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Chapter 187 Shouyang City is broken!

Chapter 187 Shouyang City is broken!

After determining the attack time, Li Yunlong led a new regiment to the south of the city.

And quickly determined the headquarters, which is a courtyard of ordinary people.

Standing on the roof with a ladder, you can observe the battle on the city wall with binoculars.

And called the battalion commanders and company commanders directly under them to the headquarters to hold a combat meeting.

At the meeting, Li Yunlong assigned combat tasks. This time, the Second Battalion was the vanguard. After the Second Battalion entered the city, the Third Battalion quickly followed up and fought street battles with the enemy.

This time Zhang Dabiao's first battalion served as a reserve team.

Zhang Dabiao had no objection to this result. Before that, the first battalion basically served as the main attack, and the other two battalions served as the reserve team in turn.

It was time for the second battalion or the third battalion to make a main attack.

After the meeting, Li Yunlong ordered the cavalry battalion, machine gun company, and heavy machine gun battalion to gather gas masks and use them to support the New Second Regiment and the Independent Regiment.

Then he gave Wang Chengzhu an order to send out 6 mountain cannons to support the New Second Regiment and the Independent Regiment respectively.

And each sent 10 machine guns to protect the mountain guns, and sent over 20 camouflage nets.

And ordered the artillery to pull back the mountain cannons, machine guns and camouflage nets immediately after blasting the city wall.

It's not that Li Yunlong is afraid of Ding Wei or Kong Jie's repudiation, after all, he has an IOU in his hand, and if the two brothers renege on their debts, he will take the case to the headquarters.

It was the stroke of genius of Lu Yingjun, the captain of the Sword Squadron, when Li Yunlong wanted to reenact the attack on Yangquan.

After the troops attacked the city, let the Sword Squadron enter to occupy the commanding heights, and call artillery to cover the Devils Command with artillery fire.

The artillery coverage is different from the precise shooting such as shelling the city wall. Only when the artillery is concentrated can it exert its maximum power.

Following the order, the cavalry battalion took the lead in finding a small path to detour toward the west gate, so as not to let the devils on the tower see it.

Zheng Yu was busy mobilizing the soldiers of the Second Battalion before the battle. His battalion commander grabbed the main attack, and the soldiers of the Second Battalion were very excited.

The first battalion was not idle, and Zhang Dabiao led the way to dig trenches and build fortifications at a position 700 meters away from the city wall.

Before thinking about victory, think about defeat first. If the attack does not go well and the devils launch a counterattack, then these trench fortifications can have a blocking effect.

Wang Chengzhu's artillery battalion has set up 6 mountain cannons in a hidden place, turning the handle and aiming the muzzles at the bunkers and artillery towers below the city wall.

The first round of shelling will kill the fortifications of the devils outside the city.

The 17 machine guns of the surrounding machine gun company are ready, and all of them are camouflaged, always on guard against the Devil's plane.

Soon, Wang Chengzhu measured the distance with a gun scope, and the soldiers of the logistics department pulled up more than 60 camouflage nets.

And each camouflage net is at least a hundred meters apart, and the arrangement is irregular, but the mountain cannons are placed in a more concealed position.

Even if it is discovered by the devil plane, it will be protected by machine anti-aircraft guns.

As time went on, it soon became time to launch an attack.

Shanpao Battalion Commander Wang Chengzhu shouted loudly: "Get ready, let go!"

The flag commander immediately lowered the flag in his hand.

All the gun positions are ready, and the muzzles are all pointing at the bunkers or gun towers outside the Devil City.

The gunner immediately stepped forward and pulled the matchlock.

The body of the cannon shook violently, and the air waves generated by the fired shells set off a cloud of dust.

Six shells rushed out of the barrel in an instant, arced through the air, and flew towards the devil's fortifications whistling.

"Boom boom boom!"

Li Yunlong lay on the roof and looked through the binoculars.

Through the field of vision of the telescope, I saw that the devil's bunkers and gun towers were smashed to pieces in the shelling.

Beside him, Zhao Gang also held up a telescope to observe the situation on the battlefield.

Zhao Gang said: "Look, Lao Li, the quality of our artillery is getting higher and higher. The first round of test firing killed almost half of the bunkers and gun towers."

"It is said that sharpshooters are fed with bullets. I think this sharpshooter is also fed with shells."

"The more shells are fired, the more accurate the cannon will be."

"Of course." Li Yunlong said, "I don't even look at whose soldiers? Their regiment leaders are so powerful, so the soldiers below are bad soldiers?"

More than [-] meters behind the fortifications of the first battalion, the mortars of the three battalions were concentrated.

The mortar positions and the mountain artillery positions are not in the same place.

The mortars were aimed at the devils on the city walls.

As the Shanpao Battalion opened fire, there was a muffled sound of "thumb bang bang" immediately on the mortar position.

With a sharp whistling sound, the mortar shells fell on the heads of the puppet soldiers in devil uniforms on the city wall.

Accompanied by a series of explosions, some shells landed outside the city, some landed inside the city, but most of the shells landed on the city wall.

A wave of shock waves flew across the city wall with choking smoke and sharp shrapnel, mercilessly harvesting lives.

The shrapnel hit the stone wall of the crenel and bounced back, making a continuous sharp metal trill.

Before the puppet soldiers could catch their breath, the second round of mortar shells quickly fell from the top of their heads.

But the puppet army didn't dare to escape. The supervising team composed of the devil's gendarmerie was holding a Type [-] heavy machine gun on the Wengcheng behind. Anyone who dared to escape was immediately beaten into a sieve.

What made the puppet army even more desperate was that after the Eighth Route Army's mountain artillery knocked down the bunkers and gun towers outside the city, it was already bombarding the city wall.

The cannonball exploded on the wall of the city wall, like shaking mountains and mountains, the whole wall was trembling, and the tiles on the tower above the city wall fluttered and fell down.

The city wall of Shouyang County was built in the Song Dynasty. The entire city wall is navy blue, 6 to 9 meters high, and 6 to 10 meters wide at the top of the city wall. It was built with rammed earth, and bricks were pasted on the outside, and glutinous rice juice mixed with lime was used to bridge the gap between the bricks and stones of the city wall.

The crenels and shooting holes on the top of the city wall present the tactical characteristics of the cold weapon era.

However, the ancient city walls were built to protect against cold weapons, and they would not be able to withstand hot weapons, especially cannons.

It took less than 6 minutes for the six mountain cannons to aim at the city wall before the south city wall collapsed, forming a gap more than ten meters wide.

At this time, the Second Battalion of the New First Regiment entered the attacking position under the leadership of Zheng Yu.

Seeing that the wall was breached by the cannonball, Zheng Yu immediately issued an attack order without hesitation.

Accompanied by the sound of the rushing charge.

The soldiers of the second battalion carried their ladders and rushed towards the city wall like a tide.

"Kill kill kill!"

"Come on, you little devil!"


At the same time as the charge, overwhelming shouts of killing also sounded.

The killing intent all over the sky immediately permeated from the soldiers of the second battalion.

There are four gates in Shouyang City, namely East Binyang Gate, West Dinghu Gate, Nantong Fei Gate and Beijing Huai Gate, all of which have guard gates.

It was Nantong Feimen that Xinyi regiment attacked, and the Japanese gendarmerie set up heavy machine guns on the top and under the walls of the Wengcheng.

Just waiting for a new regiment of soldiers to pour in through the gap, the city and the city opened fire together.

But fortunately, Xinyituan had prepared dozens of ladders in advance. Some ladders were not long enough, so two ladders were spliced ​​together.

As soon as the soldiers of the Second Battalion climbed up the gap along the ladder, the Japanese heavy machine guns above and below the city opened fire on the gap.

The machine gun bullets hit the gap, flying sand and rocks, making the attacking troops unable to lift their heads.

But dozens of ladders behind him had already been put on the city wall, and the soldiers stepped on the ladders to climb up the city.

Because there are puppet troops wearing devil clothes on the city wall, they have long been beaten to the point of losing their courage to resist under the powerful artillery fire of the Eighth Route Army.

Because of the devil's behavior of throwing the puppet army on the city wall to die, the puppet army has already cursed the devil countless times, and it is even more impossible to give their lives to the puppet army at this time.

The puppet soldiers just fired a few shots into the sky symbolically, and then gave up resistance.

"Grandpa Eight Road!"

"We are Chinese, don't shoot!"

I saw the commando No. 1 fighter from the second battalion of the Xinyi Regiment climb up the city wall, and more fighters swarmed up behind.

The puppet soldiers raised their guns above their heads and squatted on the city wall.

But the voices of the puppet soldiers were overshadowed by the dense gunfire.

Because the puppet army was still wearing devil uniforms at this time, they were caught off guard by soldiers from the second battalion and shot and killed several of them.

The devil's machine gunner on Wengcheng heard the gunshot, and immediately turned his gun and fired towards this side.

The soldiers of the Second Battalion ignored the "devils" who surrendered, and immediately fought back with their guns.

The dense submachine gun bullets swept over, quickly suppressing the devil's Type [-] heavy machine gun.

The pressure on the soldiers rushing from the gap was reduced by more than half.

Holding the ladder with one hand, and holding a submachine gun in the other hand, he fired at the devil's firepower.

Taking advantage of the time when the devil's firepower was suppressed, the commandos stepped on ladders and swarmed up into the urn city.

Neither the Wengcheng nor the city wall were the focus of the devil's defense, so they encountered no resistance and were quickly captured by the second battalion.

At the headquarters of the new regiment, Zhao Gang, who saw this scene through the telescope, frowned slightly, with a look of worry on his face.

"Old Li, did the Second Battalion's attack go too smoothly?"

"From launching the attack to occupying the city wall, basically there was no resistance, and there was no counterattack by the devils."

"The firepower of the devil's machine gun seems to have become a decoration. It seems that there are still many devils surrendering?"

"I'm worried that there may be fraud in this. I think it's better to suspend the attack and let the second battalion defend the city wall first."

"Then let the Sword Squadron go up the city wall and call the artillery to kill the Devil Command before attacking?"

However, Li Yunlong's eyes were calm all the time, his expression did not fluctuate at all, and he said unquestionably: "No, let the second battalion and the third battalion continue to attack."

After fighting the devils for so many years, Li Yunlong has never seen the devils collapse at the touch of a finger and then surrender.

The devils on the gate tower were probably disguised by the puppet army. Among the three battalion commanders of the main infantry battalion, Zheng Yu was the most thoughtful, and he couldn't have imagined this.

It was based on this consideration that Li Yunlong did not stop the attack.

At this time, on the east and north walls, the soldiers of the Independent Regiment and the New Second Regiment climbed up the city walls without encountering any obstacles.

Zheng Yu, the commander of the Second Battalion, obtained information from the account of the puppet army that the devils and the puppet army changed their uniforms.

He immediately ordered the soldiers of the second battalion to shoot and kill the devils and puppet troops when they entered the city.

He also specially ordered the communications soldiers to wait for the commander of the third battalion on the city wall, and after the third battalion entered the city, he would inform the commander of the third battalion, Chen Dagu, of this information.

(End of this chapter)

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