Daming: Let you do your best to manage, do you go to health?

Chapter 113 Good Holy Sun, Daming can be prosperous for 3 generations!

Chapter 113 Good grandson, Daming can be prosperous for three generations!

Just when the four brothers from the old Zhu's family were getting together to mess around, on the other side, in Jin Yiwei's prison.

Emperor Zhu Di came here accompanied by two young eunuchs.

Walking in the imperial prison, there were painful wailing sounds from all around, as if one had descended to eighteen levels of hell.

And under the guidance of Qi Cheng, the commander of Jinyiwei Beizhen Fusi.

Zhu Di slowly came to the prison where Yang Shiqi was imprisoned.

With a wave of his hand, the Jin Yiwei on both sides hurriedly opened the door of the prison.

The moment he saw Zhu Di's appearance, Yang Shiqi quickly knelt on the ground and shouted loudly: "The emperor bows to Jin'an!"

Looking at Yang Shiqi on the ground and the book beside him, Zhu Di put his hands on his waist and asked, "Why, have you fallen in love with Bai Letian?"

Yang Shiqi got up and cupped his hands, and replied: "If you go back to the emperor, I always want to be romantic and suave in my life, but unfortunately I am ugly, I can only read the poems of the ancients and dream about it."

Hearing this, Zhu Di was immediately happy: "Just you?"

Then, listening to the wailing and whipping sounds coming from outside the prison, Zhu Di asked casually, "The ghosts are crying and wolves are howling here, can you bear it?"

After Yang Shiqi heard it, he knew that Zhu Di was talking about those people who were beaten outside, so he replied seriously: "I was a little sad on the first day, and I felt pity in my heart, and tears flowed down my face. I was fine the next day, and I cried. Who is crying for me? All sentient beings are nothing more than drifting in the sea of ​​desire. Crying is useless. These days, I can’t hear it anymore.”

Hearing that, Zhu Di was noncommittal about this, and he didn't seem to really care about it.

He said casually, "You do have the skills to nourish your energy. You can live here if you like, and there is no room fee."

Yang Shiqi hurriedly thanked him.

Then Zhu Di said again: "I'll give you another chance, have you seen this cage?"

"I see." Yang Shiqi replied.

Zhu Di: "If you still don't satisfy me with your answer this time, this cage is just for you, and then you can slowly cultivate your noble spirit here."

Hearing this, Yang Shiqi was obviously not as calm as before, but he still replied calmly: "Yes."

Seeing this, Zhu Di seemed to have seen through people's hearts, smiled, and after his face recovered, he asked, "Who should I pass on to?"

Yang Shiqi, who heard this, had already thought about the question he was asked before entering the prison countless times in his heart.

Dang even cupped his hands and said, "Prince!"

Zhu Di said with a cold face, "Why?"

Yang Shiqi said: "What a great grandson, the Ming Dynasty can prosper for three generations!"

It wasn't until Yang Shiqi said this that Zhu Di leaned against the prison door and laughed.

This was his last test of Yang Shiqi.

If you answer one word wrong, you will end up in prison.

While Yang Shiqi kowtowed, Zhu Di turned and left.

After Zhu Di left, the little eunuch behind him also came to the door of the prison with an imperial decree, and shouted loudly: "By God, the emperor ordered that from now on, Yang Shiqi will be awarded the post of Grand Scholars of Wenhua Pavilion and Minister of the Ministry of War." job!"

Hearing the eunuch's will, Yang Shiqi's heart that had jumped to his throat finally fell at this moment.

When I was about to kowtow, I found that Zhu Di was no longer there.

And the other side.

The same thing is still happening.

Yang Rong Yangpu was awarded the post of Bachelor of Huairen Pavilion.

Zhang Ben, Minister of the Ministry of Industry.

Far away in southern Zhili, Guo Ji supervised the implementation of the New Deal.Now that the implementation of the New Deal has come to the end stage, the opposition sentiment in the whole Nanzhili area has almost disappeared. According to the requirements of local yamen, the land-duling order is being steadily carried out and finalized.

Just because he felt a little bored when he was free recently, a group of eunuchs came outside the mansion suddenly.

"South Zhili's new policy implements the governor's office and Guo Ji accepts the order!"

Guo Ji hadn't reacted to this sudden situation, but he knelt down in front of the person who received the order in an instant.

"Following the fate of heaven, the emperor said that Guo Ji has made great contributions to the implementation of the new policy in Nanzhili, and he has been specially appointed as the Governor of Shuntian, and he will rush to take office immediately!"

Hearing this sudden order, Guo Ji was horrified.

Shuntian Fu Yin! !
Although that Shuntian Governor is equal to his current official position, but that is Shuntian Governor!
The conferment of this official position shows the emperor's absolute trust in him.

Otherwise, no matter how talented and capable an ordinary person is, without the trust of the emperor, it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to achieve this position.

Guo Ji had thought about where he would go to work after completing the implementation of the New Deal in Nanzhili in the future.

But even if he thinks that he may be promoted to a noble in the future, he will be promoted from the third rank to the second rank.

Never thought that he could be a third-rank Shuntian governor.

Now that the Ming Dynasty is preparing to move the capital, it is a certainty that Suncheon will become the capital of the future.

That is the future capital of the country!

Recently, I heard that His Royal Highness Changsun was removed from the position of supervisor of the country, and Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu took over the country.

I thought it was because the emperor's trust in His Royal Highness Changsun was slowly decreasing, but I never thought that, instead of decreasing at all, he even paid more and more attention to it.

Assigning the subordinates of His Royal Highness Changsun to Shuntian Mansion, which will soon become the capital of the country, as the Governor of Shuntian Mansion, this is almost the treatment only available to the current prince.

Even the crown prince seldom gets this kind of treatment, it's where the emperor's own direct descendant is!
It's like the position of the Minister of the Ministry of Households, as well as the Minister of the Ministry of War and the Minister of the Ministry of Officials.

These are the secrets of the emperor's control of the world.

While Guo Ji was still in shock, the eunuch delivering the decree said, "Master Guo, don't you still accept the decree?"

Guo Ji, who heard this, suddenly recovered from his shock, and hurriedly said to the eunuch who delivered the decree: "My lord, thank you for accepting the decree!"

After Guo Ji received the decree, the eunuch who delivered the decree came to him and said, "Congratulations, Mr. Guo, for making another step."

Guo Ji heard the words and hurriedly said with a smile: "Thank you, father-in-law, but this is all the emperor's love, Guo Ji can't repay it."

Hearing this, the eunuch who delivered the decree smiled and said, "Okay, Mr. Guo, since you have received the decree, hurry up and take up your post."

Prince's Mansion.

Zhu Gaochi, who was the first to return from the Han Palace, walked in from outside the mansion with a happy face.

It's really gratifying that this family is making such a fuss today.

The second son, the emperor gave him a coffin, he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, just admit his mistake.

You have to lie down by yourself.

Play blind now, the old man will directly nail the coffin boards for you.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help being happy.

However, thinking about this, Zhu Gaochi suddenly remembered something.The coffin boards are all nailed up, so if no one dares to open the coffin for him, won't he be suffocated to death?

Thinking of this, Zhu Gaochi suddenly felt that the possibility was quite high.

After all, it was bestowed by the emperor, who would dare to open the coffin board again?
Isn't this an open confrontation with the old man?

For a while, Zhu Gaochi turned around in a hurry, and hurried towards Hanwang Mansion again.

It's okay for this family to be noisy, don't really get suffocated in it.

But as soon as he arrived at the gate of the prince's mansion, he saw his son Zhu Zhanji who had come back from outside.

At the same time, Zhu Zhanji also saw his father Zhu Gaochi.

Seeing that he was about to go out again, he couldn't help asking: "Father, where are you going?"

Hearing this, his father Zhu Gaochi also frowned and said: "Your father, I just remembered that the second child was still nailed in that coffin. If it is airtight, it would be bad if he was suffocated in it."

Seeing this, Zhu Zhanji smiled immediately, and hurriedly said: "Okay, don't go, my son left a mouth for the second uncle when he came out."

Hearing this, Zhu Gaochi asked: "Did you break open the coffin that your grandfather gave you?"

Zhu Zhanji shook his head: "Then how dare I make a decree to nail the lid on, and I opened it. Isn't that against the decree? My son, I opened an opening next to the coffin and got him a pot Go in with the wine, don't worry, you won't be bored to death."

Seeing this, Zhu Gaochi was relieved.

Pointing to Zhu Zhanji, he said, "Forget you, you still need to do some personnel affairs."

"By the way, you're going to do the canonization ceremony this time with that girl Shanxiang's wedding, right?"

Zhu Zhanji said immediately: "Of course, otherwise, when the big wedding comes, the old man will let me do it myself again? Come on, let's do it together. It will save you a lot of trouble and waste of money."

Seeing that Zhu Zhanji is also a master who knows how to live, Zhu Gaochi couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and said: "You boy, although you have been with your grandfather since you were a child, you haven't learned your grandpa's extravagance. Know to be less fussy."

But Zhu Zhanji took it for granted and said, "That's natural. This is my son's own money. If the old man pays for it, I want to make a lot of trouble."

Just as the father and son were talking and walking towards the backyard, the old lady Zhang Yan walked over with the cat in her arms.

"You father and son just stood at the door and didn't go back. What are you talking about?"

Hearing his wife's words, Zhu Gaochi smiled and said, "Your son is going to get married and be named grandson."

The Crown Princess, who was asking casually, widened her eyes the moment she heard this, looked at her son excitedly and asked, "Son, you are going to be a grandson and get married! Who said that, old man?" Did you say that?"

Listening to the old lady's questioning, Zhu Zhanji nodded helplessly.

But seeing Zhu Zhanji's appearance as the princess, she couldn't help but asked with a smile: "This is going to be a big wedding and canonization as a grandson. Why are you unhappy, son?"

Regarding what the old lady said, Zhu Zhanji scratched his head, but his father Zhu Gaochi said with a smile: "He is worried about what to do about the big wedding and canonization ceremony!"

The princess was even more confused about this.

"What is there to worry about? The imperial court has regulations, so just follow the imperial court regulations."

But the old man Zhu Gaochi on the side said sarcastic words, saying: "The imperial court has regulations, but there must be money, right? His grandfather said that this kid has to pay for the big wedding and canonization ceremony this time."


Hearing this, the old lady immediately became excited.

"Since ancient times, I have never heard that the grandson's wedding and canonization ceremony were paid for by the grandson himself. How can there be such a reason!"

Hearing this, Zhu Gaochi, the old man on the side, immediately grabbed his wife and said, "Okay, okay, what's the use of you talking here. This is an order from his grandfather. If you have the ability, go and talk to the old man." .”

"Let's go, this kid is worried about where to get money, let him figure it out by himself."

Zhu Zhanji, who was mentioned this "sad thing" again, just like his father Zhu Gaochi said, his brain hurts thinking about it.

In the past, no matter how much money was needed for any task, it could be solved by using the knowledge of the imperial court and previous lives.

For example, the national debt, such as the five social insurance and one housing fund.
But now when it was his turn, he was worried.

Because this matter has nothing to do with the court, and it is impossible for him to use the existence of the court to come up with any new tricks.

In addition, this time it is a one-time consumption, and we can't get some money to develop slowly like doing internal treasury, and then pay it back little by little.

If it can be done simply, it doesn't matter, the big deal is to borrow some money from everywhere, and pay it back slowly by yourself.

But this is not the case today.

The big wedding and canonization ceremony are held together, both of which are not trivial matters.

The key point is that the old man also said that it must be done in a big way, and he can't deal with errands casually, which will lose his old man's face.

But he won't lose face, where can he get money?
If I am like the second uncle, I have my own fief, or accept some bribes.

That counts.

But it just didn't!
It sounds like Zhu Zhanji has always had a lot of tricks, but now he has nothing to do.

Even if he has a way to make more money, he still has to earn it slowly.
Mainly from the very beginning, he didn't think about how much money he would spend in his own pocket, and regarded the court as his own pocket.

As for the inner treasury, let's not say that now that the inner treasury is under the imperial court, the use of silver is no longer as random as it used to be.

Even if it can be used, the land in the suburbs of Beijing is being reclaimed as soon as possible, and many people are still waiting for the leased land to come down.

At this time, go there to get money by yourself. Isn't this against those ordinary people?

The point is that Zhu Zhanyong doesn't have much money anymore. According to the requirements of the old man, the extra wedding ceremony will cost at least 300,000 taels.

Not to mention that Zhu Zhanyong doesn't have so much money there, but if he does, what should he do if he is transferred away?
worry, worry
Zhu Zhanji scratched the back of his head and walked towards his small courtyard.

the other side.

In the house of Prince Zhu Gaochi.

The crown princess Zhang Yan sat on that chair and kept complaining: "Since I joined your old Zhu's family, I have lived a good life. Either there is no money here, or there is no money there. To be a crown princess, You still have to worry about whether you, the prince, and your son can eat and wear new clothes."

"It's all right now, it's hard to make it through. My son is going to get married and canonized, and I have to pay for the ceremony myself. If you want me to say, there is no money! I am happy with the old man, and the prince's mansion can't afford any money. Let's see if the imperial court is going to be so poor that even grandsons can't afford to marry a daughter-in-law!"

Prince Zhu Gaochi has long been used to his wife's mouth.

She said hers, and made her own.

But before he could take a second look at the booklet, the lady at the side took the booklet away from his hand.

"I said, do you still have the heart to read the book now? Your son is almost unable to marry a wife, so why are you reading the book?"

The helpless Zhu Gaochi could only patiently say: "Tell me, what are you in a hurry for? Isn't there a tall man to stand up to when the sky falls? That's what the old man said, can he really ignore it then? And yourself His son, who comes to this mansion all day long, and those who go out of the mansion, pull carts of money, is he the one who worries about money?"

"You said that the old man is not in a hurry, and the son himself is not in a hurry. Why are you so anxious?"

It's fine if you don't say this, but the princess became anxious when she said this.

Yin Yang said angrily: "Of course you are not in a hurry. Who are you? You are the prince of the current dynasty. You are dedicated to the public. The court is your own. Of course you are not in a hurry. You have a house now , the big marriage is also concluded, and the crown prince is also made, of course there is no rush."

"But your son is in a hurry! That girl Shanxiang is in a hurry! I am in a hurry! If you don't have money, you can't get married, and if you can't get married, this grandson can't be sealed either. If I'm like you, I'd like to be my own princess, If you treat yourself in the imperial court as your own, well, there is no hurry. Just wait and see, within three months, both of you father and son and the princes and wives of this mansion will have to drink the northwest wind!"

"Isn't it okay to dislike the food in the imperial dining room every day? There will be no money at that time, and this small kitchen will be great. You will know whether the food in the imperial dining room is good."

Seeing that he couldn't really tell his wife, the prince Zhu Gaochi also sighed helplessly, spread his hands and said, "Then what should you do about this matter? The old man has already spoken, and even your son can't persuade him. Up and down, who can say a word?"

"Let me tell you, just wait patiently. This matter has to be done after all, so don't worry."

The prince has the prince's idea, and his idea is not wrong.

This matter is the grand marriage of the eldest grandson of the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, plus a grand ceremony for conferring grandson.

After the news spread slowly, are you afraid that the old man really doesn't care?

My mansion is not afraid of embarrassment, but can his old man not be afraid of embarrassment?

This is the face of the court, the face of the royal family.

This is who cares if the emperor doesn't worry about it, who cares about it if the emperor doesn't care about it?
As for his own little brat, if he is capable, he can find a way to get it together, if not, then just wait for his grandfather to prepare it for him.

This kind of thing is not a major national event, so what is there to worry about?
So after hearing this, Zhu Gaochi didn't take it seriously at all.

But what Zhu Gaochi thought, he was not wrong.

But not everyone has to think like him.

As Zhu Zhanji's old mother, it is naturally impossible for the crown princess Zhang Yan to be as calm as the crown prince Zhu Gaochi. From the beginning to the end, she just waited as if there was no such thing.

On weekdays, she, the princess concubine, followed the prince and her own son, the eldest grandson of the emperor, who had been frightened and frightened many times.

The old man is also a master who does not make people feel at ease. He always takes the abolished prince and replaces the King of Han as the prince for fun.

Once the position of prince is abolished, what else will their family have?

Everything is gone, what is the ending of those princes who have been deposed since ancient times, does it need to be said?

So no matter it was for himself or for the great family, if his son could become the grandson, he would be formally canonized.

Even if she can't become a princess by then, won't she still have her own son?
With this grandson around, the world still belongs to their family.

Thinking about this, the Crown Princess Zhang Yan couldn't help muttering in a low voice: "I don't know how much the wedding and canonization ceremony will cost, it's really worrying."

Hearing his wife's words, the prince Zhu Gaochi stared at him and turned to look at his wife: "What do you mean by that?"

Hearing this, the crown princess Zhang Yan suddenly became sullen, her face full of grievances, but she said in an unrelenting voice: "What else can you mean, this money, the old man will not give it out, and the court will not give it out. You, a father, can't get it out!" , my son has no money, so what should I do? What else can I do?"

"The old man has always been dissatisfied with you here and there. Oh, when you are deposed, our family will be driven outside to beg? By then, our family will really be on the same path as our ancestors. "

Hearing that his wife dared to make fun of his grandfather Zhu Yuanzhang.Zhu Gaochi hurriedly looked around, and when he saw no one around, he frowned and patted the princess's arm and said, "You really dare to say anything with your mouth."

However, after the lesson was over, he still couldn't help asking curiously: "What you said means that you want to pay for this money?"

Hearing this, the Crown Princess Zhang Yan immediately showed resentment, as if the puppy was about to bite someone, and said: "I don't want to take it out, is it possible!"

After hearing his wife's words, the prince Zhu Gaochi immediately looked at his wife with a smile as if he had seen something rare, and said, "This is an iron rooster that is about to pluck its hair. It's all rare. Rare. Ha Ha ha ha ha."

"Stop making sarcastic remarks there. You won't be able to help with the affairs of the house when you wake up in one day."

But this level of criticism is not painful at all to the prince Zhu Gaochi, and it doesn't even bother him.

He just smiled and said, "Yes, yes, yes."

"However, I'm quite curious. I've seen you save money every day. How many small coffers do you have? If you don't have less, it won't be of much help."

Hearing this, the crown princess Zhang Yan hurriedly asked: "In the past, even the emperor didn't need much silver to accept his concubine. Tens of thousands of taels were enough. Even you, the crown prince, who was named the crown prince, only spent less than 200,000 taels of silver. Although the son is the eldest grandson of the emperor, the old man loves him very much, but this can't be too big, right? Isn't 150,000 taels not enough?"

Hearing these words, Prince Zhu Gaochi didn't listen to the previous words in his wife's mouth, except for the last sentence, which made the prince's eyes widen.

"How much??? 150,000 taels?????"

"I have 150,000 taels of silver in my prince's mansion?"

The prince has been the prince for 20 years, and it is the first time that the prince Zhu Gaochi knows that he is still so rich.

150,000 two
Oh my God.

His prince has been treating himself as a pauper for more than twenty years, and if he can eat delicious meals every day, he will be content.

Now 20 years have passed, you tell me, I still have so much money to spend?

But when I thought about it, I felt something was wrong.

No matter how much my wife can save, she can't save so much, right?
After so many years, he, the prince, has never gained any wealth.

It is entirely relying on the annual salary of the imperial court.

It was a foreign official who never received any money.

Never took money that should not have been taken once.

Even, under the name of the prince's mansion, I don't even have an acre of land.

But now, 150,000 taels of silver suddenly popped out.

He hurriedly frowned and asked: "I said Zhang Yan, where did you get so much money? Didn't you secretly collect money from foreign officials behind my back?"

But in the face of Zhu Gaochi's question, the princess Zhang Yan snorted coldly, and said confidently: "Who are you? You are the prince. Your prince whispers next to my ear every day. I think so, but I dare Is it? Besides, those foreign officials know your temper. It has been five or six years, and I have never encountered a foreign official giving you money."

Seeing this, Prince Zhu Gaochi felt relieved, but still asked: "Then where did you get all this money? I can't save so much with my monthly salary, right?"

Seeing the unbelievable appearance of her husband, Zhang Yan felt a little complacent in her heart, and said, "Yo, your crown prince also knows that you can't save money with your little salary? I don't think you know." , just to raise 70,000 taels of silver for the second child, and I will be impatient if I don’t. If the 70,000 taels of silver are given to you, a selfless prince, what do you think your son will do now that he is getting married?”

After being taught one lesson after another, the prince Zhu Gaochi was also a little annoyed, and hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, I just talked nonsense, and I'm asking you something serious, where did you get all this money?"

Seeing that Zhu Gaochi still had a straight face, the princess immediately slapped the things in her hand on the table and said, "Where did you get it? Except for your monthly salary, isn't it the ones that the old man rewards you during the Chinese New Year?" Something? I know that your crown prince is selfless and treats state affairs as his own family affairs, but you have managed the affairs of the court for 20 years, but is the court yours?"

"Now that my son is getting married, don't you have to pay for it yourself? You are the head of the court, so you get money from the court to marry your son to a wife! And that son, who pulls a cart every day The money that came in and out of the mansion, but when did it fall into your own hands? Both of you father and son are virtuous, you only know how to do things for the court, and you both regard the court as your own, but don't even think about it. Something really happened, besides the little money in your own mansion, where else can you get the money?"

"Does the imperial court belong to you? It belongs to the old man! He still blames me every day for being picky, greedy, stingy, and saving money. Is it easy for me to manage this family for so many years? Look at the second child, who is in the Hanwang's mansion, which one is not?" Mouth full of oil? Have you seen that the second daughter-in-law is worried about money? Even the third daughter-in-law, doesn’t she take money seriously?”

"That's it, I, the princess, have to give you this prince wherever I go, this boss fights for face, and I can't let those little ones look down on you."

"At the end of the day, I still have to listen to your complaints!"

Speaking of this, the princess immediately burst into tears.

Seeing this, Zhu Gaochi was also a little anxious, with a sad face, and said with a bit of self-blame: "You said you, why are you still crying while talking, don't cry, you said you are doing your best every day. Reprove me, blame me, when did you see me cry once?"

"Okay, I was wrong, is it okay if I was wrong? It's not easy for you, it's all my fault, it's me who wronged you, okay?"

But the princess wiped away her tears and said: "You are wrong, you are right, where are you wrong? Could your prince be wrong? It's all my fault, blame me for being stingy, blame me for being stingy, I am bad It's okay to lose your reputation as a prince!"

After speaking, he walked towards the back room.

Seeing his wife lose her temper like this, Zhu Gaochi was also full of helplessness.

Moving his fat body, he stood up with difficulty, and chased after his wife.

There is no way, who made the brain feel bad just suddenly became serious for a while.

at the same time.

The other side of the Prince's Mansion.

In Zhu Zhanji's small courtyard, Zhu Zhanji was also lying on the bed with a worried face, asking Hu Shanxiang to help him hold his body.

But under Hu Shanxiang's questioning, knowing that it was for the money of his wedding with Zhu Zhanji, Hu Shanxiang's little girl immediately said, then turned and ran out.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Zhanji was taken aback, and quickly asked, "Where are you going?"

Hu Shanxiang said, "Your Highness, wait a moment."

Not long after the words were finished, Hu Shanxiang walked in with a wooden box in his arms.

Under Zhu Zhanji's suspicious eyes, Hu Shanxiang blushed and opened the wooden box, and then poured out all the contents.

These were all rewarded by Princess Han, Crown Princess, and Princess Zhao, and even the old man Zhu Di.

I dare not say that it is priceless, but it is also very valuable.

In addition, there are some bank notes issued by private banks.

After a cursory look, this little girl really has a lot of goods hidden.

There are more than three thousand taels.

Although it was nothing in Zhu Zhanji's eyes, you must know that Hu Shanxiang had always been just a maid in the palace before.

Although because of her own existence, her status as a court lady is quite special, but where can she earn money.

These more than three thousand taels are not a small sum.

When Zhu Zhanji looked at her suspiciously, Hu Shanxiang also smiled and said: "These were all given to me by the eunuchs and maids in the palace before, and some were given by my aunt. As for these jewelry And so on, all the concubines rewarded you."

"Since His Highness is short of money, let His Highness use these. If these jewelry are sold or pawned, they should be able to exchange for a lot of silver."

Seeing Hu Shanxiang's serious face, Zhu Zhanji immediately smiled and teased: "Why, you can't wait to marry me and become a concubine?"

Hu Shanxiang immediately pouted when he heard this, and while blushing, he said: "Do you want it, Your Highness? If your Highness doesn't want it, I will take it back!"

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanji rubbed her little head, and said: "I accept my intentions, but these are far from enough. This ceremony and wedding will be held together, and the money will cost at least 300,000 taels of silver. Not even a fraction is enough. Put it away and keep it for yourself. Don’t worry, although this matter is difficult, it’s not enough to let you, the future grandson concubine, sell the ‘family property’.”

Hearing what Zhu Zhanji said, Hu Shanxiang said with a pale face: "300,000 taels!!"

Zhu Zhanji nodded deliberately, and said, "That's right, tell me, how long will it take you to save up the thousands of taels of silver?"

Just when Zhu Zhanji was teasing Hu Shanxiang, a cough suddenly sounded outside their door.

Hearing this voice, Zhu Zhanji hurriedly got up and looked over.

"Son, mother has something to do with you."

Hearing that it was his old mother, Zhu Zhanji shook his head and smiled.

On the other hand, Hu Shanxiang's face was flushed, as if he was embarrassed to be found by the princess at Zhu Zhanji's place.

Zhu Zhanji should be thick-skinned.

Even though he knew that his old mother might have heard what he said with Hu Shanxiang just now, he didn't care at all.

Get out of the house.

I saw that not only my old mother was outside, but also my father Zhu Gaochi was also there.

He couldn't help but asked suspiciously: "Father, mother, what's the matter?"

Hearing this, the father Zhu Gaochi was the first to speak: "Your mother said, you can't let your son be unable to marry a wife, no, the iron rooster is about to pluck its hair, and took out all the small treasuries it has hidden."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanji smiled immediately.

"Mother, grandpa said on the big wedding this time, you can't fool him casually, you have to make a big deal, you are the son's mother, you can't be stingy."

Seeing Zhu Zhanji say this, his father Zhu Gaochi suddenly became happy.

But the old woman in front of Zhu Zhanji snorted coldly and said, "I'm just like your father!"

As he said that, he directly took out the redemption ticket in his hand and patted it in Zhu Zhanji's hand.

Seeing this, Zhu Zhanji picked it up without hesitation, and opened it to have a look.

What the hell!

150,000 two!

Zhu Zhanji's eyes almost popped out.

Originally, I thought that my old lady would get a few thousand taels like Hu Shanxiang, or 10,000 taels of silver.

After all, my old mother complained every day that she had no money.

But he never expected that this old lady would be nothing but a blockbuster.

Directly took out 150,000 taels of silver to redeem the ticket!

This is 150,000 taels!

Involuntarily, Zhu Zhanji looked at his mother in shock, and said, "Mother, where did you get so much money? 150,000 taels, I guess the imperial treasury doesn't even have money like you."

Listening to her son's teasing, the old mother Zhang Yan immediately patted Zhu Zhanji and said, "You brat, even my mother dares to make fun of you."

Although it was a joke, Zhu Zhanji was still full of disbelief: "Mother, this is 150,000 taels of silver. Where did you get it?"

Seeing Zhu Zhanji's inquiry, the old lady had no choice but to say: "Where else can I get it? Aren't they all saved on weekdays? Your grandfather's rewards for the New Year and holidays, and your birth rewards, and this mansion. The various rewards given to the children after they are born, in addition”

Having said that, the old lady paused.

Then he said: "Didn't you hide a lot of money in the mansion before? Mother, mother also secretly saved some money for you, plus some money you gave to mother before. After so many years, I have saved so much money. Once you use it, it’s gone.”

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanji shook his head helplessly while laughing, but also felt a little uncomfortable.

And at this time, his father Zhu Gaochi also said: "See, this is the heart of a loving mother. You must experience it carefully. Don't say your mother is stingy all day long."

Although what Dad said is good.

But I don't know why, but when I said these words from my father, I always felt uncomfortable.

It seems that you are the one who says the old lady is stingy, right?

But at this time, Zhu Zhanji didn't want to argue with his father. After thinking about it, he handed over the money exchange bill to his old lady, and said, "Mother, these silvers are what you have saved little by little over the years." , You gave it all to your son, and you have no thoughts about your life. You should keep it, the money for the wedding and canonization ceremony, the son can figure it out by himself."

But this time, the old lady said very seriously: "Son, although the money is my mother's longing for these years, is it really for this money? You children are my mother's thoughts, and this money is for you. It's true when it's time to spend."

Then, he stuffed the redemption ticket into Zhu Zhanji's hand.

At this time, the old man Zhu Gaochi also said: "Okay, brat, since your mother gave it to you, you can accept it. It will save you from worrying."

"If you really want to leave something for your mother, you should give him a grandson as soon as possible after you get married. That's the right thing to do. In addition, if your kid really has money, don't forget to give it back to him." Your mother is it."

Listening to what the old man said, this is his own father and mother after all. After thinking about it, Zhu Zhanji didn't say anything: "Well, since it is the money given by my mother, I will not be polite to my son."

Watching Zhu Zhanji accept the money, his father Zhu Gaochi said to the wife beside him: "Okay, I gave the money too, let's go back?"

Hearing this, the old lady nodded, but her eyes were still fixed on the cash in Zhu Zhanji's hand, and then she looked at Zhu Zhanji and said, "Son, save some money, if you can still For the rest, remember to bring it back to your mother. In addition, if you have money in the future, don’t ship it out as soon as you get it back, remember to return your mother’s money first.”

As soon as this remark came out, Zhu Zhanji burst out laughing.

On the other hand, the old father Zhu Gaochi, with embarrassment on his face, pulled his mother to leave, and said as he walked: "You gave all the money, and you still look reluctant. I really admire you."

It doesn't matter if it's just my family here, in front of this kid, no matter how he behaves, it doesn't matter.

But the problem is that she knows that there is Hu Shanxiang in the house, and this mother is still thinking about getting her son to pay back the money.

Either you don't give it, and you still miss it if you give it, Zhu Gaochi is convinced.

And Zhu Zhanji, who stayed where he was, looked at his father and mother, laughing out of breath.

These old couple are really cute.

But that's okay, if I can live my life happily like this, it will be fine.

Being in the royal family, to have such a partner, I really can't tell whether it is the blessing of the father or the blessing of the mother.

Anyway, at least he, Zhu Zhanji, is extremely envious.

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(End of this chapter)

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