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Chapter 178 Break the city and make a fortune!

Chapter 178 Break the city and make a fortune!

The relatively well-preserved Yangquan city wall is four or five feet high, with a wide horse path on it.

The city bricks are made of glutinous rice juice and mortar, which is extremely strong, and the well-organized crenels show the tactical characteristics of the cold weapon era.

There is a moat around the city outside the city wall, but due to the age, the moat has dried up and silted up.

But at this time, Yangquan City was already filled with gunpowder, and the fighting was extremely fierce.

The firepower of the new assault company was very fierce, and the Shanpao Battalion plowed the outer positions of the devils. The devils and puppet troops outside the city wall couldn't stand it at all.

As soon as a devil poked his head out of the foxhole to shoot, a few dazzling tongues of flame lashed over like a whip, and the devil twitched like an electric shock, and was beaten into a blood sieve in an instant.

The outer positions of the city wall were quickly cleared, and the assault company divided into two parts and rushed towards the blasted gap.

The mountain cannon blasted two gaps in the city wall, a V-shaped gap and a U-shaped gap. The collapsed broken bricks, gravel and soil were more than three meters above the ground.

"Get on the ladder, move fast!"

Holding the submachine gun, Xu Yonghai leaned his back on the gentle slope of the gap and shouted loudly.

The soldiers behind carrying the ladder ran forward and set up the ladder, and the soldiers of the assault company climbed up the ladder.

As soon as several soldiers climbed to the gap, the Devil's machine gunner behind the sandbags on the street was holding light and heavy machine guns, and the firepower swept over. Two soldiers were hit and fell off the ladder.

Several other fighters dodged a wave of burst fire, and then showed their heads, holding the ladder while shooting with a submachine gun in one hand.

Taking advantage of the momentary suppression of the devil's firepower, a few grenades were thrown at the devil. After a few explosions, the devil's machine gunner was killed.

The soldiers took the opportunity to climb up the gap and stabilized their heels, and more and more soldiers swarmed up behind them.

In a blink of an eye, the assault company broke into the city from two gaps.

The devils immediately organized street fighting with firepower, but the devils were short of troops, and were quickly defeated by the assault company's fierce firepower and precise marksmanship.

After the assault company opened the gap and opened the city gate, the Sword Squadron, the first battalion, the second company and the third company immediately poured into the city through the city gate.

Among them, the second company and the third company attacked along the city wall, and the sword squadron and the assault company rushed to the devil's ammunition warehouse and grain depot respectively.

At this time, Kurosawa Shoji was watching the battle on the roof of the Fourth Brigade Headquarters.

The communications staff and intelligence staff are also there, and several captains have basically died in battle.

Seeing that the west city wall was breached by the Eighth Route Army and then attacked both sides along the city wall, several staff officers immediately knew that Yangquan City could not be defended, and their strength was too small.

The air support that Kurosawa Shoji was looking forward to did not appear. He guessed that the headquarters knew that Yangquan would definitely be captured, so they didn't want to waste aerial bombs and fighter jets.

After all, the eight routes are very evil, and there are dozens of anti-aircraft guns in the air defense system. Unless hundreds of bombers are dispatched at the same time, a few planes will have nothing to do.

Now Tongpu Railway and Zhengtai Railway are basically controlled by the Eighth Route, without any support, Yangquan has completely become an isolated city.

"Your Excellency, Chief of Staff, I suggest breaking out." The intelligence staff panicked, "The Eighth Route Army did not attack the east gate, so we can escape through the east gate."

"I reckon that Eighth Road doesn't want to fight us to the death and cause them even greater casualties."

"Since the Eighth Road has given us a step down, why should we support it so hard that we will have the opportunity to avenge the brigade commander in the future after saving our lives."

Masahiro Kurosawa snorted coldly: "Do you think the Eighth Route can let us go if we escape through the east gate? There must be an ambush outside the East Gate by the Eighth Route. Going out at this time is nothing more than throwing yourself into a trap."

As expected of a veteran in the battlefield, this is the experience summed up from many battles.

"Are we going to die here today?" The communications staff officer was also afraid.

"Hachi, as warriors of the Great Japanese Empire, are you so afraid of death?" Kurosawa Shoji's cold eyes swept over the two of them, and they shuddered coldly.

"Hi!" The two staff officers Qi Qi nodded.

Kurosawa Masahiro said: "Nomura-kun, immediately send power to the headquarters. Yangquan City has been breached. The Fourth Brigade headquarters vows to live with the city. Ask whether to blow up the ammunition warehouse and destroy the grain depot!"

Under normal circumstances, devils would not dare to blow up ammunition warehouses and grain depots easily even if they had all the pieces of jade.

If the materials were seized by the enemy, and there was a possibility of being robbed back, then the devils would definitely not destroy the materials.

Conversely, if the supplies are seized by the enemy and there are no friendly troops nearby, they will definitely not be able to get them back, so the supplies will definitely be destroyed.

Yangquan was an important military town for the Japanese army in Shanxi, storing a large amount of weapons, ammunition and food supplies. Even if he knew he was dead, Kurosawa Shoji did not dare to easily decide whether to destroy the supplies without authorization.

"Hi!" The communications staff officer paused, stepped down from the ladder, and walked quickly to the communications room.

Kurosawa Shoji felt that street fighting was a very cruel battle, and the superior forces of the Eighth Route Army could not be launched. Even if the troops were insufficient, it would be no problem to persist for a few hours.

So first ask for instructions before bombing the ammunition depot and grain depot.

However, he never imagined that the headquarters of the Fourth Brigade had already been targeted.

In a three-story private house, Lu Yingjun held up his binoculars and looked in the direction of the devil's headquarters.

On the roof of Devils Headquarters, a sun flag and a rising sun flag fluttered in the wind.

There are devils with light and heavy machine guns around the headquarters and on the roof. It seems that the devils have no intention of escaping and are ready to fight to the death.

The hundreds of meters around the Devil Command are basically Japanese-style buildings.

At present, Lu Yingjun used a precise method to calculate the shooting parameters of the artillery position to bombard the headquarters of the [-]th Brigade.

Then immediately picked up the radio communicator and called the Shanpao Battalion in secret language to send out the shooting parameters.

After Wang Chengzhu received the shooting parameters, he fired a test shot first, and then Lu Yingjun quickly corrected the shooting parameters according to the impact point.

It didn't take long for the artillery outside the city to start working one after another, and 12 mountain cannons fired a salvo into the city.

The shells arced across the sky and fell with a long screaming sound. Accompanied by a thunderous explosion, fireballs and smoke instantly enveloped the Devils Command.

After three rounds of bombardment, the entire Devils headquarters was destroyed, not a single intact building was left, and many Japanese-style houses around were also destroyed by shells.

Lu Yingjun, who saw this scene through the telescope, couldn't help but twitch his lips.

"This precision bombardment is really easy to use."


In Taiyuan, the First Army Command.

Toshimatsu Kasai, the communications staff officer, walked quickly into the combat hall and said to Shinozuka Yoshio: "Report to the general, the farewell telegram from Mr. Kurosawa of the [-]th Brigade. Prepare for the survival of the city, ask whether to destroy ammunition and food supplies?"

"Nani?" Yoshio Shinozuka's face changed, Li Yunlong moved so fast?
It seems that Li Yunlong's troops will be able to capture Yangquan City tonight, which is not good news.

Although Kurosawa Shoji asked for aviation support several times, Shinozuka Yoshio really didn't dare to send aviation troops.

If you go to support once, you will lose five planes. If you go to support twice, I am afraid that all the planes will be shot down. By then, there will be no planes for aerial reconnaissance.

That's the real catch.

In response to the large-scale attack by the Eighth Route, the First Army Staff Headquarters formulated a countermeasure plan to gather troops from the Tongpu Road and Pinghan Road to attack from the east and the west.

However, at this time, the forces of Tongpu Road and Pinghan Road had not yet been assembled.

With the mobilization of Japanese troops, more and more Eight Routes participated in the battle.

About 20 regiments of the Eighth Route Army participated in the attack on the Zhengtai Railway, but the number of Eighth Route Army troops who cooperated in the battle far exceeded this number.

At present, no troops can save the headquarters of the Fourth Brigade in Yangquan.

After thinking for a moment, Shinozuka Yoshio said with a dark face: "Order the Fourth Brigade to destroy the ammunition depot and grain depot immediately, and the military supplies in Yangquan must not fall into the hands of the Eighth Route Army!"

"Hi!" Kasai Toshisong paused, then walked out quickly.

Less than 5 minutes later, Kasai Toshimatsu came in hurriedly and nodded.

"Report to the general, the headquarters has lost the radio signal from the communications department of the Fourth Brigade."


Yoshio Shinozuka, who heard the news, was so angry that he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Just now I was still feeling sorry for the loss of a large amount of ammunition and food.

Now this batch of food and ammunition is likely to fall into the hands of Eight Road, and it is still in the hands of Li Yunlong, so he is not well.


In Yangquan City, there are only about 200 regular troops of devils.

The rest are some useless puppet soldiers and Japanese ronin with guns.

The latter basically has no combat power, let alone the will to fight, and is almost collapsed at the touch of a finger.

Those puppet soldiers and ronin who were killed were killed, and those who surrendered surrendered.

Although the devil still had a few tanks, they were quickly destroyed by bazooka in the street fighting.

The devils without tanks were even more disadvantaged, and the brigade headquarters was completely destroyed by the Shanpao Battalion, so the devils fell into a situation where they were fighting on their own.

However, the devil's resistance was very tenacious. Even if the troops and equipment were completely suppressed, they still delayed the Xinyi regiment for two hours.

It wasn't until it got dark that the battle was completely over and the devils in Yangquan City were cleared out.

The ammunition warehouse and grain depot in Yangquan City were also taken down by the Sword Squadron and the Assault Company respectively.

At the headquarters of the Lion Mountain Regiment, Zhao Gang smiled after listening to the report of the communications soldier: "Old Li, we have taken down the ammunition warehouse and the grain depot. Now the brigade commander should congratulate you on making a fortune."

Li Yunlong said: "We won such a big victory and made such a fortune. We were very happy at first, but when you say that, the mood of the labor and management is not good again, damn it!"

"Still in a bad mood?" Zhao Gang said: "If you are robbed, you will be robbed. It's not that it fell into the hands of the devils. Anyway, it is the strength of our Eighth Route Army as a whole that grows."

"That's true." Li Yunlong said, "Let's go to the city to see how many weapons, ammunition and food the devils have in Yangquan City."

Immediately, the two walked out of the headquarters hand in hand, got on their horses and headed towards Yangquan City.

When they arrived in Yangquan City, Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang quickly asked the second battalion commander to estimate the total amount of ammunition and food seized.

According to preliminary estimates, there are no less than 300 million rounds of bullets, at least 2 rounds of shells of various calibers, and at least 200 million catties of food.

Upon hearing this, Li Yunlong grinned at Lao Gao: "It seems that this time I want to congratulate the brigade commander for getting rich."

(End of this chapter)

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