I am helping

Chapter 180 Solve the battle within half an hour!

Chapter 180 Solve the battle within half an hour!
After showing off at the brigade headquarters, Li Yunlong rode back to Yangquan for the night.

After the Xinyi Regiment entered Yangquan City, it did nothing to the common people except for the devils and traitors.

Unlike the Jinsui Army who even robbed the people of food, many ordinary people in Jin would rather be the lackeys of the devils than support the Jinsui Army.

In this era of war and smoke, for the vast majority of people, living is their only luxury.

So when Xinyituan took out the food from the traitor's house and distributed it to the common people, the common people all cheered.

Nearby militiamen and civilians have rushed to carry out from the grain depot and ammunition depot.


Li Yunlong walked into the regiment headquarters, and the regiment headquarters of the new regiment was not in Yangquan City, but under a camouflage net outside the city.

The cavalry battalion seized a radio station, but no one in the new regiment knew how to use it, so this trip to the brigade headquarters, Li Yunlong asked the brigade commander for a telegraph operator.

Naturally, the brigade commander would not refuse, and immediately arranged a telegraph operator for Li Yunlong from the communications department of the brigade headquarters.

"This is Comrade Fang Lei, the telegraph operator assigned by the brigade commander to our new regiment."

Li Yunlong introduced to Zhao Gang: "Comrade Fang Lei, this is the political commissar of our new regiment, Zhao Gang."

Fang Lei paid a military salute to Zhao Gang, and said with a smile: "Hello, Political Commissar Zhao, my name is Fang Lei, and I am the telegraph operator of the Xinyi Regiment."

The new regiment is a heroic regiment, and Fang Lei is honored to be able to work in the new regiment.

Zhao Gang returned a military salute: "Hello Comrade Fang Lei, on behalf of all the commanders and fighters of the Xinyi Regiment, I welcome you to work in the regiment."

Afterwards, Li Yunlong pointed to the telegraph in the corner: "Comrade Fang Lei, the telegram is over there, let's see if it still works?"

Fang Lei walked towards the telegraph, picked it up and checked it, and then reported: "Reporting leader, the telegraph is good, the battery is sufficient, and the earphones are fine."

"That's good." Li Yunlong nodded, "You can start working."

Fang Lei then sat down, put the earphones on her head, turned on the radio, and started working.

She has a strong memory and is sensitive to numbers. She can translate signals into telegrams by memorizing them without looking at the code book.

Glancing at Fang Lei, Zhao Gang said in a low voice, "Old Li, there are lesbians in the regiment now, so you should stop swearing in the future."

"Do you need to remind me? Lao Tzu... Our old Li is a civilized person and never swears."

Li Yunlong's face was neither red nor his heart was beating.

Ha ha…

The corner of Zhao Gang's mouth twitched, I believe you are a ghost, you Lao Li and I are pretending to be civilized people.

However, Zhao Gang didn't want to expose Li Yunlong's shortcomings in this regard.

Because Li Yunlong's ideological awareness has indeed improved in the past few months, and he has followed Zhao Gang to learn and practice calligraphy, and he has also begun to pay attention to the international situation.

This is a good start.

Zhao Gang asked, "Did you get any news from the brigade headquarters?"

Li Yunlong's expression changed: "What news?"

Zhao Gang said unhappily: "It's just how the current battle situation is, you kid won't just care about showing off in front of the brigade commander, will you?"

"How is it possible?" Li Yunlong said, "I just got the news from the brigade headquarters that in just one day, various brigades and regiments overturned dozens of kilometers of tracks on the Zhengtai Railway."

"Unplugged more than 200 Japanese gun towers on the Zhengtai and Tongpu railways, and killed more than 4000 Japanese soldiers, of whom [-] were killed by our Xinyi regiment."

"The headquarters instructed us to continue to expand the results of the battle according to the original plan, and strive to completely destroy Zhengtai Iron Power."

While Li Datuan was talking, the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously, smiling happily.

"This can be regarded as completely breaking the devil's cage."

Zhao Gang waved his fist, and his tone was also excited.

Dozens of regiments attacked the devils at the same time. Just thinking about such a big scene is enough to make one's blood boil and goose bumps all over his body!

"Our containment task has been completed, did the brigade commander give us a new task?" Zhao Gang's eyes were full of hope.

"Of course." Li Yunlong said, "You don't think that our old Li really went to the brigade to show off, but I was actually going to fight for battles."

"The brigade headquarters ordered our new regiment to launch an attack on the Xinzhuang stronghold tomorrow morning and take it before dark."

"The day after tomorrow is the 23rd. The four main regiments of the 386th Brigade will gather troops and firepower to attack Shouyang."

Xinzhuang is one of dozens of large strongholds on the Zhengtai Railway, where more than 200 Japanese troops and more than 200 puppet troops are stationed.

Such a large devil stronghold usually hoards ammunition and food for three to six months.

That is to say, even if the Eighth Route Army surrounded these strongholds without attacking them, the devils and puppet troops would be able to persist for at least three to five months.

Of course, if anyone can break through this kind of stronghold, then he can make a small fortune.

Is there a new battle about to be fought... Zhao Gang was shocked when he heard this.


The casualties of the new regiment have all been sent to the rear for treatment.

Last night, a convoy of militiamen and civilians transported weapons, ammunition, medical supplies and food to the rear continuously.

Xinyituan rested overnight in Yangquan.

Early the next morning.

After breakfast, Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang led a new group to Xinzhuang stronghold.

The Xinzhuang stronghold is between Yangquan and Shouyang, only about 20 kilometers away from Shouyang County.

Outside the Xinzhuang stronghold.

Shen Quan, the second battalion commander of the independent regiment, and several company commanders under him, as well as the militia captain, came to welcome Li Yunlong and his new regiment.

Mountain artillery battalion, machine gun company, Maxim heavy machine gun, 60mm mortar, bazooka rocket launcher, countless light and heavy machine guns and submachine guns, all [-] big covers...

Seeing the new group of equipment that can be called a local tyrant, the expressions on everyone's faces gradually evolved from anticipation and curiosity to envy.

The eyes of several company commanders under his command quickly turned to disdain again.

It is said that the Xinyi regiment is a heroic regiment, has never lost a battle, and killed thousands of devils.

That's it?The new regiment is just relying on equipment.

Give these equipment to the independent regiment, the ammunition is enough, and the record is no worse than that of the new regiment.

This was the true thought of several company commanders at this time.

"Commander Li, Political Commissar Zhao!"

"I am Shen Quan, commander of the Second Battalion of the Independent Regiment. My department has received an order from the brigade headquarters to assist the Xinyi Regiment in capturing the Xinzhuang stronghold."

Shen Quan glanced at the expressions on the faces of several company commanders under his command, and naturally saw the thoughts in their eyes, but he didn't say anything, but stepped forward and gave a military salute.

"Where's your head?" Li Yunlong asked with a military salute.

Shen Quan replied: "Our regiment leader led the first battalion and the third battalion to attack the Potou stronghold in front."

"What's the situation in Xinzhuang stronghold now?" Li Yunlong nodded and asked.

Shen Quan said: "Now the Xinzhuang stronghold is surrounded by my second battalion and the militia."

"According to intelligence, there are about 200 devils and 200 puppet troops inside."

"The devils and puppet soldiers tried to escape to Shouyang County last night, but we beat them back."

"In terms of firepower, the devil has about 4 mortars and no less than fifteen light and heavy machine guns. Judging from the devil's willingness to use bullets and shells, the stronghold has a lot of ammunition reserves..."

Speaking of this, Shen Quan's eyes showed a hint of envy, only the new regiment in the entire Eighth Route Army was as rich as the devils.

Light machine guns are equipped at the squad level, and there is a mixed artillery company under each battalion. The artillery company is equipped with machine guns and mortars, and each company is equipped with at least 2 bazookas.

The soldiers of the new regiment had bulging bullet bags, and what hung on their waists were either German-style big tumors or the cantaloupe grenades of the little devils.

Looking away from the soldiers of the new regiment, Li Yunlong was already lying on the small slope, looking towards the Xinzhuang stronghold with his binoculars.

This is a standard devil stronghold. In terms of area and scale, the Xinzhuang stronghold is about the same size as the Huting stronghold.

However, the stronghold in front of us was built on the mountainside, closely monitoring and protecting the Zhengtai Railway about 150 meters away.

The stronghold has bunkers, gun towers, and barracks. There are shooting holes all over the gun towers and bunkers. The trench outside the stronghold is at least four meters wide. It is basically impossible to jump through it with weapons.

Shen Quan followed and lay down next to Li Yunlong, and continued: "Last night we used bazooka rockets to kill a devil's small gun tower and a bunker, but the devil's firepower is still very strong."

In the plan, Kong Jie led the main force to pull out the other two medium-sized strongholds this morning, and then concentrated his forces to take down the large-scale stronghold of Xinzhuang.

However, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. The Xinyi Regiment had already captured Yangquan, and Li Yunlong went to the brigade commander to fight, so the brigade commander handed over the task of destroying the Xinzhuang stronghold to Li Yunlong.

Although Shen Quan's second battalion was equipped with two bazookas, he did not dare to attack by force, because the devils had a lot of troops and strong firepower, and a strong attack would cause too many casualties for the independent regiment.

It's okay to fight a medium or small stronghold, but it's too reluctant to fight a large stronghold.

"Is the firepower strong?" Li Yunlong said casually, "It will take less than half an hour for one of my battalions to take down this kind of stronghold."

I saw Shen Quan writing the word "disbelief" on his face.

Li Yunlong's tone was disdainful: "At most half an hour, a wave of attacks can be done, save some time and rush to the next blockhouse."

Although the bunkers and gun towers in the stronghold in front of us are well defended, they are still far behind the reinforced concrete fortifications built by the devils on the Yuliao Highway.

Each of the three main infantry battalions under his command has taken at least 10 of these gun towers, and they are very skilled.

Although the brigade commander only gave Commander Li one mission, it did not prevent him from finding a battle to fight on his own.

Putting down the binoculars, Li Yunlong said: "Battle Commander Shen, ask your soldiers and militia to get out of the attack position, we are going to attack."

Shen Quan was a little surprised, a battalion can be won in half an hour?
Their entire independent regiment launched an offensive, and it might not be able to take down the devil's stronghold in front of them in an hour and a half.

Seeing Li Yunlong walking down the slope, Zhang Dabiao had sharp eyes, ran over quickly, straightened his body and said.

"Regimental Commander, give me face and give this stronghold to our first battalion."

Li Yunlong nodded: "Okay, since you are so active, the task of attacking the stronghold will be entrusted to your first battalion."

"I will ask the artillery battalion to blow up the bunkers and artillery towers in the devil's stronghold first, and your first battalion must resolve the battle within half an hour."

"Yes!" Zhang Dabiao raised the corners of his mouth first, and then his expression became serious, "I promise to complete the task."

Zheng Yu and Chen Dugu moved a beat slower, and when they ran over, the task had already been snatched away by Zhang Dabiao.

(End of this chapter)

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