I am helping

Chapter 172 We are fooled!

Chapter 172 We are fooled!
After the commander of the Fourth Brigade, Mitake Tsuda, was blown to nothing.

Yoshio Shinozuka gave the brigade Chief of Staff Kurosawa Shoji full command of the Fourth Brigade.

Different from Tsuda Mitake's lunatic style of play, Kurosawa Shoji appeared to be cautious, and first formulated a battle plan with several combat staff officers.

In the war room of the Fourth Brigade Headquarters, Kurosawa Shoji asked the communications staff to send the operational plan to the First Army Headquarters and asked for tactical guidance.

Kurosawa Shoji turned his head, and said to Toshio Ogata, "Mr. Ogata, this time you don't want to participate in the attack on the Eighth Route of Lion Mountain."

Toshio Ogata's tone was inconceivable: "Chief of Staff, you don't trust me? After an attack in the morning, the Eighth Route has no more ammunition. Give me two more squadrons, and I will definitely take down the main peak of Lion Mountain. Please believe me ,give me one more chance!"

Kurosawa Shoji took a sip of tea and said, "Of course I trust Ogata-kun very much. I have more important tasks to entrust to you."


"The main reason for the failure of the first attack was the artillery of the Eighth Route Army on the rear side of the Lion Mountain."

"I asked the artillery to calculate that the artillery position of the Eighth Route is likely to be 5 kilometers behind the side of the Lion Mountain."

"The task of you and your soldiers is to detour to the rear of the Eighth Route, find the Eighth Route's artillery position, and completely destroy the Eighth Route's artillery position."

Kurosawa Masaji's tone was cold and hard, with a gloomy expression.

Toshio Ogata paused and said, "Please give me another soldier from the artillery squad."

"If I can find the Eighth Artillery position, destroy the Eighth Artillery, and capture a few cannons."

"I can immediately shell the main peak of the Eighth Route Lion Mountain and provide artillery support for the frontal attack troops."

"Let the Eight Routes have a taste of their own artillery fire."

Kurosawa Masahiro said: "Ogata-kun, your method is good, but you must be careful, there will definitely be troops protecting the Eighth Route Artillery position."

"Chief of staff, don't worry, unless the eighth route has a regiment to protect it, the artillery of the eighth route is in the pocket of the imperial army." Toshio Ogata said in a confident tone.

"Yoxi." Kurosawa Masaji said happily, "Also, you must bring the radio. If there are too many Eighth Route troops, immediately report the location of the Eighth Route artillery positions, and the brigade headquarters will call the headquarters for aviation support."

"Hi!" Toshio Ogata said, "In this way, nothing will go wrong."

The radio station of the Japanese army was popularized to the brigade level, and Toshio Ogata was the captain of the brigade, so his subordinates were equipped with radio stations.

Toshio Ogata's second brigade suffered heavy losses in the morning attack. Apart from the wounded, only about 200 people, a squadron, could still fight.

However, in the eyes of Kurosawa Shoji and Ogata Toshio, a squadron's strength is enough to attack the Eighth Route Artillery position.

After speaking, Toshio Ogata walked out with his saber in his arms.

Immediately, Kurosawa Shoji looked at Zhongshan Zhenwu, the first captain of the Fourth Brigade.

"Mr. Zhongshan, the headquarters is calling. The one in Lion Mountain is our old opponent of the 386th Brigade, the new regiment of the [-]th Brigade of the Eighth Route."

"Nani?" Zhongshan Zhenwu narrowed his eyes, with a murderous look, "It's Li Yunlong?"

Everyone in the Fourth Brigade knew the designation of the Eighth Route Army Xinyi Regiment and its commander Li Yunlong. His name was engraved in the hearts of these devils like a brand.

"That's right, it's Li Yunlong." Masahiro Kurosawa said, "This is an extremely cunning and vicious enemy. Both Sakata and the brigade commander died at the hands of this person."

Zhongshan Zhenwu's tone was cold: "Chief of Staff, please let me lead the warriors to level the Lion Mountain, cut off Li Yunlong's head, and pay homage to the brigade commander and the heroic spirit of Sakata Dazuo."

"Of course we must cut off Li Yunlong's head." Masaru Kurosawa said, "But the firepower of the Eight Routes is too strong, and a frontal attack is not enough. We must outsmart it."

"I will order the Japanese ronin in the city to be armed to increase their strength."

"The Ronin wore the clothes of the imperial army and drove the imperial association army to attack Lion Mountain from the front."

"You lead two squadrons to detour from Yanzigou, go around to the rear wing of the Eighth Route to attack, and attack from both sides to take the Eighth Route's position in one fell swoop."

Compared with Tsuda Mitake's reckless style of play, Kurosawa Shoji is much more insidious.

In order to win the Lion Mountain position this time, he made four preparations: one was to call the aviation support to the headquarters, the other was to order Toshio Ogata to attack the Eighth Route Artillery position in a detour, and the third was to use ronin to pretend to be the regular army to drive the puppet army to the front The eighth route of attack, the fourth is that the main force of the Japanese army circled around and launched an attack from behind the Lion Mountain.

The [-]th Brigade of the Japanese Army also has two infantry regiments under its jurisdiction, but these two regiments are stationed on the Zhengtai Railway and some other roads.

Moreover, more than 1000 soldiers were recently taken away to the Central China battlefield, which made the Japanese Fourth Brigade even less powerful.

Now he still has about 4 squadrons of more than 800 troops, one squadron is to defend the city, and the other is to attack the Eighth Route Artillery position.

There are only 2 squadrons that can be used to attack the Eighth Route from behind.

However, Kurosawa Shoji is very confident. With this combination of punches, it will not be a big problem to win the Lion Mountain.


At two o'clock in the afternoon, five Nakajima fighter jets and four Type [-] attack planes took off from Xincheng Airport outside Taiyuan City.

The formation was led by Kato Takashi, the Ninth Flying Squadron of the First Army.

Their task was to support the Fourth Yangquan Brigade, bomb the Eighth Route Army on Lion Mountain, and conduct reconnaissance along the Zhengtai Railway.

Ryuichi Kato drove such a Nakajima fighter jet, led the fleet to turn 90 degrees, and flew straight east along the Zhengtai Railway.

The aircraft fleet lined up in a neat battle formation, and the engines roared over the villages, fields and mountains, and soon saw the Zhengtai Railway.

Considering that this time it was just to scout the railway by the way, and that the Eighth Route is likely to be equipped with anti-aircraft guns, the fighters and bombers flew higher.

The two rails under the wing are like two parallel lines, like two black wires laid on the ground. This place has not been damaged by the Eighth Route. It seems that Taiyuan will not be threatened.

It didn't take long for the devil pilots in the cabin to see the Eighth Route Army destroying the railway tracks and attacking strongholds.

The Eighth Route Army seemed to see the plane coming and did not hide at all, and they were not afraid of death. The battle below was extremely fierce, because the smoke from the battle covered the sky and the sun.

These little devils really want to drop a few bombs, but it is useless at all, because there are too many eight roads, densely packed, and it is impossible to count how many there are.

The straight-line distance from Taiyuan to Yangquan is about 100 kilometers, but for fighter jets and bombers, it only takes half an hour.

"01, a camouflage net was found on the lower right. It is suspected to be an eight-way artillery position. Are you attacking? Are you attacking?" The right-wing fighter pilot called Kato Ryuichi.

In fact, Kato Ryuichi also discovered that the color of an open space was clearly different from other places.

Kato Ryu raised his binoculars and looked down to the right. He could clearly see the camouflage nets one by one, and the Eighth Route soldiers in gray clothes lying near the camouflage nets.

There was a sneer at the corner of Ryuichi Kato's mouth. It seemed that this group of mud-legged people had never flown a plane before, so they didn't know how to avoid the bombing of the plane.

How could such a poor camouflage be hidden from the eyes of the pilot?Didn't you know that pilots are also equipped with binoculars?

"If you don't eat the fat in your mouth, you will feel sorry for Balu."

Kato Takaichi made a joke, and then ordered: "03 and 04 are responsible for covering, and 06 is responsible for attacking the enemy artillery positions."

"Other fighters and attack aircraft followed me on."

"Everyone, be careful, our opponent this time has about 20 anti-aircraft cannons."

The modified Nakajima fighter jets are equipped with radios, and the Type [-] attack aircraft also has radio stations and radios.

Ryuichi Kato had already learned from Toshimatsu Kasai, the communications staff officer of the First Army, that their opponent this time was the Eighth Route Army troops that fought against them in the Xinzhou Basin last time.

The Japanese flight formation swept across the sky, and 2 Nakajima fighter jets and a 1-type attack aircraft broke away from the flight formation.

After turning to the left, they circled back again. Although the turning radius of the Nakajima fighter jets and the Type 10 attack planes was not large, from the ground, the diameter of the Devil plane's circle in the air was at least [-] kilometers long.

The three Devil pilots pulled the joystick, the nose sank, and they swooped down through the clouds.

The open-air artillery position on the ground was getting closer and closer, and the Devil pilot put his hand on the bomb button, and then pressed it without hesitation.

The ten 100kg aerial bombs under the wings of the Type [-] attack aircraft were all detached, and the aerial bombs were dropped towards the artillery positions like dumplings.

As the three planes passed by, the aerial bomb landed at the same time, accompanied by a deafening noise, the ground shook violently, and the flames from the aerial bomb explosion formed a mushroom cloud of smoke tens of meters high!

"06 completed the bombing mission and was not attacked." The Devil pilot piloting the Type [-] attack aircraft looked back at the rising smoke and reported on the radio.

"Yoshi!" Kato Ryuichi responded, "06 will return immediately, and 03 and 04 will make a second dive attack on the Eighth Route Artillery position. Don't let an Eight Route Artillery go."

The Type [-] attack plane flew straight west, but the two Nakajima fighter wingmen serving as cover turned somersaults and flew back.

Then he quickly swooped down to the bombed position, but he didn't see the cannon that was blown into parts, the ground was not bombed by the aerial bombs, and the eighth road who was lying on his stomach remained motionless.

One of the pilots grabbed the microphone and shouted: "We were fooled, this is a fake position, there are no cannons below, and the eight roads lying on the ground are also fake."


Kato Ryuichi's curse came from the radio receiver.

"03 and 04, return to the team immediately and join the attack on the eight-way position on Lion Mountain."

"Hi!" The devils in the 03 and 04 fighter planes responded.

At this time, Kato Ryuichi had already led the flying formation to fly over the Lion Mountain, saw the target clearly, flew over Yangquan City and quickly turned back.

3 fighter jets, 3 bombers, and a total of six Devil planes roared through the clouds and dived desperately towards Lion Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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