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Chapter 174 I Can't Protect Myself!

Chapter 174 I Can't Protect Myself!

The second attack by the devils and the puppet army began again.

But the combat effectiveness and willpower of this group of devils are very low.

The entire puppet army lost courage with only a quarter of the casualties.

If it weren't for the devils chasing after them with guns, this group of puppet troops would have fled long ago.

When the casualties reached one-third, the puppet army completely collapsed. Even if the devils were shooting from behind with machine guns, the puppet army did not dare to move forward.

They all lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead.

The firepower of the Eighth Route is too strong, and the ammunition is too sufficient. In front of this kind of firepower net, no one can rush to the Eighth Route's defense line.

Even the elite devils can't do it. The corpses of Japanese soldiers lying in front of the Eighth Route Frontier and the tanks that were burned to scrap iron are good proofs.

Finally, those Japanese ronin organized an attack on the Shindan regiment.

However, these Japanese ronin have stronger willpower than the puppet army. After all, they are not regular soldiers, and their combat effectiveness is very stretched.

Although it wasn't as easy to collapse as the puppet army, it didn't take long for them to be defeated and suffered heavy casualties.

This made the commanders and fighters of the new regiment very surprised. When did the devil's combat effectiveness become so weak?
Upstairs in Yangquan City, Kurosawa Shoji held up the binoculars and watched the frontal attack fail. His expression changed slightly, but soon returned to normal.

These puppet soldiers and ronin are just cannon fodder in Kurosawa's second-hand hands, and they can be discarded at any time.

A combat staff officer answered the phone, and then said to Kurosawa Masahiro: "Your Excellency, Chief of Staff, the headquarters is calling, and the eight-way artillery position bombed by the aviation is a false target."


"Are the aviation soldiers' eyes all the way to their butts?"

"You can't even see the fake artillery positions?"

Immediately, Kurosawa Shoji breathed a sigh of relief again. It may be a good thing that the Eighth Route artillery positions were not destroyed.

Now, as long as Toshio Ogata sneaks up on the artillery positions of the Eighth Route, bombards the Lion Mountain position with the Eighth Route's artillery, and the devious Japanese army launches an attack from the rear, it will be able to make an extreme comeback!

"Trash!" In the field of vision of the telescope, seeing the Japanese ronin and puppet soldiers who had fled back, Kurosawa Masaji had a cold expression.

"Organize the Ronin and the Imperial Association Army to launch another attack on the Eight Route Army!"

He knew very well that although the offensive of these ronin and puppet troops could not be effective, it could contain the main force of the Eighth Route, attract the attention of the Eighth Route, and consume their ammunition.

And this is enough.

"Hi!" The combat staff officer behind him paused, and then ran down the city wall.


On the southeast side of Yangquan, there is a river named Tao River, which is a tributary of Wen River.

Toshio Ogata sneaked across the Peach River with an army of more than 200 devils.

Among them was a small group of devil artillery, which walked south for a certain distance and then turned sharply to the east.

Dressed in the clothes of ordinary Chinese people, devil scouts disguised as ordinary people walked in front to explore the way.

Battalion Captain Toshio Ogata followed far behind with infantry and artillery, waiting for an opportunity.

A few kilometers away, Toshio Ogata and the devils all heard the violent explosion of the aerial bomb, shaking the sky and shaking the earth, like a muffled thunder exploding in their ears.

The sound of guns and artillery on the side of Lion Mountain became more and more intense. It should be that the Imperial Association Army and Ronin started to attack, but the scouts still did not find the artillery position of the Eighth Route.

Toshio Ogata knew that he could no longer be so cautious.

If you can't find the artillery positions of the Eight Routes as soon as possible, the Imperial Association Army and Ronin will not be able to defeat the Eight Routes anyway.

Toshio Ogata has already experienced the firepower of the Eighth Route Army on the front slope of Lion Mountain, and it is very strong.

So Toshio Ogata decisively ordered all the infantry to disperse except for the artillery, looking for artillery positions on the eighth route.

Toshio Ogata thought very simply, the more people were dispersed, the greater the probability of finding the Eighth Route Artillery position.

But in this way, the devil also increased the probability of being discovered by a new group of scouts.

In a dense forest about 3 kilometers away from Lion Mountain in a straight line, the headquarters of Xinyi Tuanshan Artillery Battalion is here, only more than 500 meters away from the fake artillery position blown up by the devils.

The mountain cannons are hidden everywhere in the woods, and there is a row of small hills between here and the fake artillery positions.

The cavalry battalion in charge of security set up a guard post on the top of the hill.

As soon as the devil scout came into view, he was seen by the lookout post of the cavalry battalion.

At the moment, the lookout post sent a signal to the sentinel in the forest, and then the lookout post stayed where it was and continued to observe the movement of the devils.

At the headquarters of the Shanpao Battalion, Wang Chengzhu stood in front of the radio communication machine, waiting for orders from the regiment headquarters at any time.

Sun Desheng was lying on one side eating jerky horse meat.

The sentinel ran over quickly with a rifle in hand, and saluted Sun Desheng with a slap: "Report to the battalion commander, a signal has been sent from the lookout post, and the devil scouts have been found."

Sun Desheng stood up, his eyes lit up: "It's finally here? How many devils are here?"

The sentinel replied: "I only saw devil scouts, but I don't know how many are behind."

"Continue to explore!" Sun Desheng took a deep breath.

The sentinel turned and left.

Sun Desheng yelled: "Pass my order, the cavalry battalion gathers and prepares for battle!"

However, Wang Chengzhu continued to guard the radio communication device as if he had never heard of it.


In Lion Mountain, Xinyi Regiment headquarters.

Zhao Gang's attention has been on the frontal battlefield of Lion Mountain.

But Li Yunlong only glanced at the front occasionally, and then his eyes fell on the mountains on the north side, and he refused to look back for a long time.

After looking through the binoculars for a long time, Zhao Gang suddenly said: "Old Li, the Japanese puppet army's third attack was repulsed, and the enemy suffered heavy losses. Do you want to order the first battalion and the second battalion to pursue?"

"This group of devils and the puppet army are very weak in combat effectiveness. They will order to pursue them, and they will definitely achieve greater results."

"Huh, huh?" Li Yunlong was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Don't chase, these devils and puppet soldiers have no fighting power, just run away."

"Old Li, what's the matter with you?" Zhao Gang asked, "I see why you are absent-minded?"

Li Yunlong said: "I'm looking to see if the devils come around from the mountains in the north and attack us from behind."

"Attack us from behind?" Zhao Gang was stunned, and raised his binoculars to look over, "Did you see the devil?"

"No." Li Yunlong said, "But I guess, the devil must have a backhand."

As soon as the words fell, a member of the Sword Squadron hurried into the headquarters and saluted Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang with a snap.

Then he reported: "Reporting to the head of the regiment and the political commissar, there is a group of devils appearing in Yanzigou. The strength is about two squadrons, carrying heavy weapons such as heavy machine guns and mortars."

Although no troops were deployed in Yanzigou, a new regiment of scouts was deployed there, and they were also scouts from the Sword Squadron.

Li Yunlong immediately picked up the binoculars and looked in the direction of Yanzigou. The distance is not far, but there is a row of hills in the middle, and there is no devil sneaking over there.

"Send me an order, the third battalion is ready to fight."

"The first battalion was withdrawn from the position to support the third battalion."

"As soon as the battle started, the Sword Squadron immediately seized the top of Yanzigou Mountain and cut off the devil's retreat."

Li Yunlong ordered loudly.

He knew very well that there were not many devils left in Yangquan City.

In his plan, the Xinyi Regiment was going to capture Yangquan City. If this group of devils retreated to Yangquan City, the difficulty of attacking Yangquan City would increase exponentially.

Therefore, if these devils leave the city, they must not be let back.

Once the devils go back, it will undoubtedly be letting the tiger go back to the mountain, which will bring big troubles to Xinyituan.

"Yes!" The communications soldier snapped a military salute, and then ran outside quickly.

The third battalion also dug trenches and foxholes on the reverse slope.

Kurosawa Shoji's plan was very good, he wanted to attack the eight forces from both sides, but he didn't expect that the fighting power of the ronin and the puppet army was too weak, and the offensive was almost collapsed at the touch of a finger.

Up to now, it is no longer possible to organize a decent offensive on the front, because the living puppet troops basically lie on the ground to save their lives.

As soon as Zhongshan Zhenwu led two squadrons of Japanese troops out of Yanzigou, he immediately attacked the anti-slope position of Lion Mountain.

The devil's offensive was very fierce. As soon as they came up, they used grenades and mortars to wash the ground of the third battalion's position.

The artillery of the third battalion immediately fought back, and the two sides launched an evenly matched artillery battle.

Immediately afterwards, a squadron of devils swooped towards the position of the 3rd Battalion in a skirmish line with a bayonet-mounted rifle.

However, Chen Dagu, the commander of the third battalion, had already prepared a big meal for the devils.

Chen Dagu, who is good at making insidious tricks, asked the engineers to plant more than forty powerful S mines in front of the position and mark them for concealment.

Not surprisingly, although the devils scattered widely, there were still devils who stepped on S mines one after another.

boom boom-

The mines exploded continuously, and thousands of steel balls and metal fragments shot out horizontally in all directions, and a large area of ​​devils fell down.

The front of the entire position was shrouded in flames and smoke.

Blood mist splattered, and pieces of flesh flew across.

No less than 40 devils were killed in the attack.

These devils are not like the puppet soldiers and ronin attacking the front and slope positions, their expressions are full of fierceness, and they continue to rush towards the position.

The soldiers of the new regiment have rich experience in positional warfare, waiting for the devils to enter within a distance of 30 meters.

At the order of the third battalion commander, big tumors and melon grenades flew together, like a flock of sparrows flying in the sky.

Then the light and heavy machine guns and submachine guns screamed wildly, and the dense firepower rushed towards the devil like a whip.

The devil was stunned at once, and fell into a pool of blood in pieces.

Although the devil's marksmanship was very accurate, but the firepower was suppressed, and he didn't even have a chance to shoot.

The devils behind couldn't stand it anymore, and then retreated one after another. When retreating, they panicked and stepped on many landmines.

In a wave of attacks, the devils left more than a hundred corpses, and more than half of a squadron suffered casualties.

Watching this scene, Lieutenant Zuo Zhongshan Zhenwu was about to explode. He never expected that the Eighth Route Army would have such strong firepower on the reverse slope.

"Captain, the Eighth Route has increased troops!" The captain and adjutant next to him pointed at the high slope of Lion Mountain, his eyes widened.

Zhongshan Zhenwu quickly raised his binoculars to look, and saw a large number of Eighth Route soldiers turning over from the ridge on the high slope of Lion Mountain, covering the mountains and plains.

The long-awaited artillery support never arrived, and Zhongshan Zhenwu realized that the situation was a little bit bad, and it was beyond Kurosawa Masaji's control.


"What the hell is Toshio Ogata doing with that stupid pig? Is he lost?"

"Withdraw to the city immediately!"

At that moment, Zhongshan Zhenwu led the remaining sneak attack troops back to Yanzigou.

It's not that Toshio Ogata has lost his way, but that he is also in danger at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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