Daming: Let you do your best to manage, do you go to health?

Chapter 119 The way of war that transcends the times!

Chapter 119 The way of war that transcends the times!
Thinking of this, Zhu Zhanji's face suddenly showed determination.

He turned around and headed towards the tent.

Following Zhu Zhanji's constant discussions with the fifth brother Zhu Zhanqian in that camp.

A more complete plan is also gradually completed.

late at night.

Accompanied by most of the soldiers, they fell asleep after a busy day.

According to past habits, Zhu Zhanji, who should have fallen asleep long ago, woke up from the tent at this time.

While walking out of the camp, the fifth brother Zhu Zhanqian also came to his side.

At this time, the face of the fifth brother Zhu Zhanqian was wearing a battle armor, but his expression was a bit complicated.

"Brother, are we really going to do this?"

Hearing the words of Zhu Zhanyi, the fifth brother beside him, after a moment of silence, Zhu Zhanji still said: "The matter has come to this point, we have to do it. Even if the old man wants to skin us both in the end, we can only let him do it. "

Seeing what Zhu Zhanji said, Zhu Zhanqian thought for a moment with a serious face, and said, "Okay, brother, I will listen to elder brother!"

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanji turned around and patted the fifth brother Zhu Zhanqian on the shoulder.

"According to the plan, prepare to act."

"it is good!"

With the departure of the fifth Zhu Zhanqian, all the seven or eight thousand soldiers of the entire reserve battalion walked out of the camp soon.

And step by step, I started to pack things and dismantle the tents.

Although the entire Chinese army camp is stationed in one place, there is still some distance between them.

Now it's late at night on this grassland, and the movement here can't be found outside.

After all, this is a relatively central location of the entire station, and no one will always pay attention to the situation here.

Soon, half an hour later.

Under the packing of thousands of soldiers, the materials of the entire reserve battalion were all packed.

Looking at the alternate battalion soldiers standing in rows at this moment, waiting to be dispatched at any time.

Zhu Zhanji couldn't help but glanced at the fifth brother Zhu Zhanqian next to him.

This time it was really thanks to this kid.

If he hadn't trained such a team, he really didn't know what to do at this time.

This Northern Expedition.

According to his plan, after the addition of new cannons.

The entire Ming army should have been invincible.

Plus he is a prophet.

He is completely able to help the old man win this Northern Expedition according to the historical process he knows.

But what he never expected was that the history was surprisingly similar.

The tactics of the old man's Northern Expedition this time are generally the same as in history.

You must know that the Northern Expedition has been advanced by more than half a year due to various factors. The army that was supposed to start in February and March next year has already arrived at the bank of the Onan River half a year earlier.

Even if the situation is the same.

But what he never expected was that the old man was so stubborn.

The arbitrariness in the military is simply outrageous.

Although he knew very well that the old man had the ability to act arbitrarily.

But now, because the old man is getting older and worried about the future of the Ming Dynasty, his mentality has changed before the army started.

The old man's first three personal expeditions were separated by six and eight years.

But the last three pro-government times were only less than a year apart.

For three consecutive years, three times in person.

Even if the old man is very worried about the military in the future, but after Zhu Zhanji has shown in advance how to restrain the northern Serbs, the old man should not be so eager.

After all, the price is the 500,000 elite troops of the Ming Dynasty!
But everything was beyond his expectation.

The old man's mentality is even more impatient than in history.

As soon as the troops gathered on the bank of the Onan River, they had to divide the troops to advance.

This made Zhu Zhanji think of it.

But things have come to this point, saying anything is nonsense, and the only thing they can do now is to change everything.

But since trying to fundamentally persuade the old man to change this method of tactics is no longer feasible.

Then, all they can do is wipe the old man's ass.
A small defeat is okay, but a big defeat and a rout must not occur!
Now the national strength of the Ming Dynasty is at a time when it is strong and prosperous, like a young man who has just grown up.

Under Zhu Zhanji's governance, defeating the tribes in northern Serbia would be like chopping vegetables and cutting melons within ten years.

But once this defeat, the most elite army of the Ming Dynasty remained in the northern part of the Great Wall.

In this world and era, there will be no more time for the Ming Dynasty to grow.

The entire Ming Dynasty will definitely spend all its national power for the war on the frontier.

The speed of development will also become extremely limited.

Thinking about these messy things, accompanied by a gust of cold wind, Zhu Zhanji came back to his senses, looked at the seven 8000 people in front of him again, and immediately shouted: "Let's go!"

Following Zhu Zhanji's order, the 8000 people in the entire reserve battalion set off immediately.

In the previous discussion with the fifth brother Zhu Zhanji, Zhu Zhanji had already chosen the destination of their trip.

To the north of the Onan River, the Ming army has never set foot in the area.

Ulaanbaatar area!

This is a blank area for the entire Ming army.

It is an unknown area without any written records.

But for Zhu Zhanji, he knew very well that this was the place where the Ming army and the prairie tribe fought for the last time!
The southeast area of ​​Bohaier Lake.

And Bohaier Lake is exactly the Lake Baikal mentioned in many songs of later generations.

The reason why the Mongolian tribe will fight the Ming army here.

Not only because they found a way to defeat the Ming army, nor because they had a unified commander, Mahamu.

Any possibility is just a possibility.

If possible, no one is willing to provoke the behemoth of the Ming army.

And no one wants to be hated by the Ming Dynasty, rather than die.

As long as there is a [-]% possibility, no grassland tribe is willing to feud with the Ming Dynasty during this period.

And what really led the tribes of the entire grassland to unite and must fight against the Ming Dynasty was precisely because of this Bohaier Lake!
Bohaier Lake is the deepest and largest freshwater lake in the world!
Its reserves account for 20.00% of the world's fresh water storage!
It is nearly ten times the national fresh water reserves in China!
In later generations, its existence solved 80.00% of the fresh water use needs of the whole country in the northern big country.

But in today's era, the significance of Bohaier Lake to the grassland tribes is even more important than in later generations.

If Mongolia is divided into inner and outer Mongolia according to the regions of later generations, then Inner Mongolia can completely rely on natural precipitation and rivers in the territory to meet normal needs.

And in Outer Mongolia?

It's not all grasslands in the impression.

The desolation there is far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

The reason for this is precisely because the precipitation there is very low.

It can be said that the reason why grassland people can survive in this area basically depends on the existence of Bohaier Lake!

Even if it is not around Bohaier Lake, it is also relying on the extension of its tributaries.

The biggest fundamental factor supporting the continuation of a civilization is water resources!

This can be applied to any civilization.

Where civilization is born, there must be water sources around it!
In ancient times, when science was backward, the news of the water source also meant the news of its corresponding civilization.

It is conceivable that Bohaier Lake is of great significance to all grassland tribes.

For those tribes on the prairie, the area around Baihaier Lake is also the most densely grassed area.

It is precisely because the Ming army led by the old man Zhu Di touched their fundamental interests, which led to the fact that the tribes on the entire grassland did not unite in the previous expeditions, but they did unite this time.

Even so, of course.

If the old man can guarantee that there will be no division of troops, he will not give them any chance.

These grassland tribes still dare not do anything.

In the previous battles, they had personally experienced the power of the Ming army's firearms.

To put it bluntly, without using various tactics to disrupt the situation, and only maintaining frontal combat.

How many people came from various tribes in the grassland, and how many people died!

The three-element firearm warfare method used by Zhu Di is a firearm warfare method that is 200 years ahead of the world.

In later generations, Napoleon, who conquered more than half of Europe, relied on almost the same tactics as this one.

The fundamental reason why the army of the grassland tribes can still endanger the Ming army is that they used tricks.

For example, while attracting firearms from the front, surround and charge from all sides.

This shows the disadvantages of firearms.

But this kind of opportunity is very, very rare.

Nobody tried hard enough.

It is precisely for this reason that Zhu Zhanji has no way to force them to fight head-on when he knows that Baihaier Lake is the lifeblood of the grassland tribes.

There is no way to use this matter to persuade the old man.

However, knowing this information, it is naturally impossible for Zhu Zhanji to just take the seven 8000 people around him and pass by the enemy's nose, and rush to the Ulaanbaatar area.

After leaving the entire Ming army station, they headed towards the territory of the Ming Dynasty.

In the process of leaving the Ming army's garrison, Zhu Zhanji relied on his status as the grandson, and successfully escaped everyone's interception on the grounds of being ordered.

Detour the interior of the Ming Dynasty, the territory of Nuer Gandusi, and then enter the Ulaanbaatar area directly from there.

Although the various Jurchen tribes in the current Nuer Gandu Division are only nominally under the jurisdiction of the Ming Dynasty Nuer Gandu Commander.

But this kind of thing can still be done by borrowing.

After all, the Ming Dynasty set up many guards here.

And at the same time.

Accompanied by Zhu Zhanji, the seven or eight thousand alternate battalion soldiers left from the army.

It was not until dawn that Zhu Di received the news.

"You said they ran away privately?!"

At this time, Zhu Di squinted his eyes slightly, looking straight at the messenger in front of him.

Under Zhu Di's gaze, the messenger was flustered, but he still nodded to Zhu Di.

At the moment when he heard the news, Zhu Di never thought of it.

My eldest grandson, whom I had placed high hopes on, was the first to run away before the war started!
Even Zhu Di didn't have time to feel any sadness at all.

Still completely immersed in the shock of this news.

After all, their Ming army is now a full 500,000 army.

Then there was no war, but Zhu Zhanji ran away by himself?
No matter from a logical analysis or from my own understanding of that kid, it is absolutely impossible for this to happen.

You know, the 8000 people under him were brought by him on his own initiative.

If he hadn't begged, he wouldn't even be willing to lead such a team.

No matter how you think about it, it's impossible for that kid to run away because of fear.

And why?

Just when the old man Zhu Di was immersed in the shock of this news.

Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu and Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui on the side also rushed to the old man's side as soon as they heard the news.

Seeing the dignified expression on the old man's face, the second child Zhu Gaoxu couldn't help but comforted him and said: "Father, it's the first time for my nephew to go to the battlefield, so it's inevitable to be afraid."

But it's fine if he didn't say that, as soon as he said that, the old man Zhu Di immediately glared at him fiercely.


If this charge is really established, then the possibility of his eldest grandson becoming the throne in the future is almost zero!

No dynasty would establish a grandson who was the first to escape on the battlefield as emperor.

What's more, he is still an emperor who wants to surpass his father and directly ascend to the throne.

That's even more impossible.

Now before the matter is clarified, Zhu Di absolutely does not allow such a situation to happen.

And the second child, Zhu Gaoxu, knew why the old man behaved like this.

But his second child is also going to be emperor himself.

If he could take the opportunity to pull this kid off his horse, he would naturally do so.

If this matter was related to the boy's life, his second child might temporarily put aside his pursuit of the throne, but obviously not now.

Just when the Han King Zhu Gaoxu wanted to say something, the old man Zhu Di immediately shouted: "From now on, don't let me hear such words again, anyone in the entire army who dares to spread the news of the grandson's escape will be killed!"

The old man Zhu Di doesn't care whether this news will spread in the army, because what do those soldiers know?
They don't know anything at all.

They also carried out their affairs because they really obeyed their imperial decree.

What he was really afraid of was that his second child would use this as an excuse to discredit his eldest nephew.

Thinking of this, Zhu Di went on to say: "The grandson's going out this time is according to my order!"

Hearing this, the second child Zhu Gaoxu immediately said: "Father, are you protecting that kid too much? This is a military camp, so it's fine if he doesn't follow the military regulations, and you will make up for him."

However, facing the words of Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu, the old man Zhu Di just said coldly: "Didn't you hear what I just said clearly? Do you need me to tell you again?"

Seeing that the old man made a real move, the second child Zhu Gaoxu hurriedly cupped his hands and said: "The general understands!"

And at the same time.

A messenger suddenly ran in from outside the tent.

When he came to the old man Zhu Di's side, he muttered a few words in a low voice.

After hearing this, Zhu Di didn't think much, just nodded and said, "Call in."


After a while.

Yu Qian, who was still raising horses in the stables, hurried in.

When he came in front of Zhu Di, he immediately knelt down on the ground and shouted respectfully: "Yu Qian, pay homage to the emperor!"

Now that he has been in the army for a long time, and after witnessing that Nahas beads are spies from Wala, Yu Qian has grown a lot.

He also has a general understanding of the cruelty between countries.

The old mentality of rotten Confucianism who only knew compassion and compassion was gone.

For the emperor in front of him who fought in the South and the North, he also admired him from the bottom of his heart.

Looking at Yu Qian in front of him, Zhu Di put his hands behind his back, looked at him carefully, and said, "Yu Qian, it seems that you have grown a lot from your current appearance?"

Apparently, the sharp-eyed old man Zhu Di also noticed the change in Yu Qian that was different from the past.

Especially the trace of sincere admiration for Zhu Di, Zhu Di himself can still see it.

Facing the emperor's question, Yu Qian also said sincerely: "Yu Qian used to be arrogant, blinded by a leaf, unable to see Mount Tai in front of his eyes, so disrespectful to the emperor, I hope the emperor will not blame him."

Hearing that Yu Qian, who dared to bully himself at the banquet of the ministers, said something like "herdsman", now said such words, Zhu Di, who was still a little depressed, suddenly felt a little better at this moment.

After all, it is a very gratifying thing for these rotten Confucians to understand Zhu Di's ambition.

"Okay, if you want to blame me, you would have blamed it long ago, why bother now. Come to see me this time, what is the important thing to say?"

Hearing this, Yu Qian didn't dare to delay, he took out a letter from his bosom and handed it to Zhu Di.

After receiving the letter, Zhu Di opened it and read it.

The content inside is not complicated, all in vernacular.

"Grandson knows grandpa's determination to do his best this time, but one generation does what one generation does. Since grandson can't persuade grandpa, I hope grandpa will not persuade grandson either. Grandson's departure this time is not to escape, but to The most important thing is to leave a life-saving talisman for grandpa."

"Grandpa doesn't need to ask too much, just do what you want."

"If something happens, don't panic, grandpa. Take care of yourself. With your grandson around, the Ming army will not perish!"

"By the way, grandpa, help your grandson take good care of that boy Yu Qian."

After Zhu Di read the letter from his grandson, the depression in his heart disappeared at this moment.

Although I was a little annoyed at the way this kid left without saying goodbye.

After all, this is not allowed by the military order.

But after thinking about it, this seems to be the only thing he can do.

If he told himself this matter and asked to leave, he, Zhu Di, would absolutely not allow it.

Although he, Zhu Di, had no idea what his eldest grandson was going to do.

But things have come to this point, and with the trust in this kid in the past, Zhu Di can only let him go.

In a word, as long as the kid didn't run away because he flinched, no matter what he did, Zhu Di could tolerate it.

As for what Zhu Zhanji said about leaving a life-saving talisman for the Ming army, Zhu Di didn't care at all.

Not to mention that the Ming army would never have the slightest problem in his hands, even if there was a problem, how could the mere seven or eight thousand troops in his hands be of any help?

After reading the letter, Zhu Di folded the letter, and then said calmly: "Pass the word down, Taisun will carry out the secret mission according to my wishes, there is no need to say anything."

"Okay, you all go down and do your own business."

"Yu Qian, you stay."

Hearing the old emperor Zhu Di's words, Yu Qian was taken aback for a moment.

After everyone in the tent left, Zhu Di looked at Yu Qian and asked, "Do you know where the grandson went?"

Yu Qiandang shook his head without hesitation.

Seeing this, Zhu Di asked again: "Tell the truth!"

Hearing this, Yu Qian hesitated for a while, but finally explained honestly: "His Royal Highness only said that he has something to do, which is related to the lives of hundreds of thousands of Ming soldiers. His subordinates have asked, but His Royal Highness only said , he wants to end this war with a war way beyond this era."

"A way of war beyond this era?" Obviously Zhu Di was a little surprised by these words.

Hearing this, Yu Qian also said with some doubts: "I just heard what His Royal Highness Taisun said, and my subordinates don't know what it means."

Zhu Di nodded and stopped asking further questions.

Since Yu Qian didn't know, it was useless to ask.

With a wave of his hand, he sent Yu Qian away.

It's just that after Yu Qian left, a worried look appeared on Zhu Di's face again.

He didn't believe that kid Zhu Zhanji could run away.

However, this kid is bold, sometimes it is not necessarily a good thing.

Today is the battlefield, on the battlefield, no one will care about your identity.

Even with their 500,000-strong army, moving forward in this unfamiliar Saibei requires careful exploration.

At least everything within a radius of fifty miles must be clarified before leaving.

But that kid left with seven or eight thousand soldiers and horses.

If there was any crisis, he, a grandfather, would not know it.

If someone told him that Zhu Zhanji had run back to the court now, maybe he would feel relieved.

The bolder this kid was, the more worried he became.

Immediately afterwards, while sending people to investigate the movements of that kid Zhu Zhanji, Zhu Di still collected his thoughts and concentrated all his energy on this conquest.

In the blink of an eye, three days have passed.

While the imperial court had all moved to Shuntian Mansion, they also received a military report from the front line three days later.

At this time, in the military department of Shuntian Mansion.

Numerous military officials of the imperial court and the great scholars of the cabinet started discussions in the military department.

Each minister expresses his attitude separately.

Attitudes and opinions also vary widely.

Some say that the danger of dividing troops is too great, while others say that dividing troops is really wonderful.

In short, opinions vary.

Seeing the situation in front of him, and even the posture of quarreling gradually, the prince Zhu Gaochi hurriedly said: "It's all for the affairs of the court and the state. If you have something to say, it's better not to hurt anyone."

Afterwards, Zhu Gaochi looked at Yang Shiqi, Minister of the Ministry of War, and asked, "What do you think?"

Hearing this, Yang Shiqi also opened his mouth and shouted behind him: "Bring me the brochure for Alutai's request for help!"

As the folder was delivered to his hand, Yang Shiqi continued to say after opening it: "Alutai asked us for help last year, saying that the Wara tribe killed their leader Ben Yashili. At that time, their station was also in this position , but this time the emperor went out to fight, and Alutai's station moved back five hundred miles, what do you think they mean?"

Hearing Yang Shiqi's words, the crown prince Zhu Gaochi was also shocked, and hurriedly looked at the sand table in front of him and their respective positions and camps, after careful analysis, he said immediately: "Is this an ambush to cut off my retreat? "

Hearing this, Yang Shiqi on the side nodded.

express approval.

But another official at the side said: "I don't think so? Now the emperor's army is in the frontier of no one in Saibei, with consecutive victories and victories. There is no one who can resist, and he dare not move?"

But Yang Shiqi didn't argue with him, he just said to the guards around him: "Put the latest military report on the sand table and see where they are."

Hearing this, the guards immediately followed the latest military report and displayed the power distribution map of the entire Saibei on the sand table in the form of villains.

As the situation on the sand table gradually became clear, Yang Shiqi also temporarily put the folder in his hand, pointed to the situation on the sand table, and said: "The Wara tribe is on the oblique side, and the Tatar tribe is retreating from the front. Wuliangha is on my right wing." , Alutai is guarding our supply line. Prince, this is a pocket."

Hearing the words of the people present, Prince Zhu Gaochi suddenly coughed.

It was also because I was too worried about this matter in my heart, and because I was too tired these days, my body became weaker and weaker all of a sudden.

Seeing everyone rushing forward to inquire, Zhu Gaochi raised his hand and said, "It doesn't matter."

But his eyes were fixed on the sand table, and after careful consideration, he said to Yang Shiqi beside him: "Then, is this the decision?"

Yang Shiqi nodded.

Then Zhu Gaochi pointed to the herald behind him and said: "The emperor suddenly lost temperature in Hulan and defeated the main force of the Tatars. One is gratifying and the other is worrying. Although the Tatars were defeated, they continued to retreat. Stealing on the two wings of our army. The remnants of Alutai are lurking on our army's supply line, which is very worrying."

"The rainy season is approaching, the logistical supply is not smooth, and the three divisions are encircled. It is difficult for our army to deploy and disappear, and it is controlled by the enemy."

After the prince finished speaking, Yang Shiqi also added in a timely manner: "Write one more sentence, the emperor wants to immediately shrink the troops on the two wings. It is not a joint camp, but the distance between the two wings must be shortened to prevent Wala and Wuliangha from attacking the central army. If it is before the end of the month If you can't win a big victory, you should withdraw your troops immediately to guard against Zhuge Kongming's original story of Wuzhang, raise more suspicious soldiers, set up more tents, dig more holes in the stove, and wait for the opportunity to come out again."

After Yang Shiqi finished speaking, Prince Zhu Gaochi also ordered: "Hurry up for six hundred miles!"

After finishing speaking, the military officials in that scene continued to say: "If the two wings are contracted, the emperor's 500,000 army is too strong, and the army cannot spread out, and its power will be greatly reduced. There is a possibility that people will be surrounded here."

Another military official also echoed: "Yes, although Nawara and Uliangha are sneaking on both sides, the specific situation is not known yet. They said there were four 5000 people, but we detected two 30,000 people. "

Faced with such a question, Yang Shiqi immediately said: "The emperor led an army of 500,000 this time, with 100,000 people on each of the left and right wings. No matter how many troops Nawara and Wuliangha have, the troops on the left and right wings are enough to deal with it."

"Even if the Tatars don't retreat but advance, and go straight to the central army again, but with the 300,000 troops in the hands of the emperor, they can not retreat but advance, and face the Tatars directly!"

"They want to encircle and swallow us. He is an old sow, and he will be killed! As long as it doesn't rain, our cannons and firecrackers are invincible!"

Prince Zhu Gaochi still agrees with Yang Shiqi's words, but at this moment, Zhu Gaochi is not worried about this matter itself.

Instead, he looked at the sand table in Saibei, and said with a sad face: "Did you find out that there is an overlord on the grassland, and the actions of all tribes are coordinated. He can coordinate the overall situation, and this is the most terrifying thing." place!"


Zhu Zhanji, who made another excuse, took the fifth Zhu Zhanqian and the seven or eight thousand soldiers and horses, and finally arrived at the predetermined place after five days.

At this time, both the Ming army and the tribes in Saibei are still focusing on the area by the Onan River.

But at this time they have come to the hinterland near Ulaanbaatar.

Because this place is already in the hinterland, Zhu Zhanji did not dare to move forward easily. After choosing a place where two hills are sandwiched and it is not easy to spy, he immediately ordered to camp in place.

At the same time, he immediately ordered someone to convey the news to the Nuer Gandu Commander in the rear.

Ask them to send 20,000 soldiers and [-] people to deliver supplies as soon as possible.

The Ulaanbaatar region is actually not too far from the Onon River.

According to the situation of rapid march, the front troops can arrive in about three days.

The reason why it took two days in the middle is that Zhu Zhanji used these two days to contact the people from Nuer Gandusi.

In the name of Taisun, they are required to raise timber and soldiers to transport them to his place in a short period of time.

But because Nuergandusi itself also had to guard the local Jurchen tribe, the number of troops they could divide was extremely limited.

This is also the reason why Zhu Di did not use the troops here for his northern expedition.

And these [-] soldiers are already all the troops they can support.

As for the two 30,000 people, after negotiating with the local tribes, they were used to transport timber, ore, and rocks, and then paid silver to them according to the quantity.

It is equivalent to looking for labor.

It's just that the laborers are not Han Chinese.

Although these Jurchen tribes were not actually under the jurisdiction of the Ming Dynasty internally, they admitted that Nuer Gandu was under the jurisdiction of the Ming Dynasty.

So in the case of giving money, they are naturally willing to do it if they have money to earn.

Of course, having these people help with the transport is just to fill some labor gaps.

Locally, Zhu Zhanji himself was not idle.

The first thing to do immediately is to mine!
Saibei is not completely full of grasslands and Gobi in the impression.

There are still many mountains here, and the location chosen by Zhu Zhanji and the others has mountains on both sides.

So there is no shortage of trees and ores.

The only thing missing is iron ore!

And it was these iron ores that were mainly transported by the Jurchen tribes.

But Zhu Zhanji himself did not give up looking for iron ore.

The iron ore resources distributed here are not scarce, as long as you search carefully, you can still find them.

If it is really unlucky, then relying on the transportation of those Jurchen tribes is almost enough.

For a day or two in a row, after inspecting the actual local geographical environment, Zhu Zhanji, with the help of professionals in the team, worked out a design drawing of a city-state.

When Zhu Zhanji came here, what he wanted to do was to build a city!
Why didn't the Ming army stay in Saibei for long?
Why is military spending huge?
It is precisely because once they leave the country, everything needs logistical support.

In later generations, the significance of having an overseas military base, I believe anyone can understand the great significance of this.

Even the aircraft carrier at sea plays its biggest role in allowing a military strike body to have a mobile base at sea.

In this way, you can advance or retreat.

And what Zhu Zhanji has to do is to nail an iron nail to them in the hinterland of Saibei!
The army of the imperial court can advance or retreat!

Keep the war against the enemy to a normalized stage.

Offensive and defensive conversion!

Rather than blindly waiting for others to harass the border before sending troops.

This is also the specialty of the seven 8000 people under him.

People in Shuntian Mansion who have already had experience in building high-rise buildings, building a city-state that can resist foreign enemies is actually quite simple.

In addition, some designers in the team have also participated in the construction of the city.

This is not difficult for them.

After Zhu Zhanji gave up some requirements for excellence, they settled for the next best thing and only paid attention to efficiency.

In less than three days, the design drawing was completed.

And through various small chess pieces, measurement marks are made at specific locations.

And in these three days, a batch of trees and wood felled at the beginning have also been saved, river sand, limestone, water, iron smelting, etc., and with the help of the tools they brought in advance, a certain amount of reserves have been completed.

Following this, the soldiers of the entire reserve battalion began to enter the stage of digging and laying foundations from the initial stockpiling of raw materials.

Even Zhu Zhanji himself didn't need to participate in these things, Lao Wu could lead these people to complete them by himself.

What Zhu Zhanji needs to do is to coordinate the overall situation and provide enough raw materials for their construction.

There is plenty of water in this area, and there is no shortage of river sand.

There are mountains, and there is no shortage of limestone.

There are also trees, and there is no shortage of wood.

Only the iron ore is completely dependent on the delivery of the Jurchen tribe in the Nuer Gandu Division.

But even so, Zhu Zhanji is still confident that within four months, using concrete technology, a medium-sized city will be built here out of thin air!
This is still taking into account the shortage of iron ore.

Because the construction of a city is much simpler than that of a building.

Coupled with sufficient manpower, there are more than [-] strong laborers and [-] to [-] supply and delivery personnel.

This time will only be shorter!

But even so, Zhu Zhanji was still a little worried.

It's not their side that is worried, but the old man Zhu Di's side.

The rainy season is coming soon.

The windy season is coming soon.

Those prairie people are used to this kind of bad weather, but the Ming army is different!

They have never been to such a deep area to fight the enemy on a large scale.

Coupled with the experience of the previous personal expeditions, they have become accustomed to victory.

No one knows what will happen.

What can be expected now is to complete the construction of the city as soon as possible.

Create a Saibei base for the Ming army.

With this Saibei base, it is still in the hinterland of Saibei.

With the advantage of the Ming army, advance can be attacked and retreat can be defended.

Basically invincible.

Even if the opponent's military strength exceeds them, but defending the city is the housekeeping skill of their Ming army!

In addition, I don't know how long this battle will last.

Once dragged to the second half of the year.

The weather is getting colder.

The situation will be even worse.

Just when Zhu Zhanji led the people to build the city desperately in the Ulaanbaatar area.

On the side of the old man Zhu Di, in the Onan River area, he also temporarily shortened the distance between the two wings according to the method given by the imperial military department, and began to advance.

But soon.

The Tatar tribe, which was constantly oppressed, was led by its leader Tutuo Buhua Dahan to pay a visit.

Inside the main account of the Ming army.

Following that Tuotuobuhua profusely came in with someone, he immediately knelt down in front of Zhu Di. Although his eyes were full of dissatisfaction, when he arrived here, he had to respectfully say: "See Your Majesty the Great Emperor." !"

"Who is kneeling?" Zhu Di asked casually.

Hear this.

Tutuo Buhua sweated profusely, who had sent someone to notify him a long time ago, and suddenly felt a little insulted in his heart.

But he still said patiently: "It doesn't take much sweat for me to take off. Behind me are my brothers and my generals."

"What do you want to see me?"

Tuotuobuhua sweated profusely and replied: "Because I failed to restrain the people well and accidentally injured the people of the Celestial Dynasty, I came here to make amends. It doesn't matter if you pay for cattle or sheep, or you can pay for gold and silver. I just ask His Majesty the Emperor to withdraw and stop fighting. As long as the family is reconciled, it will be fine."

But Zhu Di, who heard this, pretended to be stunned and said: "Oh? Retreat? It turned out that it was you yourself who couldn't restrain your troops and accidentally injured my people."

"What about you? Are your hands stained with blood?"

Listening to Zhu Di's words, Tuotuo didn't spend a lot of sweat and didn't say a word. This time he came here to seek peace, so naturally it was impossible to speak against the cow.

And Zhu Di also slowly got down from his dragon chair.

Not at all afraid of the swords at their waists, he slowly came to the opposite side of them, sat on the ladder, looked at the kneeling crowd, and did not have the slightest fear of the tall and thick prairie people in front of him, even though he was already an old man .

Zhu Di smiled and looked at Tuotuo Buhua sweating profusely in front of him, and asked: "In the fifth year of Yongle, Liaodong was plundered on a large scale. In the ninth year of Yongle, Datong City raided grass valleys, plundered more than 11 men, women and children were killed. Yongle 12 years, Yongle 15 years, Yongle [-] years, you personally led troops to plunder my border, now say, retreat?"

Zhu Di got up slowly, stood on the dragon platform, and said with murderous intent in his eyes, "It's late!"

It was said that facing Zhu Di's words, Tuotuo couldn't sweat profusely and couldn't say a word.

After all, they did all these things themselves, and now they are brought to the table, what can they say?
He could only sigh deeply, as if expressing remorse.

Zhu Di, who was sitting on the dragon chair again, casually asked to the side: "How many people did they hurt?"

Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu immediately jumped out and said: "Return to the emperor, they have injured more than a hundred thousand of my followers."

Hearing this, Zhu Di said to Tuotuo Buhua, who was kneeling on the ground, sweating profusely, "Get up."

After these people got up, the old man Zhu Di also said slowly: "Let's sum it up, your brother has raped me for so many years, hundreds of thousands of people, how about this, you don't have to pay me cattle, sheep, gold and silver, you choose a dozen Ten thousand people, return it to me, and you and your brothers can also go. I will choose a good place for you in Beijing and settle it down for you.”

"In two or three hundred years, if you want to come back to visit your relatives, I will let you come back. How good would that be? I will retreat and stop fighting, and the two families will reconcile forever. How about walking around as relatives?"

Hearing Zhu Di's words, Na Tuotuobuhua sweated profusely and immediately said with a face full of embarrassment: "Great Emperor, I have given you hundreds of thousands of people, and we will have no one left!"

But listening to Tuotuo's words without sweating profusely, Zhu Di said indifferently, "That's not possible."

Tuotuobuhua sweated profusely and hurriedly knelt on the ground, begging again: "Emperor, this is really impossible!"

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(End of this chapter)

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