Daming: Let you do your best to manage, do you go to health?

Chapter 112 I have never heard such an outrageous request!

Chapter 112 I have never heard such an outrageous request!
Listening to Zhu Zhanji's words, Zhu Gaoxu's original anger gradually calmed down.

Although he was surprised that his eldest nephew said such straightforward words in front of him, Zhu Gaoxu also agreed with these words in his mouth.

Even, Zhu Gaoxu has always thought so.

He and the boss are fighting for the throne because they want to fight.

Because a man survived his whole life, especially with his personality, he would never be willing to be inferior to others.

So he wants to fight, but he also cares about the feelings of his family.

He couldn't let go.

It never occurred to him that he would actually use a knife on these people in his family.

The words I said to my father just now were also impulsive, and now I feel inappropriate after calming down.

For a moment, the momentum of the whole body also weakened: "I have said it all, what else can I do?"

Knowing that what this kid said made sense, Zhu Gaoxu was not stubborn.

Seeing this, Zhu Zhanji suddenly smiled and said: "Go in again, kowtow to the old man, admit your mistake, let the old man scold you, what he scolded you, just listen to it, just treat it as a fart. You didn't See how my father is scolded by the old man every time? Isn’t the old man scolding my father just for fun? If he wants to scold, you can let him scold, won’t it be good to just kneel there and listen? "

But Zhu Gaoxu was still a little flustered, just impulsively saying that he had a good time, and now go in?
The old man still doesn't know how to deal with him
"Go, go in later, the day lily is cold."

Under Zhu Zhanji's urging, Zhu Gaoxu gritted his teeth and went back to the Shang's study.

At this time, the old man Zhu Di, who still had tears in the corners of his eyes, became stern again when he saw the second child Zhu Gaoxu who walked in again from the door.

As for the second child, Zhu Gaoxu, feeling embarrassed and flustered at this moment, he didn't know what to say, so he simply knelt down on the ground with a stiff neck and a stern face.

According to Zhu Zhanji's words, without further ado, he kowtowed twice, as if reluctantly said: "Father, what my son said just now was impulsive, don't be angry, if you feel puzzled, Just kick the son twice, beat him twice to vent his anger, and the son's body can still bear it."

Seeing the upright appearance of his second child and the reluctant words, Zhu Di said in a low voice, "How dare I beat you, Lord Han?"

"If you say a few words to me, you will scold me, the old man, and I will beat you twice. Why don't you drag me out and chop me, the old man?"

Hearing the old man's yin and yang strangeness, the second child Zhu Gaoxu couldn't bear it the most, so he just stuck his neck and said: "Father, don't talk about it, my son was really impulsive just now, which made you unhappy. No, don't do anything, my son will slap you a few times to vent his anger."

As he said that, the second child Zhu Gaoxu was really unambiguous, and he immediately got started.

A few slaps slapped him on the face.

Although the old man Zhu Di didn't want to talk to him, seeing how hard he slapped, he swelled up after a few slaps.

Seeing this, the old man glanced out of the corner of his eye, and said, "Okay, don't be a good boy to me, the old man, and be good after scolding me?"

"Didn't you just say go back to the house and wait? Okay, go back and wait!"

After the old man finished speaking, he stopped talking.

Seeing this, Zhu Gaoxu, the King of Han who was kneeling on the ground, didn't know what to say. Although he was a son, he was still a seven-foot man after all, and he couldn't do the thing of running over and hugging his old father's leg.

After much deliberation, the second child Zhu Gaoxu could only face his father's position, 'Bang Bang Bang' kowtowed three times, then got up and left towards the outside of the hall.

As the Han king Zhu Gaoxu walked out of the palace gate, he also had a sad expression on his face. When he saw Zhu Zhanji at the gate, he said helplessly: "I kowtowed and scolded, the old man told me to go back and wait."

As he said, he spread his hands.

Seeing this, Zhu Zhanji smiled and said: "Since the old man is still talking to you, it means that the old man is not angry anymore. You are all sons, and you don't even know your father's temper. The old man, It has always been soft and not hard.”

But before Zhu Zhanji finished speaking, his face changed suddenly.

Seeing that Zhu Zhanji hadn't spoken for a long time and was still waiting to listen, the second uncle Zhu Gaoxu immediately looked up.

Seeing the expression on Zhu Zhanji's face, Zhu Gaoxu was startled, and turned around to look at it.


The old man Zhu Di was standing at the gate of the palace with a sullen face.

Seeing this, Zhu Gaoxu hurriedly held a smiling face: "Father"



Second uncle Zhu Gaoxu ran away without looking back.

Only Zhu Zhanji and the old man Zhu Di were left in the whole field.

The scene was very embarrassing.

Just when Zhu Zhanji laughed with him and wanted to say that he would get out with his second uncle.

But I heard the old man ask: "They don't understand his father's temper, but you will understand? Will you be soft or hard? How can you be so clear?"

"So clear, you still talked back to your grandpa yesterday?"

Hearing the old man's words, Zhu Zhanji's eyes twitched.

"Grandpa and grandson are teasing the second uncle, joking about grandpa, if it's okay, why don't grandson go too?"

Hearing this, Zhu Di nodded.

"Get in."

Hearing the old man's words, Zhu Zhanji was about to turn around happily when he was about to leave, but suddenly he was taken aback.

He walked into the Shang's study with a painful expression on his face.

It's like this when you step on a horse again, and it's like this when you step on a horse again.

I just said yesterday that I don't care about their father and son's shit, let them go to toss by themselves, and then they ran over to give away their heads.

Zhu Zhanji, with a gloomy face, followed closely behind the old man Zhu Di's ass.

As the old man entered the palace, the eunuchs in the palace were kicked out one after another by the old man.

Inside the hall.

The old man walked forward, and Zhu Zhanji followed behind.

The old man said slowly: "Just now you asked your second uncle to come in and admit his mistake?"

Zhu Zhanji smiled awkwardly and said: "The grandson just reminded me a few words. It was because the second uncle knew he was wrong, so he regretted it so much that he went to apologize to grandpa."

But the old man Zhu Di just smiled casually and said, "A reminder or two? Your second uncle listens to you."

Zhu Zhanji didn't care about the old man's words at all, but just smiled.

But the old man remembered.

Then he asked, "How is the imperial examination going?"

Zhu Zhanji thought for a while and said, "It's okay, it's almost done, and it will be over in a day or two."

Zhu Di nodded.

"This time the Northern Expedition, you are also ready to prepare, go with grandpa, and feel the real battlefield."

But Zhu Zhanji said very reluctantly: "Grandpa, don't you need it? My grandson has never brought any soldiers. Going with you, grandpa, will only cause trouble for you. Why don't you leave your grandson in the capital? I can raise more military pay for you grandpa, this time let grandpa have a good time in the north, don't be called back by my dad every time."

"Besides, grandson's body has been weak and sick since he was a child, and his body is weak. This time, let's forget it?"

Seeing Zhu Zhanji's apologetic smile, the old man Zhu Di stretched out his fist and stabbed Zhu Zhanji's chest twice, looked at Zhu Zhanji and said, "Is this called infirm?"

Just when Zhu Zhanji was about to say something, the old man interrupted him directly and said: "Okay, this matter is decided, this time you will go out with the army, and before this time, you will be taken too seriously." Sun's canonization ceremony has been done."

"However, you will pay for the canonization ceremony yourself."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanji stared at him: "Grandpa, did the grandson come out by himself????"

"This canonization ceremony was organized by the imperial court. How can there be any reason for the grandson to do it himself?"

However, the old man Zhu Di said: "In the Ming Dynasty, you are the only one with a quick mind. You can give your second uncle an idea to get 2 million taels of military pay. Why, you can hold the grandson's canonization ceremony yourself, you can't think of it." Is there a way? In short, there is no money in the imperial household department, and there is no silver in the treasury. The 2 million liang is the military salary of the army, and one liang cannot be moved. Didn’t you just say that you will stay in the capital to raise military salary for your grandfather and me?”

"There is no need to raise the military salary, let's raise the money for the canonization ceremony of the grandson by yourself."

Hearing the old man's last words, Zhu Zhanji's face turned dark.

What's the point of this tm.

I always feel that I am holding a grand ceremony for myself, as if I am fooling myself.

Isn't this too resentful?

Throughout the past and present, I have never seen a grandson who held a grand ceremony for himself.

As for Nakong's reputation, Zhu Zhanji didn't care at all.

His father is a prince, is he a grandson who has wool for him?

If it weren't for when my father was removed from the position of prince, and my grandson was the nominal successor, it would be useful to say so.

But how could his father be dismissed from the position of crown prince in a good manner.

The only one who can save his father from the position of prince is the old man, but as long as the old man is still alive, whether he is a prince or a grandson has something to use.

The prince and grandson are not just a matter of his words.

But if the old man is gone, who can avoid the position of his father and prince.

Therefore, the grandson's name sounds scary and has a lot of effect, but it is actually a tasteless one.

"Grandpa, otherwise, don't bookend this great-grandson. It's a waste of money. As long as my father is a prince, it doesn't matter if my grandson has the name of that great-grandson."

Of course, there is another more critical reason Zhu Zhanji didn't say.

He didn't want to bother looking for money anymore.

But after hearing Zhu Zhanji's words, the old man Zhu Di immediately vetoed his words, and said with a very firm attitude: "No, the grandson canonization ceremony must be done, and it is too shabby. If you dare to fool yourself, From now on, old man, I will take you by my side every day, just follow behind your grandfather and me, wherever you go, you will follow."

Just kidding, if you make your father the emperor, it doesn't matter if the grandson's canonization is delayed in this year's expedition.But now it's you, if you don't even have the name of a grandson, it's not going well in terms of real name.

The old man Zhu Di with this in mind naturally couldn't agree to this request.

After Zhu Zhanji heard this, he was speechless.

The old man is controlling him to death now.

Even his weakness of not being restrained was grasped.

Zhu Zhanji, who was full of resentment, could only accept the old man's request helplessly.

Mainly, if you don't accept it, it won't work.
If you don't accept it, just hang your ass and use it as a decoration.

How can this grievance be endured.

"Okay, go down and get ready."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanji got up and left without staying for a moment.

And after the eldest grandson left, the old man Zhu Di also smiled slightly, standing beside the dragon chair with his waist slung over his waist, very satisfied with his eldest grandson.

Originally, I was worried that if this kid became the emperor, would he be able to deter his ambitious second uncle in the future.

But now after watching this incident, it's not bad, the second child who doesn't listen to anyone, can listen to this kid's words.

If he becomes the emperor in the future, it may be better than the boss being the prince.

Thinking of this, how could the old man Zhu Di feel unhappy.

As for the words that the second child contradicted him before, it has long since vanished.

Although he was really angry at the beginning, but when the second child came back to plead guilty, how could a father in this world really hate his son.

Besides, when he was young, didn't he often contradict his father Zhu Yuanzhang?

However, if you are not angry, you are not angry anymore. A father can not care about his son, but the emperor can't!
"Come on!"

"The servant is here!"

"Go! Go out with my will, the King of Han wants to die, and he will give you a good coffin and funeral rituals!"

Hearing Emperor Zhu Di's words, the eunuch kneeling on the ground suddenly widened his eyes.

"Emperor, this."




Prince's Mansion.

At this time, the prince Zhu Gaochi, who was sitting alone in the gazebo in the yard, was playing Go. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of his son Zhu Zhanji who had just entered the door.

Immediately, he waved to him and said: "Stinky boy, come here quickly, the mess you made for dad last time, dad thought for a long time but didn't come up with a clue, come here and tell your dad about it."

Zhu Zhanji, who is currently thinking about where his grandson Dadian should go to raise money, does not have that energy.

"Father, figure it out for yourself."

Then he walked towards his small courtyard.

However, the prince Zhu Gaochi didn't intend to let him go like this, and hurriedly shouted: "Stinky boy, have you lost your soul by running around outside? Come quickly!"

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanji sighed, then sat down opposite his father, and then looked at the chess game on the chessboard. After thinking for a while, he only slightly dropped two pieces on the chessboard. The situation on the Internet suddenly became alive.

In the original situation where there were ten deaths and no life, there was a faint opportunity to bring the dead back to life.

That father Zhu Gaochi is also a person who is proficient in chess, and he can see the essence of these two moves at a glance.

Immediately his eyes lit up.

"Stinky boy, not bad, this step is wonderful!"

But when Zhu Gaochi looked at the chess pieces on the chessboard seriously, he also saw his son's sad face.

Zhu Gaochi, who knew his family very well, immediately smiled and said, "What's wrong with your grandfather, with such a lost expression?"

While talking, his father Zhu Gaochi was still placing pieces on the chessboard.

Zhu Zhanji, who was about to say something, was startled suddenly: "Father, how do you know it's grandpa?"

Zhu Gaochi smiled, and said: "In the Ming Dynasty, you have taken advantage of everything, that is, you can eat turtles at your grandfather's place. Tell me, what's going on."

Hearing what his father said, Zhu Zhanji didn't hide anything, and said directly: "It wasn't a big deal at first, it was just that the old man asked me to go out with the army this time, and he wanted to give my son my grandson."

After Zhu Zhanji finished speaking, he glanced at his father, but found that there was no surprise on his face, and said involuntarily: "Father, what happened to you today? This old son just said something casually." , it’s enough to surprise you for a long time, how come you still can’t move your face today?”

Facing his son's question, Zhu Gaochi just smiled.

"Haven't these things been planned by your grandfather a long time ago? What's so surprising about this?"

Zhu Zhanji was even more confused when he heard this: "It's planned? When did the old man plan this? What does Grandpa want me to go out for?"

Regarding these questions of his son, Zhu Gaochi knew the answers clearly in his heart, but the old man didn't say anything, and he certainly couldn't say it himself.

"Okay, don't ask, just do what your grandpa said, and no one will harm you."

Zhu Zhanji naturally believed what his father said.

My grandfather, what are you doing to me.

But he still said: "Grandpa won't harm me, but he can't stop him from cheating me. Do you know what the master said about the ceremony of conferring grandson this time?"

Zhu Gaochi really didn't know about this, so he couldn't help looking up at Zhu Zhanji.

And Zhu Zhanji also said: "The old man asked me to raise money by myself, and let me hold a grand ceremony for myself!"

Zhu Gaochi was taken aback when he heard this, and then laughed again in an instant.

This is really the first time in the world.

The grandpa held the canonization ceremony for the grandson, but the grandson had to pay for the money himself. I dare to say that the grandfather is just a name.

"Father, tell me, can he do this thing? It won't be too cold to say it in the future. The emperor of the Ming Dynasty held a canonization ceremony for the eldest grandson and asked the eldest grandson to pay the money himself."

The old man Zhu Gaochi who was sitting across from him with a simple smile on his face also catered to him and said, "Your grandpa's way of doing this is indeed unreasonable."

But in the next second, he said again: "But aren't you rich, kid? Some time ago, I saw that the money in this mansion was pulled back by carriage by carriage, and silver by carriage by carriage was transported out."

Zhu Zhanji, who heard this, said with a helpless face: "Father, does the money belong to your son? Besides, even if it belongs to my son, wouldn't it all be transported to the third child? What about the money in the suburbs of Beijing?" Don't you have to use silver everywhere? After all, your son is also working for the imperial court's internal treasury. But in the end, the silver was not recovered, and it caused a lot of trouble."

"The old man said he canonize his grandson. The money for this grand ceremony has to be paid by himself. When it comes to you, he has to get a rich reputation, as if his son has put so many treasures in his yard."

After speaking, he let out another long sigh.

Continue to complain: "Also, after the morning court today, the old man had a quarrel with the second uncle. I thought about the whole family, and went to try to persuade the quarrel. It turned out to be good. I was left there, and the second uncle ran away."

Hearing Zhu Zhanji's last words, his father Zhu Gaochi suddenly regained his spirits.

"Your second uncle is arguing with your grandfather again?"

Zhu Zhanji nodded: "The old man was so angry that his liver hurt, and the eunuchs almost didn't let the eunuchs call for the imperial doctor."

Seeing it was so serious, his father Zhu Gaochi suddenly became worried, and said with some complaints: "Second, don't you know how old the old man is? Why are you still talking to the old man like you were when you were young? If you want to get angry, this second child must go down to be buried with him to atone for his sins?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Zhu Zhanji again, and taught him a lesson: "And you kid, you are not a good thing, you have been arguing with your grandpa all day long, don't you know your grandpa's temper? He wants to get angry and scold people , you just listen to a few words, don’t be stubborn with him, he is too old to bear your anger.”

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanji was really wronged: "Father, can this be blamed on my son? You just said that in the Ming Dynasty, my son will be deflated by the old man. That's it, Son, is this still arguing with the old man?"

Just when Zhu Zhanji was bickering with his father Zhu Gaochi here.

The third child, Lord Zhao Zhu Gaosui, rushed in step by step and shouted.



"Prince Prince!"


Hearing the shouting outside the courtyard, his father Zhu Gaochi hurriedly shouted loudly: "Here it is! Here it is! Oh, stop shouting, what a day of yelling."

Hearing Prince Zhu Gaochi's voice, the third child hurriedly turned around and walked over.

After glancing at Zhu Zhanji, he hurriedly said to Zhu Gaochi: "Boss, let's go, something happened!"

Hearing this, Zhu Gaochi stared at him immediately, and asked, "What happened? What happened? Oh, don't push, don't push, you just said it."

Hearing this, the third child, Zhu Gaosui, had no choice but to stop and said: "The old man ordered that the second child wanted to die, so he specially gave a whole set of funeral etiquette, and the best coffin boards were sent over. Now the second child Lying in that coffin waiting to die."

Zhu Gaochi was shocked after listening to the third child.

He never thought it would turn out like this.

On the other hand, Zhu Zhanji was cheerful.

Hearing the kid's laughter, Zhu Gaochi hurriedly turned his head and asked, "Does that kid know what's going on?"

Zhu Zhanji said with a smile: "Isn't that what I just told my father? The second uncle was arguing with the old man."

Hearing this, the father Zhu Gaochi frowned, and after thinking for a while, he and the youngest Zhu Gaosui headed towards the Han Palace together.

After all, it's a family, no one else cares about it, and they can't control their family's affairs. It can only be the men of their old Zhu's family who think about it.

And Zhu Zhanji listened interestingly, and wanted to see what his second uncle looked like lying in the coffin.

When the group of them arrived at the palace of the Han Dynasty, they could hear blowing and beating inside the palace from a distance, it was very lively.

This funeral is like welcoming a relative.

And as soon as he walked into the gate of the courtyard, he saw that the courtyard was full of people wearing sackcloth and filial piety kneeling on both sides, and they all cried loudly.

When the princess of the Han Dynasty saw the prince, she continued to cry: "My lord, even if my Hanwang offends the emperor on the spur of the moment, we are a family after all, so please ask the prince to intercede with the emperor, but Don't let my prince be buried."

Seeing the appearance of the aunt and this scene, Zhu Zhanjile almost couldn't hold back.

After Zhu Gaochi said a few words of relief, his father also led people into the hall.

Following the three of them in, after looking left and right for a long time, they didn't see the figure of the second child.

Just as he was thinking about howling twice, the youngest Zhao Wang Zhu Gaoxuan was the first to spot the second youngest Zhu Gaoxu who was lying in the coffin, and said, "Stop shouting, it's here."

As he said that, he looked down at the second child Zhu Gaoxu in the coffin, frowned and said, "Second brother, what are you doing? Why are you really lying in the coffin?"

Zhu Zhanji on the side also smiled immediately: "Second uncle, this old man gave you a coffin, did you really lie in it?"

Listening to the words of these two people, the Han King Zhu Gaoxu said: "The son has done something wrong and made the old man angry. What should I do? I can only accept the punishment. Since the old man ordered someone to send the coffin, I It’s a son, and it’s a minister’s. What can I say? The king wants the minister to die, and the minister has to die. I’ll punish the head office, right?”

"As long as the old man is happy, as a son, I can do whatever I want."

Hearing what the second child said, Zhu Gaochi hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, isn't it just a quarrel with dad? Dad sent a coffin to scare you, but he can really do something to you. ?”

"Come out."

Zhu Gaoxu inside seemed to be lying awkwardly in there too, and he really got up after hearing what the two of them said.

Then he sat in front of the coffin with the eldest, the third, and the eldest nephew.

He picked up the jug used for sacrifice in front of the coffin, poured a glass for each of the three, and said: "Boss, youngest, and eldest nephew, I think this time the old man is going to be serious, but don't blame dad. Who made the son make the mistake first. I accept the punishment, but we are brothers and nephews after all, come, you can have a drink with me."

As they spoke, the four of them each had a glass of wine, touched each other and drank it all in one gulp.

After drinking, the second child Zhu Gaoxu said: "Okay, I've finished the farewell wine too, you all go back, don't persuade, whoever persuades who is a bastard, I will wait in that coffin for my father's order , and went to reincarnate.”

Hearing the sad words of the second child, Zhu Gaochi also hurriedly said: "Second child, don't say such things, what is reincarnation or not. We are all a family, how can father really do anything to you."

"Don't worry, you have committed a heinous crime, and your eldest brother isn't there."


Zhu Zhanji, who sat on the side and watched his second uncle play a bitter scene, admired his family to death.

Those who sell furniture sell furniture, those who want to die want to die.
In the homework of dealing with the old man, everyone has their own methods.
Now only the third uncle beside me has not shown the escape talent of the old Zhu's family when facing the old man's difficulties.

My second uncle seems to want death wholeheartedly, but he is actually showing his attitude to the old man.

While his father and third uncle were still talking to the second uncle, the second uncle sitting in front of the coffin saw the eunuch walking in from the courtyard at a glance.

He hurriedly turned over, jumped into the coffin, and lay down again.

And after the eunuch who passed the decree came in, he also looked around and couldn't see the King of Han.

Immediately asked: "Prince, where is King Han?"

Prince Zhu Gaochi took a look inside the coffin, and Zhao Quancai hurried over to take a look, and asked, "Han Wangye, are you deliberately not coming out?"

The Han King Zhu Gaoxu who was inside said immediately: "The coffin my father gave me, as a son, he will naturally lie in it."

Seeing this, Zhao Quan didn't dare to persuade him anymore. He raised his head and shouted: "The emperor said that since the king of Han wants to die, according to the rules, he will be buried in the earth seven days after he stops the coffin."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Quan cupped his hands to the Han King Zhu Gaoxu again and said, "I offended the prince."

Then he waved to the little eunuchs who followed him, and said, "Come on."

Under the suspicious eyes of everyone in the hall, the little eunuchs outside the door stepped forward one after another, took the tools in their hands, and came to the coffin. , nailed it.

As the coffin gradually became dark, the Duke of Han who was retreating into the coffin panicked, and hurriedly shouted: "Don't nail it! Did you hear that! Don't nail it!"

However, under the imperial decree of the emperor, how dare these little eunuchs stop.

Zhao Quan on the side also passed on the emperor's words: "The emperor said, since the coffin has already stopped and people have entered the coffin, you can't open the lid, right? Don't look back, who is it that you cheated the corpse?" of?"

It wasn't until the coffin was firmly nailed that they left one by one.

And the prince Zhu Gaochi on the side was also stunned seeing this appearance.

It's the first time playing so big.

He hurriedly asked Zhao Quan beside him, "I said, is that what the emperor really said?"

Then Zhao Quan also replied with a worried face: "Hey, how dare this servant talk nonsense? I dare not miss a word, the emperor really said so."

Just as the crown prince and King Zhao were looking at all this with dull faces, Zhao Quan said something again: "By the way, Prince Zhao, Lord Zhao...you two are here"

As the saying goes, listen to the sound.

The crown prince and Zhao Wang, who had been by the old man's side for so many years, immediately understood that Zhao Quan must have sent the order after hearing the words of Zhao Quan and Eunuch Zhao.

It is to pass back the situation here.

The youngest Zhao Wang, who was still a good brother just now, kept persuading him, and was the first to react: "We are here to pay tribute to the funeral! It's over!"

Zhu Zhanji, who was standing in the corner beside him, was surprised by his third uncle's reflex-like reaction speed when he saw this scene.

This is probably the third uncle's innate supernatural power.
Have a strong sense of danger.

But Zhu Zhanji's father, Zhu Gaochi, ran to the coffin, knocked on the coffin board like knocking on the door, and said, "Well, second brother, this is also a good thing, you, reflect on it inside , See what you did wrong, me and the third child, go to daddy to beg you."

As he said that, he didn't know if he really went to plead for mercy, so he also ran away with the third child.

As the two left, when Zhao Quan was about to turn around and leave, he saw Zhu Zhanji on the side, and hurriedly bowed and said, "Your Highness, grandson, what are you?"

Compared to his father Zhu Gaochi and his third uncle Zhu Gaosui, Zhu Zhanji was more courageous and said with a smile: "My father-in-law went back and told grandpa that the eldest grandson came to see a joke."

Hearing Zhu Zhanji's words, Zhao Quan, Eunuch Zhao couldn't help covering his mouth and snickering. Although he didn't laugh out loud, he still said to Zhu Zhanji: "Your Highness, if you say this, the slave-maid pass After so many years, this is the first time I heard it."

After finishing speaking, he bowed again, turned around and led the people away.

At this time, no one dared to wait in this huge hall.

Those who were blowing and beating outside were also blowing again.

Listening to the second uncle who kept roaring inside and kowtowed his head from time to time because of his emotions, Zhu Zhanji looked up and down, and it was really perfect. After thinking about it, don't really get suffocated in it, so he hurried over When he got to the coffin, where the wood was relatively thin, he kicked it hard.

As the planks of the coffin shattered, the second uncle's head poked out.

Seeing that there was no one in the hall except Zhu Zhanji, the second uncle Zhu Gaoxu scolded immediately: "Boss, the eldest and the third, you two bastards, what you said just now is beautiful, this brotherhood, that family. It's all right now, As soon as the old man ordered it, they all ran away! That is to say, you didn't run away, otherwise your second uncle and I would have to suffocate to death in this coffin!"

Seeing the embarrassment on his second uncle's face, Zhu Zhanji couldn't bear it anymore, and burst out laughing.

"Second uncle, second uncle, you said that when you were outside the Shang's study, your nephew told you to plead guilty and admit your mistake. I feel that you are not very willing. If you didn't go back and plead guilty, I don't know how to torment you now Woolen cloth."

Listening to Zhu Zhanji's jokes, Zhu Gaoxu also said helplessly: "Okay, nephew, don't interrupt your second uncle. Hurry up, get some wine, I was suffocated just now!"

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanji came to the front of the coffin, took a jug casually, stuffed it in, and said, "Okay, second uncle, you can enjoy it in it, and I will leave, my eldest nephew. When will you wait?" When the old man loses his temper, he will let you out."

Listening to Zhu Zhanji's words, Zhu Gaoxu wanted to say something, but Zhu Zhanji didn't listen, and ran away in a hurry.

Anyway, I have seen the excitement, if I don't leave, I am not just watching the excitement, but looking for trouble.

Maybe the job of saving him fell on him again.

Let's run first. .

 Ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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