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Chapter 190 Brigadier: Congratulations on getting rich!

Chapter 190 Brigadier: Congratulations on getting rich!

Standing in front of the ammunition warehouse in Shouyang County.

Li Yunlong's face turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile.

It seems that their three regiments took down Shouyang County, and the seizure was divided into three points on average.

But in fact Li Yunlong will get a reward from Chen Feng.

This reward was the price Chen Feng had set for Li Yunlong long ago, and winning a county was equivalent to 20 cannons.

And because Yangquan is an important military town of the devils and the home of the Japanese Fourth Brigade, taking down Yangquan is equivalent to aiding 40 cannons.

In other words, after the two battles, Li Yunlong not only replaced the whole regiment with new rifles, but also received assistance equivalent to 60 cannons.


Li Yunlong shouted: "Xiao Liu!"

The guard company commander Liu Dali ran over and straightened up: "Here!"

Li Yunlong ordered: "Take your soldiers and move all the ammunition out of the warehouse. You are responsible for counting the number of ammunition."

"Yes!" Liu Dali responded, and turned around to greet the soldiers of the guard company to enter the warehouse to carry the ammunition boxes.

The soldiers of the guard company stepped forward and pushed open the door of the warehouse, and moved the ammunition boxes from the inside out.

The ammunition warehouse was taken down by the Sword Squadron. The guys in the Sword Squadron had nothing to do, and they also helped the guard company move boxes out.

"Fang Lei?" Li Yunlong turned his head and shouted.

"Here!" The heroic Fang Lei ran to Li Yunlong.

Li Yunlong said: "Immediately send a telegram to the brigade headquarters, saying that the New First Regiment, New Second Regiment and Independent Regiment have captured Shouyang County and wiped out the enemy!"

"Yes!" After Fang Lei saluted, she walked quickly to the telegraph, picked up her earphones and sent a telegram, and the beeping sound of the telegram soon rang.

Before attacking Shouyang County, Li Yunlong had sent a telegram to ask for instructions.

If there is no telegraph machine, Li Yunlong will definitely have to kill first and then play again, but it will be different if there is a telegraph machine, Li Yunlong has no reason to kill first and then play.

And Li Yunlong also knew that the brigade commander would not disagree with the siege plan of their three regiments.

At this time, there was a sound of horseshoes outside the ammunition warehouse, and then the neighing of horses was heard soon, and then the sound of horseshoes stopped abruptly.

After a while, Kong Jie and Ding Wei walked in through the gate of the arsenal together.

The two of them came here in such a hurry that they were not afraid of Li Yunlong stealing ammunition and food.

They both know Li Yunlong very well. Although Li Yunlong has a relatively dark history, he always eats more and takes more in the distribution of supplies.

But the words spoken, the promises made, and the good deals negotiated are all spit and nails, and they never play tricks on this aspect.

Of course, this is limited to his comrades.

"I guessed that Lao Li is here in the devil's ammunition warehouse." Kong Jie laughed, "Old Ding, am I right?"

"Haha, it's still Lao Kong, you know Lao Li." Ding Wei laughed.

"Old Kong, Lao Ding." Li Yunlong said, "I have been waiting for you two for a long time, why did you two come here?"

"Do you think everyone is like your regiment, equipped with fast advance speed." Ding Wei said angrily, "Our two regiments are only now resolving the battle."

Li Yunlong said: "Then your movements are indeed slow enough. After our regiment eliminated the enemy at the south gate, we went to eliminate the enemy at the west gate."

Kong Jie said excitedly: "Don't talk about it, you two, we really made a fortune this time."

"I came here with Lao Ding just now, and the devil's weapons and equipment are scattered everywhere, such as Type [-], crooked handles, infantry artillery and mountain artillery. Unfortunately, most of them have been broken. It can't be fixed, what a nice piece of equipment, what a shame."

"Old Kong, look at your potential, this little weaponry is nothing!" Li Yunlong said, "If there were not more than 700 devils in this county, I wouldn't even take a look at the ammunition warehouse and grain depot, you boy If you look at the grain depot and ammunition depot in Yangquan, your eyes will pop out."

Ding Wei looked at Kong Jie and said with a smile: "Now Lao Li is a real rich man with a lot of money. He no longer looks down on Type 100 heavy machine guns and infantry artillery. Now he only cares about aircraft and tanks, and the number of cannons is less than [-]. mm caliber, he didn't even look at it."

"These ragged old Lis don't like them." Kong Jie said, "It just happens to belong to the two of us."

"Why should it all belong to you two?" Li Yunlong said, "No matter how small this mosquito is, it is still meat. Who would think too many weapons and equipment?"

Hearing this, Ding Wei, Kong Jie and Li Yunlong looked at each other and laughed, and the ammunition depot was filled with joy.

Apart from Li Yunlong, this was the first time that Kong Jie and Ding Wei led their troops to capture the county seat. This battle was of great significance to them and the soldiers of their two regiments.


386 Brigade Headquarters.

Chief of Staff Zhou is reporting to the brigade commander the completion of the missions of the regiments during the day.

"Brigade Commander, our brigade has basically completed the task of attacking the strongholds of the Zhengtai Railway."

"All the large, medium and small strongholds on the road from Shouyang to Pingding were pulled out, and even Yangquan was taken down."

"The New Second Regiment and the Independent Regiment completed their mission at noon today. The signal troops from the 772 Regiment reported half an hour ago, and they completed their mission an hour ago."

"The order from the headquarters to our brigade is 5 days." Deputy brigade commander Han said with a smile, "In less than 3 days, our brigade mission has been completed ahead of schedule. It seems that the head of the headquarters and the division commander underestimated the combat effectiveness of our brigade. .”

"The main thing is to have good weapons and equipment." The brigade commander said, "Each regiment has more than a dozen bazooka rocket launchers, and the combat effectiveness has improved a lot compared to before."

Deputy Brigadier Han nodded and said:
"Yeah, the bazooka is absolutely amazing. It's light in weight, powerful, and easy to use. It's the nemesis of devils' bunkers and gun towers."

The telegraph operator behind the brigade commander received the telegram signal from the new regiment and quickly translated the signal into a telegram.

Then he stood up and said, "Report to the brigade commander, a new urgent call!"

The brigade commander's expression moved, and he quickly took the telegram from the telegraph operator, sat in front of the kerosene lamp, and read the telegram carefully.

"Good! Great!"

The brigade commander suddenly smiled.

Seeing the brigade commander's expression, Chief of Staff Zhou and Deputy Brigadier Han instantly guessed that it must be another good news from Li Yunlong's side.

Chief of Staff Zhou asked: "Brigade Commander, Li Yunlong and the others captured Shouyang County?"

"That's right!" The brigade commander nodded with a smile, "Look, this is a telegram just sent by Li Yunlong. They just captured Shouyang County."

Chief of Staff Zhou and Deputy Brigadier Commander Han picked up the telegram and leaned over to the oil lamp to look at it. They couldn't help but smile at the moment.

"Let me just say, Li Yunlong has a lot of good ideas for fighting." Deputy Brigadier Han said with a smile, "He has already defeated Yangquan, let alone Shouyang County."

Chief of Staff Zhou said: "I don't know if Li Yunlong and the others took down the ammunition warehouse and grain depot in Shouyang County?"

"Li Yunlong is a smart kid."

Deputy Brigadier Han said with a smile: "Most of the ammunition warehouses and grain depots in Shouyang County were taken down by him, but he was afraid of the brigade commander's autumn wind, so he deliberately kept silent."

Chief of Staff Zhou said with a smile: "This Li Yunlong, their Xinyi regiment is so rich, they are afraid that the brigade commander will fight the autumn wind."

Deputy Brigadier Han said: "Brigade Commander, do you want to have an autumn breeze?"

The brigade commander waved his hand and said.

"Forget it, this time I won't hit the autumn wind of the three brothers."

"The weapons, ammunition and food that Li Yunlong handed over to Yangquan are enough for our brigade headquarters to have a good year. What's the autumn wind?"

Deputy Brigadier Han and Chief of Staff Zhou think about it too.

More than 3000 guns, 300 million rounds of bullets, and more than 200 million catties of grain were seized in Yangquan.

It is enough for the 386 brigade to develop three more regiments and fight several big battles.

It's only August, and with so much food, the entire 8 brigade can't finish it until the New Year.

The brigade department has made such a fortune, so they can't always think about the autumn wind of the subordinates, can they?
Then the brigade commander picked up a pen and began to scribble on the paper. After a while, the brigade commander handed the drafted telegram to the telegraph operator and said, "Send it to Xinyituan immediately."

"Yes!" The telegraph operator sat back in front of the telegraph machine, while watching the content of the telegram, he started the telegram by drops.


In Shouyang County, the Japanese ammunition warehouse.

Telegraph operator Fang Lei walked up to Li Yunlong holding the translated telegram and saluted a standard military salute.

"Reporting to the head of the brigade, there is an urgent call!"

Hearing Fang Lei's clear and sweet voice, the conversation among Li Yunlong, Ding Wei and Kong Jie came to an abrupt end.

Come, come, the brigade commander sent a telegram.

"Which one of you will read the telegram first?" Li Yunlong looked at Ding Wei, then at Kong Jie, and asked.

"Let me take a look."

Ding Wei took the telegram from Fang Lei, glanced at it by the light, and immediately his face darkened.

Seeing Ding Wei's expression, the hearts of Li Yunlong and Kong Jie also sank.

"Old Ding, what did the brigade commander say?" Kong Jie asked hastily.

Ding Wei took the telegram and read: "Li Yunlong, Kong Jie, Ding Wei, I congratulate you on getting rich."

Kong Jie's face collapsed on the spot, but Li Yunlong was fine, he was used to being robbed by the brigade commander, and now being robbed and seized is nothing to him.

Seeing that Ding Wei didn't read any further, Kong Jie asked, "That's all? How much did the brigade commander ask us to hand over?"

"The brigade commander didn't let us hand in the seized?" Ding Wei said, "Oh, and also, the brigade commander said that there will be no more battles in the future, and asked our regiments to destroy the railway."

"Damn!" Li Yunlong said unhappily, "The brigade commander didn't let him hand it over and seize it, you boy showed that expression just now?"

"That's right!" Kong Jie said with a sigh of relief, "I was taken aback. I thought the brigade commander wanted us to hand over most of the captured weapons, equipment and food."

This time the brigade commander does not fight the autumn wind, then he, Kong Jie, can rely on this batch of seizures to develop the independent regiment to a main force regiment with more than 2000 people, well-equipped weapons and sufficient ammunition.

"Who told you not to read the telegram?" Ding Wei shrugged.

Li Yunlong rolled his eyes and said: "It's so boring to destroy the railway, and it's not the job of our main force to dig the railway track. Brothers, are you interested in fighting Taiyuan with me?"


"Old Li, are you crazy?"

Kong Jie exclaimed, almost jumping up from Li Yunlong's words.

"Old Li, do you really want to fight Taiyuan?" Ding Wei asked in a deep voice.

Ding Wei knows Li Yunlong well. There is nothing in this world that this guy dare not do. When others say this, Ding Wei is sure that the other party is bragging, but when this word comes from Li Yunlong's mouth, Ding Wei is not sure. Really dare to do it.

"Isn't it because you conquered Yangquan and Shouyang counties consecutively, which gave you great confidence, kid, that you can do it, and we can take Taiyuan with the three regiments?"

"If your two regiments have the fighting power of our Xinyi regiment." Li Yunlong said, "You can give it a try."

"Old Li, I don't want you to bury people like this." After a pause, Kong Jie also asked in a deep voice, "What exactly do you want to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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