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Chapter 188 House-to-house battle!

Chapter 188 House-to-house battle!
Outside the east gate, Kong Jie saw through the binoculars the soldiers of the first battalion led by the first battalion commander Guan Dashan attacking the city wall, with a smile on his face.

"Beautiful play!"

Wang Yingcai, political commissar of the Independent Group, felt a little strange just like Zhao Gang.

"Captain, did this battle go a little too smoothly?" Wang Yingcai said.

"Isn't it that the devils and the puppet soldiers exchanged clothes?"

"Don't worry, according to Captain Li's style of play, there will be no problem."

"This kid has more sass than we thought."

In fact, Kong Jie had already noticed something was wrong, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

Since the Japanese army abandoned the city walls and let the Eighth Route Army enter to fight in the streets, it was only a matter of time before they captured Shouyang City.

According to Li Yunlong's style of play, unless the devils ordered all the houses in the city, Kong Jie would not know how to lose if the Eighth Route Army had 5000 against the devils' 700.

Even if a devil lights up a house, the devil will still be burned to death if he is inside, and most devils would not do that.

Even if the battle damage ratio is 1 to 1, and it is distributed among the three regiments, each regiment will have at most more than 200 casualties.

Therefore, Kong Jie didn't panic at all.

As soon as Kong Jie turned his head, he saw the artillerymen of the Xinyi regiment and the soldiers of the machine artillery company packing up and preparing to leave.

He hurried over and asked, "What are you doing? Who told you to leave?"

"Regimental Commander Kong." Hu Yongqiang, the second company commander of the Shanpao Battalion, turned around and gave a military salute and said, "This is an order from our regimental commander."

"Isn't that right?" Kong Jie said, "Your regiment leader made an agreement with me that you will not return until you finish fighting the county seat. The battle against the county seat has just begun."

What a precious treasure these mountain cannons are. Even if they are returned to Li Yunlong in the end, they will still smell good if they are held in their hands for a while. Kong Jie didn't expect to return them so early.

Hu Yongqiang said: "Our regiment leader said that the mission of our Shanpao Second Company is to help the brothers of the Independent Regiment break down the city wall."

"Now that the city wall has been knocked open, we have completed the task. After that, we have other tasks."

"This city wall has been opened." Kong Jie asked, "What else do you have to do, can't you stay in the independent regiment to provide some artillery support?"

Hu Yongqiang added: "Our Shanpao Battalion will be concentrated and beheaded the devil headquarters in the city."

"I'm sorry Captain Kong, we won't be able to provide you with artillery support from now on."

Kong Jie was a little dumbfounded, Li Yunlong had a legitimate reason, and he couldn't refute it.

Looking at the 3 mountain cannons and 10 machine cannons, Kong Jie swallowed, and finally reason overcame impulse.

Kong Jie said: "Since you have a mission, then hurry back to Xinyituan, don't delay the mission."

At that moment, Hu Yongqiang, the second company commander, organized a team of mountain cannons and machine cannons to walk south of the city.


In the city of Shouyang County.

After Zheng Yu led the second battalion to occupy the city wall and urn city, he continued to attack forward.

Follow the stairs in the city wall to the street.

At the corner of the street, there are two machine gun emplacements built with sandbags.

The devils set up two Taisho [-]-type light machine guns with crooked handles on the sandbags, and behind the sandbags, the devils in puppet uniforms fired fiercely towards the end of the street.

But one of the crooked handles soon jammed, and the bullets fired by the other crooked sub-machine gun swept over in a fan shape.

The soldiers of the Second Battalion hid behind the pillars at the end of the street and shot at each other with the devils.

At this time, the window above the soldier's head suddenly opened, and a head poked out, shouting loudly.

"Don't come here, there are landmines on the street! There are devils ambushing!"

The soldier looked up and saw a middle-aged woman shouting loudly while waving at the soldier.

"Go back quickly, don't come out!"

A young warrior waved at the middle-aged woman to back him off.

But the middle-aged woman had already been discovered by the devil who was ambushing there diagonally.

A devil pointed a [-] rifle at her and pulled the trigger.

With a crisp bang, the middle-aged woman was hit in the chest by a bullet, and because half of her body was outside the window, she fell from the window after being shot.

It fell firmly to the ground with a dull sound.

"The little devil of the dog day!"

In grief and anger, the young soldier leaned out of the cover with half of his body, and pulled the trigger of the submachine gun at the position where the devil had just shot.

Although this soldier is very young, he has been a veteran of more than half a year in the army, and he is a squad leader of the second battalion.

The machine gun bullets splashed over, and the devil who had just shot was smashed into a sieve in an instant.

The machine gun across the street swept towards the squad leader, but the squad leader was pulled back by a big hand a second before the devil's machine gunner fired.

The devil's machine gun hit the stone bunker in front of the soldiers and sparks scattered everywhere.

The team leader was Zheng Yu, the second battalion commander.

Logically, a veteran squad leader shouldn't make such a mistake, but Zheng Yu didn't blame him at this time.

Squad leader Hui reported: "Battalion commander, 30 meters in front of the devil's machine gun fire point, there are devils ambush on the second floor on both sides."

"That aunt just wanted to remind me that I was killed by devils."

Zheng Yu nodded. Since the devils are in ambush, they will definitely drive away and clean up the nearby common people.

The aunt must have been hidden from the devils, but she found that the devils had planted landmines on the street.

He took out a small rectangular mirror, tied it to the bayonet with a rope, carefully stretched it out, and then looked into the mirror.

The houses on the second floor on both sides were tightly closed, and nothing could be seen. Looking down, only one Jap machine gun was spewing flames, and the other was in a state of dumb fire.

Immediately, Zheng Yu put away the bayonet and mirror, and shouted loudly: "Submachine guns are suppressed, and the bazooka is ready to kill the devils!"

Several squad leaders with submachine guns came over one after another, and the two groups of grenadier soldiers also shouted that they were ready.

Several squad leaders and the grenadier soldiers nodded at each other. First, the squad leader who had just shot stretched out his submachine gun, and fired a shuttle in the direction of the devil's machine gun according to his feeling.

Showed a wave of reckless marksmanship.

Taking advantage of the momentary pause in the devil's machine gun fire, several squad leaders jumped out of the bunker and fired at the devil's machine gun position.

Machine gun bullets rained over, and the Devil's machine gunner had to lower his head to avoid the oncoming bullets.

After the devil's firepower was suppressed, the bazooka soldier looked at the loaded bazooka, knelt on one knee and pulled the trigger towards the devil's machine gun position built with sandbags.

The two rockets, which could be seen clearly by the naked eye, slid in mid-air with gunpowder smoke, and quickly hit the devil's machine gun position on the opposite side.


Accompanied by two thunderous explosions on the flat ground, the rocket bombs blasted the machine guns and devils in the two positions behind the sandbags into the sky.

"Communication soldier, go inform the soldiers outside and bring in all the ladders for the siege!"

Zheng Yu looked up to the second floor, and then said to the communication soldier.

The firepower point behind the devil's sandbag is facing the gate of the Wengcheng, and entering from the gate is just exposed to the firepower of the devil's machine gun.

If you want the follow-up troops to lift the ladder in, you must first clear the devil machine gunners on the street corner.

"Yes!" The Ministry of Communications ran out of the city.

Afterwards, Zheng Yu looked carefully at the street again, and sure enough, he found that there were traces of being turned over on the street.

Although it is a cobbled street, it is clear that the street has been in disrepair for a long time. Some of the cobblestones have gone somewhere. Under the cobblestones is the mud, where the devils buried the mines.

If there is no reminder from the aunt, their first battalion must have attacked along the house, but the troops who followed up along the street may suffer a lot.

Because he didn't know whether there were landmines buried under the stone slab, Zheng Yu asked the messenger to inform Chen Dagu not to advance along the street.

For Zheng Yu, conducting is an art, and it needs to be comprehensive to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

Not long after, soldiers brought in four or five ladders from the gate of the Wengcheng.

"Put the ladder on the house!"

Soon these four or five ladders were set up by the soldiers on the side of the house where there were windows.

"Commando, go to the room!"

He took the submachine gun from the guard next to him, opened the safety of the submachine gun, and stepped on the ladder to climb up after a low shout.

Just now that the aunt who took her life to remind them is in this room, it means that there are no devils in here.

Soon the soldiers entered the house stepping on the ladder and began to move forward slowly.

The bazooka soldiers were not idle either. According to the squad leader's instructions, they fired several rockets towards the houses on both sides where the devils were suspected of ambush.

Amidst the violent explosion, the second floor of the house hit by the rocket bomb collapsed in an instant, and all the devils inside were killed and injured.

The soldiers of the Second Battalion blasted the walls of the house and pushed forward, and soon encountered the devils ambushing in the house, and the two sides fought immediately, and began to fight house by house.


Takahashi Daisuke's headquarters is located in the center of the county.

This was originally a middle school in Shouyang County. After the Japanese army occupied Shouyang County, they saw that the building of the middle school looked new and there were enough classrooms, so they forcibly occupied it as the devil headquarters.

The teacher's office became the devil's office, and the classrooms became the dormitory for the devil soldiers.

At this time, Takahashi Daisuke and his adjutant Karasawa Pano were squatting on the top of the classroom on the third floor to observe the battle at the South Gate.

Eighth Road did not attack along the street, but set up a ladder to enter the house, and started a house-by-house battle with the Japanese army.

Seeing this scene, Daisuke Takahashi couldn't hold back any longer, his face darkened in an instant, and he secretly said something bad happened.

The landmines he ordered had no effect at all, because the Eight Routes did not go to the streets at all.

Karasawapano said in panic: "Captain, quickly order the imperial army to withdraw from the house. If this continues, our troops will be exhausted in a short time."

"After all, we only have 700 people, while the Eighth Route Army has 5000 people."

"The troops hiding in the house lost at least half of the team in the shelling of the Eighth Route just now."

"Baga!" Daisuke Takahashi scolded, "It's easy for the infantry to withdraw, but our artillery is all inside the house, so we can't withdraw in a short time."

In addition to placing light and heavy machine gun firepower on the second floor on both sides of the street.

The old devil also used a dirty trick. He dug and blocked the shooting holes in the wall of the first floor of the house, and put the infantry artillery and mountain artillery on the first floor.

When you want to wait for the Eighth Route Army to attack and advance on the street, you only need to push the cannon forward quietly, and then you can aim at the Eighth Route Army on the street and shoot directly.

However, the Eighth Route Army did not attack along the streets, so many of his arrangements became decorations, and even fell into an embarrassing dilemma.

(End of this chapter)

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