Daming: Let you do your best to manage, do you go to health?

Chapter 109 Hanwang: C! The speed of making money is faster than my corruption!

Chapter 109 Hanwang: C! The speed of making money is faster than my corruption!
Hearing Zhu Zhanji's words, the little eunuch was stunned on the spot.

"His Royal Highness, this."

Seeing the little eunuch's embarrassing appearance, Zhu Zhanji didn't give him any room to maneuver: "What are you doing standing?"

Seeing that His Highness Changsun's face darkened, the little eunuch hurriedly stood up and retreated, and walked towards the palace.

And Zhu Zhanji in the prince's mansion knew that after the little eunuch replied, he would definitely come by himself, Zhu Zhanji didn't dare to stay longer, and walked straight out of the mansion.

He wanted to lie down, and it was good for him to lie down in the position of the second uncle in the country.

However, you can't work blindly just to lie down, isn't this just making yourself guilty?

So, run quickly is the right way.

But when Zhu Zhanji just walked to the gate of the compound, he ran into his second uncle Zhu Gaoxu head-on.

"Big nephew!"

Hearing the second uncle's voice, Zhu Zhanji suddenly felt a headache.

Seeing Zhu Zhanji who was about to go out, Zhu Gaoxu hurried over with a smiling face and said, "Nephew, you are trying to hide from the second uncle."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanji could only smile, and said, "What is the second uncle talking about? My nephew, what am I doing to hide from the second uncle? Isn't there something to do when I go out?"

But Zhu Gaoxu said: "Then why did the second uncle send someone to look for it, and you didn't go?"

Zhu Zhanji also said: "Then second uncle, why did you come by yourself?"

The uncle and nephew knew each other well.

When Zhu Zhanji was worried about how to shirk, Zhu Gaoxu said: "Nephew, you said that the old man is deliberately torturing people, he knows that the household department of the imperial court has no money, and he still insists on your second uncle and me Prepare the military salary and pay back 2 million taels of silver, tell me, where can Second Uncle go to get him some money?"

Regarding the second uncle's words, Zhu Zhanji could only smile and say nothing.

But Zhu Gaoxu obviously wouldn't let it go so easily, and continued: "Nephew, you're thinking fast, you have to help Second Uncle and I figure out a solution for this matter, otherwise Second Uncle can't explain to the old man."

Facing the second uncle's words, Zhu Zhanji could only say helplessly: "Second uncle, what do you think of your nephew's brain, 2 million taels of silver, the imperial court doesn't have one tael of silver, and my nephew is not a god, and he can't just do it out of thin air. Conjure up these 2 million taels of silver."

It's really not that Zhu Zhanji is unwilling to help, this matter is just here, 2 million taels of silver, where can he change it, and it's not that he is cultivating immortals, he can change any amount of silver with a thought.

Listening to Zhu Zhanji's words, Zhu Gaoxu on the side couldn't help but frowned. He also knew that what Zhu Zhanji said was true. 2 million taels of silver, not 200 taels. gave.

But even if he understood this truth, Zhu Gaoxu had no choice.

"Nephew, Second Uncle really has no choice this time, you have to think about everything you say for Second Uncle."

After listening to the second uncle's words, Zhu Zhanji was silent for a moment, and then said: "Second uncle, there is no money in the treasury, does the old man know? There is no silver in the household department, does the old man know? Since the old man knows, why does he still Want you to raise military pay?"

That's all Zhu Zhanji can say, no matter how much he said, he'll get it right.

However, after hearing Zhu Zhanji's words, the second uncle Zhu Gaoxu said, "Nephew, do you mean that the old man is testing me?"

Zhu Zhanji's eyes twitched.

Immediately, I felt that my second uncle was hopeless.

It seems that it was not easy to squeeze when I was a child.
"I mean, how much money you have to do as many things, since you have no money, then don't do things, go back and talk to grandpa. Maybe let grandpa teach you how to do this job."

Hearing this, Zhu Gaoxu frowned and said, "Is this okay?"

Zhu Zhanji patted the second uncle's shoulder helplessly: "Second uncle, the old man is your father, right? You are the old man's son, isn't that right? Then the son goes to ask his father for advice on the strategy of governing the country. Always right?"

Under Zhu Zhanji's careful teaching, his second uncle Zhu Gaoxu finally came back to his senses.

"That's right! The Lord Supervisor can't say that he has no money, and he can't say that he can't do it, but the son will go to ask his father for advice, it must be right!"

After figuring this out, Second Uncle Zhu Gaoxu finally showed surprise on his face.

"Look, let's just say that your kid's head is turning fast."

After patting Zhu Zhanji's shoulder with a smile, the second uncle Zhu Gaoxu said directly: "I'm going to ask the old man how to govern the country."

Seeing the second uncle leaving happily, Zhu Zhanji shook his head helplessly, then got up and walked outside.

Jiming Temple.

Following Zhu Gaoxu's arrival, he soon saw his old man in the wing room of Jiming Temple.

Zhu Di, who was sitting on the ground playing Go with the old monk, spoke slowly, and asked, "Why don't you go to raise military salary, what are you doing here with me, old man?"

Hearing the old man's words, Zhu Gaoxu quickly put on a smiling face and said: "Father, this is my first time in charge of the country, and I encountered some confusion when I was in charge of the country. I want to ask father to give me some pointers."

Hearing this, Zhu Di was taken aback for a moment.

Is this what his second child can say?

Will he still ask for advice?

But after thinking about it carefully, he understood what was going on, and couldn't help but smiled and said, "Oh? When did you learn the tricks of the boss, the second one? What confusion, let me tell you about it."

Zhu Gaoxu hurriedly answered: "Father, you asked my son to raise 2 million taels of silver in the court for military pay, but after thinking about it, I have no money in this household, no money in the treasury, and a whole 2 million taels of silver." , I really can't think of any good way, I want to ask father to give me some advice, I should have a direction when I'm on business, right..."

After hearing Zhu Gaoxu's words, the old man Zhu Di immediately understood what he meant.

This means that I asked you to raise military pay, but you don't know where to go. The question I threw at you, are you throwing it back again now?
Zhu Di saw through the boy's mind at a glance.

But who is he, Zhu Di, who can make your plan come true?

Turning his head slowly, he deliberately looked at Zhu Gaoxu with a sullen face and asked, "Do I have to teach you this matter, old man? If I take care of this matter, old man, what do you want to do in this country? Why can't it be done?" Is it? If you can’t do it, give up your position and let those who can do it go up.”

The old man Zhu Di seemed to be talking to the Han King Zhu Gaoxu in a discussing tone, but the threat in his words was already obvious.

The second child, Zhu Gaoxu, naturally understood it. Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead after being stared at by the old man for a while.

"Father, you know, this son-in-law doesn't mean that, son-in-law does."

But before the Han king Zhu Gaoxu finished speaking, the old man Zhu Di immediately interrupted him and asked, "That's not what you mean? Then what do you mean? Let your father and I handle this for you, Then you sit on the dragon chair? How about we switch positions? You will be the emperor, and I will be the King of Han?"

When he said this, the old man Zhu Di didn't have any angry expression on his face, but was unusually calm, as if he really didn't know what the Han King Zhu Gaoxu meant when he said these words, and he was seriously asking Zhu Gaoxu what he meant.

But these words fell into the ears of Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu, and it was a disaster.

Immediately said in a panic: "Father, you know that Erchen didn't mean that."

"Then what do you mean?"

Hearing the old man's words, Zhu Gaoxu understood that he couldn't continue asking about this matter today, and if he asked again, the old man would lose his temper
"Father, son-in-law retreat first"

Hearing this, Zhu Di deliberately asked, "Are you all right?"

"It's all right," King Han said, wiping the sweat off his forehead.

"Well, let's go down."


After the Han King Zhu Gaoxu hurriedly left the room, the old man Zhu Di's suppressed laughter suddenly sounded in the room.

The old monk Yao Guangxiao sitting opposite him couldn't help shaking his head and smiling while playing chess.

This King of Han is no match for his old man after all.
If the prince is replaced, this method is feasible, and the prince can withstand the pressure on this matter of government affairs.The key trick, his prince Zhu Gaochi is also very skillful in using it.

Just do what you tell me to do.

If you ask me to raise the military salary, then I will just raise it.

But I have as much money to do as many things, if you insist on forcing me, I will go to the street to sell furniture.

You are not afraid of embarrassment, we will embarrass you together.

If you want to scare me, I will cry, and at the same time I will talk to you about the principles of Confucianism.

Anyway, no matter what you do, it’s just a word, you can’t do it without money.

However, King Han's temper and nature doomed him not to be like the prince.

To put it bluntly, it’s not that the method is bad, it’s that people are bad.
And Zhu Zhanji, who came up with this idea, seemed to have known the result a long time ago, so when the Han king Zhu Gaoxu looked for his eldest nephew with a sad face, he found that his eldest nephew had long since disappeared.

After asking all over the Prince's Mansion, no one knew where he was.

Inside Jiming Temple.

After the old man Zhu Di made a move, he smiled and said to the old monk Yao Guangxiao in front of him, "That kid's first move didn't go well, old monk, guess what will this kid do next?"

Facing Zhu Di's question, the old monk Yao Guangxiao said slowly: "Two million taels of silver is not a small sum, not to mention the king of Han and his eldest grandson, even the court itself can hardly raise it. This step is not bad, but the king of Han is not suitable to come. To do such a thing, if the crown prince comes, I’m afraid it will be another scene.”

Listening to the old monk Yao Guangxiao's words, Zhu Di thought about this possibility, and recalled the conversation between himself and the boss Zhu Gaochi in the past.

Immediately felt scalp numbness.

Obviously, he also knew that if his boss really took care of this matter, although he, Zhu Di, could still use this method to scare him, the boss obviously wouldn't accept such a trick.

Looking at his grumbling and submissive appearance, the final result must be his own compromise.

After all, Zhu Di really couldn't stand that appearance.

Otherwise, if he wanted to march north this time, he wouldn't deliberately leave the boss in the Prince's mansion, and replace the second son with him.

In the final analysis, it is exactly this reason.

I really can't get around that boss Zhu Gaochi.

However, this is only if.

If and only if.

"Then what do you mean, that kid has nothing to do?"

Yao Guangxiao didn't think otherwise.

And Zhu Di obviously thought so too, and said, "If that's the case, then prepare to close the Internet cafe."

As he spoke, he put a chess piece in his hand on the chessboard. The old monk Yao Guangxiao looked at it and immediately laughed: "Your Majesty, are you discussing something, or are you talking about this chess game?"

Zhu Di smiled triumphantly.

But before Zhu Di could be proud, the old monk Yao Guangxiao took one step, and the situation on the chessboard changed dramatically.
Zhu Di immediately stared at the old monk Yao Guangxiao, and then threw the chess piece in his hand on the chessboard: "No more."

Seeing that the outcome had already been decided, Zhu Di stopped playing immediately.


As the sky has completely dimmed down.

Zhu Zhanji, who went out early, finally came back at this time.

Before entering the door, he carefully checked to see if anyone was squatting at him at the door of the house, and when he saw no one, he walked in with confidence.

Back in his small courtyard, Zhu Zhanji entered Hu Shanxiang's room as soon as he turned a corner.

Looking at Hu Shanxiang who was sitting on the bed and fiddling with something happily, Zhu Zhanji couldn't help laughing and said, "What's the matter? I'm so happy."

Taking a closer look, after seeing a pile of gold and silver jewelry and jade trinkets on the bed, Zhu Zhanji couldn't help asking in doubt: "Mother is really willing to give you so many things. "

Hearing Zhu Zhanji's words, Hu Shanxiang immediately smiled and said: "These are not rewarded by the Crown Princess, but by the Princess Han."

Zhu Zhanji was taken aback, and hurriedly asked: "Princess Han? When did you come here?"

"Just in the evening, I brought a lot of things when I came here. I collected some here, and my mother also collected a lot."

Seeing Hu Shanxiang's happy face, Zhu Zhanji frowned.

My second uncle.
He knew that he didn't want to take care of these things, but he insisted on letting Princess Han come over again.

Doesn't this make it clear that we have to play the emotional card?
After seeing Zhu Zhanji frowning heavily, Hu Shanxiang couldn't help but froze, looked at the objects in his hand, and hurriedly asked, "Your Highness, did Shanxiang do something wrong?"

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanji glanced at Hu Shanxiang's face, waved his hand and said, "It's okay, you didn't accept it alone, and besides, it was a gift from the second aunt, and it would be unreasonable not to accept it."

But Hu Shanxiang still asked: "How about I go and return these things."

Zhu Zhanji smiled and signaled her not to worry: "Take it, it's okay."

Seeing this, Hu Shanxiang hesitated to put these things away again, but there was no joy on his face like before.

He even lowered his head, and said with some self-reproach: "In the future, Shanxiang will not accept people's things casually."

Seeing Hu Shanxiang like this, Zhu Zhanji could only persuade him patiently.

In fact, even if Hu Shanxiang didn't say anything, Zhu Zhanji knew it very well.

With Hu Shanxiang's character as a little girl, if it wasn't for the encouragement of her old lady, she might not accept anything.

"Okay, aren't they just small things, and they're not worth much, it's no big deal, you just keep them."

After rubbing Hu Shanxiang's little head, Zhu Zhanji also turned and walked out of the house.

I was just about to go to my father's place to ask about the situation, to see if the second uncle and second uncle and aunt had said anything when they came in the afternoon.

But he ran into the second uncle with a smile on his face.

The second uncle said with a big smile on his face, "Nephew, it's really not easy waiting for you."

While Zhu Zhanji sighed in his heart, he was also embarrassed to refute his face under such a favorable situation, and said, "Second Uncle, how come you have learned the trick of being unexpected now? Come here in the morning without a word Now, are you squatting in the mansion again as a nephew?"

Hearing Zhu Zhanji's words, Zhu Gaoxu's face suddenly became sad.

He said earnestly: "Nephew, it's really not that the second uncle has come to trouble you, but you also know that you have to help with this matter. I went to the old man today, and the old man was frightened and depressed. The old man ran back. This old man is unreasonable. If you talk to him, he will go west. If you talk to him, he will go east for you.”

"In short, he is justified in what he said, but I, the supervisor, have no reason. Even if he wants to let him have the moon in the sky, as my son, I have to find a way to take it off for him."

While speaking, Zhu Gaoxu kept spreading his hands to express his helplessness.

How could Zhu Zhanji not be clear about his second uncle's feelings?
Who is that old man, can he not know?
But he is also very difficult.

More than two million taels of silver, can you get it back with just a few words?
I don't know how much effort it takes.

When Zhu Zhanji was quite helpless in the face of his second uncle's words.I don't know when, my old lady also came over.

She looked at Zhu Zhanji and Zhu Gaoxu's nephew with a smile, and said, "It's time to discuss it. Right, this uncle and nephew should have a good talk. Don't stand still, go sit in the room Bar."

Look at his wife's enthusiastic expression.

Even if Zhu Zhanji understands it, it seems that his old lady has received a lot of money and benefits
Otherwise, with my mother's usual attitude towards my second uncle, how could I say such a thing.

Although they didn't say anything about asking him to help the second uncle, the place for the conversation has been arranged, so they just let them talk about it by themselves.

At this moment, Zhu Zhanji's father and prince Zhu Gaochi also showed up.

When he felt Zhu Zhanji's gaze, his father Zhu Gaochi also spread his hands helplessly.

Obviously, his father Zhu Gaochi also understood this matter.

What can be done?

What can he do?

I can't stop it.

Zhu Zhanji obviously also understands that this matter cannot be blamed on his father Zhu Gaochi. Faced with such a situation, he has no choice but to follow his old mother's words and say to his second uncle Zhu Gaoxu: "Okay, let's go!" Come on, second uncle, my old lady has already spoken, so what can a son do?"

When he heard Zhu Zhanji's words, Zhu Gaoxu's face suddenly showed a happy expression, and he said to Zhu Zhanji's old lady, the princess: "Thanks to my sister-in-law this time, there are still some places in my house to send It’s a good thing, my brother will send it to my sister-in-law tomorrow, let’s see if I can like it.”

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanji's old lady, the princess, immediately said, "What a shame."

But Zhu Gaoxu waved his hand and said: "As the saying goes, an elder brother is like a father, and an elder sister-in-law is a mother. If it weren't for the fact that my old man was still around, the younger brother would give my sister-in-law a kowtow. So what's the point of sending these things? My sister-in-law likes it." That's it."

At this time, Zhu Gaoxu can be seen that his elder nephew, the old man can't control him, and his father and prince can't control him, but he is obedient and obedient to his old mother.

In the future, when dealing with his eldest nephew, he will have to rely on this sister-in-law.

Naturally, how to say this is so nice, even the kowtow.

In this scene, whether it was Zhu Zhanji or the prince Zhu Gaochi, after seeing the virtue of the second child, they all rolled their eyes and didn't want to talk to him.

This boss can really say anything.

It's really unnecessary to be the face of the King of Han...

Just when Zhu Gaoxu was silly for a while.

In the end, he turned around and walked towards the lobby with his eldest nephew Zhu Zhanji.

And after the two left, the prince Zhu Gaochi couldn't help but said to the princess beside him: "You just do it, you know that your son doesn't want to help the second child, so you still have to go up."

But the concubine also had something to say, she rolled her eyes after looking at the prince, and said: "You think your son is just like you, you are so stupid. The second son finally sent something to this house, and I won't accept it again Now, what do you and your son eat and drink in the future?"

"Besides, what did I say, didn't I say nothing? I just found a place for them to talk, which is wrong."

"Look at the posture of the second child. Is he the master who can't come if he doesn't let him come? In the end, this person can't see him. If he can help, he will help. If he can't help, the son is not you. , swollen face to pretend to be fat, tens of thousands of taels of errand, you dare to take it back if you say it, if it is not for your son, I see where you can get the 7 taels of silver!"

When speaking, the crown princess looked like a cat, wishing to kill the fat mouse that was the crown prince.

Hearing his wife's words, Prince Zhu Gaochi also had a look of helplessness: "Yes, you are right, you are right, you can do whatever you want, I don't care, it's over, right? Anyway, it is your son who is implicated, so you can figure it out yourself."

Hearing Prince Zhu Gaochi's words, and seeing his back as he turned and left, the Crown Princess rolled her eyes.

But when he turned his head, he thought of his son Zhu Zhanji who was going to talk with the second child.After hearing what the prince said, he still became a little worried.

After all, it shouldn't be easy to embarrass the second child.Wouldn't it be embarrassing for my son to do this by myself?

Worried about this matter in her heart, the Crown Princess was also worried. After standing in place and walking back and forth twice, she came outside the hall, thinking about listening to the movement.

And the prince Zhu Gaochi who hadn't gone far, when he turned around and saw his wife's appearance, he was immediately happy, and then walked towards the house with his hands behind his back and a smile.

And at the moment in the hall of the Prince's Mansion.

Zhu Zhanji and Zhu Gaoxu discussed things while drinking tea.

"Nephew, the idea you gave today is not good. The old man doesn't like this. You have to give me another idea."

Listening to the second uncle's words, Zhu Zhanji also leaned back on the chair behind him, and said, "Second uncle, I have found out that you are relying on your eldest nephew."

Zhu Gaoxu was obviously also a little embarrassed. After all, this matter had nothing to do with his eldest nephew, but he kept looking for him for what happened on his side. It was really inappropriate to talk about it.

But now that this is the case, what can he do?He could only continue to say with a cheeky face: "Your second uncle is helpless, your eldest nephew can't just leave him alone, can he?"

Seeing that his second uncle was relying on him, and he couldn't shake it off, Zhu Zhanji could only go on and say: "There is a solution to this, but it's a bit troublesome, and you know it, second uncle. Nephew, I am the most afraid of trouble..."

As the saying goes, be obedient and listen to the sound, Zhu Zhanji's tone has gradually softened, and Zhu Gaoxu just went ahead and said: "Eldest nephew, just open your mouth. If there is something that needs to be done by the second uncle, the second uncle will not say anything!"

Seeing that the second uncle made such a promise, Zhu Zhanji was also unambiguous, and said: "Since the second uncle has said so, I will not be polite to my nephew. The second uncle also knows that the nephew is very tight with money. The remaining 120,000 taels..."

Hearing the elder nephew mention this matter, Zhu Gaoxu immediately said: "Don't worry, elder nephew, the second uncle won't need the money for a while, and your third uncle is not in a hurry, just use it, and return it when you have spare money." That's it."

After all the previous experiences, the second uncle Zhu Gaoxu was very trustworthy of his elder nephew in money.

I'm not afraid that this kid won't return it.

Obviously, Zhu Zhanji's intentions are more than that.

"I have to pay it back..."

Hearing this, Zhu Gaoxu immediately stared.

But just as he was about to say something, his momentum immediately weakened again.

"Nephew, it's not that your second uncle and I are stingy, but this is a whole 120,000 taels of silver..."

Obviously, after spending the previous few times, the money has become the last possession of the second uncle's house.

Although the house, title deed, and land are naturally not missing.

But after all, this is a full 120,000 taels of silver, so if you say no, you don't want it.

No matter how rich he is, Zhu Gaoxu can't afford to be so hustle and bustle.

Huo Huo has a lot of money these days, and Huo Huo will lose his Han Palace.

He Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu is not wrong to think so, but for Zhu Zhanji, this business can't lose money.

After all, the method I mentioned next is priceless.

Not to mention a mere hundred thousand taels of silver, no amount of money can be earned, it all depends on how it is done.

"Second uncle, my nephew can assure you that the method my nephew said is worth more than a few hundred thousand taels of silver. Think about it, the idea of ​​conjuring 2 million taels out of thin air is not worth more than a dozen Ten thousand taels?"

Seeing Zhu Zhanji's self-confidence, Zhu Gaoxu couldn't help hesitating.

Especially when Zhu Zhanji said that 2 million taels of silver could be conjured out of thin air, the second uncle Zhu Gaoxu's heart jumped wildly.

Quite excited.

After all, it doesn't matter whoever is sent to this matter, if he, the King of Han, can handle it well, he will really get 2 million taels, this credit.
Naturally, there is no need to say more.

Thinking of this, after careful consideration, Zhu Gaoxu gritted his teeth and said, "Success! The second uncle will bet on your idea, and the second uncle doesn't want the 120,000 taels of silver. As for the third child, the second uncle will hand it over. However, nephew, if the method you mentioned fails, then Second Uncle's hundreds of thousands of taels of silver will not be wasted."

"Second uncle, don't worry!"

With that said, Zhu Zhanji spoke out the method in his heart.

In fact, this method is also very simple, just two words, national debt!
National debt is not a rare thing in later generations, but if it is placed in this ancient time, it is the first time in the world.

Although in ancient times there was also such a saying that the imperial court owed debts, for example, the old man ordered the local government to allocate food and resources for disaster relief in the local area, and then make up for it later. To put it bluntly, it is also a debt of the imperial court.

However, there has never been a formal and standardized issuance of national debt.

Most of the time, when the court has no money, it will directly obtain the silver it needs by increasing taxes.

However, according to Zhu Zhanji's method, the national bonds issued this time will clearly mark the share of future benefits and the time limit for cashing out.

With the national credit as the endorsement, the national debt is issued to meet the needs of the imperial court in the short term.

But after hearing Zhu Zhanji's method, Zhu Gaoxu had some doubts.

"Nephew, isn't this just asking the court to ask someone to borrow money? Can this thing be done?"

Faced with the problem of his second uncle, Zhu Zhanji really didn't dare to guarantee it if he put it in the past.

Because the official and gentry groups in the entire Ming Dynasty were the richest and most powerful people.Although I dare not say that the national debt of the imperial court is not for ordinary people, those ordinary poor people can play very little role. Those who can really raise a lot of money in a short period of time and play a huge role must be those rich and noble with spare money group.

However, for this group, they do not lack the means of 'financial management' at all.

The easiest one, that is to buy land!
By spending money to buy land, let money continue to make money.

But it's different now.

As the officials and gentry pay the grain together, and the stalls go to the mu, and the fire consumption is returned to the public, after the policy orders are gradually implemented in the entire Yingtianfu and even the entire Nanzhili.

This lucrative business has been interrupted.

Especially after the implementation of the Land Duling Order, the land of all officials and gentry, including common people, has been recorded in detail in the imperial court, and it is no longer possible for them to conceal or lie about the number of cultivated land they registered.

It also means that the money they put into the land and cultivated land can no longer get returns beyond imagination as before.

Although throughout the Ming Dynasty, there were also other industries that could meet their violent needs, but the size of these industries was too small to meet everyone's needs.

It will also lead to the idle situation of a large number of groups and social wealth resources.

In this case, if the imperial court uses the imperial court's credit as an endorsement and issues treasury bonds, it will satisfy the counterparty's corresponding amount of wealth growth.

I believe that many people will definitely accept it.

Of course, after the initial release of the national debt, there will be no one to buy it.

After all, for this new thing, not everyone dares to try with their own net worth and wealth.

Then, the only way to solve this problem is to increase the credibility of the imperial court.

It is formulated that the money and silver used to purchase national bonds can be withdrawn anytime and anywhere.

However, it is also stated in advance that anyone who withdraws these silver taels in advance within the specified time limit will clear all the expected income promised.

Of course, in order to meet the needs of more people, the government's national debt will issue different grades of national debt.

Such as one-year, two-year, three-year, five-year and even ten-year periods.

The longer the maturity of the national debt, the higher the natural yield.

Moreover, the endorsement of the court's credit is not limited to words, but also in actual actions.If after purchasing these treasury bonds, they need to be used anytime and anywhere, if the treasury bonds themselves cannot meet the demand, the imperial treasury will be transferred directly.

But this national debt is different from the previous "five insurances and one housing fund" that served officials. The amount obtained from this national debt is not used for investment, but is directly completed in the form of state loans.

The amount of return given to the people and the money in the national debt itself will all be taken directly from the imperial household department in the following year.

No library is involved.

In this way, the stability of the income of these treasury bonds can be guaranteed.

Of course, the reason why the imperial court dared to make such a promise is also based on the current achievements of the imperial court in implementing the New Deal in the entire Southern Zhili.

These things are obvious to all. After the implementation and thorough implementation of the New Deal, how helpful it will be to the entire imperial court. I believe those smart officials and gentry groups must be able to see it.

In the case of sufficient confidence in the taxation and finance of the imperial court in the coming year, the underlying logic of the issuance of national debt is perfect.

This is an investment product where accidents are basically impossible.

Even if the government's finances and tax collection are not satisfactory in the coming year, it will not have any impact on the income of these national debts themselves.

Although Zhu Zhanji told the second uncle Zhu Gaoxu all these principles and methods in detail, the second uncle Zhu Gaoxu was still a little confused.

After all, this matter was naturally a little difficult for his simple mind that was trapped by the door.

So Zhu Zhanji had no choice but to simply give him an example.

"According to the silver that the second uncle took from the mansion before, it should be no less than 300,000 taels of silver."

Second Uncle Zhu Gaoxu nodded after hearing this.

"Then since the 300,000 taels of silver is placed in the second uncle's mansion, it is still in place. Instead of letting him fall into ashes, now my nephew makes a promise to the second uncle to take 200,000 taels of silver and give the second uncle a quarter of the income a year." Return, and guarantee that the 200,000 taels of silver can be used by the second uncle at any time, and the court will guarantee the second uncle, and any loss will be guaranteed by the court."

"This business, will Second Uncle do it?"

Listening to Zhu Zhanji's words, Zhu Gaoxu calculated carefully.

The 200,000 taels of silver will have an income of 8000 taels of silver in one year.

Although he can also use other channels to obtain benefits from this money, but recently he heard from his wife that the benefits from those cultivated lands seem to have decreased a lot.

After all, the New Deal was implemented by themselves, and their respective palaces were naturally the first to implement it.

They even thought about whether to sell these lands.

Because such a large amount of land can not only bring benefits, but also bring a lot of trouble.For example, hiring farmers, annual farming and planting, autumn harvest and so on.

These things need to be dealt with by the people in the palace.

And the cost incurred in this process, manpower and material resources, etc.
The more land you own, the greater the intermediate losses.

Adding up all these zeros and zeros together, I dare not say that there is no income every year, but it is far less than in previous years.

I dare not say whether there is anyone involved in corruption,

People in the palace also have to check the accounts every year and so on.

Time-consuming and labor-intensive, but not so much benefit.

But if according to the words of Zhu Zhanji, 20 taels of silver were taken to the imperial court, he could get a stable income of 8000 taels of silver every year.

Sounds pretty good.

This is still the case of only buying one-year treasury bonds.

If you buy 5-year treasury bonds, you can get a profit of 12 taels of silver per year based on six cents of income, which is a full 000 taels of silver in five years.

After hearing this number, even the wealthy Han King Zhu Gaoxu couldn't help but change his face at this time.

A full 6 taels of silver
Now he has a silver family property of several 100,000 taels in the Hanwang Mansion, but after more than ten years, or even more than twenty years of accumulation, he has such a scale.

This still took a lot of thought and used many illegal channels.

It can be regarded as silver that cannot be shown.

The most important thing is that he is the King of Han in the Ming Dynasty. If it were an ordinary person, who would have such channels and connections to obtain these benefits.

5年便是整整60000两的白银,10年便是将近15万两的白银,20 years便有将近30万两的白银,这还仅仅只是收益。

The speed of making money has almost caught up with the speed of his embezzlement.

But now the imperial court has given him a legal and high-yield channel, and he doesn't need to worry about this matter, the income is guaranteed, the principal is guaranteed, and he doesn't have to worry about anything, the key is safe, and he is not afraid of being checked When it comes to breaking the law, why not do it?

While thinking of this, Zhu Gaoxu suddenly had a general understanding of the national debt that his eldest nephew was talking about.

Anyway, no matter what others do, if this matter is in front of him, Zhu Gaoxu will definitely do it.

Such a good thing, a fool would not do it.

After clarifying this matter and the national debt mentioned by the eldest nephew Zhu Zhanji.

Zhu Gaoxu immediately said: "Nephew! This method is good! With this method, you still worry that the court has no money to use?!"

Seeing his second uncle's suddenly agitated expression, Zhu Zhanji still kindly reminded: "The solution looks good, and those who buy it don't have to worry about it. But one thing, the national debt is a debt after all, it's not for nothing, it can't Just considering the immediate matter, if there are too many issued, the imperial court has money now, but what should we do when it is time to cash out the silver according to the agreement in the future?"

Zhu Gaoxu was taken aback when he heard this.

That's right, it's cool to ask someone to borrow money, what should I do in the future?
Where should I get back the benefits given to the other party in the middle?

But when Zhu Gaoxu didn't know how to answer, his face suddenly changed, and he said: "Isn't there a big nephew here, you just have to find a way."

When Zhu Zhanji heard this, his eyes widened, and he almost kicked his second uncle to death.

 There are two changes every day, and an accident will be notified, and there will be one more change later, ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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