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Chapter 185 The feeling of changing identities!

Chapter 185 The feeling of changing identities!
In Taiyuan, the headquarters of the Japanese First Army.

The second day of the Eighth Route Army's attack on the Zhengtai Railway.

It was already noon the next day.

In the battle hall, Intelligence Staff Takeo Iteng reported to Commander Shinozuka Yoshio.

"General, according to the news from senior intelligence personnel."

"The China Central Army and the Jinsui Army generally support the campaign launched by the Eighth Route Army."

"Huh?" Shinozuka Yoshio frowned slightly. The Eighth Route Army and the Kuomintang army had always been at odds, so it was a supportive attitude?

In this way, things will be a little difficult.

If the Central Army and the Jinsui Army are supportive of the Eighth Route Army's campaign.

Then, he cannot easily mobilize troops from southern Shanxi to help.

Because once the troops are transferred, even if a division is transferred, the Jinsui Army and the Central Army will probably take advantage of the vacancy and launch a battle.

In that case, the situation where the Japanese army has worked hard in southern Shanxi for several years may fall short.

In the future, it will be even more difficult to realize the strategic intention of occupying Zhongtiao Mountain, opening up the Yellow River channel, attacking Yan'an eastward or attacking Xi'an southward.

Shinozuka Yoshio didn't dare to move these three divisions at will, he needed to weigh the pros and cons.

Kazuki Yamamoto thought about it, and then said in a deep voice: "Your Excellency, Commander, I may have a way to knock the mountain to shake the tiger."

Shinozuka Yoshio hurriedly asked, "Yamamoto-kun, what can you do?"

Kazuki Yamamoto said: "The reason why the Eighth Route Army dared to continue to attack the communication line is mainly because the Imperial Army's forces were too scattered."

"You've said this many times." Yoshio Shinozuka said, "Let's talk about the important ones."

"Hi!" Kazuki Yamamoto paused, "The scattered imperial forces cannot be concentrated and can only be defeated individually. I suggest that the 36th, 37th, and 41st divisions be transferred from southern Shanxi to relieve the siege of the Zhengtai Railway! "

"Yamamoto-kun, I thought you would come up with some clever strategy. If you could transfer the troops back from Jinnan, the headquarters would have already done that." Kusuyama Hideyoshi sneered.

Kazuki Yamamoto said again solemnly.

"Your Excellency Chief of Staff, what I mean is, pretending to transfer back the strength of these three divisions is not really going to transfer back these three divisions."

"We only need to release the news that the 36th, 37th, and 41st divisions will aid Zhengtai Road in the north."

"Based on the guerrilla tactics of the Eighth Route Army, it will definitely not confront the three divisions of the Imperial Army head-on, and most likely will withdraw from Zhengtai Road."

"It's easy to say." Nanshan Hideyoshi said, "If the Eighth Route Army does not withdraw from Zhengtai Road, is it really necessary to transfer the three divisions back?"

"Of course not." Kazuki Yamamoto said, "But General Shinozuka can properly express goodwill to the Jinsui Army Chief Yan Xishan and the Second Theater Command Wei Lihuang."

"If the imperial army can reach a tacit understanding with the Central Army in Zhongtiao Mountain and the Jinsui Army in the Luliang Mountain area."

"At least three infantry regiments and one artillery regiment can be transferred from southern Shanxi to support Zhengtai Road."

"This is equivalent to the strength of a field division, enough to change the current bad situation."

After Kazuki Yamamoto finished speaking, Hideyoshi Kusuyama did not immediately refute, but his eyes sank, and he looked at the map as if thinking.

Kusuyama Hideyoshi, who has always been displeased with Kazuki Yamamoto, has to admit that Kazuki Yamamoto's suggestion has something to offer.

It is a bit similar to the combination of vertical and horizontal lines used by Qin in ancient China when he unified the six countries.

This has gone beyond the scope of military means, but means at the political level.

Yoshio Shinozuka also said happily: "Unexpectedly, Yamamoto-kun still has political thinking. If Yamamoto-kun is not studying special operations subjects, but commanding large corps in combat or entering politics, he will already be a military and political officer by this time."

"The general praises it, Yamamoto is obliged to solve the general's worries and problems."

Kazuki Yamamoto paused and said, with a blank expression on his face, but he couldn't help but feel a little proud in his heart.

"Ando-kun!" Yoshio Shinozuka looked at Takeo Ando, ​​"Do as Yamamoto-kun says immediately!"

"Hi!" Intelligence staff officer Takeo An Teng paused, then walked out quickly.

Shinozuka Yoshio breathed a sigh of relief, and finally had a solution.

Although the Eighth Route Army could not be solved all at once, at least there was hope of driving the Eighth Route Army away from Zhengtai Road.

Not long after Takeo Anteng walked out, Toshimatsu Kasai, the communications staff officer, hurried in again, walked up to Yoshio Shinozuka, paused and said:
"Report to the general, the small island reconnaissance team found the main force of the Eighth Route 10 kilometers east of Shouyang County on the Zhengtai Railway, and the number of people is about 5000 people!"

"The Eight Routes are marching along the Zhengtai Railway, and the target is probably Shouyang County!"


Yoshio Shinozuka, Kazuki Yamamoto and Hideyoshi Kusuyama heard the words and quickly looked at the map.

10 kilometers east of Shouyang County?

Yoshio Shinozuka's face darkened suddenly. The Eighth Road is only 10 kilometers away from the county seat, and it can be reached in an hour by a quick march.

Could it be that after the Eight Route Army captured Yangquan, they will attack Shouyang County?

Is the next target of Eight Roads Taiyuan?
The mood that was slightly better just now became worse in an instant.

Balu is simply too deceitful!
Raising his head suddenly, Shinozuka Yoshio ordered: "Order the Kojima reconnaissance team to closely monitor the whereabouts of the Eight Routes, and report any abnormalities immediately!"

"General!" Toshimatsu Kasai said, "Yoshio Kojima attacked the Eighth Route without authorization, and was shot down by the Eighth Route. Another reconnaissance fighter was also shot and is on the way back!"

"Nani? Eight Ga!" Shinozuka Yoshio said angrily, "What's going on here?"

Kasai Toshimatsu reported: "According to the pilot Fujii Genta's report, Kojima Yoshio's brother, Kojima Ichiro, is also a pilot of the 9th Flying Squadron. He was shot down yesterday during a bombing mission to bomb the Eighth Route Army's Li Yunlong Department."

"When Yoshio Kojima was doing reconnaissance today, he discovered that the Eighth Route Army on the ground was equipped with cannons."

"It was confirmed that this unit was the Eighth Route Army that shot down his brother. Xiao Dao lost his mind, so he swooped and bombed the Eighth Route artillery without authorization."

"As a result, before Yoshio Kojima dropped the bomb, his fighter jet was hit."

"The firepower of this eight-way team is very strong, and there is a great possibility that it is Li Yunlong's department!"

"Baga! Without my order, no pilot is allowed to attack the Eight Routes. If anyone disobeys the order, I will personally send him to a military court."

Yoshio Shinozuka was furious, it was unforgivable that someone dared to disobey his order.

Every loss of pilot and aircraft is an immeasurable loss to the First Army.

After a pause, Shinozuka Yoshio came to his senses: "Nani, do you mean that it is Li Yunlong's department that is going to attack Shouyang County?"

"Hi! General!" Kasai Toshimatsu said, "Among the Eighth Route Army, only Li Yunlong's department has both artillery units and powerful anti-aircraft firepower."

"Although Major Kojima died in the line of duty, he should have judged correctly that this Eighth Route is Li Yunlong's department."

"Even if these eight routes are not all under the command of Li Yunlong, Li Yunlong's department will definitely participate in them."

"I dare say that this is the main force of the 386th Brigade of the Eighth Route Army."

Nanshan Hideyoshi hurriedly asked: "Which army is stationed in Shouyang County? Who is the commander?"

"It's the 4rd Battalion of the Yamada Regiment of the 3th Brigade."

Kasai Toshimatsu said: "The captain of the brigade is Major Daisuke Takahashi. There are more than 700 people in the Takahashi Brigade and Gendarmerie in Shouyang County, and there is also a battalion of the Imperial Association Army, with a total strength of more than 1100."

Shinozuka Yoshio ordered:
"Mr. Lijing, immediately report to Major Takahashi the information that the Eighth Route Army is planning to attack Shouyang County."

"Order him to prepare for battle."

"The 386th Brigade is a group of elite soldiers and generals. I ordered Major Takahashi not to be careless."

"Especially Li Yunlong, you must be careful with this person!"

"Hi!" Kasai Toshisong paused, then walked out quickly.


After shooting down a Devil plane.

Li Yunlong found Ding Wei and Kong Jie.

Li Yunlong said to Ding Wei and Kong Jie: "Our whereabouts have been discovered by the devil."

"It is estimated that the devil will soon guess that we are going to attack Shouyang County."

"The more prepared the devils are, the more unfavorable it will be for our attack."

"In order not to leave too much preparation time for the devils, we have to conduct reconnaissance in advance and collect wooden ladders to climb the city from ordinary people's homes."

"I have no objection." Kong Jie nodded.

Ding Wei also said: "After all, it is the territory of the devils. The three of us can't just pass by like this. I suggest that we all bring our own cavalry, so that we can deal with any emergencies."

"I agree with Lao Ding." Li Yunlong said, "Speaking of cavalry, Lao Ding, do you still owe Lao Li a company of equipment?"

"Give him back his old comrade-in-arms." Ding Wei said, "Your old Li is very rich now, and a company's equipment is nothing in your eyes. As for often talking about it?"

With a haha ​​smile, Li Yunlong said: "Why do I feel that you, a debt collector, are more violent than my debt collector?"

Kong Jie beside him also laughed.

At the moment, the three of them each took their own cavalry to move in the direction of Shouyang County.

Kong Jie and Ding Wei are both cavalry companies, each equipped with about 100 military horses, while Li Yunlong's is a cavalry battalion. Although dozens of cavalry were lost in the Xinzhou Basin, they are not fully staffed.

But there are also more than 240 cavalry cavalry, adding up to more than 400 cavalry, which can be regarded as more than half of the cavalry regiment.

Even if you encounter a battalion of devil infantry in the wild, it is not in vain.

In less than half an hour, Li Yunlong, Ding Wei, and Kong Jie led the cavalry to approach the outside of Shouyang County.

One kilometer away from the county seat, a few people were lying in a hiding place, raising their binoculars to look towards the city wall.

I saw that the city gate was closed tightly, light and heavy machine guns had been set up on the city wall, and there were devils and puppet soldiers running between the crenels with ammunition boxes on their shoulders.

"Old Li, it's really as you expected." Kong Jie said, "The devil is already preparing for defense."

Li Yunlong said: "As expected."

Ding Wei put down the binoculars and said, "Why do I feel like we have switched identities with devils?"

"Identity exchange?" Kong Jie's expression changed, and he asked, "Old Ding, what do you mean?"

Ding Wei said in a disdainful tone:
"Think about it. In the past, the devils took the initiative. They can attack wherever they want, and they can sweep up whenever they want."

"now what?"

"It's our Eighth Route Army that can attack any railway it wants, and attack any county it wants, but the devils have nothing to do."

"Old Ding, what you said is really true." Kong Jie laughed and said, "Our Eighth Route Army has taken the initiative on the battlefield. The little devil must feel uncomfortable now."

(End of this chapter)

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