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Chapter 182 Kong Jie's Shock!

Chapter 182 Kong Jie's Shock!
One battalion and two 10 minutes to solve the large stronghold of Xinzhuang.

Li Yunlong is quite satisfied with this speed.

The Shanpao Battalion was at least half of the credit for being able to capture this stronghold so quickly. Two or three rounds of artillery fire coverage basically destroyed the fortifications in the stronghold, and the devils and puppet troops suffered heavy casualties in the artillery fire.

Of course, it is also inseparable from Zhang Dabiao's excellent command and the bloody battles of the soldiers.

After the surrendered devils and puppet troops were escorted out, the Second Battalion of the Independence Regiment and militiamen rushed to the railway tracks and began to destroy the railway.

"Battle Commander Shen, the seizures in the Xinzhuang stronghold belong to your battalion." Li Yunlong turned his head and said to Shen Quan.

"This...not good, the battle was fought by your new regiment, and it is not appropriate for our independent regiment to take the spoils."

Shen Quan was stunned for a moment, and then quickly refused. Although he was very envious of Xinyituan's equipment, he didn't want to take it for nothing.

"Besides, our battalion seized the Xinzhuang stronghold. Battalion Commander Zhang and the soldiers of the first battalion may have objections."

Li Yunlong stared: "What are you talking about, kid? If I say I will let you guys, I will let you. If you don't want me, I will give it to the militia."

Although the Xinzhuang stronghold is considered a small fortune, compared with Xinyituan's capture in Yangquan, it is about the same as three melons and two dates.

The Xinyi Regiment had already replenished ammunition at the Yangquan Arms Depot, and each soldier and transport team brought some extra.

Moreover, Li Yunlong has already discussed with the brigade commander that after Yangquan's weapons, ammunition and food are shipped back to the base area, Li Yunlong will still have his share.

Therefore, Li Yunlong didn't like the three melons and two dates in the Xinzhuang stronghold at all. There must be a lot of food and ammunition in it, which is a burden to Xinyituan.

Of course, giving these weapons, ammunition and food to Shen Quan was entirely for the sake of Kong Jie. If Cheng Shifa's 772 regiment were replaced, Li Yunlong would not be so generous.

"Then I would like to thank Captain Li." Shen Quan looked happy.

Speaking of this, he couldn't refuse anymore.

There are about 400 devils and puppet troops in the Xinzhuang stronghold, which is equivalent to a battalion of the Eighth Route Army.

Although a lot of weapons and ammunition were damaged during the battle, the remaining weapons and ammunition are more than enough to equip two companies. Now the independent regiment can expand two companies!

Seeing Li Yunlong's back, Shen Quan was envious again. Our old Shen likes the strong character of Captain Li.

Zhao Gang: "Look at you, if good Chinese don't do it, why do you have to be dogs to the devils?"

The puppet army: "Sir, we just want to make a living, and we will never dare again, never dare again."

Zhao Gang: "They are all young and strong, where can't they make a living?"

Puppet army: "Sir, we really dare not dare in the future. When you attacked just now, we all shot into the sky."

Zhao Gang snorted coldly: "It's because of this that you are still alive, otherwise, I would have ordered you to be killed a long time ago."

When Li Yunlong came over, Zhao Gang was speaking to the prisoners of the puppet army and doing ideological work.

Li Yunlong said quickly: "Old Zhao, why don't you talk to them, just say a few words, let them go to scrape the railway tracks and reform through labor."

Zhao Gang nodded: "I have ordered the militiamen to transport the wounded to the rear, and also escort the dozen or so devils to the rear. If any devils dare to escape on the way, they will be shot on the spot!"

The militiamen who followed the new regiment immediately stepped forward, took the wounded from the soldiers of the first battalion, and put the wounded on the stretcher.

Although the wounded were simply bandaged by the health workers, there was no condition for surgery here.

Then the militia took more than a dozen devils as prisoners and escorted them towards Yangquan.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yunlong led a new regiment to the west along the Zhengtai Railway.

Many small strongholds and bunkers along the way were damaged, the railroad tracks were also stripped off, and the corpses of abandoned devils and puppet soldiers can be seen everywhere.

An hour later, Xinyi regiment walked seven or eight kilometers westward, and finally encountered Kong Jie's main force.

Kong Jie is leading his troops to attack Potou stronghold, which is a medium-sized stronghold, with about 200 devils and puppet troops.

However, the battle was coming to an end at this time, and the devil's bunkers and gun towers were all destroyed, and they were fighting against trapped beasts relying on the ruins of the stronghold.

On a small slope 300 meters away from the stronghold, Kong Jie was lying on the back of the slope, holding up a telescope to carefully observe the attack of the soldiers ahead.

Suddenly a big palm-like hand patted Kong Jie on the shoulder, making Kong Jie shiver in fright.

Kong Jie turned his head, just in time to see Li Yunlong's unbeaten smiling face.

Li Yunlong said: "Old Kong, I said that your vigilance is too poor. If I were an enemy, you would have died several times."

Kong Jie said angrily.

"If you, Li Yunlong, are the enemy, it can only explain one problem, either you, Li Yunlong, have betrayed the country, or you, the boy, have betrayed the revolution."

"To deal with traitors and traitors, our Eighth Route Army usually greets his ancestors for eight generations, and then sends him a bullet."

There was actually a guard behind Kong Jie, and the guard knew Li Yunlong. He wanted to remind Kong Jie but was stopped by Li Yunlong with a wave.

"Hey?" Li Yunlong smiled, "When did you become so eloquent, old Kong?"

"Stop smiling with me, I'm directing the battle here." Kong Jie turned his head and continued to observe the situation on the battlefield with a binoculars. Two rockets just killed the devil's firepower. Generally rushed to the stronghold.

"What kind of battle is commanding, this battle is coming to an end." Li Yunlong knew the result of the battle with just one glance.

"Aren't your Xinyi regiments going to attack the Xinzhuang stronghold? Why did you come here?" Kong Jie asked, putting down the binoculars.

"The Xinzhuang stronghold has been taken down by our Xinyi regiment, and the battle will be resolved in 10 minutes." Li Yunlong chuckled.

"Two and 10 minutes to resolve the battle, you move very fast, kid?" Kong Jie was taken aback.

People are more dead than people, and goods are thrown away. His two battalions and some militiamen attacked this medium-sized stronghold, and it took more than an hour to gnaw it down.

But Li Yunlong fought a large stronghold, and the battle was resolved in only 10 minutes.

In fact, the two battalions of the Independent Regiment fought this Potou stronghold and won it in more than an hour. The action is already considered fast. This is due to the 1 infantry cannon, 1 American mountain cannon and more than a dozen bazooka rocket launchers obtained from Li Yunlong. Otherwise, it would take at least half a day of fighting and more than a hundred casualties to take it down.

After a pause, Kong Jie asked, "Old Li, isn't your regiment guarding the Lion Mountain, and was replaced by the reserve team?"

"Actually, I have long felt that your regiment has such strong firepower, it would be a waste to contain it on Lion Mountain."

"Don't you, Old Li, also like to attack?"

"In my opinion, none of these large, medium and small strongholds on the Zhengtai Railway can last more than half an hour in front of your new group."

Kong Jie only received an order from the brigade to hand over the task of the Xinzhuang stronghold to the Xinyi Regiment, and did not know that the Xinyi Regiment had completed the task.

"You're right, our old Li just likes to attack." With a smile, Li Yunlong said, "So I led my troops into Yangquan City, killed all the devils, and it's done..."

Kong Jie interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Old Li, what did you say?" Kong Jie asked, "Your Xinyi regiment captured Yangquan?"

Li Yunlong was secretly refreshed, but he deliberately pretended to be disdainful and said: "Isn't it just a Yangquan city? That's a piece of meat in my old Li's mouth. You can eat it if you want."

"My God." Kong Jie stared wide-eyed, his expression full of surprise, "Old Li, you kid did another big job without making a sound, taking Yangquan City too?"

Li Yunlong said: "Our old Li just played a trick."

"In the end, the devil came in with his mother's end and killed us."

"Later, the Devils dispatched another seven or eight planes to bomb, and our Xinyi Regiment shot down five of them."

"After drawing out the main force of Yangquan and killing them in the wild, let's rake the grass and beat the rabbits and take Yangquan City."

"By the way, I also killed a major general, the commander of the Major General of the Fourth Brigade, Tsuda Mitake."

"My God." Kong Jie said, "I also shot down 5 devil planes and killed Mitake Tsuda, you boy, go to heaven, where is Mitake Tsuda's major general's command sword, show me it quickly?"

"Tsuda Mitake and his command sword." Li Yunlong said, "They were blown to pieces by the shells from our Shanpao Battalion."

Because the devil's plane was flying east along the Zhengtai Railway, there were indeed 9 planes flying east yesterday afternoon, and only 4 flew back to Taiyuan.

Kong Jiemu thought about it, this is consistent with what Li Yunlong said, proving that he is not bragging.

A smile appeared on Kong Jie's face at that moment, and he said, "Old Li, so you're getting rich again? We're old comrades in arms, close old comrades in arms, you can't eat alone."

"Of course." Li Yunlong said, "I didn't want a single bullet for the capture of the Xinzhuang stronghold, so I gave it all to Shen Quan. Isn't that interesting?"

"Haha, that's interesting!" Kong Jie looked happy, "I'll treat you to a drink after the battle is over."

Li Yunlong asked: "All the strongholds from Yangquan have been wiped out, are there any strongholds ahead?"

Kong Jie said: "Lao Ding's new second regiment is in charge of the first few strongholds. Lao Ding estimates that the work is almost finished, and the section from Shouyang to Yuci is in charge of the 385th Brigade."

"You kid wants to fight a battle. I estimate that you have to go another fifty or sixty kilometers, and you will have a stronghold near Taiyuan."

"Damn it, I think that old devil Jun Tada is just like that, what kind of fucking cage tactics." Li Yunlong said with a displeased face, "The cowhide blows loudly, and we got rid of it in just two days? "

"You must fight the battle." Kong Jie said, "In addition to the Zhengtai Railway, there are Tongpu Railway, Baijin Railway, Pinghan Railway, and Jinpu Railway. Where is this?"

Those places of Kong Jie are too far away, Li Yunlong wants to fight now, and the morale of Xinyi Regiment is also booming now.

Rolling his eyes, Li Yunlong said: "Old Kong, the battle is over, let the militiamen and puppet soldiers do the work of digging the railway tracks, gather your troops quickly, and come with me to find Lao Ding."

"Old Li, what exactly do you want to do?"

Kong Jie immediately became vigilant, this guy always likes to cause trouble, this time he won't want to pull himself and Ding Wei to do it together, will he?

"What are you doing?" Li Yunlong said, "Of course it's gathering troops to attack Shouyang. Could it be possible to go home and have a baby?"

(End of this chapter)

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