I am helping

Chapter 177 Wai 3 Que 1!

Chapter 177 Wai San Que One!

Half an hour later, Kazuki Yamamoto, carrying the rank of Colonel on his shoulder, stepped into the combat hall with a saber in his hand.

Walking in front of Yoshio Shinozuka, he put his feet together, and there was a crisp sound.

He paused and said, "Your Excellency, are you looking for me?"

"Yoshi." Shinozuka Yoshio nodded and said, "Yamamoto-kun, you are here."

After a pause, Shinozuka Yoshio said again: "Let me make a long story short, Li Yunlong led his troops to appear on Lion Mountain in Yangquan, and the troops from the headquarters of the Fourth Brigade attacked Lion Mountain twice. Now, Li Yunlong is about to attack Yangquan, can your secret service team behead Li Yunlong?"

After the outbreak of the Great War, Kazuki Yamamoto has handed over the command of the First Army's intelligence system and the Super High Section to the intelligence staff officer Iteng Takeo.

"Your Excellency, with all due respect, you are acting on your temper!" Yamamoto's voice did not fluctuate at all.

"Li Yunlong is indeed on the Secret Service's must-kill list."

"That's when we have accurate information and a [-]% success rate, the secret service team will behead him."

"Although we now know the exact whereabouts of Li Yunlong, there is a regiment around him, and this regiment is well-equipped and powerful..."

"Yamamoto-kun, I don't need your explanation." Yoshio Shinozuka waved his hand, interrupted Yamamoto, and said, "If your secret service team puts on the military uniforms and equipment of the Eight Route Army and parachutes near Yangquan, how likely are you? Can you kill Li Yunlong?"

"Only 2%!" Kazuki Yamamoto paused.

"2% sure? So low?" Yoshio Shinozuka frowned. The success rate was far beyond his expectation.

"Hi!" Kazuki Yamamoto said, "According to reliable information, Li Yunlong has a specially trained special force beside him. This special force has performed well in both Qi County and Liao County."

During the time he was in charge of the intelligence system of the First Army, this boy Yamamoto has indeed mastered a lot of information about the new regiment.

"2% certainty, humble job is already high, but in reality there is only about 1% certainty."

"Even if the secret service team is lucky and finds and kills Li Yunlong successfully, there is a 9% probability that the secret service team will be wiped out in the siege of the eight routes."

"The secret service team should be a strategic force. In the words of a Shanxi businessman, replacing Li Yunlong with the secret service team is a loss-making business."

"What's more, the probability of being able to replace Li Yunlong is extremely low."

"It's just that, since Your Excellency the General has such an order, our special service team shall carry it out."

Yoshio Shinozuka frowned when he heard this, his eyes were thoughtful, Kusuyama Hideyoshi and other officers did not dare to disturb him.

No matter how you look at it, as Kazuki Yamamoto said, exchanging the secret service for Li Yunlong's head is a loss-making deal.

Yoshio Shinozuka was also reluctant to decapitate a mere commander of the Eighth Route Army and ruin a strategic-level army.

"Currently, Zhengtai Road and Tongpu Road have been extensively damaged and attacked by the Eighth Road."

"Li Yunlong's department is also planning to attack Yangquan City. Yangquan City's defense force is empty. Yamamoto-kun, do you have any good suggestions?"

Yoshio Shinozuka no longer mentioned the matter of beheading Li Yunlong, the old devil is now at the end of his rope.

Although Kazuki Yamamoto is good at special operations, his way of thinking about problems is often different from that of conventional military officers, and he has unique insights into war.

A few months ago, Yamamoto predicted that Eight Routes would launch this battle, but Shinozuka Yoshio didn't take it seriously at the time, thinking that it was just Yamamoto's nonsense.

But it's too late to regret it now.

But Yoshio Shinozuka is useless even if he takes it to heart. This is the policy of Hayao Tada, commander of the North China Front Army, and he only has to carry out orders.

The troops were too dispersed and the Eighth Route Army was not taken seriously, which gave the Eighth Route Army an opportunity.

But with the development of the battlefield to the current situation, Kazuki Yamamoto couldn't do anything for a while, and couldn't think of any good comeback plan.


In Yangquan, the headquarters of the new regiment of Lion Mountain.

The battalion commanders and company commanders directly under them were called to the regiment headquarters for a meeting by the communications soldiers.

"This is Yangquan City."

Gathering several battalion and company commanders, Li Yunlong pointed to the city wall to the east, and then drew a square on the ground to represent the city.

Without further ado, Li Yunlong pointed to the traces on the ground and began to describe the deployment of troops:
"This time we are relatively short of troops, so we won't play the set that all four directions are the main attack."

"Let's play something fresh with the devil."

"The first battalion is responsible for the main attack, attacking the west gate of the city wall, the mountain artillery battalion is responsible for knocking down the devil's city wall with mountain artillery, and the machine gun is responsible for protecting the mountain artillery."

"Once our Shanpao Battalion knocked on the city wall, the first battalion immediately attacked the city, splitting up two companies to attack along the city wall, attacking the north gate and the south gate together from inside and outside."

"The other company and the Sword Squadron went straight to the devil's munitions warehouse and grain depot along the road map, and occupied these two places first."

"As for which two consecutive assists and which company continues to attack, Zhang Dabiao arranges it yourself."

"Do you both remember the location of the munitions warehouse and grain depot that the puppet army gave me?"

Li Yunlong's gaze swept over the faces of Zhang Dabiao and Lu Yingjun.

The two nodded at the same time and said: "Remember!"

The reason for this arrangement was that Li Yunlong was mainly afraid that the devil would blow up the arms warehouse and burn the grain depot before he died, and that would be a waste of work.

Li Yunlong nodded and continued: "The second battalion is responsible for attacking the northern city wall, and the third battalion is responsible for attacking the southern city wall."

"Remember, your two battalions are assists. Don't fight the devils as soon as you go up just to grab the lead."

"After the first battalion has entered the city, your two battalions will launch a general attack and join forces with the first battalion to take down the city wall."

Speaking of this, Li Yunlong looked at Sun Desheng, the commander of the cavalry battalion.

"As for the cavalry battalion, move out and wait for the devils outside the east gate. Your cavalry battalion should not show their faces. If the devils escape from the east gate, Sun Desheng, do you know what to do?"

While speaking, Li Yunlong pointed to the east gate of Yangquan.

Sun Desheng's expression flashed fiercely, and he said: "If a devil escapes from the east gate, you, head, will twist my head off and use it as a chamber pot."

"What I want is your spiritual head." Li Yunlong said, "As for your head, you should keep it well. I don't need such a big chamber pot."

Ha ha ha ha--

When all the battalion commanders and company commanders heard this, they couldn't help laughing together, even the serious Zhao Gang couldn't help showing a smile.

Revolutionary optimism, this is an old tradition from the Red Army to the Eighth Route Army.

Making some jokes is harmless and can liven up the atmosphere more.

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Zhao Gang couldn't help nodding slightly again. Li Yunlong's battle deployment used the strategy of encircling three ques and one in "Sun Tzu's Art of War".

It means to emphasize the need to leave a gap when encircling the enemy. In this case, if the enemy is encircled on all sides, it may prompt the enemy commander to make up his mind to fight to the death.

On the contrary, if a gap is deliberately left, it may make the enemy commander swing between fleeing and fighting to the death, and at the same time make the enemy soldiers lose their fighting spirit.

More importantly, leaving a gap is not to leave it alone, but to pre-set an ambush at the place where the enemy must escape, so that the enemy will fall into the ambush circle during the hasty escape.

However, Li Yunlong has never read Sun Tzu's art of war, and he has not even fought a decent city a few times, but he can understand the use of the art of war without a teacher.

The attack on Qi County a few months ago was different from this time. The last time it was a surprise attack, this time it was a frontal attack.

Although Zhao Gang has read a lot of military books, if the two each lead an army to face each other on the battlefield, he will be played to death by Li Yunlong.

In the original play, Chu Yunfei once commented on Li Yunlong: Li Yunlong is smart, if he has the opportunity to be educated, he will be a great person in the future!
Chu Yunfei, who had always been aloof, only paid attention to Yan Laoxi and Principal Chang, and even he made such a high evaluation of Li Yunlong, which showed that Li Yunlong's tactical command ability was indeed outstanding.

Closer to home.

With Li Yunlong's battle deployment completed.

"Yes!" The battalion and company commanders responded in unison.

"There is still about half an hour to go, and all ministries must hurry up and prepare for the battle, and prepare weapons, ammunition and siege ladders."

Looking at the pocket watch in his hand, Li Yunlong added something.


Half an hour passed quickly, and the Devil's plane did not come again.

However, the arrival of the devil's plane could not stop the new group from attacking the city.

There are more than [-] camouflage nets placed on the ground of Lion Mountain and Yangquan West City Wall Yimapingchuan.

These camouflage camouflage nets are scattered widely, and 12 mountain cannons and 37 machine guns are scattered and hidden under the camouflage nets.

Unless the devil pilot has sharp eyes, he will never be able to find the mountain cannon hidden under the camouflage net.

With a signal flare up into the air, a new regiment's general attack begins!
The artilleryman had aimed the muzzle at the city wall in advance, adjusted the shooting elements of the mountain cannon, and at the same time as seeing the signal flare, the artilleryman immediately pulled the matchlock.

In the next second, more than a dozen artillery shells passed the attacking troops of the battalion in front with a long scream, and fell overwhelmingly on the wall of the west gate of Yangquan City and the fortifications outside the city.

In just a few minutes, the fortifications such as bunkers and gun towers outside the city were all destroyed.

A large area of ​​the city wall was also shrouded in smoke.

When the shelling just started, Zhao Gang was still a little worried, worried that the devil's plane would come to bomb the artillery position.

What Li Yunlong thought in his heart was that he hoped that the devil planes would bomb the artillery positions.

However, after more than ten minutes, not even a Devil plane appeared in the sky.

In fact, it's not that the Devil's plane didn't come, but that Kato Takashi, the captain of the 9th Flying Squadron of the First Army, was arrested by the gendarmerie on suspicion of lying about the military situation.

But with so many camouflage nets on the ground, even if the remaining devil planes came, they would have no way to say anything.

At this time, under the continuous bombardment of armor-piercing projectiles and grenades fired by 12 mountain cannons, two gaps were finally blasted out of the city wall of Yangquan.


"Check equipment, prepare to attack!"

The first company commander Xu Yonghai took the MP40 submachine gun from the guard, and then gave a low shout.

The first battalion and the first company are the sharp knife company of the new regiment, also called the assault company, and they are also the best equipped company except the sword squadron.

More than 100 soldiers in a company behind them checked the weapons and ammunition in their hands one after another.

Soldiers from a battalion and a platoon behind the assault company also began to check a dozen ladders. These ladders were prepared long ago and brought from the base area.

Because even if the mountain artillery can blow down the city wall and blast the city wall out of the gap, the piled up gravel and bricks will be piled up in the gap.

It is difficult to climb up by people. At this time, the assistance of ladders is needed.

Xu Yonghai pulled the bolt of the gun, opened the safety, and jumped out from the starting position of the attack first, followed by more than 100 soldiers of the assault company.

(End of this chapter)

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