I am helping

Chapter 181 The deep spring is sour!

Chapter 181 The deep spring is sour!

At the moment, Shen Quan ordered the Second Battalion of the Independent Regiment and the militia to withdraw from the attacking position.

The first regiment and the first battalion of the new regiment entered the attack position, prepared for the attack, and waited for the artillery to fire.

The terrain around the stronghold has been specially processed, there is no large-scale shelter, and it is impossible to hide the eyes of the devils when the two troops switch defenses.

However, there are trenches and other fortifications built by fighters from the independent regiment and militia at the attack position.

"Set up the mortar."

Following Zhang Dabiao's order, the soldiers of the artillery company of the first battalion quickly set up four 4mm mortars in a hidden position in the trench.

"Report to the squadron leader, it's not good, the Eighth Route has replaced a new attacking force."

In the cannon tower, the devil sentry hurried down the stairs to report to the devil officer.

"Nani?" The devil's squadron leader changed his face, stepped on the stairs to the top of the gun tower, and observed the situation on the opposite side with a telescope.

The Eighth Route Army is in the trenches on the opposite mountainside. It used to be a mixture of the Eighth Route Army and the militia, but now it has been replaced by an all-in-one Eighth Route Army.

The mountainside on the opposite side is about 400 meters away from the stronghold, and the bottom of the ditch in the middle is the Zhengtai Railway. Seeing that the newly replaced troops of the Eighth Route Army are not too many, the leader of the Devil Squadron was slightly relieved.

Without large-caliber guns, just four or 500 people want to attack the stronghold, which is wishful thinking.

"Squadron leader, it seems that Balu is launching a mortar?" said the sharp-eyed devil sentinel.


The devil pointed to the front right, and the leader of the devil squadron looked there. Although he couldn't see the mortar in the trench clearly, it did look like he was firing a cannon.

Seeing this scene, the face of the leader of the Devil Squadron sank slightly. This new Eighth Route actually has mortars?

"Immediately order the mortar team to launch artillery fire on the eight-way mortar position..."

The leader of the Devil Squadron was talking there, and the sentry was ready to nod and say "Hi".

However, before the Devil Squadron Leader could finish speaking, the Devil Squadron Leader's head exploded without warning, and brains and crimson blood sprayed the Devil Sentinel's face.

The Devil Sentinel was stupefied and froze for a moment. The head of the squadron leader who was still talking just now exploded like a watermelon.

After a while, the ghost sentry heard a loud gunshot, echoing between the two hills.

The devil sentinel then squatted down to hide.

When the gun was fired from the opposite side, the devil thought that the Eighth Route Army was about to attack, and the light and heavy machine guns screamed wildly.

The devil's mortars thumped and thumped, and the shells fell on the new formation, causing a few clouds of mud and fog.

After fighting for more than half a minute, the devils stopped shooting after seeing that Balu did not fight back.


On the hill opposite the Devil's stronghold, Zhao Gang put away the Barrett sniper rifle after killing the Devil Squadron Leader.

His sniper point was only about 500 meters away from the Devils Tower.

The jagged crenels on the top of the Devil's turret had at most only one layer of bricks, and the bullets from Barrett's sniper rifle could definitely penetrate that layer of bricks and kill the Devil sentry.

But Zhao Gang didn't do that. The bullets of the large-caliber sniper rifle are precious. Now he only snipe and kill devil officers.


In the trench, Zhang Dabiao called all three infantry company commanders under his command to him, and gave orders.

"I just took a closer look, and the devil blew up the suspension bridge."

"Except for the road from the suspension bridge to the gate of the stronghold, the soil in other places has been refurbished. The devil must have planted landmines."

"Let's attack from the drawbridge, and at least two wooden ladders must be erected."

Zhang Dabiao's words were very loud, and he was guaranteed to be heard by the surrounding soldiers.

The first battalion had fought the stronghold many times, so they were well prepared, everyone was well prepared, the big scissors for cutting barbed wire, the vanguard of the assault company had thick steel plates on their chests, and the steel helmets seized from the devils were on their heads.

"Later, the light and heavy machine guns will remain on the ground to suppress fire."

"There is also a mortar, where the devil's machine gun is ringing, just kill it for me."

"The attacking troops immediately took cover when they saw the sound of machine guns on the opposite side."

"We want to take down the devil's stronghold with the minimum cost of casualties."

"Listen to my orders and prepare to attack!"

Following Zhang Dabiao's order, there was a sound of gun bolts being pulled in the trench, and the commanders squatted in the trench and stared at the devil's stronghold opposite, with murderous intent in their eyes.

In the anti-slope position, the mountain artillery battalion is ready.

Because of the special terrain here, the Shanpao Battalion can only fire on the reverse slope.

If you move the artillery to the top of the mountain or build an artillery position on a positive slope, you are likely to be bombarded by devil mortars.

Although he couldn't shoot with precise direct aim, Li Yunlong didn't feel sorry for the shells, because Chen Feng would reimburse him for this battle.

"Test shot, let it go!" On the Shanpao Battalion's position, Wang Chengzhu raised his hand and lowered it abruptly.

The gunner, holding the matchlock in his hand, pulled back, and the barrel of the gun jerked violently. As the barrel shrank back, the shells stuffed into the barrel shot out of the barrel in an instant.

The 75mm artillery shell slammed into the stronghold from the sky with a characteristic screaming sound, and fell into the devil's stronghold, setting off mud mist and gunpowder smoke more than ten meters high.

The artillery observers on the top of the mountain calculated new shooting parameters based on the observation points, and passed them to the position in sign language, trying to make the shells hit the gun towers and bunkers as much as possible.

More than ten seconds later, the artillery shells arrived as expected, with continuous thunder-like roars, and the wanton extension of the artillery fire shrouded the entire devil's stronghold in gunpowder smoke.

"Baga, how can Balu have such a powerful cannon?"

In the continuous smoke of gunfire, the devils avoided cursing one after another. Some devils ran into the blockhouse, but soon the blockhouse was hit by a shell and was blown down.

Not to mention the puppet soldiers, trembling, the artillery coverage of the Shanpao Battalion directly became the last straw that crushed their camels in the past two days.

Judging by the situation, the Eight Route Army must launch a general attack!
Facing the artillery fire, the puppet soldiers exchanged glances with each other, and raised the muzzle of their guns three inches when the next eight routes attacked...

And at the moment when the Devil's cannon tower was destroyed, Zhang Dabiao and three infantry companies from the first battalion jumped out of the trench at the same time and rushed towards the Devil's stronghold.

In the eyes of Shen Quan and the soldiers of the independent regiment at the rear, the soldiers of the new regiment poured down like a gray flood. After reaching the bottom of the ditch, they leaped forward at high speed like cheetahs, crossing the foundation one meter above the ground. rails, keep going.

During this rapid advance, the attacking troops did not shoot, and the fire suppression was handed over to the machine guns and mortars on the position.

After crossing the railroad tracks, the attacking troops of the first battalion were less than 200 meters away from the stronghold. At this time, the Shanpao Battalion just stopped shelling.

As the gunpowder smoke dissipated, the devils who survived the stronghold discovered the attacking troops, and immediately there were devil machine gunners with light and heavy machine guns pouring firepower.

The machine gun bullets hit the chests of the soldiers in the front row, making a jingling sound, whether it was the soldiers in the front row or the soldiers behind.

Almost all of them reacted at the same time as the gunshot, or crawled to avoid, or rolled to avoid, hundreds of people all lay on the ground within two to three seconds.

The ferocious firepower of more than 4 light and heavy machines and [-] mortars on the rear position immediately poured on the devil's machine gun firepower.

The firepower of the two Devils machine guns was quickly suppressed by the machine guns, and then the mortars knocked them out.

Seeing this scene, the devils in the stronghold were angry and helpless.

When the devil's firepower misfired, the soldiers stood up again and continued to advance towards the stronghold.

Although a small number of rifles were shooting, it was obvious that the firepower was being suppressed. The devil pulled the bolt and stuck his head out to shoot a shot, then quickly retracted.

If you move a little slower, you will eat a shuttle of machine gun bullets from the Eighth Route Army.

A devil bunker was not hit by the artillery cover of the Shanpao Battalion. The two machine guns inside sprayed long tongues of flame from the firing holes.

Hearing the sound of machine guns, the soldiers lay down again to avoid them.

At this time, the attacking troops of the first battalion were only 150 meters away from the stronghold.

The firepower of the rear machine guns and mortars quickly suppressed the devil's bunker.

Immediately afterwards, a rocket launcher team in the attacking force set up the bazooka rocket launcher and quickly loaded the rocket into the chamber.

The bazooka soldier lay on the ground and aimed at the devil's bunker, and then pulled the trigger without hesitation.

A rocket that could be caught by the naked eye slid its trajectory in mid-air, and hit the devil's bunker on the hillside at high speed.

The devil's firepower was stopped, but the valley shook, the ground shook violently, and the devil's blockhouse formed a cloud of mushroom smoke more than ten meters high in the flames!

The devils who were operating the machine guns in the bunker felt as if something was flying towards the bunker, and they had no time to react, and were instantly blown to pieces in the violent explosion.

The explosion was so violent and sudden that there was no scream.

Without the protection of the bunker, the remaining devils occasionally appeared one or two firepower points, but they were suppressed in a short while.

Soon, Zhang Dabiao led a battalion of soldiers to attack the ditch, built two bridges with wooden ladders, and the grenadiers fired a row of grenades into the stronghold.

The soldiers stepped on the simple wooden bridge and broke into the stronghold.

There was no suspense in the ensuing battle, the melee Type 38 rifle was directly suppressed by more than a hundred submachine guns.

With the passage of time, the gunshots in the Xinzhuang stronghold gradually became sparse, and finally disappeared completely.


After about a 2 minutes.

Following the surrender of a dozen devils and dozens of puppet troops, they lined up and raised their hands, and were escorted out of the stronghold by soldiers from the first battalion.

In the distance, the soldiers of the Second Battalion of the Independent Regiment and the militia soldiers who were watching the battle were about to drop their eyeballs, and their mouths were slightly opened, and they froze for a moment.

How long has it been?

At most 10 minutes, a large stronghold was taken down?

More than 400 devils and puppet troops in the stronghold were wiped out so easily?

It is true that the equipment of the new regiment is really good. There is a mountain artillery battalion to cover the devil's stronghold with artillery fire in advance, and there are mortars and dozens of machine guns to cover it.

But the commander's accurate grasp of the timing of the attack, as well as his accurate judgment that entering the stronghold in other places will definitely enter the devil's minefield, and that the suspension bridge is the best place to enter the stronghold, are all perfect.

There is also a tacit and smooth coordination between the firepower of the rear artillery and machine gunners and the attacking troops. Without more than ten actual combat experience and dozens of drills, this effect will definitely not be achieved.

What's even more frightening is that taking down this stronghold with more than 400 enemies, the first battalion of the new regiment had at most only a dozen or so casualties.

"If the equipment of the first battalion of the new regiment is given to the second battalion of the independent regiment, can this effect be achieved?"

Shen Quan thought to himself, and shook his head after a while. Although his second battalion was not weak in combat effectiveness, there was a clear gap with the first battalion of the new regiment.

In the final analysis, it was Captain Li who was able to obtain excellent weapons and equipment and sufficient ammunition, so that the soldiers of the new regiment had enough opportunities to accumulate practical experience.

The more battles won, the more veterans survived, and the more combat experience the soldiers accumulated, the more victorious the troops were. This is a virtuous circle.

Zhang Dabiao's life is too good, right?Why didn't Laozi have a team leader like Li Yunlong?

Although Kong Jie is also a good team leader...

Thinking about it, Shen Quan felt sour. It would be great if his regiment leader was Li Yunlong.

(End of this chapter)

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