I am helping

Chapter 184 The new 1 regiment is really powerful!

Chapter 184 The firepower of the new group is really strong!
Chapter 83 The firepower of the new group is really strong!
Hearing Ding Wei's immediate agreement, the corner of Li Yunlong's mouth twitched slightly.

"Now that the brigade commander is not here, the three of us must have a commander, right?"

"You two have promised me that you will cooperate with me to attack Shouyang County this time."

"Our old Li is reluctant to be the conductor, do you two have any objections?"

"Isn't that right?" Kong Jie said, "Lao Ding and I only agreed to cooperate with you, but we didn't agree to accept your command."

Ding Wei also chimed in: "That's right, Lao Li, you are dishonest, you always want to command me and Lao Kong, are you a Brigadier addict?"

Li Yunlong said again: "Okay, let's cooperate, but I have the final say on how to fight this battle, do you two have any objections?"

"What kind of cooperation? It sounds good. You have the final say on how to fight this battle. Doesn't it mean that you command us?" Ding Wei said.

"That's right!" Kong Jie also said, "You old Li has changed to singing, and the words are better than the songs."

"Forget it, forget it." Li Yunlong pretended to wave his hands and said, "Since the two of you don't cooperate, then forget it. I think it's better to do this. This time we will take down Shouyang County and distribute it according to work. Whoever goes to the city first will get it." Half of the captured and spoils, and the rest of the spoils are shared equally by the other two, isn't that fair?"

"I don't agree with this allocation, isn't that obvious?" Kong Jie said, "Your regiment is well equipped, it must be your regiment entering the city, we will make you rich, and Lao Ding and I can only eat soup?"

Ding Wei also said: "That is, you Lao Li himself said the average distribution, why do you take half?"

"This red mouth and white teeth, do you still want to admit it?"

"Old Li, if you want to play this game with me and Lao Ding, no old comrades in arms will have to do it in the future."

"Damn!" Li Yunlong glared, "This won't work, and that won't work either."

"Hit the county seat? Hit the fart!"

"In this case, no one should fight at all. When the brigade commander calls the 772 regiment over at night, let the four regiments do it together."

"At that time, the brigade commander will take at least half of the captured items, and the rest will be divided equally between our four main regiments. You two can figure it out yourself, how much can you take by then?"

Kong Jie and Ding Wei looked at each other, neither of them said anything, they were silently settling accounts.

In fact, what Lao Li said was right, the trophies won by the four regiments were completely different from those won by the three regiments.

The political commissar of the New Second Regiment silently walked out of the headquarters. Who the hell is this group of people?

It's like three local rich men, all of whom have no money and can't afford it early, and none of them are fuel-efficient lamps.

At this time, the battle was basically over, with only some sporadic gunshots, and the political commissar of the New Second Regiment ordered the organization to clean up the battlefield and rescue the wounded.

At the moment of stalemate, Ding Wei proposed an idea: "Old Li, Lao Kong and I can accept your command once, but only this time, and we have a condition."

Kong Jie was not in a hurry to refute Ding Wei, but wanted to hear what conditions Ding Wei wanted to raise.

"What conditions?" Li Yunlong asked with a change of expression.

Ding Wei quickly said: "This siege is no joke. The two regiments of Lao Kong and I are not very good at firepower, and we can't do it without someone who can take advantage of it."

"Divide your Shanpao battalion into six divisions, and lend each to me and Lao Kong three divisions."

"The two of us will cooperate with you to command once, what do you think, Lao Li?"

Leader Li frowned slightly, and glanced at Kong Jie indistinctly, wanting to see what he had to say.

"I think Lao Ding's proposal is very good." Kong Jie nodded and said, "In this way, our three regiments will be more confident in attacking the city."

"Okay, then it's settled." Li Yunlong nodded, "Hurry up and gather the troops."

At that moment, the three of them began to hook their shoulders together again, as if the quarrel just now had never happened.

The battle to attack the Nanzhuang stronghold was soon and completely over, and the third battalion of the New Second Regiment captured the Nanzhuang stronghold at the cost of dozens of casualties.

At this time, Shen Quan led the Second Battalion of the Independent Regiment to catch up.

Immediately Ding Wei ordered the whole regiment to assemble, leaving a platoon and some militiamen to clean up the battlefield.

The three main regiments and a part of the militia team rushed towards Shouyang County mightily.

After winning the battle for several days in a row, the morale of the commanders and fighters of each regiment was high. When they heard that they were going to fight the county town, they wished they would have two more legs and run fast one by one.


There were some faint humming sounds in the sky.

In the past few days, the soldiers heard the devil planes flying above their heads every day, and they understood it immediately.

"There are enemy planes, get down!"

Thousands of soldiers either sought shelters to hide, hid themselves behind bunkers or stones, or lay down on the spot.

Compared with the reactions of the new second regiment and the independent regiment, Li Yunlong's new first regiment seemed calm and unhurried.

The commanders and fighters of the new regiment crawled to avoid, unhurriedly set up light and heavy machine guns and machine anti-aircraft guns, and aimed them in the direction of the Sky Devils plane.

Li Yunlong held up the binoculars and looked up. Two devil planes came in the sky, with the rising sun mark printed on the fuselage, flying towards this direction.

Afterwards, Li Yunlong said: "It's the devil's fighter plane, there are no bombers, only two."

Zhao Gang said: "We dispatched too many troops this time. The devil's plane can't blow it up. It should be out for reconnaissance and will fly away soon."

As expected by Zhao Gang, the Devil's plane passed overhead and then flew westward.

But soon, the two fighters of the Devils turned somersault again and flew back again.

"Wait, the devil plane is back, all battalions and companies are preparing for air defense!"

As soon as Li Yunlong finished speaking, all the commanders and fighters suddenly noticed that the roar of the plane was getting louder and getting closer.



The reconnaissance flight unit led by Major Yoshio Kojima took off from Changzhi Airport.

Another Nakajima scout fighter was piloted by Genta Fujii.

The Japanese First Army was shot down by the Shinichi regiment and 5 planes. Yoshio Shinozuka's reconnaissance planes were no longer enough.

Therefore, all the Devil planes at Changzhi Airport and Datong Airport took off and performed flight missions without interruption.

Because of the interruption of communication, the task of the devil pilots was to reconnaissance along the Zhengtai Railway to report the attack of the Eighth Route Army.

Far away, Yoshio Kojima and Motota Fujii saw a gray water flowing below them, and without thinking, they knew that it was the main force of the Eighth Route.

Immediately, Major Yoshio Kojima picked up the radio communicator and called: "Moses, Moses, Moses, Moses."

After the voice came out of the receiver, Kojima Yoshio said again: "Ten kilometers west of Shouyang County, on the Zhengtai Railway, there are eight main routes moving westward, with about 5000 people."

After putting down the receiver and microphone, Yoshio Kojima picked up the binoculars and looked down.

A moment later, a sneer appeared on the corner of Kojima Yoshio's mouth.

caught you!

Although the eight-way cannon was camouflaged, I still found it.

Dare to march so swaggeringly by the railway, I simply don't pay attention to our imperial army aviation unit, stupid dirt.

Immediately, Kojima Yoshio called on the radio: "Fujii-kun, have you seen the cannon at the end of the Tuba Road team?"

"I saw it, Major." Moments later, Fujii Genta's voice rang through the radio.

"Yoshi!" Kojima Yoshio raised his mouth, "Fujii-kun, immediately follow me into the attacking position."

Fujii Motota hesitated and said: "Master, the headquarters has repeatedly emphasized that the Eight Routes are equipped with anti-aircraft guns, and there is no order to attack the Eight Routes..."

"Baga, Fujii-kun, shut up." Kojima Yoshio said coldly, "You don't need to remind me."

Immediately Yoshio Kojima pulled the joystick, and the plane turned somersault in the sky.

After completing the U-turn, the nose of the aircraft sank, roared through the clouds, and swooped down towards the new mountain artillery battalion.


Seeing this scene, Fujii Genta exclaimed on the radio, had no choice but to make a U-turn, and then entered a dive state.

The reason why Kojima Yoshio is so crazy is because his brother Kojima Ichiro was shot down on the spot while flying the [-] attack plane on a bombing mission yesterday, leaving no bones left.

This little devil didn't care about any orders at all, he just wanted to avenge his brother.


"Tuba Road, give me all to die!"

Yoshio Kojima's eyes were frenzied, and he was full of killing intent. He pressed the launch button of the aviation machine gun while still at an altitude of a thousand meters.

The aviation machine gun under the wing screamed wildly, two blue lights came out, and it swooped down desperately.


Following Li Yunlong's order, more than 100 light and heavy machine guns and 37 anti-aircraft guns of the new regiment opened fire immediately.

The sound of gunfire and the tom-tom roar of machine guns sounded like fried beans, and the sky was covered with orange-red tracer ballistics.

A dense firepower net like raindrops was laid on the dive route of the Devil's plane.


"How could the firepower of Tuba Road be so strong?"

Seeing the dense tracer bullets in front of him, Yoshio Kojima's face instantly became extremely ugly.

However, before he had time to think, there was a crackling sound from the fuselage, accompanied by a violent shaking, Yoshio Kojima was smashed to pieces in an instant.

The fighter jet lost control in an instant, and fell obliquely from high altitude with billowing smoke and inertia.

The pilot of another fighter, Fujii Motota, saw that the situation was not good, because his fighter was a few beats slower, so he quickly pulled the fighter up and flew into the clouds.

A few seconds later, the hit Devil plane landed one kilometer away from the railroad track, under the gaze of thousands of surprised eyes.

The Devil's plane was in close contact with the ground, a huge circle of flames rose with black and red mushroom clouds, and the whole Devil's plane was blown to pieces.

The whole earth seemed to be shaking.

"Damn it, I shot down five of the eight or nine Devil planes, and two planes dare to attack?" Li Yunlong said in a disdainful tone, hehe, three American mountain cannons were in hand.

Ding Wei and Kong Jie were in their respective teams, seeing the dense rain of tracer bombs and the scene where the Devil's plane was shot down, their expressions were filled with shock.

Li Yunlong, the dog day, is too rich!

The firepower of the new regiment is really strong!


(One chapter today, I am too tired, and the state is not very good, and I will resume two chapters tomorrow.)
(End of this chapter)

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