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Chapter 189 Take down the county seat and make a fortune!

Chapter 189 Take down the county seat and make a fortune!
Intense gunfire came from the direction of the east and north walls.

Apparently, the east and north walls were also breached by the Eighth Route Army.

Daisuke Takahashi and Kurazawa raised their binoculars to see that the Eighth Route Army had already captured the top of the city, and the puppet troops in Japanese uniforms surrendered without much resistance.

"Baga, if I knew this group of imperial association troops were so cowardly, I should have shot them all!" Takahashi Daisuke roared angrily.

He also hoped that the Eighth Route Army would treat these puppet troops as Japanese troops. When the Eighth Route Army attacked the city, they would definitely shoot at the puppet army first.

In this way, the tacit understanding between the puppet army and the Eight Routes will disappear. When there is no hope of survival, the puppet army will definitely take up guns and fight the Eight Routes to the end.

But now it seems that Takahashi Daisuke is thinking too much, this group of puppet troops has no fighting will to speak of.

Even if the Eight Route Army killed them all, the puppet army might not dare to take up their guns and fight back.

Seeing Takahashi Daisuke's angry look, Karasawa Pano's face sank slightly, and he said urgently: "Captain, what should we do now?"

Now that I can't wait to scold the Imperial Association Army for not resisting, what's the use?Don't you know the virtue of the Imperial Association Army?
Daisuke Takahashi's eyes flickered slightly, and he said: "When the matter comes to this point, we can only use the tricks and start a house-to-house fight with the Eight Routes. If we fight against the Eight Routes on the street, we will lose even faster. It won't be long before the Eighth Route will have more troops entering the city, and the equipment of the Eighth Route is not inferior to our imperial army."

If he had known that the Eighth Route Army was going to fight house to house, he would never have pushed the mountain artillery and infantry artillery into the house.

They will never give up the defense of the city wall easily. If the defense is focused on the city wall, even if the Eighth Route Army has mountain artillery, it will not be so easy for the Eighth Route Army to attack the city.

It would be impossible for Balu to climb up the city wall with a ladder, and it would not be so easy for Balu to attack with two machine guns in the gap that was blasted by the shells.

In the final analysis, it was Daisuke Takahashi who wanted to massacre the vital forces of the Eighth Route Army with the least cost of casualties.

Unexpectedly, Li Yunlong did not play cards according to common sense at all, making Daisuke Takahashi's arrangement become a decoration.

Kurazawa said in a deep voice: "Captain, actually we still have a way to go."

"Karazawa-kun, do you mean breakout?"

Kurazawa nodded and said: "Yes, captain, since no reinforcements have arrived, if this continues, our Takahashi brigade may be completely wiped out."

"The headquarters sent reinforcements from the 9th Brigade, and they may arrive at Shouyang County in three days, but we can't hold on for three days."

"Currently, the Eighth Route Army has not attacked the West Gate, and the report from the defenders of the West City Gate has not found any trace of the Eighth Route Army. I suggest breaking out from the West Gate..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Takahashi Daisuke, who scolded: "Hagashi, Karazawa-kun, do you know what you are talking about?"

"The order of the headquarters is to let our department stay in Shouyang County for three days."

"Do you want me to be court-martialed?"

"Do you think that the eighth road is a fool, deliberately giving way to let the imperial army go out?"

"Besides, there are eight roads everywhere outside the city. Where can I go after breaking out?"

"There is an ambush outside the west gate on the Eighth Route, that's for sure." Kuasawa Pano said, "But we can break out after dark."

"After breaking through, we can follow the guerrilla warfare of the Eighth Route Army. As long as we win a few battles, General Shinozuka will definitely not blame you."

"As for Shouyang County, it doesn't matter if it is handed over to the Eighth Route Army. The imperial army will fight back sooner or later. By then, Shouyang County will still belong to the Empire of Japan."

Daisuke Takahashi's eyes flickered slightly when he heard the words, obviously moved by what Karasawa said.

Continuing to stay in this Shouyang County will definitely lead to death.

Who wants to die if there is a chance to live?
"Yo Xi, what you said makes sense." Daisuke Takahashi nodded and said, "immediately strengthen the defense of the west gate, and break out from the direction of the west gate after dark."

Daisuke Takahashi said again: "In addition, after we break out of the siege, the grain depots and ammunition depots in the city cannot be reserved for the Eighth Route Army."

"Karazawa-kun, please go and make arrangements to bring enough food and ammunition needed after the breakout, and destroy all the rest when we break out tonight."

"Hi!" Karasawa Panfuton said first.


Outside Nancheng, the new regiment headquarters.

Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang stepped down from the roof on the ladder.

The signal soldier rushed in with a rifle on his back, and saluted the two of them with a slap: "Reporting to the commander, the second battalion has followed your order, and the whole battalion has started to compete with the devils house by house. At present, the third battalion has occupied the southern city wall." .”

Li Yunlong said: "Give me an order, the third battalion is the same as the second battalion, to attack the enemy and fight house by house with the devils."

"Yes!" The communications soldier snapped the military salute and ran out.

"Tiger!" Li Yunlong turned to Huang Erhu and said, "Go and call me Lu Yingjun and Xu Yonghai."

"Yes!" Huang Erhu turned around and ran out of the courtyard.

In fact, Lu Yingjun and his team members had been waiting outside the door for a long time. Huang Erhu bumped into Lu Yingjun as soon as he left the courtyard.

"Er Hu, where are you going?" Lu Yingjun asked in greeting.

"Captain Lu?" Huang Erhu hurriedly said, "The captain is looking for you."

Lu Yingjun couldn't sit still when he heard that, he ran into the yard in three steps and two steps in parallel.

Lu Yingjun snapped a military salute: "Reporting to the head and political commissar, Lu Yingjun is reporting to you."

Li Yunlong looked surprised: "You came so fast, you kid has been waiting outside the door?"

Laughing, Lu Yingjun said, "I'm not the only one. People from our Sword Squadron are outside, waiting for instructions from the head of the regiment and the political commissar."

It is a good thing that the Sword Squadron is so active, so Li Yunlong didn't say much.

Nodding his head, Li Yunlong said: "According to the plan, it's your turn to join the Sword Squadron."

"Now the second battalion and the third battalion have occupied the devil's city wall, and started a house-to-house battle with the devil."

"The task of your Sword Squadron is the same as last time, call for artillery fire to decapitate the devil's headquarters."

"Take down the ammunition warehouse in the county seat, do you have the confidence in the Sword Squadron?"

"If you can't take down the devil's ammunition depot." Lu Yingjun looked serious, "Leader, political commissar, you can shoot me."

"The head of the group is reluctant to shoot you." Zhao Gang smiled, "The mountain cannon that was borrowed has not been returned, but it should be soon."

"You Sword Squadron can go up to the city wall first, and you should be able to see the location of the devil's headquarters when you stand on the city wall."

"Calculate the shooting parameters in advance, and immediately bombard the devil's headquarters as soon as the cannon returns!"

"Yes! The Sword Squadron promises to complete the task!" Lu Yingjun saluted again.

Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang returned the military salute, and then Lu Yingjun walked out.

As soon as Lu Yingjun went out, the group of guys from the Sword Squadron immediately surrounded him and asked what the mission was.

The dress of the Sword Squadron is very different from that of ordinary Eighth Route Army soldiers.

Although the color of the military uniform is also gray, they wear gray steel helmets, bulletproof combat vests, mountain combat boots, and each carry a combat backpack.

The combat backpack contains necessities such as ammunition, gas masks, and rock climbing hooks. The whole set of equipment is not heavy for the Swordsmen and does not affect the combat at all.

After annihilating the Black Island Cavalry Squadron, a large amount of horse meat was seized, so Li Yunlong raised the food standard for the Sword Squadron, with meat in almost every meal and plenty of oil and water.

Every team member's face is glowing with well-nourished oil.

Moreover, these team members are almost all elite veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles. Just standing there, they exude a murderous aura that will never disperse.

"Line up!"

Lu Yingjun roared, and more than 50 team members quickly lined up in 5 rows.

His eyes quickly swept over the faces of every team member, and there was no need to mobilize them before the battle.

Because Lu Yingjun knew that all he needed was an order, and these guys would rush up and tear the devils to pieces.

"Target the southern city wall, let's go!"

Following Lu Yingjun's order, more than 50 team members lined up neatly and walked quickly towards the city wall.

Coming to the city wall, Lu Yingjun quickly found the location of the devil's headquarters through the binoculars.

A small three-story building with the Rising Sun flag flying, and a playground inside, is surrounded by walls and barbed wire, and there are no private houses more than [-] meters away.

At that moment, Lu Yingjun took out the precise map, and quickly calculated the shooting parameters according to the location of the Shanpao Battalion's artillery position and the location of the devil's headquarters.

And picked up the radio talker to inform Wang Chengzhu of the shooting parameters in secret language.

Not long after, the borrowed mountain cannons were returned, and Wang Chengzhu immediately set up six mountain cannons and quickly adjusted the shooting parameters.

Following Wang Chengzhu's order to fire.

The artillerymen on each emplacement pulled the matchlock almost simultaneously.

The barrel of the gun suddenly shook.

The 12 shells soared into the sky, drew an arc from the sky above the city wall, and flew towards the devil's headquarters.

Takahashi Daisuke and Karasawa Pano in the war room are studying the retreat route for the night.

The two of them could faintly hear strange screams.

Where did the cannon sound come from?

All my artillery was used to ambush the Eighth Route Army!

In the next second, the faces of the two of them turned pale instantly, and the sound of the cannon was aimed at them!

"Bombardment! Lie down!" Takahashi Daisuke got under the table.

It's too late!

Groups of shells whizzed down and landed in the devil's headquarters.

Boom boom boom...

A series of explosions sounded like muffled thunder.

The small three-story bungalow where the devil's headquarters was located was hit by two shells, which almost destroyed the entire building.

Although some of the shells missed and landed outside the headquarters, Lu Yingjun quickly recalculated the shooting parameters.

After the corrected trajectory, the second round of shells fell in pieces again, and this time most of the shells landed in the devil's headquarters.

The building in the devil's headquarters was blown down in one fell swoop.

The completely unprepared devil was instantly stunned.

The third round of shells fell again...

The entire Devils headquarters suffered heavy casualties under the carpet-style saturated shelling.

As the command building collapsed in the explosion, Daisuke Takahashi and Kurazawa were killed on the spot.

Immediately, the Sword Squadron and the Assault Company went straight to the devil's ammunition depot and grain depot.

The devils who lost their command system in the city fell into a situation of fighting on their own.

As the soldiers of the three main regiments continued to enter the city, they started a house-to-house battle with the devils.

Before dark, all the devils in the city were wiped out, and Shouyang County was captured.

The ammunition depot and the grain depot were also successfully captured by the two troops of the new regiment.

(End of this chapter)

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