Daming: Let you do your best to manage, do you go to health?

Chapter 120 I taught him?Can't tell who is teaching whom!

Chapter 120 I taught him?Can't tell who is teaching whom!

Zhu Di also understood them, and said, "Isn't that okay? That's okay. Since you guys don't want to come, then I'll come. I'm going to build two cities in the area of ​​Hulanhuhu. If I visit relatives in the future, there must be a place to stay." A place? I am too old to live in this tent, right? You have to be considerate and considerate of me, and I will send some troops and transport some food."

"Whoever hits you in the future will hit me!"

However, facing the old man Zhu Di's words, Na Tuotuo didn't sweat profusely but stood up suddenly, and said to Zhu Di: "This is our land, how can you build a city here!"

"In that case, let's see you on the battlefield!"

Everyone knows about the construction of the city.Zhu Di knew that if a city could be built here, then this piece of land was destined to belong to them.

If Na Tuotuo didn't spend a lot of sweat really agreeing, he, Zhu Di, can do without fighting this battle.

And it was clear that Tuotuo didn't sweat profusely.

He will never allow this kind of thing to happen!

It is absolutely impossible for them to agree to such a thing of putting a knife on his neck!
Facing the other party's threat, Zhu Di immediately smiled: "Okay!"

"I warn you, the longer you call, the higher my asking price!"

"Second and third, go and accompany Tuotuo without spending a lot of sweat and drinking. There is no righteousness in buying and selling. Afterwards, you will become relatives. Don't be shy when you meet."

In an instant, the audience burst into laughter.

After being ridiculed, Tuotuo immediately left the tent without sweating profusely.

As for Zhu Di, he didn't care the slightest bit about leaving without sweating profusely.

It has always been the rule that the two armies do not fight each other.

In addition, even if it doesn't take a lot of sweat to kill this Tuotuo, the Tatar Ministry will not change in any way.

So just watch him go.

And with the departure of these people, Zhu Di also knew that this big battle was about to begin
After so many years, these tribes in Saibei have also learned the trick of courtesy first and soldiers later.

It's just a pity.

If it is possible to build a city here, this battle will be much easier
After all, this is the hometown of those northern Saibei people, and their Ming army, no matter how powerful they are, will be rootless after all.

I can't stand here for long.
But after sighing, Zhu Di immediately calmed down and entered the fighting state again.

He said to the second, third, and many generals in the field: "This Tuotuobuhua didn't get a bargain from us this time. I must make up my mind to go to war with our Ming army after I go back."

"The chief generals of the various ministries and battalions will order the soldiers to be ready for battle when they go back, and they will head north at dawn tomorrow."

"Second and third, you lead the left and right wings, and temporarily guard the two wings for safety. The central army moves first, and confronts the Tatars in the front. After the fighting ceases and camps are set up, you can follow up from the two wings."

Listening to Zhu Di's order, everyone present bowed and saluted one after another, saying: "Follow the emperor's order!"

"Okay, let's go down and get ready."


Early the next morning.

The old man Zhu Di specially called Yu Qian to his side.

No matter how much he valued Yu Qian, or how much his grandson valued him, now that he was in his hands, he couldn't really leave him in the stable.

Now that his xinxing has had some experience and precipitation.

Now I still bring it to my side, let him participate in this important military event, so that I can have more experience.

That Yu Qian was not ambiguous.

Although he has no official or position, he just put on a piece of armor casually, and dared to ride a horse and follow behind the emperor Zhu Di.

Headed by Zhu Di, Han Wang Zhao Wang on both sides, followed by Yu Qian.

They just rode their horses and came to the front of the thousands of horses.

Looking at the murderous army, Zhu Di exerted force on his crotch, and the horse immediately moved forward.

The people behind also followed closely.

Between the two armies, led by Zhu Di, rode through it on horseback.

The old man Zhu Di had a straight face.

He shouted to the surroundings: "The Ming army is mighty!"

Drink all around: "The general is mighty!"

When they came to the center of the thousands of troops, both Han Wang Zhao Wang and Yu Qian stopped behind.

Because that is the stage of the old man Zhu Di.

Standing among thousands of troops, Zhu Di looked around.

He shouted again: "The Ming army is mighty!"

The voice in the field raised a lot again: "The general is mighty!"

"The Ming army is mighty!"

"Long live the emperor, long live, long live!"

As the voice fell, Zhu Di took the reins of the horse with one hand and shouted to the soldiers around him: "We have fought for 20 years and traveled thousands of miles. After today, we will fight the main force of the enemy army."

"I want you to join me in the joint venture!"

"I want you to join me and fight on the battlefield!"

"Let our children and grandchildren never suffer from war again!"

With that said, Zhu Di drew the knife from his waist.

In one fell swoop.

"If you don't break the enemy army, you will never turn around!"


"If you don't break the enemy army, you will never turn around!"


"If you don't break the enemy army, you will never turn around!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

At this time, Yu Qian, who was in the center of thousands of troops, never really felt this shocking moment in it.

All of a sudden, for some reason, he gritted his teeth fiercely.

I feel the blood in my body is boiling.

Although he is a literati, at this moment, he seems to have really blended into the thousands of troops around here.

connected with their blood.

Same life and death!

The scene of tens of thousands of people wielding swords and the sound of thousands of people shouting to kill, like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, filled the grassland.

"Open up!"

Following Zhu Di's order.

Thousands of troops came out at this moment.

With every step taken by the mighty army, the earth seemed to be shaking.

With this morale of seeing death as home.

Everyone moves north to face the Tatars in the front!
With the departure of the Ming Dynasty's Chinese army, the grassland tribes soon received the news.

A burst of trumpets sounded on the grassland.

The cavalry of countless grassland tribes also picked up their scimitars, waiting for the arrival of the Ming army.

It didn't take a sweat for the Tatar tribe to leave the camp of the Ming Dynasty army before. After seeing that the peace was fruitless, now they are determined to walk with the tribes on the grassland.

Among the main camps of the Tatar Ministry.

The leaders of the grassland tribes such as the Oala tribe, Tatar tribe, and Wuliangha all gathered together.

After receiving the news that the Ming army had started, the leader of the Tatar tribe, Tuotuo Buhua Khan, was the first to speak: "Now that the Ming army is starting, the soldiers of our Tatar tribe are facing them head-on. There is no chance of winning, are you really sure?"

Hearing the question from the leader of the Tatar tribe, Tutuo Buhua sweating profusely, Mahamu, the leader of the Nawala tribe, sat on the seat at the moment and said to everyone present: "As long as you can listen to me this time With the deployment, I can guarantee that the Ming army will be defeated!"

"This time the Ming army came to the grassland again, targeting not one of us, but everyone. If we don't unite, what awaits us will be defeated one by one by the Ming army. The emperor of the Ming Dynasty also told you yesterday, Either you give him hundreds of thousands of followers, or allow him to build a city here."

"If you want, we will return right away. I am in the west, and even if the Ming army defeats you all, it will take seven or eight years to reach us. You can figure it out."

For these grassland tribes, the most difficult thing is not to face the Ming army.

But how to unite these grassland tribes.

Regardless of any tribe, they cannot fight against the Ming army. Only by uniting can they have a chance of survival.

Listening to the words of Mahamu, the leader of the Nawala tribe, Tutuo, the leader of the Tatar tribe, was speechless for a while.

The thing happened because they harassed the frontiers of the Ming Dynasty.

The lands where the Ming Dynasty is attacking now belong to their Tatars.

Either he accepts the suggestion of the Ming emperor, or there is only one way to go to the dark.

He has no choice.

You know, if you go further north, there is Bohaier Lake!
Even the loss of all the southern lands does not matter to the Tatar Ministry.

Because there is a desolate land.

But here is the place with the most fertile land.

So at this moment, it is not so much that they need the support of their Tatar Ministry, it is better to say that their Tatar Ministry needs their support.

Because without them, it is impossible for them to defeat the Ming army by themselves.

"Okay! For this battle, the power of command will be handed over to you!"

Tuobuhua Khan from the Tatar Ministry could only be forced to accept this fact.

After a half-day march.

The central army of the Ming army finally met the cavalry of the Tatar tribe on the grassland.

Although the war between the two sides is imminent.

However, with the Ming army, as always, using the "three axes to kill you".

First of all, after discovering the enemy, the Shenji Battalion will immediately move closer to the formation, let alone shoot him a few shots, first kill a wave of people from a long distance and kill the enemy's spirit, and this first ax can already kill the enemy. These prairie cavalry were scared to death.

After all, they have long been accustomed to the feeling of fighting with swords and swords.

Now as soon as he saw people, countless people in his army were killed. This feeling, this feeling of not having a sense of control over life, is something that no brave soldier can deal with calmly.

Immediately after the performance of the Shenji Battalion, they retreated to the two wings, because the cavalry from the [-] Battalion and the [-]th Battalion had waited for too long, so they immediately filled the gaps and attacked the wounded Mongolian cavalry. The second ax was also clean and neat.

The third ax is naturally the infantry of the Fifth Army Battalion holding weapons specially aimed at cavalry to make up the knife.

such as spears
After a series of tactics were fought, the Tatar cavalry who came to fight immediately fled in a hurry as usual.

Without the slightest hesitation.

This battle ended very quickly. In less than half an hour, the battle between the two armies was completely over.

Except for those cavalry who had gone to chase and had not yet returned, the rest of the soldiers had even begun to clean up the battlefield.

The feeling of easily defeating the enemy is the same as before.

The morale of the Ming army also burst instantly.

It seems that it has really become an invincible existence in the sky and the earth.

No one can resist the edge of their army.

The entire grassland has also become a personal stage for their Ming army.

Not even anyone capable of singing with them.

The good news from the front line was quickly spread back to the Chinese army camp. Before that, Zhu Di received the front line battle report all the time. Zhu Di, who was demonstrating on the sand table, did not feel the slightest joy after receiving the good news.

Because such a result has been rehearsed thousands of times in his mind.

From the frontline battle reports he received earlier, he already knew that this battle had already been won.

On the contrary, many generals around Zhu Di, as well as Yu Qian and others, were extremely happy.

The first battle, won!

Especially Yu Qian, he never thought that the victory in this battle would come so easily.

For a while, it is inevitable to be proud of the might of the Ming army.

At the same time, Zhu Di, who was sitting on the dragon chair, thought carefully for a moment, and then said to the herald in front of him: "After ordering the army to roughly clean the battlefield, move on! I want the army to fight before dark." March a hundred miles!"

Hearing Zhu Di's words, everyone present was shocked.

You must know that the normal speed of the ancient army was only thirty or forty miles a day.

The speed of a hundred miles a day is too fast.

Involuntarily, a general on the side immediately said to Zhu Di: "Your Majesty, will the hundred miles be too fast? In case those Tatar cavalry go back and forth, if our marching speed is too fast, the soldiers won't say it. , the formation is not stable."

But how could Zhu Di not know these things.

Dang even said: "This battle has just been won. This is a test from the various departments of the grassland. Since it is a test, it is impossible to send many troops. I predict that they will not come again today, and ordered three thousand battalions of cavalry to separate from the left and right sides. Advance, return when encountering the enemy, the Fifth Army Battalion marches quickly!"

Seeing Zhu Di's firm attitude, the generals on the side couldn't say anything, they could only convey the order to the front line according to the emperor Zhu Di's request.

At the same time, Zhu Di, who was sitting in the camp of the Chinese Army, was not in a hurry.

The march of the army does not mean that it will leave when it is said to go, or it will stop when it is said to stop.

The actions of several 100,000 people must be carried out separately.

Slowly coming to the sand table in front of him, looking at the situation around the Chinese army at this moment, the eyes in his eyes seemed to be able to see through everything in the world.

"Want to delay me? You can't do it without paying a price."

Listening to Zhu Di's words, Yu Qian, who was also analyzing the battle situation and speculating on the enemy's mind, was suddenly startled.

Although the Ming army relied on the power of firearms in this battle, they quickly repelled the Tatar cavalry.

This battle was fought too easily and too quickly.Although there is a gap in the combat effectiveness of the two sides, it is impossible to win so quickly and easily.

After experiencing the initial joy, Yu Qian has begun to sink his heart to think about the meaning behind it.

And just when he couldn't figure it out, he didn't understand the meaning behind what the grassland tribe did.

The emperor Zhu Di's words instantly solved all the doubts in his heart.

Delay the marching speed of the Ming army!

Because the daily garrison of the Ming army requires supplies from the rear.

The more you stay here, the more you delay for a day, the heavier the pressure on the Ming army's logistics supplies.

You must know that the current Ming army has just arrived at the Onan River in Saibei, and the food they brought with them on this trip has not been exhausted.

Not to mention the food transported in the rear.

As long as there is an extra day of delay, the food in the Ming army will be consumed countless times.

When the pressure on the logistics supply of the Ming army was the heaviest, wasn't it the time for the official attack? ,

One day of entanglement with them will increase the food pressure within the Ming army.

For the army of the Ming Dynasty, it is the best choice to fight them decisively as soon as possible.

Because at this time, the army of the Ming Dynasty is at its most sufficient in terms of momentum, stamina and endurance.

At this time, if you fight against the Ming army, you must be the one who suffers.

On the contrary, for those grassland tribes, this is their hometown.

Every day they are here, as long as they are not fighting, they are resting.

Come down like this, wait for work with ease.

After dragging the Ming army on the grassland for ten days and half a month, or even two or three months, half a year later.

How much fighting spirit do these Ming troops who have come from afar have?

How much stamina is there?
After all, a tent is a home for prairie people.

is the most comfortable place.

But what about these Ming soldiers?
Every day is suffering. ,

There are also firearms that the Ming army relied on, and the ammunition is limited.

After thinking of these, Yu Qian finally realized suddenly.

It's just that what I didn't expect was that no matter how I thought about it, I couldn't think of a result, but the emperor Zhu Di saw it through at a glance.

At this moment, Yu Qian finally understood how different he was from someone who had commanded thousands of troops on the battlefield.

Yu Qian's admiring gaze was quickly caught by Zhu Di.

Seeing the boy's expression, Zhu Di smiled immediately, and asked, not afraid of trouble, "How is it? Zhuangyuan Lang, what do you see?"

Hearing the emperor Zhu Di's question, Yu Qian didn't hide anything, and said directly: "The subordinates only think that there are some problems with the Tatars' confrontation, but they can't figure it out. Only when they heard the emperor's words just now, the subordinates suddenly realized .”

Hearing this, Zhu Di also became interested, and asked, "Suddenly realized? Tell me, what did you realize?"

Yu Qian did not hesitate when he heard this, and directly said what he had just thought.

After hearing these words from Yu Qian, Zhu Di nodded, slowly came to sit on the dragon chair, and said casually: "It's not easy for you to understand this. After all, it's the first time on the battlefield." , On the battlefield, sometimes how strong the combat power is and how many troops there are are the least important things."

"Supplies, supplies, medicines, weather, equipment, morale, morale, location, etc., etc., these are the factors that determine the outcome of a war."

"You can see them delaying our marching speed, forcing our army to consume supplies and ammunition, which is very good. But, have you ever wondered why they have to send dead people to hinder our marching speed? Why not just avoid it , like the previous battles with the Ming army, hiding far away? Let us wander on the grassland, can't they consume our morale and supplies?"

Hearing the emperor Zhu Di's question, Yu Qian who was standing beside the sand table was immediately speechless.

For a while, I really couldn't understand the reason.

Is it just to consume some ammunition?
Taking lives to consume ammunition?
It might as well go straight up to the decisive battle, since it consumes ammunition anyway.

When Yu Qian was puzzled, Zhu Di said: "Judging from the movements and arrangements of the various tribes on the grassland, the grassland is no longer what it used to be. There is an overlord here, an overlord who can coordinate the overall situation. He can Command the troops of all the tribes on the steppe."

"This is something that the imperial military department can also see."

"And the cavalry from the Tatar tribe was sent to die this time. Obviously, the person who controls all the grassland tribes behind the scenes can never be from the Tatar tribe. If I don't expect it, that person should be from the Wala tribe. Mahamu! Wuliangha's strength is limited, they are not enough to be this role."

"The reason why I sent the Tatar cavalry to die, to hinder my marching speed towards the army, apart from the purposes you just mentioned, it can be seen that the person who is in charge of the overall situation behind the scenes, probably has already figured out what to do. Where, when and when to fight with our army."

"It's already July now, and the rainy season on the grassland is coming soon. If we follow the other party's plan, if we are obstructed all the way and the speed of progress is delayed, then... from this point, it can be estimated that the decisive battle they want to pull us into The location is, here!"

While talking, Zhu Di got up slowly, holding a baton in his hand, pointing to a spot on the sand table.

In this location, the entire sand table is not marked with any mountain terrain.

This is an area that the Ming Dynasty did not understand.

Hearing what the emperor Zhu Di said, Yu Qian followed the emperor's words to think, while looking at the place the emperor pointed to.

Yu Qian already understood the meaning of the emperor Zhu Di's words, and was surprised that so much information was revealed behind it.

What made Yu Qian even more puzzled was that there was nothing on the sand table pointed at by the emperor Zhu Di.

Unable to help, he opened his mouth to ask for advice: "Your Majesty, why is there no sign or terrain for this area on the sand table? Not even a name?"

Hearing Yu Qian's words, Zhu Di smiled instead, and said: "This area is too far away from our dynasty. In all dynasties, no surveying and mapping officer could go here, and there was no surveying and mapping of the terrain here. No message left."

Hearing this, Yu Qian finally understood.

Then he asked: "Then the purpose of the emperor ordering the army to march is to put pressure on those grassland tribes and prevent their plans from succeeding?"

Zhu Di smiled and said: "It seems that you are not too stupid. Since they have already set up a trap for us to sneak in, but if they want us to sneak in, they have to pay some price, right? They don't want to rely on harassment, rely on Sending death to delay my steps towards the army? Well, then come and see how much they are willing to pay."

"Didn't they reach an agreement now and be under the overall planning of Mahamu? I want to see if the Tuotuobuhua of his Tatar tribe can just watch his tribe die like this, and how long he can watch it .Look at Mahamu again, is he willing to use the little capital of their Wala to die!"

Finished following Zhu Di's words.

Yu Qian, who was listening humbly, immediately understood everything.

I thought that the factors that affected the battlefield that he had seen were everything.

But I never thought that behind this, there are so many secret contests hidden.

Involuntarily, Yu Qian felt a burst of panic in his heart.

If you put yourself on the opposite side of this kind of character, how much can you see clearly.

I'm afraid that the troops under his command have all been wiped out before they figure out what's going on.

At this time, Yu Qian finally realized his own shortcomings.

And there is a huge gap with this kind of character.

The things in his head that made him arrogant in the past seem insignificant now.

That trace of arrogance was completely wiped away by the emperor in front of him at this moment.

That's it, you're crazy.

He brought someone into the battlefield by himself, and he couldn't even see the other party's thoughts clearly, so what's the point of fighting this battle?

When he can see everything clearly, the war will come to an end.

Looking at the shocked Yu Qian in front of him.

Zhu Di suddenly smiled.

This Yu Qian has pretty good understanding and some talents.

It is a talent that can be made.

However, when he compared Yu Qian in front of him with his grandson Zhu Zhanji, he sighed again.

These words, he should have educated his grandson Zhu Zhanji.

But if you think about it carefully, it's calm.

This Yu Qian was originally the person that both their grandpa and grandson had their eyes on, so it didn't matter if he taught him carefully.

As for his eldest grandson, although this kid's departure made him lose the opportunity to personally teach him on the battlefield.

But thinking about it carefully, plus the past incidents with his eldest grandson, if that kid hadn't left, he might not be able to tell who would educate whom at this moment. . . .

At this time, Zhu Di obviously recalled the method that the kid proposed when he was in the court to reduce the army system to deal with the tribes in the grassland.

Such a method, but he has fought on the battlefield for decades, never thought of it.

And based on decades of experience in fighting, he can ensure that the boy's tactics against the tribes in the grassland are absolutely effective!
After so many years of conquering Saibei, the reason why they have not gained much is not because they cannot win.

But because of the large corps combat he is used to, such drawbacks will inevitably occur.

If this method of warfare could have been known to Zhu Di ten years earlier.

Where are these things now?
I am afraid that the land of the various tribes on the grassland has been nibbled away by him bit by bit.

That kid in my family is more than just a person with a good understanding that can be summed up.

The talent in government affairs can make the prince who has been in charge of the court for decades also have to admire.

In this military aspect, one sentence solved the shortcomings that his Ming Dynasty army could not solve for decades.

If you really want to put these two boys together, the talents are not at the same level at all, and there is no comparison at all.

Accompanied by the continuous advancement of the Chinese army in the Ming Dynasty.

The facts were exactly as Zhu Di expected, not bad at all.

Until dark, although the advance speed of the Ming army did not reach a hundred miles, it reached the level of seventy or eighty miles.

Zhu Di naturally had nothing to say about this, after all, the hundred miles he mentioned before was only a symbolic request.

After all, a hundred miles a day, this is no longer something that can be achieved without hard work.

This is pushing the limit.

And along the way, they were not harassed by any enemy troops.

The cavalry on both sides of the army also went smoothly.

At most, they encountered some scouts sent by the grassland tribes to check for information.

And when the news was passed back to the main camp of the Tatar Ministry.

Mahamu, who was in charge of the overall situation, frowned suddenly.

It traveled seventy or eighty miles a day!

This is their planned two-day itinerary.

This is still unacceptable to them, and they must send troops to harass and obstruct it.

Now that the Ming army is advancing faster, they will inevitably need more people to obstruct it.

Although these people who were sent to die were all members of the Tatar tribe, they are now an alliance.If not, he doesn't care how many people died in the Tatar tribe.

But now, blindly asking their people to die, it will undoubtedly be another heavy blow to their already fragile alliance.

But if he didn't do this, then the Ming army would not be able to fight in the place where he was willing to fight according to his plan.

Only with such heavy obstacles, could they fall into the place he arranged for a decisive battle.

Not only that.

Now the Ming army suddenly accelerated its advance after the war. Obviously, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty had already seen his purpose.

Otherwise, why would they advance so far in one day regardless of the risk of being attacked.

You know, this distance is very dangerous.

If he really attacked at this time, the front and back of the Ming Dynasty's central army would inevitably be cut off.

End to end cannot be connected.

The rapid march ahead will inevitably become a lone army.

What is the biggest characteristic of the army of the Ming Dynasty?
It's a frontal battle!
What is most afraid of is fighting, it is melee!
Once caught in the melee, their most powerful firearms will be useless.

Because those firearms can't tell which ones are our own people and which ones are enemies.

Thinking of these, Mahamu gradually had an idea in his mind.

Accompanied by the temporary camping of the Ming army, they rested overnight and continued to leave the next day.

The army marching at the forefront has no intention of stopping.

The rapid march was still carried out under Zhu Di's order.

The infantry of the Fifth Army Battalion is in the middle.

The cavalry of the [-] Battalion and the [-]th Battalion are on the left and right.

It seems that they are not worried about being raided by the tribes of the grassland at all.

And as the distance between the front and rear armies became larger and larger, the generals in the army couldn't help but ran back to persuade them.

"Your Majesty, the distance between the front and rear armies is too far. Once the grassland tribes send troops to attack, our rear army will not be able to catch up for a while! March first, but we will become a lone army!"

Although they all knew what Zhu Di was thinking, the distance was too great now.

Even Yu Qian was a little worried.

Disrupting the opponent's strategy is of course important.

But you can't ignore everything!
However, after listening to the persuasion of these generals, Zhu Di didn't pay any attention to it, and he still insisted on his military order.

March quickly!
Under the puzzled eyes of everyone on the field, Zhu Di was firm.

Seeing this, the generals could only leave in worry.

Since the emperor is so firm, what can they say?
I can only pray that those prairie soldiers will not show up at this time.

But when the news from the front line and the movements of the Ming army were sent back to the main camp of the Chinese army of the Tatar tribe.

Na Mahamu's attitude was completely different from that of the generals of the Ming army.

At this time, after receiving the information from the front line, anger appeared on his face, and he was even a little out of breath.

"Zhu Di, Zhu Di! You are too deceitful!"

Obviously, between the supreme commanders of the two armies, the intentions of both sides have become extremely clear.

It is equivalent to playing the bright cards.

And the reason why Mahamu was so angry was that he expected that the hundreds of thousands of troops commanded by Zhu Di would have poor mobility and slow speed.

So he didn't dare to continue marching in a hurry!
The reason why they dared to march in a hurry after the battle yesterday can be said to be because they saw their intentions, so they took the time to take advantage of it.

But marching again in a hurry today is not the same as saying to your face: I will definitely not dare to fight in this place!

How can this make Na Maha feel angry!
It's fine to see his intentions, but he accurately grasped that you dare not fight decisively for the time being, and repeatedly bullied you.

"Zhu Di! If you have the guts, you will march in a hurry today!"

Mahamu's eyes were full of anger.

As for Zhu Di's side, he was not at all worried that Mahamu would suddenly lead an army to make a surprise attack.

Although his advance army was only a part of the Chinese army, its number was around [-].

Adding the cavalry of the three thousand battalions on the two wings and the five army battalions, the number can reach 150,000!

That's not a few thousand people or a 20,000 people. Your army raids and eats whatever you want.

These 15 people are here for you to eat, and they will also support you to death.

Although there will be a large number of casualties at the first moment of the war, once their cavalry rushes into the formation of the advance army, the cavalry is no different from the infantry.

Even because of the horse under his crotch, he cannot move flexibly during combat.

Once the spear team is up, you can't cut it.

But if they don't stop, they won't be able to go further to reap the results.

As for them wanting to attack the Ming army's marching formation again and again, it is even more impossible.

The [-] cavalry on the left and right wings were not just for fun.

His Daming cavalry is a ruthless character who can fight these Saibei cavalry one-on-one.

In comparison, with the same number of people, the cavalry of those grassland tribes may be more afraid.

The cavalry of the Ming army have been powerful since the time of Taizu!
As for the cavalry of the grassland tribes, some cavalry's stirrups were even made of wood.

Riding and shooting can't be done at all.

As for the Ming army, they are all made of iron and well equipped with weapons.

This is the embodiment of the national power of Ming Dynasty.

Although the Chinese army once again divided its troops by 150,000, except for those cavalry, there were only [-] troops.

It is likely that the rear army was raided.

However, the [-] cavalry who marched first were cavalry!
As soon as the battle started, the cannons of the Shenji Battalion fired a salvo.

The front army turned back, the cavalry on both wings retreated, and the siege was instantly encircled!

Therefore, no matter whether the opponent is the army before the raid or the army after the raid, Zhu Di is not afraid!
I'm afraid they won't dare to come!

He, Zhu Di, has the capital to fight decisively anytime and anywhere, but those grassland tribes don't!
Even if one hundred thousand was exchanged for one hundred thousand, without the one hundred thousand, they would no longer pose any threat to the Ming army.

But without these 400,000 troops, the Ming army still has a full [-] troops!

What's more, the 200,000 troops sent out by the second and the third are strictly guarding against the troops defending Nawala and Uliangha at the moment.

In other words, only the troops of the Tatars are in front of them now.

Would the leader of his Tatar department be willing to let him damage one hundred thousand of the Tatar department?
However, although Zhu Di's actions seem to be subtle, they are actually based on the huge advantage of military strength.

Even if it is a division of troops, it is not something the other party dares to eat at will.

And it was precisely because of these that Mahamu was so angry.

I know what you think, but I have nothing to do with you.

Day three.

Zhu Di did not disappoint Na Mahamu.

Still majestic, he advanced quickly in front of Na Mahamu.

It was as if he didn't pay attention to them at all.

However, Mahamu was not an idiot after all.

Seeing that the strength of the Tatar troops alone could not pose a great threat to the Ming Dynasty's central army, they directly took advantage of the mobility of their grassland troops and directly killed a returning carbine.

Kill towards the troops on the left and right flanks that were divided before the army of the Ming Dynasty.

There is a faint intention to attack the left-wing 100,000 people led by Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu first.

After receiving the emergency military report from the rear, Zhu Di just smiled, and then ordered someone to spread the news, signaling the army to stay where it is.

At the same time, the cavalry on the left and right flanks began to return.

Reduce the distance between the central army and the left and right wings of King Han and King Zhao.

Create a deterrent to the Tatar cavalry sent back.

If they dared to make a move, the cavalry would arrive in no time.

Although the army of the Chinese army was slower, once they retreated and arrived, as many people as they went, they had to stay!

After all, according to the information they have learned, the Nawala tribe has only two 30,000 people, even if they are all cavalry, and the left wing led by the King of Han has only [-] infantry, so they cannot pursue them and may be constantly consumed, but The gap in the number of people exists after all.

As long as the [-] battalion of cavalry retreated, the situation on the battlefield could be reversed instantly.

There is no need to kill much, just hold on.

When the Chinese army arrives, it will be a siege.

However, Zhu Di also understood that Mahamu would not be so stupid as to really attack the left wing.

The reason for this was to stop their rapid march.

Forcing them to stop advancing.

If they really widen the gap between the two sides to an irreparable distance, maybe they will really do it.

But obviously it's not possible.

And Zhu Di doesn't care about it, it's okay to take advantage, but it can't be enough, right?
In the camp of the Chinese army at this time, Yu Qian followed the emperor Zhu Di for the past few days, and learned a lot from his formation.

The reason why the past few days have been so smooth, in his opinion, is a word.

Predict the enemy's opportunity!

The emperor Zhu Di always seemed to be able to accurately calculate the opponent's intentions.

However, he also knew that to achieve this, it could not be learned by optics, it required countless experiences.

Only when these experiences have accumulated to a certain extent, can we see everything clearly, and then deal with it steadily.

This time, it still did not exceed Zhu Di's expectations.

As Zhu Di's army stopped advancing, the cavalry who circled to the rear also stopped showing signs of encirclement.

It was as if Zhu Di and Namahamu had negotiated with each other. From the beginning to the end, they were fighting in small ways, maintaining a state of restraint.

The situation that happened in the army at this time was also conveyed to the inside of the Ming Dynasty under the transmission of the army messengers.

In order to keep a detailed understanding of the intelligence of the army led by the old man Zhu Di, Zhu Zhanji naturally established contact with the court through the Nuer Gandusi.

Obtained the way to obtain the information of the army.

Of course, the information obtained must be delayed, but it is better than nothing.

Although they can also send people to find out by themselves, everything around the Ming army must be the focus of everyone's attention at this time. Once they really send people there.

I don't know if they can detect the news, but the risk of exposing their location is too great!

Before the city was built, they could only carefully hide in the corners and do things secretly.

Otherwise, once discovered, it will be a disaster of destruction.

Fortunately, whether it is the Tatar tribe, the Wala tribe, or the Nawuliangha, all their forces are concentrated around the Ming army.

In the hinterland of the Tatar Ministry, there are not many people paying attention to it, and there are not many troops remaining.

Give them a perfect opportunity to play a black under the lights!
Otherwise, whether this city can be built is really a matter of opinion.

The most important thing is that none of them can run away once they are discovered.

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(End of this chapter)

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