I am helping

Chapter 175 Seeing this thing is like seeing a beauty!

Chapter 175 Seeing this thing is like seeing a beauty!

After Toshio Ogata dispersed his troops, the Japanese soldiers quickly discovered the place where the bombers had bombed.

And in this vicinity, there is only a dense forest where one can hide and hide guns.

Toshio Ogata felt that the Eighth Route's artillery and cannons were probably hidden in this dense forest.

But it's not realistic to call aviation to bomb here, because the forest is a bit big.

At that moment, Toshio Ogata gathered the scattered devils again and prepared to search the woods.

The cautious Toshio Ogata did not rush into the woods recklessly, but sent a small squad of soldiers to go in first.

More than a dozen devil soldiers spread out and entered the forest from different positions.

After a burst of gunshots came from the woods, the ghost soldiers who entered the woods seemed to disappear, and there was no signal for a long time.

Something must have happened. Now Toshio Ogata is sure that the Eight Route Cannons are hidden in this forest.

Yo West!

Toshio Ogata showed excitement in his eyes, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he couldn't help licking his lips.

With a swipe sound, Toshio Ogata drew out his command saber, and said loudly, "Warriors, the Eighth Route's cannons are hidden in this forest."

"The time has come to make contributions to His Majesty the Emperor and the Empire of Japan."

"Kill the eight roads and grab the cannon!"

"Kill the eight roads and grab the cannon!" The devils yelled one after another.

"Attack!" Toshio Ogata pointed the command knife forward.

The devils were located on the hill between the aircraft bombing position and the woods, about 200 meters away from the woods.

The devils with the grass ring on their heads rushed down the hill one after another, holding rifles, bowing their bodies, and walked cautiously towards the woods in a skirmish line.

Toshio Ogata did not move. He is the captain of the battalion, and according to the regulations, he is not allowed to participate in the charge. The dozens of artillerymen beside him also did not move. Artillerymen are not good at charging.

The artillery squadron leader gritted his teeth and said, "Your Majesty, I suggest firing arson bombs into the woods to burn all the Eighth Route Army to death."

Most of the Devils Artillery Brigade suffered casualties from the shelling, and the captain of the squadron was also killed. This artillery squadron leader was one of the lucky ones who survived.

They also brought an artillery squad and four Type 4 81mm mortars.


"Are you an idiot?"

"What if Balu blows up the cannon before he dies?"

"What do you do when you shoot arson bombs and cannons and run away from the other side of the woods?"

As soon as the leader of the Devil Squadron finished speaking, he was scolded by Toshio Ogata.


"Baga, don't talk nonsense, quickly set up the mortar and provide artillery support to the warriors."


"Build artillery positions, Ha Ya Gu, Ha Ya Gu!"

The Devil artillerymen were busy building mortar positions.

People standing in the dark can see people and things clearly in the light, but people standing in the light can see things in the dark very blurry.

Now the cavalry battalion was in the dark in the woods, and the devils were in the light.

The soldiers of the cavalry battalion could clearly see the devil who touched them, but the devil couldn't see the situation in the forest at all.

Soon, the devil touched the edge of the forest at a distance of about 30 meters, and could already vaguely see some grass and trees in the forest.

Some devils saw something that looked like a gun barrel, so they pulled the bolt and pushed the bullet into the chamber, and raised their guns to shoot there.

Before the devil could shoot, there was a sudden sound of gunfire in the woods.

The devils in front fell down, and the devils behind quickly lay down on the ground and shot into the woods.

However, he couldn't see the position of the eight roads in the forest at all, so he could only shoot randomly.

The Devil's mortar on the hillside behind started to exert force, firing shells into the woods.

Three rockets with trailing flames flew out of the woods, hitting the devil's artillery position directly.

The devils had never seen a rocket launcher before, and they were stunned for a moment when they saw this scene, and they subconsciously lay down on the ground to avoid it.

The next moment, three rockets landed on the Devil's artillery position and exploded. The Devil's artillery position was swallowed by violent shock waves and shrapnel in an instant.

The devils who were close to the explosion site didn't react to anything at the time. They only felt a loud noise in their ears, and they were instantly blown to pieces in the violent explosion.

The explosion was so violent and sudden that there was no scream.

The super bazooka is as powerful as a 105-caliber howitzer, and more powerful than a 75mm mountain cannon!

Toshio Ogata was far away from the mortar positions, so he was lucky to survive.

Seeing that the mortar position was completely destroyed, Toshio Ogata was a little dumbfounded.

The current situation was beyond Toshio Ogata's expectation.

He originally thought that after discovering the whereabouts of the artillerymen of the Eighth Route, even if the Eighth Route had guards, it would be easy to eliminate the Eighth Route and snatch the cannons.

Even if there are some twists and turns, the result will not change.

As long as the warriors under his command set up a posture and launch an attack, it is easy to eliminate this group of Eight Routes.

However, the cruel reality gave Toshio Ogata a blow. When these elite soldiers launched an attack, instead of collapsing, the Eight Route Army crushed them.

The infantry was pinned down by fire and could not move.

The artillery position was directly destroyed.

What the hell was that thing that flew over just now?
Is it an eight-way earth cannon?

How could it be so powerful?

Toshio Ogata's face was cloudy and uncertain.

The firepower of heavy machine guns and light machine guns was suppressed.

In the end, Toshio Ogata discovered that his well-trained and experienced troops could not even organize a decent attack.

The Eighth Route Army firmly took the initiative by virtue of its superior terrain and fierce firepower.

What makes Toshio Ogata even more depressed is that he has no way to change the situation of the battle now.

There is a way, although before the attack, Kurosawa Shoji told him that he could send a telegram to call for aviation support, but he felt ashamed that he couldn't beat the shaker.

It's better to be ashamed than to lose your life. Toshio Ogata gritted his teeth and growled: "The communication team immediately called the brigade and regiment headquarters to ask for aviation combat guidance, and report our location to the brigade and regiment headquarters."

The devil telegraph operator hurriedly set up the telegraph machine and prepared to send a telegram.

However, the antenna had only just been erected, and the devil telegraph operator had just turned on the transmitter.

Suddenly there was a rumbling sound from the opposite side. Toshio Ogata heard the sound, his pupils shrank, and his face changed drastically: "No, there are still Eighth Route Cavalry in the woods!"

I saw a huge Eighth Route cavalry rushing out of the forest, holding their sabers and killing the devil lying on the ground.

"Retreat, Baga, retreat quickly!"

Toshio Ogata yelled at the top of his lungs.

Unfortunately, it was too late. Toshio Ogata and his subordinates never dreamed that there was an Eighth Route cavalry hidden in the woods.

What's more terrible is that the devil is very close to the woods. If he runs back, he will definitely not be able to run against a four-legged army horse. When the devil realizes this problem, the eight-way cavalry rushed towards the devil like a hurricane. Although the sprint distance is relatively short, only more than 200 meters meters, but enough cavalry to catch up with the devils.

Amidst the sound of horseshoes, a new regiment of cavalry rushed forward, and the Yunlong Saber in their hands reflected a dazzling cold light.

More than a hundred devils fled like a frightened flock of sheep, but were soon overtaken by the cavalry battalion.

As the knife light flickered, bloody arrows shot out.

Under Sun Desheng's order, the soldiers of the cavalry battalion began to chase freely, so the battle here turned into a one-sided slaughterhouse.


On the main peak of Lion Mountain.

The battle on the other side of Yanzigou also ended soon.

Although the devil left manpower on the top of Yanzigou Mountain, they were dealt with by members of the Sword Squadron hiding in the dark.

The Sharp Sword Squadron occupied the hill of Yanzigou and cut off the devils' retreat. The first battalion and the third battalion pressed up from behind, and quickly eliminated all the devils.

There is no difficulty.

"Report to the head of the regiment, the political commissar, all the devils have been dealt with!"

Monk Wei walked into the regiment headquarters covered in blood. From his expression, it can be seen that he had enjoyed the battle just now.

"Understood." Li Yunlong nodded.

After the report, Monk Wei walked out of the headquarters, and then fired a double cannon, staring at the sky with a pair of vigilant eyes.

Not long after, a military horse neighed outside the command post, and the cavalry regiment's signal soldier ran in, snapping a military salute.

"Reporting to the head of the regiment and the political commissar, the cavalry battalion wiped out a squadron of devils in the rear, and no enemy slipped through the net!"

"Good work, hard work!" Li Yunlong nodded.

Being praised by the head of the regiment, the communications soldier blushed a little, then walked out, got on his horse and went down the mountain.

"Old Zhao, do the math quickly, how many people have we killed devils and puppet soldiers?"

Looking away from the western sky, Li Yunlong never saw the Devil's plane. A disappointed expression appeared on Li Yunlong's face.


"However, the 800 devils and puppet troops in the front have low combat effectiveness, and they can be easily killed by us. It's not difficult."

"Lao Li, why do I see your disappointed expression?"

"Aren't you satisfied with killing more than 1400 enemies?"

Li Yunlong said: "I'm a little disappointed that the ghost planes didn't continue to come. These planes were not the only ones chasing us in the Xinzhou Basin last time."

"I'm still thinking about getting down some other planes and getting more American 75mm caliber mountain guns from Brother Chen Feng."

"To tell you the truth, when I see this thing, it's like seeing a beauty. My heart itch, like a cat scratching."

"I really want to make a mountain artillery regiment, how exciting it is to give the devils artillery coverage before every battle."

Zhao Gang smiled and said: "Don't worry, isn't it the Mountain Pao Regiment? We will definitely have a new regiment in the future, maybe there will be a Mountain Pao Brigade, or even a Mountain Pao Division."

"At that time, maybe you, Old Li, command a mountain artillery division, and hundreds of mountain artillery will fight."

With a laugh, Li Yunlong said: "Well, Lao Zhao, what you said sounds encouraging."

"As long as we work hard to kill the devils and make a few big deals, it's not a problem to make trouble with a mountain artillery master."

"By the way." Zhao Gang asked, "Have you discussed business with Chen Feng this time in Yangquan?"

"Of course." Li Yunlong said, "Can I not talk to him about such a big deal?"

"If we want to take down Yangquan this time, what help will Brother Chen Feng give us?" Zhao Gang's expression changed.

"They said they wanted to change the rifles for our whole regiment." Li Yunlong said, "I don't know the specific model of rifles yet, but let's not worry about this for now, let's talk about taking down Yangquan."

(End of this chapter)

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