Daming: Let you do your best to manage, do you go to health?

Chapter 107 The grandfather and the grandson fight secretly!

Chapter 107 The grandfather and the grandson fight secretly!

In Zhu Zhanji's small courtyard, after hearing Zhu Zhanji tell him in detail what to do next, Zhu Zhanyong immediately said confidently: "Brother, don't worry, as long as you have money, these are trivial things .”

Zhu Zhanyong felt so comfortable when he heard that all the money would be handed over to him to spend.

However, when he heard Zhu Zhanji say that he would return 7000 taels to his second uncle every month, his eyes widened.

"Brother, this business can't be done! If we invested all the money in the land for digging pits in the early stage, how could we raise so much money in a month? Even if we can reclaim all the land this year, that's too much." It can only be planted next year, and the harvest will be next year. We will not benefit at all in a short time!"

Obviously, after hearing Zhu Zhanji's whole idea, although Zhu Zhanyong has full confidence in reclaiming the land, he is also very clear that these lands will take time to transition.

Seeing Zhu Zhanyong's fuss, Zhu Zhanji frowned immediately, and said: "You boy, why are you so excited? Didn't I finish telling you, and you will have a lot of people in your hands soon Yes, it’s still such a fuss.”

Hearing Zhu Zhanji's reproach, although Zhu Zhanyong knew that his elder brother was right, he obviously didn't have the time to think about it at the moment, so he just nodded and said immediately, "Then what can you do, elder brother?"

Zhu Zhanji said in a deep voice: "After the land is reclaimed, do we have to find someone to plant it ourselves? The water sources of our land are all connected to the land and can be used at any time. This is much better than the rice fields of ordinary people. Yes. According to what I mean, the land in our current hands is divided into two, and half of the land is used to hire people to cultivate it to maximize the benefits. The other half of the land is rented out after it is reclaimed!"


Obviously, Zhu Zhanyong never thought of this.

Land lease? ?
"Yes, lease! The leaseholder's rent is collected in the form of the corresponding land use fee every year. Of course, this part of the land use fee includes the land tax that needs to be paid to the court every year. That is to say, those people who rent our land, In addition to paying the corresponding land use fee, the rest of the income obtained every year belongs to the people themselves.”

"And the land use tax that the imperial court needs to pay every year is directly paid by our internal treasury. This saves a lot of troublesome things in the middle and ensures the payment of the imperial court's tax. It also avoids those people who lease our land. They are being taxed indiscriminately by yamen everywhere, causing them to make ends meet.”

"At the same time, our internal treasury itself has reduced the cost of hiring people, but the actual owner of the land is still us."

After Zhu Zhanji explained the benefits of this method, Zhu Zhanyong couldn't help but said: "This method is good! In this way, you can get benefits in a short time!"

Seeing Zhu Zhanyong's excited appearance, Zhu Zhanji could only smile helplessly.

After all, he is a person of two eras. Many commercial activities that seem very simple to him seem to be some clever tricks in the eyes of this kid.

This is still the case that Zhu Zhanji didn't say anything good about it.

After all, although their internal treasury is essentially an institution that exists to make money, they belong to the imperial court and the Ming Dynasty after all.

You can't just make money for the sake of making money.

Leasing out part of the cultivated land to the common people can not only solve the income problem in a short period of time, but also solve the employment problem of some common people. Those people who do not have land can also obtain a long-term and stable way to obtain income.

At the same time, the internal treasury itself has reduced expenditures and lightened the structure, so that it will not accumulate a lot of cash reserves in this one place for a long time.

In short, there are many benefits, many of which are not reflected in practical ways, but this does not mean that the benefits do not exist.

For example, the ability to resist risks and so on.

But it was only the short-term benefits that Zhu Zhanyong immediately agreed with.

It's the first time I've spent all my money on weekdays.

"Okay! Just do what you want, big brother!"

Without waiting for Zhu Zhanji to order anything else, Zhu Zhanyong hurriedly left the house and headed towards the suburbs of Beijing.

Four or five days passed in a blink of an eye.

These days, Zhu Zhanji suddenly found that his life seemed to have returned to the state where no one cared about him.

Except for the fact that the third child of my family sends someone over to ask about the progress and the imperial examination from time to time, there is almost nothing to be busy with.

Although he enjoyed such days very much, this sudden change really surprised him.

After much deliberation, I reckon that the Second Uncle is now sitting in the position of the supervisor, attracting a lot of firepower for him.

Thinking of this, Zhu Zhanji couldn't help but want to laugh.

My second uncle is really a qualified shield
at the same time.

Inside Jiming Temple.

The old man Zhu Di, as always, was playing go with the old monk Yao Guangxiao in that wing.

The King of Han also took advantage of the opportunity and tried his best to join the old man.

"Father, the expansion of the Shenji Camp has already been done by my son. Although the boss did not give any money, it is for the court. Even if my son sells iron, he has to put up the money. No, my son wants you The daughter-in-law there sold some of the fields and houses of the family, and finally made up for the gaps left by the old family."

Zhu Gaoxu, who has made money, naturally refused to let go of such a great opportunity to show his merits.

It doesn't make sense that the money is out, the old man doesn't know yet.

Hearing Zhu Gaoxu's words, the old man Zhu Di was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but look up at Yao Guangxiao in front of him.

When his old man handed over the 70,000 taels of silver to the kid, the old monk Yao Guangxiao was watching from the sidelines.

When Yao Guangxiao heard what the King of Han said, he also showed surprise.

"You mean to say that you added another 70,000 taels of silver yourself?"

Hearing the old man's words, Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu also said with a troubled face: "There is no way, there is no money in the court's account, and the servants can only sell the property to the court."

However, I thought the old man would praise him, but I never thought that the old man just waved his hand, indicating that he can go down.

Seeing this, although Zhu Gaoxu was puzzled, he left according to the old man's wishes.

After Zhu Gaoxu left, even Zhu Di was a little confused at this moment.

"Old monk, who do you think these two people are fooling the old man?"

Obviously, this matter is not right, it must be that one of my grandson and this second child is making trouble in the middle.

But which of these two people it was, Zhu Di was really confused for a while.

After all, in his opinion, as a grandfather, he had already handed over the cash to the grandson, so he had no reason not to hand over the money.

As for the second child, maybe he would use the excuse of where the Prince's Mansion got so much money as an excuse to slander, but he slandered and said that he didn't pay the money when he paid the money. Can this matter be fooled?

After a moment of careful thought, Yao Guangxiao said, "Judging from the expression on Hanwang's face when he spoke just now, it shouldn't seem like a fake."

Yao Guangxiao did not give a clear answer to Zhu Di's inquiry, but he also expressed his thoughts.

Seeing what Yao Guangxiao said, Zhu Di immediately beckoned the Jin Yiwei outside the door.

"Go, check, where exactly did the 70,000 taels exchanged tickets go?"


The matter itself was not that complicated. When Jin Yiwei sent people to investigate, he had a definite answer in less than half an hour.

"Returning to the emperor, according to the owner of the pawn shop, it was His Highness the eldest grandson who went to exchange the money that day, and the money was also sent to the Prince's Mansion. After that, the servants in the Prince's Mansion said that the money was all taken by the three His Royal Highness was transported away."

"There was also news from the palace that after His Highness Changsun left Jiming Temple, he went straight to the Shangshufang to meet the King of Han. After the two had a discussion, His Highness Changsun left."

Hearing the reply from Jin Yiwei beside him, Zhu Di couldn't help looking at Yao Guangxiao beside him, and said in surprise: "That kid gave his second uncle some kind of ecstasy soup, so that his second uncle didn't even want 70,000 taels of silver gone."

From the information currently available, Zhu Di could easily guess the result.

If it was really Zhu Zhanji who took the money privately, how could the second child let him go so easily, and there were still four or five days in between.

He never mentioned that the Prince's Mansion did not pay the money, but paid out of his own pocket, and took out 70,000 taels of silver to fill the hole.

However, compared to Zhu Di's astonishment, the old monk Yao Guangxiao beside him smiled.

And the old man Zhu Di, after thinking carefully for a while, couldn't swallow his breath, and said, "This little bastard dares to take his grandpa's money."

As he said that, he got up and walked back and forth in the room with a sullen face, apparently thinking of something.

But after much deliberation, I couldn't think of any good way.

After all, one of the two people involved in this matter is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer.

What can his old man say?
The King of Han made up the money himself.

Just when Zhu Di was frowning and still couldn't think of any good solution, the old monk Yao Guangxiao beside him said something irrelevant after seeing Zhu Di's appearance.

"With the King of Han's disposition, how could he be willing to suffer such a loss?"

Zhu Di, who heard the old monk's words, immediately understood the deep meaning of Yao Guangxiao's words.

If you want to find out everything, you must first understand why the King of Han is willing to do this.

Only when these things are clarified, won't everything be clear?

Zhu Di's eyes lit up.

He said to Jin Yiwei beside him: "Go, go to the palace to investigate carefully, and ask the person on duty what the eldest grandson and the king of Han said in the Shang study that day."


After Jin Yiwei left.

After the old man Zhu Di turned around twice, he suddenly seemed to understand something, and couldn't help but laugh himself out.

Looking at Yao Guangxiao on the side, he said, "This bastard is really good. Not only did he get 10,000 taels from his second uncle, but he also got 70,000 taels more by fooling around."

Yao Guangxiao sat on the side and smiled without saying a word.

Regardless of the circumstances of this matter, in his opinion, it is the old Zhu's family business, curiosity is nothing but curiosity, if there is no shortage of money, it is not a big deal.

After talking and joking, Zhu Di calmed down, and then thought about the things that the army still needs to get done before going out.

The reason why I want my second son to be the supervisor of the country this time is to let him prepare everything before the expedition.

Otherwise, my eldest grandson is in prison, and his father controls the power of the courtiers. His old man doesn't know how much effort he has to make to get everything done.

Therefore, he intentionally made the assassination, and used it as an excuse to temporarily take down the position of Changsun Jianguo, and at the same time, arrested all the prince's power in the court and put him in the prison.

While doing his own business, he also took the opportunity to examine which of the ministers left for his son and grandson in the future are unreliable, and which are reliable and able to survive.

If he deliberately discredited the prince and eldest grandson as soon as he was arrested and imprisoned, in order to get out of prison as soon as possible, such a person would basically have no possibility of being released from prison again.

After Zhu Di made a large list again, he re-examined it carefully, handed it to Jin Yiwei, and said, "Give this booklet to the King of Han, and ask him to prepare it according to the contents on the booklet."

After hearing this, Jin Yiwei hurriedly took orders and left.

As for the content on the booklet, it is something that needs to spend a lot of money to do it.

But Zhu Di didn't think about whether Hanwang could do it at all.

Because the role of the King of Han is to do all this for him. If he can't do it well, it will also become his reason for driving the King of Han to step down.

Otherwise, the king of Han became the supervisor, and he took the title of the supervisor with a casual sentence?
This is a major matter for the court. Although it is his old man's power, even the emperor needs a reasonable reason.

Otherwise it is not enough to convince the public.

Regarding Zhu Di's thoughts, although the old monk Yao Guangxiao at the side never expressed any opinions from the beginning to the end, he could see clearly in his heart.

The old monk Yao Guangxiao was quite helpless about Zhu Di making fun of his son.

Following the old man Zhu Di's list, he was sent to the palace.

Zhu Gaoxu, who was leisurely eating bananas in Shang's study, immediately sank after reading it.


Looking at the more and more expenses on the list this time, Zhu Gaoxu felt his head hurt a little.

This old man is endless, and there is a mess of money to be spent from all over the court. What should Zhu Gaoxu, the supervisor of the country, do?
Zhu Gaoxu, who was worrying, walked back and forth in the hall.

But after much deliberation, I couldn't think of any way to do it.

The transaction with that eldest nephew will take some time, even if the income of more than [-] taels of silver is obtained, it is not enough to cover these expenses.

Zhu Gaoxu, who was in charge of the country for the first time, was immediately overwhelmed by these messy things.

But these things have to be done
Thinking that the old man attached great importance to sending troops, Zhu Gaoxu had no choice but to send someone to temporarily suspend the call for books for the Yongle Grand Ceremony.

The money used for the Yongle Grand Ceremony was misappropriated to build military equipment this time.

All he can think of now is this method of tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall, picking up important things and doing things that make the old man happy.

With the supervision of these affairs, more than ten days passed in a blink of an eye.

Zhu Zhanyong's side is also on the right track with the support of sufficient money.

According to the news that the kid has sent back, there are already nearly ten thousand people who are constantly reclaiming the wasteland.

And more and more people are employed, and more people are constantly entering the venue.

With the continuous joining of these people, the speed of wasteland reclamation is also rapidly increasing.

At the same time, when seeing these wastelands being reclaimed rapidly, the people who were still watching suddenly gained confidence.The number of people paying land use fees increased sharply.

Although I can't get the money to buy land from others, I still have the money to lease the land.

Moreover, after leasing the land, the grain harvested every year is the same as that produced after purchasing the land.

The water source is also received at the door of the house, I don't know how convenient it is.

Just when the matter that Zhu Zhanyong was in charge of was going smoothly.

Zhu Gaoxu, the King of Han in the Shang's study room, did not have the joy of being a supervisor of the country in the past at all.

The old man's demands are constantly increasing, and it seems that he wants to prepare all the expenses for this expedition, but where will he get the money?
The Yongle Grand Ceremony has also stopped, and the consumption of flowers that can be temporarily stopped has also stopped.

But there are still quite a few holes.

After all, this is the cost of launching an army of 100,000 people.

But in order to secure his position as a supervisor, he had to do it. He would satisfy all the things the old man asked for, and he dared not have any room for bargaining.

But seeing that the time the old man set for him is approaching, there is still a big gap in the money that needs to be prepared.

In the situation of being helpless, Zhu Gaoxu could only think of his elder nephew who had a lot of ghost ideas.

In his opinion, the only person who can help him solve this matter now is this eldest nephew.

The gate of the Prince's Mansion.

Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu just got off the carriage, and happened to run into Zhu Zhanji and Hu Shanxiang who had just left and were going to the suburbs of Beijing in the same carriage.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Gaoxu hurried to the front and said to Zhu Zhanji, "Nephew, Second Uncle has something important to do with you."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanji couldn't help but looked at Hu Shanxiang beside him, and said, "Second Uncle, what's the matter, my nephew is just about to go out, why don't you come back at night and say it?"

But Zhu Gaoxu couldn't wait, so he frowned and said, "It's important, it's important, nephew, no matter what you have, please put it aside and help Second Uncle solve this matter first."

Seeing that the second uncle was so anxious, Zhu Zhanji couldn't say much, so he asked Hu Shanxiang beside him to wait in the carriage for a while, then got up and walked towards the lobby of the Prince's Mansion with the second uncle.

After the two sat down in the lobby, Zhu Gaoxu didn't bother to take a sip of the tea brought by the servant, so he hurriedly said: "Nephew, the second uncle is in trouble now, the old man spent a mess of military expenses for the war Throw it all to your second uncle, but now there is no money in the household department, and the second uncle has embezzled it, and now I can't find a tael of silver."

"Nephew, Second Uncle knows that you are rich and have a lot of tricks, so you can think of a way for Second Uncle."

Looking at his second uncle's appearance, Zhu Zhanji knew that he probably had nothing to do.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to beg like a rascal like now.

After carefully thinking about what his second uncle said just now, Zhu Zhanji finally concluded: "To put it bluntly, there is no money?"

Zhu Gaoxu nodded quickly.

Thinking about the recent series of actions of the old man, and the special scheme that was set up at the beginning, in fact, Zhu Zhanji already knew that there would be such a day.

This is how the old man does things.

He can make you take the position of the country supervisor in a logical manner, and he will use the same logical reason to let you get down from the position of the country supervisor.

Thinking about being able to push the second uncle to this point, almost everything the old man wanted to do is basically done.

All that needs to be done now is to find a reason to pull the second uncle down from the position of supervisor of the country.

Logically speaking, Zhu Zhanji shouldn't be in charge of such things.

But I can't help it that the second uncle sat on the dragon chair in the past few days and blocked too much firepower for himself.

It's been more than half a month, and the most worrying thing all day is where to go for a walk and have fun.

He didn't want such a good day to end like this.

After thinking for a while, Zhu Zhanji said suddenly: "Second Uncle, my nephew can help if I can, but let's talk about it first. If my nephew helps you with this matter, you have to help my nephew keep it secret." ! Especially with Grandpa, absolutely don’t let him know that I did it.”

Now Zhu Gaoxu, who is in a state of anxiety, would refuse such a thing, even if he said: "Don't worry, big nephew, the second uncle will never say anything! If the second uncle leaks half a word to the outside, it will be damned."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanji hurriedly stopped him.

"It's all right, just promise, don't be thundered."

After speaking, Zhu Zhanji thought about it carefully, and said, "Second Uncle, you are like this."

Following Zhu Zhanji's narration, the second uncle Zhu Gaoxu's face was agitated for a while, and his face was contemplative for a while, until Zhu Zhanji finished talking about the method, Zhu Gaoxu said with a big thigh: "Success! Just do as you said. !"

Seeing that the second uncle agreed, Zhu Zhanji smiled, pointed outside and said, "Can the nephew go now?"

Zhu Gaoxu hurriedly said: "Go, go, the eldest nephew should have fun, and leave this matter to the second uncle!"

"have to!"

After the two discussed it well, they left the Prince's Mansion one after another.

Seeing the two leaving one after the other, Zhu Gaochi, who had just walked out of the backyard, frowned when he saw this scene: "Why are these two brothers getting together again?"

Hearing this, the princess on the side suddenly laughed: "Did you say that about your son and brother? Who is the father and who is the son between you and your son?"

But Zhu Gaochi shook his head and said: "With a mother like you, let him be my father and I will be my son."

Suburbs of Beijing.

Following the carriage that Zhu Zhanji and Hu Shanxiang were riding in came to the designated grain production area in the outskirts of Beijing, and came to the nearest hill, when they climbed up and looked into the distance.

Hu Shanxiang beside Zhu Zhanji was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him.

"how so!"

Hu Shanxiang looked at the scene in front of him in amazement.

There are tens of thousands of people, each of whom is wielding a hoe and constantly reclaiming the wasteland.

And on the other side of the wasteland, on the plowed land that has been reclaimed, there are also countless people bending over to plant seedlings.

Such things in themselves are not uncommon, even very common.

However, the land and people here are too concentrated.

Standing on the hill, on the endless land, densely packed people are working hard.

The neat canals divide this piece of land, and everything looks orderly.

When these seemingly ordinary pictures gather in one place, they are so shocking.

When Zhu Zhanji beside him saw a gazebo in the distance, he said aloud, "Let's go, let's go to that gazebo for a rest."

"it is good."

Just when Zhu Zhanji and Hu Shanxiang were walking towards the pavilion together.

Inside Jiming Temple.

The old man Zhu Di was walking in the temple with the old monk Yao Guangxiao.

Seeing the smile on Zhu Di's face from time to time, Yao Guangxiao said while walking, "I'm afraid the emperor will return to the palace soon?"

Zhu Di was taken aback when he heard this.

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

Yao Guangxiao said with a smile: "Every time the emperor comes to Jiming Temple, he always has a sullen face. When there is a smile on his face from time to time, it is time to leave Jiming Temple."

Hearing what the old monk meant, Zhu Di didn't hide anything, and said: "The matter is almost done, and the second child's ability is nothing more than that, if you don't go back, that boy will ruin the court." It's skyrocketing."

Regarding Zhu Di's words, Yao Guangxiao was always by his side, so he naturally understood what he said.

Can't help laughing.

Like the emperor in front of me, who loves to plot against his son on weekdays, I am afraid that there will not be many in the past dynasties.

Just when the two were chatting and walking in the monastery.

An eunuch from the East Factory in the palace hurried to Zhu Di, and said to Zhu Di, "Your servant pays homage to the emperor!"

Hearing this, Zhu Di saw that this person was specially sent by him to his second child, so he stopped in his tracks and asked, "What's the matter?"

The eunuch said: "Back to the emperor, His Highness the King of Han asked his slaves to present the booklet to the emperor, saying that all the things the emperor explained before have already started preparations. According to the time, it will take less than half a month. The armor, bows and arrows, etc. made can be finished." All done."

Hearing the eunuch's words, Zhu Di, who was still smiling just now, as if everything was under control, suddenly darkened.

After taking the passbook and looking at it, he continued to ask: "Where did the King of Han get all these money?"

The eunuch hesitated for a while, but still said: "Return to the emperor, His Highness the King of Han embezzled the money used to distribute salaries to officials."


Zhu Di frowned first, then counted the days, and then said: "The salary will be paid out soon, he embezzled the official's salary, how will he explain to the officials?"

The eunuch naturally didn't know what Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu was thinking, but he still said truthfully: "The money embezzled by the Han King this time is only a part of the salary. Listen to me, servants, it seems that part of all the officials' salaries to be paid this year has been embezzled." gone."

After hearing this, Zhu Di didn't have much reaction.

In his opinion, the second child should want to beat the officials' autumn wind, and prepared military salary for him in the name of cutting salary.

Then he continued to ask: "Then his order will go on, will the officials of the six ministries and the cabinet have no objection?"

The eunuch shook his head and said, "No, there were some objections at the beginning, but after the King of Han talked to them, they seemed to agree with what the King of Han did."

Zhu Di was even more confused when he heard this.

When did these officials become so talkative?
Although he has cleaned up all those princeling officials this time, he is not so active in reducing the salaries of all officials, so easy to talk about, right?
For a moment, Zhu Di immediately realized what was wrong.

Just as he was about to continue asking, the eunuch on the ground hurriedly took out a booklet from the bad one, and said, "This is what His Highness the King of Han discussed with the officials in the Shangshufang. Although the slaves don't understand, But secretly ordered someone to copy a copy, thinking that the emperor should want to read it."

Hearing what the eunuch said, Zhu Di took a look at him, then didn't say much, took the booklet and read it.

After he read the contents of the notebook, his brows were tightly knitted together.

"Did the King of Han say it himself, or did someone else say it?"

Facing Zhu Di's question, the eunuch hurriedly replied: "Your Majesty, His Highness the King of Han said it himself, and there was no one else around. These slaves heard it with their own ears."

Seeing that the boss really said it himself, Zhu Di not only didn't figure it out, but his face became more and more serious.

"The brain of the second child, can you come up with such a way?"

Zhu Di still couldn't believe it.

Immediately, he handed the booklet in his hand to Yao Guangxiao, motioning him to have a look.

But Yao Guangxiao did not refuse, after taking the booklet and reading it carefully, there was some change in his eyebrows.

He, Yao Guangxiao, knows countless people, and his ability in face-to-face is also unrivaled.

If it is said that this book was written by the King of Han, it means that there has been a serious deviation in the physiognomy he has learned for many years.

In his view, with the character and character shown by the King of Han, such a method must never be conceived.

Seeing Yao Guangxiao's solemn expression, Zhu Di felt that this matter was not easy.

Could it be that he, the father, has misunderstood the second child for so many years?

Or is it that the second child hides so deeply.

It's only now that it's forced to show up.

Or, is there any expert around him for advice?
For a while, Zhu Di couldn't figure it out.

Then he looked at the eunuch serving beside the second child and asked, "Has anyone appeared near the second child recently, or have you met anyone?"

The eunuch who heard this also showed a puzzled expression, but after thinking about it carefully, he still said: "His Royal Highness, I haven't seen anyone recently. I haven't seen any strangers around me either."

"If I really want to see you, that is, I went to the Prince's Mansion today."

Following the eunuch's words, Zhu Di and the old monk Yao Guangxiao at the side both keenly sensed something at this moment.

"You said that the second child went to the Prince's Mansion today?"

The eunuch nodded, and said: "Exactly, when I went, my face was very ugly, and the younger one didn't dare to follow, but when I came back, I looked at her with a smile on my face."

After the eunuch finished speaking, Zhu Di and the old monk Yao Guangxiao, who were still frowning just now, relaxed their brows.
While the old monk Yao Guangxiao smiled again, Zhu Di also said with a smile: "Okay, I know about this matter, don't tell the King of Han that I asked about this after you go back, do you understand?"

The little eunuch hurriedly bowed his head and said: "Your servant knows."

After the little eunuch left, Zhu Di and Yao Guangxiao started walking forward again.

And the old man Zhu Di also asked at this time: "The national teacher can see who did this?"

Hearing this, the old monk Yao Guangxiao immediately laughed and said: "The emperor already has the answer in his heart, why bother to ask again."

Zhu Di smiled, but Yao Guangxiao said again: "Although the old monk guessed who came up with the idea, he really can't figure out why this person did it. It's really puzzling."

Hearing what the old monk said, Zhu Di also thought of this question for a moment.


Although that kid has a good relationship with his second uncle on weekdays, he only did it for profit.

What's more, that kid clearly knew his grandpa's thoughts, and he also knew that he did this to force his second uncle to give up his position, but why did he still give advice for the second son?

But when the two old foxes, Zhu Di and the old monk, couldn't figure out the reason.

A very funny idea was suddenly thought of by Zhu Di.

And, recalling the past actions of this kid
This kind of brain problem is really only this kid can do it.

Seeing that Zhu Di's face changed from doubt to helplessness, the old monk Yao Guangxiao couldn't help asking, "The emperor has figured out the reason?"

Facing the old monk's question, Zhu Di said with an ugly face, "If it's not what I expected, then I'm afraid the kid is just trying to be lazy..."

Hearing this on the first day of junior high school, old monk Yao Guangxiao's face was filled with astonishment.

Obviously, he never thought of this reason anyway, and he didn't understand the direct connection between this reason and finding a solution.

But when he carefully savored the words that the emperor said, he came back to it.

Since the eldest grandson knows the truth inside and out, it seems that there is really only one reason for him to do this.

Involuntarily, Yao Guangxiao, who has always been quiet and stable, couldn't help laughing out loud.

Although the old man Zhu Di always felt a little unhappy in his heart, he couldn't help laughing when he saw Yao Guangxiao laughing.

I have experienced a lot of conspiracies and tricks on weekdays, and now when I get such a result, don't these two old ancestors who play tricks and tricks feel dumbfounded.

After playing around and guessing, I finally got such a funny reason.

"Then according to the emperor's wishes." Yao Guangxiao asked.

After Zhu Di thought for a while, he said: "The last time that kid wanted to run away, he planned to use the pressure from the court to force the old man to submit to me, and agreed to let the boy run to Peiping. Although I saw through the old man, this kid still seems to want to run away." It's good to have a fight with his grandpa. It's so boring to talk about it, let's just pretend not to know, I want to see what other tricks this kid has."

Seeing that the emperor in front of him started playing around again, Yao Guangxiao couldn't help shaking his head and smiling.

However, he was still quite curious and interested in the matter itself.

Although the eldest grandson studied by his side for a period of time when he was a child, there is also a teacher-student relationship between them.

But recently he found that his former student seemed to have a little bit of trouble with him.

In addition to all the recent miraculous moves, this old monk who has studied the scriptures for many years also moved his mind to compete.

After all, he, the national teacher, was quite surprised and shocked by the things he learned from the emperor beside him.

Many wonderful tricks, even if he saw it, he could only be dumbfounded.

When it comes to conspiracy and tricks, Yao Guangxiao is confident that he will not lose to others.

But this former student's talent in government affairs made him dare not hold on to his identity.

Now that he has such an opportunity, he really wants to see it well.

Seeing Yao Guangxiao's silence, Zhu Di, who was very familiar with him, couldn't help laughing, and said, "Why, the national teacher also wants to try?"

Faced with Zhu Di's question, Yao Guangxiao also knew that a person who escaped into Buddhism should not have such thoughts, so he couldn't help shaking his head and smiling, bowing his head and saying: Amitabha.

But Zhu Di only responded with a big laugh.

Between these two words, at this time, as the king of Han and responsible for supervising the country, the king of Han who was once prominent in the world has become a tool for the secret competition between the two parties.

But at this time, the King of Han didn't know about it at all, he was in the palace.

After persuading those six ministries and cabinet officials, he was proud of the admiring eyes of these officials.

At the same time, this matter is a business matter after all, after moving the money, he still has to complete the remaining matters quickly.

Immediately, he summoned an official beside Zhu Zhanji who was in charge of the temporary affairs of the internal treasury, and began to use part of the official's annual salary in the name of "five insurances and one housing fund" according to Zhu Zhanji's idea. Included in the library.

Then, it will be delivered to the imperial court in the form of investment from the internal treasury to be used for the cost of building weapons and equipment for the Northern Expedition.

And that document stated that the direct income from the Northern Expedition's wealth, the internal treasury will account for [-]%, and the land acquired at the same time, the internal treasury will have the right to use [-]% of the land for a hundred years.

At the same time obtain the only license to legally trade with the nomads of the north.

That is to say, even if the Northern Expedition failed, without any wealth and land income, Neiku would obtain the only permission of the entire Ming Dynasty to legally trade with the northern nomads.

Afterwards, anyone who wanted to trade with the north in the entire Ming Dynasty had to go through their hands.

Simply speaking of this deal, Zhu Zhanji is definitely making a profit without losing money.

And the silver earned, as well as the proceeds from future transactions with the nomads in the north, will be used for the expenses included in the "five insurances and one gold" of the court officials.

Of course, the five insurances and one housing fund proposed by Zhu Zhanji are formulated according to the needs of this era, not completely in accordance with the insurance types of later generations.

 There will be another chapter later, ask for a monthly pass! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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