthirsty, and a lunatic when fighting, Kurosawa Shoji thinks that Mitake Tsuda is a good brigade commander.

But such a good brigade leader has now turned into a pile of minced meat, and the pile of minced meat in front of him may not all be his.

It was hard for Kurosawa Shoji to imagine that the head of the brigade, the brigade commander who was commanding them half an hour ago, was gone in just half an hour.

It's hard.

"chief of staff?"

Toshio Ogata, the captain of the second battalion, walked in with a dark face, holding a saber, and shouted cautiously when he saw this.

"Where is your Excellency the brigade commander?"

When he was at the front just now, Toshio Ogata concentrated his attention on directing the soldiers to attack the eight-way position. He only saw the artillery position being blown up, but he didn't notice that the brigade commander was also blown up.

The black face was entirely due to the smoke from the shells.

Hearing the voice, Kurosawa Masaji came back to his senses and pointed to the minced meat on the table: "Your Excellency, brigade commander, the jade is broken."

"Nani? Is this your Excellency the head of the brigade?" Toshio Ogata was stunned when he saw it, "This is impossible!"

"Tell me it's not true!"

"Chief of Staff, tell me it's not true!"

Toshio Ogata muttered to himself in an unbelievable tone.

"Ogata-kun, this is true!" Kurosawa Masaji said dejectedly, "Your Excellency, Brigade Commander, was blown up by the eighth artillery."

Hearing this, Toshio Ogata seemed to have lost all energy and energy, and lost his mind.

Immediately, he raised his head abruptly, his expression sharp, his eyes bloodshot: "I'm going to avenge your Excellency the brigade commander!"

"Baga!" Kurosawa Masaji shouted, "Balu's firepower is beyond imagination. If you attack Balu now, you will only die."

"Then what should we do?" Toshio Ogata stopped, turned his head and asked, "Can we just hide in Yangquan City?"

"Ogata-kun, how many casualties did you have in the second brigade?" Kurosawa Masaji asked.

"There were more than 600 casualties, but we can still fight." Toshio Ogata paused and said, "Chief of Staff, please give me one more chance. I will definitely take down Lion Mountain and chop off the head of the Eighth Route Commander to commemorate the Brigade Commander. Heroic Spirit."

"Nani? The casualties are so high?" Masaji Kurosawa said in disbelief.

Only one wave of attacks not only failed to take the Lion Mountain position as expected, but also caused more than 600 casualties, which was far beyond Tsuda Mitake's expectations.

What makes Kurosawa Shoji even more unacceptable is that even the head of the brigade has been involved. It can be said that this wave of attacks has become a Muggle.

This is only the attacking troops, plus the artillery lost by the artillery brigade under the eight-way shelling, plus the casualties last night, the loss exceeded a thousand people at once.

Although unbelievable, this is the cruel fact.

There are still a thousand soldiers capable of fighting in the city, but at least 200 must be left to defend the city, otherwise it is easy to be stolen by the Eighth Route Army.

In the east of Yangquan, there is also a large-scale Eighth Route Army attacking force. The Imperial Association Army alone cannot defend Yangquan City.

But without the cover of the artillery, what can we do now to fight this powerful eight-way fight?

Masahiro Kurosawa looked down, looking at the map with thoughtful eyes.

"Artillery..." Suddenly, Masahiro Kurosawa's expression changed, and Eight Routes could win this battle thanks to artillery.

As long as the artillery of the Eight Routes can be dealt with, there will be no difficulty in defeating the Eight Routes.

While thinking about it, the Communications Staff Officer came in holding the telegram, and saluted Kurosawa Masaji with a slap in the face, without any emotion in his tone: "Report to the Chief of Staff, General Shinozuka sent an urgent call, asking where we have advanced."

Kurosawa Shoji raised his head, with a slightly embarrassed expression, where did he push... how to reply?

"Immediately call General Shinozuka. Our troops were stubbornly blocked by the Eighth Route Army, nicknamed the Taihang Mountain Heroes Regiment, at Lion Mountain. They suffered heavy losses, with more than half the casualties. Your Excellency, Brigade Commander... Yu Sui."

"Request tactical guidance from the headquarters."

"Send it immediately!"

The flag of the new regiment said Taihang Mountain Heroes Regiment. Because the flag-giving time was short and the new regiment was relatively low-key, Masaji Kurosawa didn't know which army of the Eighth Route Army it was.

"Hi!" The communications staff member memorized the content of the telegram, closed the folder, paused, then quickly walked out of the war room and walked straight to the communications room.


In the inner city of Taiyuan, the headquarters of the Japanese First Army.

The sand table set up overnight by the combat staff department was covered with small red flags and mini sun flags.

The small red flags represent the strongholds that the Eighth Route has breached, and the Sun Flag represents the strongholds that the Japanese army has not yet breached on the Zhengtai and Tongpu Railways.

More than 200 small red flags were planted all over the Tongpu and Zhengtai railways on the sand table.

Chief of Communications Staff Toshimatsu Kasai anxiously reported: "Your Excellency, as of 200:[-] a.m., more than [-] small and medium-sized strongholds of Tongpu Railway and Zhengtai Railway have lost contact."

"Among them, there are only more than 30 garrison teams of small strongholds withdrawing into large strongholds."

"Whether these strongholds that lost contact were captured by the Eight Routes is still unknown."

"The Eighth Route Army's offensive this time is larger than any previous one. The number of troops dispatched by the Eighth Route Army is conservatively estimated... no less than 40 regiments."

Because the Japanese army did not receive any intelligence in advance, the Eighth Route Army's attack was carefully planned in advance, and the headquarters' orders were decisive.

Of course, the First Army has more than a few brigades and three divisions around Zhongtiao Mountain, besieging the Central Army in Zhongtiao Mountain.

However, those divisions did not receive orders from the North China Front Army Command, and Shinozuka Yoshio did not dare to move them easily.

Moreover, mobilizing the troops of those divisions now, the far water cannot save the near fire.

The Japanese and puppet troops stationed at Tongpu Road and Zhengtai Road in Shanxi were stunned at once.

Yoshio Shinozuka's face was as heavy as water, and the counterattack plan formulated by the staff department was: gather troops to attack the Eighth Route from the east and west sides of Pinghan and Tongpu Roads, and gather the Ninth Brigade and the Fourth Brigade to attack the Eighth Route from the east to west. In one day, Balu was driven away from Zhengtai Railway.

But right now, it seems that the situation is much worse than Yoshio Shinozuka imagined, and most of the out-of-contact strongholds have probably been captured by Eight Routes.

Yoshio Shinozuka asked in a deep voice, "Is there no news from the Fourth Brigade?"

At present, the headquarters of the Ninth Brigade has moved out of the Yuci area along the Zhengtai Railway, and news came that although the Ninth Brigade was blocked by the Eighth Route, the advance was slow, but at least it was advancing.

There is no news at all about the Fourth Brigade.

As soon as the words fell, a communications soldier came in holding a telegram, paused and handed the telegram to Toshimatsu Kasai.

"Your Excellency, Commander, the urgent telegram from the Fourth Brigade..." Toshimatsu Kasai, who only glanced at the content of the telegram, shrank his pupils, and his expression gradually became unbelievable.

"Read!" Yoshio Shinozuka stared at the sand table, not noticing Toshimatsu Kasai's expression, he waved his hands and said expressionlessly.

"Hi!" Kasai Toshisong held the telegram in both hands and read aloud, "Our troops were stubbornly blocked by the Eighth Route Army, nicknamed the Taihang Mountain Heroes Regiment, at Lion Mountain."

"The enemy's firepower is fierce. The Fourth Brigade has suffered heavy losses, with more than half of the casualties. Your Excellency, Brigade Commander... Yu Sui."

"Chief of Staff Masaji Kurosawa requests tactical guidance!"

"On board His Majesty the Emperor, on board the Great Japanese Imperial Army!"

As soon as the words fell, the entire battle hall of the First Army became dead silent, and all the officers, including Shinozuka Yoshio and Kusuyama Hideyoshi, froze as if their acupuncture points had been tapped at the same time.

"Nani?" Kusuyama Hideyoshi's tone was full of disbelief.



Yoshio Shinozuka was furious.

Everyone present did not expect that Mitake Tsuda died, and it was at such a critical time, which made the already bad situation of the First Army even worse.

Kusuyama Hideyoshi snatched the telegram from Kasai Toshimatsu's hand and read it quickly with an unbelievable expression.

"Which Eighth Route Army is this Taihang Mountain Heroes Group?" Kusuyama Hideyoshi looked at the intelligence staff officer Takeo Iteng.

"It's the Xinyi Regiment of the 386th Brigade of the Eighth Route Army, and the regiment leader is Li Yunlong." An Teng Wunan paused, he knew this.

"It's Li Yunlong again?" Yoshio Shinozuka took a deep breath and calmed down the anger in his heart with a cold tone.

During the words, there was a murderous look.

"The remaining troops of the [-]th Brigade were handed over to General Kurosawa to take full command, and the aviation of the [-]st Army took off immediately to cooperate with the [-]th Brigade."

"Li Yunlong must be completely eliminated, regardless of the cost."

Yoshio Shinozuka narrowed his eyes behind the black round glasses, full of murderous aura.

The Commander personally ordered that the regimental commanders of the Eighth Route Army be a little undervalued, but at this time Yoshio Shinozuka could no longer take care of that little face.

Three commanders died in the hands of Li Yunlong, and even a major general brigade commander died in the hands of Li Yunlong today...

If the development continues like this, the lieutenant general himself may lose his head.

Li Yunlong, damn it!

At this time, Shinozuka Yoshio could no longer suppress his killing intent towards Li Yunlong.

"Hi!" Kasai Toshimatsu and Kusuyama Hideyoshi nodded together.

Then the two began to perform their respective duties. Kasai Toshimatsu was in charge of liaising with the Fourth Brigade, and Kusuyama Hideyoshi was in charge of formulating plans and coordinating and directing the planes to help.


In the morning, the results of each unit were summarized to the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army.

The 5th regiment of the right column of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region's main attacking force captured Niangziguan at dawn. The main force covered the engineers, destroyed a large number of enemy fortifications, and blew up the Kanto Railway Bridge.

The brigades and regiments had basically completed the first phase of the assault mission, and took out more than 200 devil strongholds overnight.

The Zhengtai Railway to the west of Niangziguan has basically been controlled by the 129th Division. Except for some medium and large strongholds, the devils have become deaf and blind.

This means that the initiative on the battlefield has been firmly controlled by the Eighth Route Army.

Afterwards, the devil will only be beaten passively.

In the morning, the Xinyi Regiment gave the Japanese 700th Brigade a head-on blow at Lion Mountain, and wiped out more than [-] enemies.

When the news came, the Eighth Route Army cheered.


(End code early and wait for news.)
(End of this chapter)

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