Daming: Let you do your best to manage, do you go to health?

Chapter 108 Go to toss yourself, I won't interfere!

Chapter 108 Go to toss yourself, I won't interfere!

In Zhu Zhanji's mind, this can be regarded as a kind of subsidy for their lives after the imperial court implemented policies that harmed the interests of officials, such as officials and gentry paying food together, sharing food into the mu, and returning fire consumption to the public.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for these officials to work hard for the court even without enough to eat.

This will only encourage corruption to flourish.

And when Zhu Gaoxu completed all these procedures, he also heaved a long sigh of relief.

The court's illusory promise in the future not only won the solution to the military supply problem this time, but also won the admiration of the officials.

"Five insurances and one housing fund."

Zhu Gaoxu lay on the dragon chair, smiling and muttering.

Thinking about his eldest nephew, this kid has a really good head.

Any idea can come up.

Just these two sentences, while reducing the salaries of the officials, they have to thank themselves.
The key point is also showing his face to the old man, he doesn't believe that the same thing can be done by his elder brother.

After all, this is a matter of empty hands and white wolves.

Today this business is really successful.

But he also understands that this matter still depends on his eldest nephew.

Fortunately, the business with this eldest nephew established trust last time, otherwise it would be hard to say this time.

But everything is over.
On the other side, the old man who had already made up his mind to fight against his grandson Zhu Zhanji naturally understood the truth of knowing oneself, knowing the enemy and winning every battle.So early in the morning, they started to investigate the connection between Zhu Zhanji and Zhu Gaoxu.

Although the last time Dongchang was asked to investigate the discussion between the two failed, it was after all a few days ago.

It is only natural that the investigation fails.

But it's different now. Since Zhu Zhanji wants his second uncle to stay in the position of supervisor for two more days, they are naturally aiming at getting his second uncle down.

Therefore, investigations have also begun regarding what the King of Han did during his supervision of the country.

The first thing to bear the brunt of this is naturally the problem of the account.

This time he was allowed to sit in the position of supervisor of the country, but he did a lot of things, and the messy expenses were all under the circumstance that the household department did not have a tael of silver.

So, where did the money come from?
Is there any problem in this?
It has to be said that when the old man Zhu Di and the old monk Yao Guangxiao stood together, this method was still very powerful.

Simple, fast, and straight to the point.


When the people from Dongchang secretly brought an official from the household department and a cabinet co-organizer to the Jiming Temple, all the problems were exposed under the cross-examination by the old man.

The drought in Henan and Jiangxi has not been dealt with so far, and the imperial court has not allocated a tael of silver.

The Japanese plague in Fujian has not been resolved.

The reply given by His Highness the King of Han was just one sentence: Wait for the Ministry of Accounts to raise money.
The point is that the Yongle Grand Ceremony has also stopped.

When he heard that the Yongle Grand Ceremony that he asked to organize was stopped by the second child, the old man Zhu Di immediately couldn't help but raised his knife to chop that smelly mound.

Fortunately, he was distracted by another sentence from the official of the household department.

"Hubu. His Royal Highness the Hubu embezzled 47 taels of silver from the Hubu"

The moment Zhu Di heard this, he burst into anger.

It's fine if the imperial court disposes of it indiscriminately, and it's fine if the Yongle Grand Ceremony is stopped.
The point is that bastard actually embezzled 47 taels of silver from the household department!

He has repeatedly explained that the money of the household department cannot be moved, cannot be moved.

Because the money was planned in advance, and when the time came, without the money, the entire court would be in chaos.

It's still a full 47 taels of silver!

These are the money that the court must spend every year to maintain the stability of the court!
For a while, the old man didn't know if he didn't look at it, and when he saw it, he immediately walked back and forth in the room angrily.

In the past, I always felt that all political affairs were very simple, and I just left it to my boss.

Even if the boss doesn't agree, he can use some tricks, but the boss can do it.

But now, after the second son was promoted to the position of supervisor, it has only been a few days, and he has caused so many disasters!
Even when the eldest grandson was in charge of the country, he would stare at him day and night.

Now promote the second child, thinking that at least he will not have any problems in a short period of time.

But I never thought that it was only half a month.

So many things happened.

Just when Zhu Di was about to solve the matter in person, the national teacher beside him, the old monk Yao Guangxiao hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, you go now, what else can you do besides scolding me. If that's the case, why don't you take this opportunity?" Let the eldest grandson try it?"

Hearing the old monk Yao Guangxiao's words, Zhu Di's originally furious mood also calmed down in an instant.

This is true, go now, everything is over.

But in the end, Zhu Di had to solve the mess left by himself.

What is this picture again?
That being the case, it's better to let your little boy Zhu Zhanji solve it.

Didn't he want his second uncle to resist thunder for him in the position of supervisor?
Well, let's see if he can let his second uncle sit still!
Thinking of this, Zhu Didang pointed to the little eunuch of Dongchang who was kneeling on the ground and said, "Go back and tell the King of Han about the drought in Henan."

Having said this, the old man Zhu Di suddenly stopped.

After thinking about it carefully, I feel that I can't say these things at this time.

Once you talk about the drought, the fact that you know the situation will be exposed.

Thinking of this, Zhu Di turned his head to look at the official of the household department again, and said, "When will the household department spend these silver taels?"

The official of the household department hurriedly replied: "If you return to the emperor, it will be half a year later."

Hearing this, Zhu Di thought about it carefully, and said: "Well, let's go back and think about an excuse, and say that the money has to be paid out in advance, and ask the King of Han what to do with the money."

Although Zhu Di was still calm at this time, he couldn't control the tone of his voice when he spoke. When he said this, his tone was full of anger.

Listening to the emperor's words, and seeing the emperor's appearance of getting angry at any time, the officials of the household department quickly agreed, not daring to say a word of nonsense.

Afterwards, Zhu Di looked at the cabinet co-organizer, and said: "Go back and tell me that the drought in Henan and Jiangxi will be rescued by the local governments with all their strength. The local governments will first temporarily collect a batch of food and disaster relief. Write down the IOU and wait for the imperial court to allocate funds."

"This matter must not be known to the King of Han, nor to other officials."

This kind of arrangement has existed in the past dynasties, and the local yamen will organize it temporarily in various places. Whether it is an IOU or other things, in short, the emergency should be done first, and the court will settle the bill after it is used up.

Naturally, the co-organizer of the cabinet couldn't say anything. Under Zhu Di's fierce gaze, the two turned and left one after another.

After arranging all these things, Zhu Di still couldn't bear the anger in his heart, and walked around in the wing with his hands behind his back.

Looking at the appearance of Zhu Di in front of him, Yao Guangxiao couldn't help but smiled and said, "Why is the emperor so angry about this matter? The emperor should understand that the king of Han is not a talent for governing the world."

Listening to Yao Guangxiao's words, Zhu Di said, "Of course I know the temper, character and methods of the second child, but I never thought that he would be so bold. Even if he can't do some things, such as Henan and Jiangxi The drought situation, I know that, and I never thought how well he could do."

"Even if he has no money, I don't think there is anything wrong with crying in front of me. But this bastard dared to stop the money from the Yongle Dadian, and embezzled a whole 47 taels of silver from the household department. I If the old man finds out later, the entire Ming Dynasty will be handed over to him."

But in the face of Zhu Di's anger, Yao Guangxiao on the side still said with a smile on his face: "Isn't the King of Han forced to do this by the emperor? The continuous expansion of armaments, and the household has no money. Where do you let the King of Han come from?" get the money?"

"I'm not surprised that the King of Han was able to stop the Yongle Grand Ceremony, and I expected it. But I never thought of the embezzlement of 47 taels of silver. Think about it, even if the emperor forced him, the King of Han would not As for the misappropriation of so much court money? Besides, he is clear about the money and will have to make up for it in the future."

"The hole in front of you is a hole, but the hole in the future will not be a hole? The small hole in front of you is easy to mend, but the big hole in the future is not easy to mend. I think the King of Han is still clear about this."

Listening to Yao Guangxiao's words, Zhu Di on the side also gradually calmed down from the anger just now. After thinking about it carefully, he also felt that his kid probably didn't have the guts to embezzle the entire 47 taels of silver.

After all, that was a total of 47 taels of silver!

Even if his Hanwang Mansion was really ransacked, he would not be able to get a full 47 taels of silver.

When he was asked to expand the Shenji Camp to get money, he didn't dare to embezzle the 47 taels of silver from the household department even if he got the money from his own home.

Then he misappropriated the 47 taels of silver this time, and why?

The things I told him to do, shouldn't push him to this point, right?
Although the list of armaments I made for him was astonishing in quantity, they were different from firearms and were not expensive, so the total price was not much.

It is impossible to push him, the Lord of Han, to such a point.

Zhu Di suddenly thought, isn't there that kid behind his second child?
The list of armaments that I gave him before, in order to complete this job, didn't my eldest grandson advise his second uncle to cut the salaries of court officials?
Since they could think of a way, why did they insist on misappropriating the 47 taels from the household department?
Thinking about these questions, although Zhu Di couldn't find the answer for a while, he didn't pay much attention to them.

No matter what they did, in short, the order they gave has been spread, and it depends on whether the kid can fill the hole of 47 taels.

This was the first move given by him Zhu Di and the old monk Yao Guangxiao.

Accompanied by the two officials who were brought to Jiming Temple, they returned to the court.

Soon he thought of an excuse, and handed over the booklet that needed to use the 47 taels of silver.

Originally, Zhu Gaoxu in the Shang's study room was still laughing happily, but when he saw the booklet handed over by the official of the household department, his whole face changed instantly and his heart beat faster.

That's a whole 47 taels of silver, and it's only been less than a month now, and Zhu Gaoxu hasn't even seen the first installment of the money back, and the court is about to use this money.

What should I do with such a big hole?
Even if he ransacked his Han Palace, he still couldn't find the 47 taels of silver.After all, before this, he had already spent an unknown amount of money in the Palace of the King of Han.

There are not many that can be taken out now.

But despite the panic in my heart.

After all, Zhu Gaoxu is a person who has experienced life and death, and he is still stable on the surface.

After temporarily sending the household officials in front of him back, Zhu Gaoxu hurriedly sent someone to the Prince's Mansion to find his eldest nephew.

This matter could never be done with Zhu Gaoxu's own strength.

Even if he asked the third child for help, he would definitely not be able to make up the entire 47 taels of silver.

Although the youngest received a lot of bribes on weekdays, but after all, he was only in charge of the Jinyiwei and the Imperial Forest Army.

How can his second child get paid so quickly when he usually eats nothing.

In addition to receiving a lot of money from foreign officials, he is the richest prince in the entire Ming Dynasty.

He can't do it, let alone the third child.

And accompanied by the little eunuch in front of the imperial court, he rushed to the prince's mansion.

After asking around, they found that His Royal Highness Changsun was not there.

In desperation, he had no choice but to order someone to return to the palace, while he squatted in the prince's mansion and waited.

The little eunuch's luck was really good. In less than half an hour, he really squatted down to Zhu Zhanji who had just returned to the Prince's Mansion from outside.

After the little eunuch rushed to Zhu Zhanji and said what the King of Han had confessed, Zhu Zhanji, who was chatting and laughing with Hu Shanxiang with a happy face, suddenly frowned.

Then he signaled that little girl Hu Shanxiang to go back by herself, and he went towards the palace together with the little eunuch in the palace.

Although the little eunuch didn't make things very clear in front of Zhu Zhanji and Hu Shanxiang.He didn't even know what the situation was.

But Zhu Zhanji still felt the urgency of the matter from the two sentences that the King of Han confessed from his mouth.

Following Zhu Zhanji hurriedly arrived behind the Shang's study.

Zhu Gaoxu, who had been waiting anxiously in the Shang study for half an hour, seemed to see a savior, and hurried to Zhu Zhanji's side, hugged him, and walked into the inner hall.

After dismissing the little eunuch around him and leaving.

Zhu Gaoxu hurriedly whispered to Zhu Zhanji who was beside him: "Something happened to my eldest nephew!"

Seeing the flustered look on his second uncle's face, Zhu Zhanji frowned, and after signaling him to be calm, he asked, "Don't worry, second uncle, you can tell me what's going on first. Panic What are you panicking about?"

Zhu Gaoxu obviously knew that he was flustered at this time and couldn't change anything, so he calmed down and said: "It's the 47 taels of silver we used before, but now that the court has changed, we have to use this money in advance! This money has been embezzled by us long ago, where can we find this money? If it weren't for your second uncle and me holding it here, I'm afraid the matter of our uncle and nephew would have been exposed."

"If this matter reaches the old man's ears, neither of our uncles and nephews will be able to hang their heads on it."

While speaking, Zhu Gaoxu also pointed to the necks of himself and Zhu Zhanji.

Apparently Zhu Gaoxu was afraid that his elder nephew would drop him, his second uncle, and that he would not take it seriously, so while explaining the stakes in this matter, he also hinted that the two of them are tied together now. Grasshopper on a rope.

Zhu Gaoxu's head can't be kept, and your eldest nephew's head can't be kept properly either.

Hearing Zhu Gaoxu's words, Zhu Zhanji smiled immediately, and said, "Second Uncle, don't you just say that the old man is going to chop off your head now."

Seeing Zhu Zhanji like this, Zhu Gaoxu hurriedly smiled and said: "Nephew, it's really not the second uncle. I'm timid. It's not like you don't know the old man's temper. If you say you can cut it off, you can cut it off. Then we can think of a way." It's too late. You should think of a way quickly."

Although his second uncle's words were threatening inside and out, Zhu Zhanji was not angry. It's not that he can really be a saint to this level, but he knows very well that a family is a family. people.

When he deliberately showed his flaws and let Ji Gang frame him in the court, the old man said that he would chop off Zhu Zhanji's head, but his second uncle ran out to intercede without saying a word.

When he was framed, the second uncle remained motionless, and even happily watched the joke.

I can't wait to make this crime a reality.

But when it came time to cut off his head, his second uncle rushed forward faster than anyone else.

Not only was it pleading, but when Ji Gang wanted to kill him in the court, his second uncle was also the first to rush over.

Zhu Zhanji kept all these in his heart, even though he didn't say it.

In other words, my second uncle will never give up the throne that should be fought for because of personal affairs.

But when the time comes, a family is still a family.

Although there is no lack of incidents of slaughtering their own family members for the throne in the past dynasties.

But at least it's not that time yet?
No one forces you to choose between the throne and the life of your eldest nephew.

So he didn't take the threatening words from his second uncle to heart at all.Still thinking carefully about how to solve this matter next.

But before thinking of a way, Zhu Zhanji was still a little puzzled, and couldn't help but look at his second uncle, and asked: "Second uncle, the money in the household department has been arranged in advance, and the regulations have been set. Want it?"

Zhu Zhanji was still very puzzled about this matter itself.

Because it was too coincidental.

Don't use it early, don't use it later.

I just took out the money and used it, and now the Ministry of Accounts just happens to use it?

But my second uncle said: "My nephew, my second uncle understands what you mean, but my second uncle asked carefully, this matter is really not the trick of the old man behind the scenes, it is indeed something wrong with the household department." , That’s why we have to advance it temporarily. Think about it, if the old man really finds out about this matter, do we still have a place to discuss it standing in this hall now?”

"With the old man's temper, he would have already brought a knife to chop off the heads of both of us."

Looking at his second uncle's expression and exaggerated tone, he couldn't tell at all that the person he was talking about was his own father.

But since this matter is not what I guessed, then there is nothing to hesitate.

After thinking about it, he said to his second uncle: "Second uncle, how much money can you scrape together urgently?"

After thinking for a while, Zhu Gaoxu said, "I can get 90,000 taels of silver at most."

"Can't there be more?"

When Zhu Gaoxu was about to say something when he heard this, Zhu Zhanji hurriedly stopped him and said: "There is no need to talk nonsense, since you can't make up more, just let it go."

"What about third uncle? Second uncle, don't you and third uncle always communicate with each other? Now something happened, so third uncle won't help?"

The second uncle Zhu Gaoxu didn't think too much about it, and said directly: "I can ask the third child, but you don't have too much hope, even if he can pay, it will be three 40,000 taels of silver at most."

Zhu Zhanji didn't say anything, just nodded and did some mental calculations.

90,000 taels plus 30,000 taels, or 120,000 taels of silver.

The rest is 35 taels of silver.

After getting the final amount of the shortfall, Zhu Zhanji said to his second uncle Zhu Gaoxu: "Okay, my nephew is not talking nonsense, second uncle, you can go to third uncle for help, and the two of you pooled 120,000 taels of silver to come out." , and the rest, my nephew will find a way. But let’s talk about the ugly things first, the court’s 47 taels of silver took my nephew less than a month, and the profit we agreed before will be gone. .”

Facing Zhu Zhanji's words, Zhu Gaoxu did not hesitate at all, and said: "I don't know if I can keep this head, what else do you want to make money, nephew, hurry up and prepare money, the Ministry of Accounts just came to make a discount As for approving the money, I just found an excuse to evade it, but this matter can't be delayed for too long. The second uncle can last until tomorrow night at most. If it is later, the officials of the household department will go to the old man. "

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanji didn't talk nonsense anymore, and said: "Okay, my nephew knows, second uncle, just take care of your own affairs."

Hearing this, Zhu Gaoxu nodded.

Although there are instructions inside and outside the words, he still trusts his elder nephew very much.

As long as the other party promised things, basically everything was done.

After leaving the Shang's study room, Zhu Zhanji rode his horse and headed straight for the outskirts of Beijing.

This matter is his own brother, and Zhu Zhanyong is in charge, and now he can only discuss with him if something happens.

After Zhu Zhanji left the palace, his second uncle Zhu Gaoxu also rushed to the Zhao Palace.

At the same time, the actions of Zhu Zhanji and the Han King Zhu Gaoxu also spread towards the Jiming Temple outside the palace in a short time.

When the old man Zhu Di in the wing room of Jiming Temple heard the report from the Dongchang spies, he immediately smiled and said to the old monk Yao Guangxiao beside him: "The fish has taken the bait."

Hearing Zhu Di's metaphor, Yao Guangxiao, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground and chanting scriptures, couldn't help but smile.

"It seems that our previous guess was not wrong. The 47 taels of silver embezzled by the King of Han from the imperial treasury is indeed related to the eldest grandson."

After hearing Yao Guangxiao's words, the old man Zhu Di couldn't help cursing: "These two bastards have their hearts and minds on their own family, even the money in the treasury."

Suburbs of Beijing.

As Zhu Zhanji came back again, he immediately sent someone to find that boy Zhu Zhanyong in the mining area.

When seeing Zhu Zhanji, Zhu Zhanyong couldn't help but wondered: "Brother, didn't you go away? Why are you back again?"

Zhu Zhanji didn't talk nonsense, he directly called him aside, and asked, "How much money do you have on hand now?"

Hearing Zhu Zhanji's inquiry, Zhu Zhanyong was a little puzzled, but he still explained honestly: "The previous 47 taels cost less than 10 taels now, but 150,000 taels of these silvers will be paid next month. expenditure."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanji frowned: "Is there only 22 taels of silver available?"

Zhu Zhanyong also said helplessly: "There is no way. If the money is not used, it will be a loss if you keep it in your hands. Isn't this what you told me, brother?"

This is what he said, Zhu Zhanji naturally knows that there is nothing wrong with the words themselves.

It was originally borrowed, but after that, it would have to pay back more than [-] taels.

Hurry up, it is definitely the best choice.

It's just that no one could have predicted what happened in the middle.

After thinking about it carefully, Zhu Zhanji continued to ask: "What about the rental situation of those cultivated lands recently?"

Zhu Zhanyong replied: "The rental situation is not bad. Many people are afraid that they will not be able to rent in the future, so they are scrambling to pay the rent. Counting the rent agreed in advance and the rent has been paid, the total income is 140,000 taels of silver."

After hearing this, Zhu Zhanji was finally relieved.

It's true that tnd is a good man with good rewards.

Although they did have the idea of ​​getting some money as soon as possible when they came up with the land lease item, but what they faced at that time was only the repayment pressure of more than 9 taels.

Therefore, it is completely possible to rent out a small amount of land.

Put more money and energy into wasteland reclamation and directly hire people to cultivate.

But it is precisely because of the consideration of the living problems of many landless people around the capital and even in Yingtianfu that half of the land is planned for lease.

That is to say, the cultivated land that has been reclaimed in the past month or so is basically used for leased land.

It is precisely because of this that the income of 140,000 taels of silver can be obtained.

Otherwise, this hurdle in front of me might not be able to pass.

Immediately, Zhu Zhanji said: "Prepare the silver, I want to use it, a total of 35 taels."

"From now on, let's temporarily slow down some land reclamation expenditures, but those people who have already paid the rent must complete the reclamation delivery as soon as possible. The speed of this part cannot be slow."

Hearing what his elder brother said, Zhu Zhanyong didn't ask the specific reason, but just nodded and said, "I'll send someone back to the house in a while."

Just as Zhu Zhanji was about to agree, he said again: "No need, order someone to send it directly to the King of Han's mansion."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanyong couldn't help being stunned: "Send it to the second uncle? What's the matter, the second uncle won't do the business?"

Zhu Zhanji replied: "These money is embezzled money from the national treasury. Now the Ministry of Household Affairs needs to use this money urgently, so we have to send it back quickly to make up this hole, otherwise your elder brother, me and your second uncle will lose their heads." .”

Hearing Zhu Zhanji's words, Zhu Zhanyong's eyeballs immediately rolled up, and he even shouted in surprise: "Money from the treasury!"

Seeing that the kid was getting excited again, Zhu Zhanji put his foot on his ass and said, "Why are you yelling? I'm afraid others won't know, right?"

Hearing Zhu Zhanji's reprimand, Zhu Zhanyong came back to his senses, but he didn't care about his elder brother's kick at all. Instead, he asked again: "Big brother, are you and your second uncle crazy? How dare you embezzle the treasury?" If Grandpa finds out about this, it will be a disaster."

Regarding Zhu Zhanyong's nonsense, Zhu Zhanji didn't want to talk to him at all, and said: "There is no need to say more nonsense, hurry up and prepare money."

Knowing the seriousness of this matter, Zhu Zhanyong didn't dare to delay any longer, so he hurriedly turned around and prepared money.

That night.

A total of 35 taels of silver was transported overnight to Hanwang Mansion in the capital under the protection of dozens of guards.

At this moment, Zhu Gaoxu, the King of Han, who was wandering back and forth in his own mansion, had already agreed to raise 30,000 taels of silver when he went to find the third child, and the money in his own mansion was also ready-made. Now facing the hole of 47 taels of silver, Only my eldest nephew's 35 taels were left.

But that is 35 taels after all.
How could Zhu Gaoxu not know about the recent land reclamation in the suburbs of Beijing?

Just a rough calculation, the tens of thousands of laborers need to pay a lot of wages every month.

In addition, I heard that they are still full, and the amount of money consumed in this one is even more. .

Even without considering the subsequent cost.

It's hard to say how much of the 47 taels of silver will be left.

If the hole is not patched completely, something serious will happen.

This matter is not only related to whether I can continue to do so in this position of supervising the country, but also related to whether my head can stay safely on my neck.

How could Zhu Gaoxu calm down.

Just when the concubine Han Wang who was on the side couldn't bear to look down on her, she was complaining about why the Han Wang kept dangling in front of her, and the second uncle was about to reprimand her.

A servant suddenly ran in from outside the hall, came to Zhu Gaoxu, and said, "My lord, several carriages came outside the mansion, and they said they were here to deliver things under the order of His Royal Highness the eldest grandson."

Zhu Gaoxu's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he hurriedly said to the servants in front of him: "Hurry up, tell everyone to come in."


Shortly after the servant left.

The carriages stopped one by one in the courtyard of King Han's Mansion.

Immediately, Zhu Gaoxu ordered people to carry all the boxes on the carriage to the house.

The person who led the team was found and asked: "How much money is there in total?"

The person hurriedly replied: "Returning to the prince, His Highness Changsun said that 35 taels of silver is not a lot."

After hearing this person's words, Zhu Gaoxu's hanging heart finally fell.

He even patted the leader of the team on the shoulder with a smile, and said, "Go back and tell my eldest nephew that the second uncle owes him a favor this time."

Zhu Gaoxu was also very grateful to his elder nephew who was able to send back the money on time and according to the amount.

Although he said that the old man would chop off the heads of the two of them, he knew that the old man had really found out about it, and it was impossible to really chop off their heads.

But compared to his eldest nephew, Zhu Gaoxu's fate was miserable.

Even if the elder nephew was stubborn and refused to return the money, he, Zhu Gaoxu, would be helpless.

Fortunately, this kid did not let himself down.

Although he was busy for nothing this time, Zhu Gaoxu didn't have the slightest regret.

With the resolution of this major matter, the mood of the Han King Zhu Gaoxu also improved a lot in an instant.

After returning to the hall, he immediately said to Princess Han inside: "Go, ask someone to prepare the food, and then fill the pot of wine!"

Seeing that the King of Han, who was still worried and frowning just now, became happy after a while, Princess Han also rolled her eyes, but she still followed the King of Han's words.

After all, there will never be many women like Zhu Zhanji and his wife in the entire Ming Dynasty.

Especially for the King of Han, women must never make mistakes in front of men.

Just said a wrong sentence, if it wasn't for being disturbed by the servants, this slap would be indispensable.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhu Gaoxu took all the silver and sent it back to the treasury, and then excitedly came to the Shang's study room. The first thing he did was to call the officials of the household department over.

Then they generously reviewed their submitted paperwork and asked them to go to the treasury to withdraw money by themselves.

After successfully obtaining these silver taels, the officials of the household department also hurriedly conveyed the news to Jiming Temple through Dongchang.

Perhaps it was because of old age, whether it was Zhu Di or the old monk Yao Guangxiao, they woke up very early in the morning.

Although he didn't have anything to do, he came to the courtyard of Jiming Temple early in the morning for a walk.

And after the news of Dongchang reached Jiming Temple, Zhu Di couldn't help but look at the old monk Yao Guangxiao beside him in surprise when he heard the words of the little eunuch of Dongchang.

Said: "Old monk, this kid is a little bit capable, 47 taels, if he said he would return it, would he return it?"

Although it is also possible that the 47 taels have not been spent yet.

But who are Zhu Di and Yao Guangxiao? They are very clear. Now that they have embezzled 47 taels of silver from the national treasury, you said you just took it out for a stroll?
Isn't this a joke?

But after the flowers were sent out, they were returned overnight.

It is conceivable how much information is revealed behind this.

Just when the two were wondering.

The little eunuch on the side hastily stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, the servants of the national teacher have heard the news, but they don't know if it is useful."

Zhu Di frowned: "Say."

The little eunuch nodded, and hurriedly said: "The servant heard some news from outside the palace, saying that in the suburbs of Beijing, a large number of ordinary laborers are being recruited, and it is said that they are going to reclaim wasteland, and they can still eat with five silver coins a month. "

"Many people flocked to the scene after hearing the news."

Having said that, the little eunuch stopped.

After all, he didn't hear much news from outside the palace while he was in the palace.

But only from the little eunuch's few words, Zhu Di realized that it should have something to do with the wasteland in the suburbs of Beijing, and then sent people to the suburbs of Beijing to listen.

About half an hour later, the sent man returned to Jiming Temple.

Immediately, in front of Zhu Di and Yao Guangxiao, he told what he had seen and heard.

And after the Jin Yiwei told all the things that happened in the suburbs of Beijing, Zhu Di and Yao Guangxiao also had a general understanding of what Zhu Zhanji did in the suburbs of Beijing.

For a while, the old monk Yao Guangxiao said: "Your Majesty, we seem to have lost a merit."

Zhu Di also knew what the old monk said.

With a strong labor of five renminbi a month, you still have enough to eat.
You can't find such a good thing anywhere in the world.

In addition, the reclaimed land in the outskirts of Beijing is basically leased to ordinary people who do not have land, which is equivalent to giving them a long-term and stable livelihood.

I don't know how many people's food problems have been solved.

How much family income has been increased.

As the emperor, Zhu Di naturally saw more than that old monk Yao Guangxiao.

If it is done through Zhu Zhanji's method, it will not only bring a lot of benefits to these ordinary people.

The same is true for the court.

The problem of tax collection is directly solved through this leasing method.

Every year, you only need to pass the internal treasury and pay the corresponding taxes to the court.

Saved a lot of time and energy.

At the same time, it also ensures the stability of tax revenue.

So whether it is Zhu Di or Yao Guangxiao, they can see that what Zhu Zhanji did this time is a great thing that benefits the country and the people.

Although they rely on the shady means of embezzling treasury silver.

But a good thing is a good thing, and they can't argue with that.

But what can we do now that this is the case?

Send the silver back obediently?
In desperation, Zhu Di could only say: "Since this kid has such an idea, just let me tell the old man, why use such a method. Let's ignore these for now, and let's talk about what to do next."

Yao Guangxiao who heard this said with a smile: "The emperor is going to go to war, do you need to talk about this matter?"

Zhu Di was also a little confused because of what happened just now, but now he laughed when he heard the old monk's words.

Pointing to the old monk, he said to the people around him: "I ordered the king of Han to raise a total of 2 million taels of military pay for this expedition, and ordered him to come up with countermeasures within three days."


Following the eunuch who sent the order, he headed towards the palace.

Zhu Gaoxu's face suddenly turned red when the imperial decree requiring the raising of military salaries was placed in front of him.
The hole of 47 taels of silver has just been solved.

Now that the old man made a decree, he directly asked for 2 million taels of military pay, isn't this a scam?
After pondering for a long time by himself, Zhu Gaoxu couldn't think of any good countermeasures, so he could only send someone to the Prince's Mansion again.

And when the news of Han Wang's office reached the ears of Zhu Zhanji in the prince's mansion.

Zhu Zhanji was almost speechless.

I just want to be lazy, why do you bother people so much?

Dang even said to the eunuch who came to pass the message: "Go back and tell the second uncle, let him solve it by himself!"

I originally wanted to be lazy, but now I am getting busier and busier. Isn’t this nonsense?
You father and son can toss it out on your own, I don't want to get involved!
 Ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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