Daming: Let you do your best to manage, do you go to health?

Chapter 132 Come, show you a firework. 【Ask for a monthly ticket! 】

Chapter 132 Here, let me show you a fireworks display. [Ask for a monthly pass! 】

Standing on the hill, Mahamu's eyes narrowed slightly, and a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

With such a formation of the Ming army, let alone a small ambush, even the emperor Zhu of the Ming Dynasty came in person, so why should Mahamu be afraid?
The big picture is set!

Accompanied by the prairie army that had already been prepared, it began to attack from a distance.

At this time, under the city, Zhu Zhanji, who was besieging the city among the Ming army, looked around from time to time.

"This old thing is really a treacherous man, a slippery donkey, and a hard to handle rabbit when it's old. It's all like this, is this Mahamu still afraid to do it? If I don't do it again, I won't have time to grind with you anymore. grumble"

Standing on the dragon platform and commanding the overall situation, Zhu Zhanji muttered silently in his heart.

At this time, the British Duke Zhang Fu who was kneeling in front of Zhu Zhanji was still praying.

"His Royal Highness! The battle formation of our Ming army is too dangerous now! The armies of various tribes in the grassland are waiting for the opportunity to move around! With the current battle formation of our army, the grassland cavalry army charges, our Ming army will It fell apart in an instant! Your Highness, Grandson!!!”

At this time, the British Duke Zhang Fu was at the end of his voice.

Kneeling down in front of Zhu Zhanji, but did not get the slightest response from Zhu Zhanji.

The generals on the side also had anxious and worried faces.

On the battlefield, a wrong command could lead to catastrophe in a moment.

But now the entire Ming army is not only messed up and has no rules, but more than half of its troops have been divided. Now the central army they are in has no defense at the rear, nor any reinforcements.

Once the rear is attacked, there is no room for troop deployment.

Because a whole army of 45 was sent out to participate in the war.

There is no coordination between them!

Seeing the British Duke Zhang Fu admonishing him alone, the other generals on the side couldn't stand it anymore, and came to Zhu Zhanji one after another, knelt on the ground and begged bitterly.

"His Royal Highness!"

"Your Highness!"

"Your Highness! The last general begs His Royal Highness Taisun to retreat temporarily!!!"


The generals present no longer considered the casualties caused by storming the city. At this time, the formation and arrangement of the army was equivalent to lying in front of the enemy, waiting for the enemy's insult.

As long as the enemy moves, the entire Ming army will fall apart in an instant!

And the people gathered here are the elites of the entire Ming Dynasty!

All the elites of the country are here.

Once these troops are gone, let alone the enemy's raids on the border of the Ming army in the future.

Even the emperor in Zhenbei City will be besieged by the enemy because of the disintegration of the Ming army.

Even relying on the strength of the city, it can stick to it.

But for a long time, he could never escape the end of being besieged and captured.

As such.

The entire Ming Dynasty is over!
Faced with the hard persuasion of everyone present, Zhu Zhanji, who was standing on the dragon platform, didn't pay any attention to it, and still commanded the whole army to attack the city with all his strength.

It seems that today we must take the city in front of us.

No one can persuade you!

Just when everyone present was still looking forward to the King of Han being able to bring the emperor to stop all of this as soon as possible, and at the same time hoping that the coalition forces on the grassland would not dare to act.

Amidst the Ming army's shouts of killing.

The ground where the Ming army was located seemed to be shaking.

Especially the many generals who were kneeling on the ground also discovered this scene in an instant.

Everyone looked up and looked into the distance.

Standing on a high place, passing the heavy Ming army, in the eyes of everyone, the edge of the grassland appeared a whole piece, like locusts crossing the border, a dark scene.

The moment they saw this scene, all the generals present were ashamed.

He murmured, "It's over."

Although there was a mass of darkness in front of them, they still didn't know who they were and who they were.

But where is this?
This is the grassland, and it is the territory of all tribes in the grassland.

And the outsiders like the Ming army are a lone army here.

They cannot get any assistance.

Especially now that all the troops of the Ming army have gathered here, so many cavalry troops can never be theirs.

The only possibility is the remaining cavalry army of the prairie coalition army.

Once an army of more than [-] cavalry enters the current battle formation, what will happen to the Ming army with this strength?
it goes without saying.

at the same time.

When Zhu Zhanji was also standing on the dragon platform and saw the scene in front of him, there was no worry on his face, let alone despair like these generals.

On the contrary, there was a smile of a successful plan on his face.

Also at this time, the British public Zhang Fu, who witnessed all this, although his heart was full of helplessness, despair, and sadness.

But he is a general who has fought with the old emperor Zhu Di for many years.

Otherwise, it is impossible to become the Duke of the state.

At this moment of urgency, he was the first to stand up again, and said to Zhu Zhanji: "His Royal Highness! The enemy cavalry army has arrived, and I hope His Highness can quickly take people away from here! In this battle, we The Ming army has absolutely no chance of winning, if His Royal Highness stays here, he will definitely not be able to escape being captured alive."

"I also hope that His Highness can take the overall situation as the top priority, quickly lead people away, return to Zhenbei City, bring the emperor back to the court, and order the frontier troops to guard against death, and no horses can enter the customs!"

"In this way, we can ensure that Daming will not be chaotic!"

"Once the emperor is trapped, the entire Ming Dynasty will be in chaos, and the scene at the end of the Yuan Dynasty will reappear now!"

Accompanied by the desperate pleading of the British Duke Zhang Fu, the surrounding generals also reacted one by one.

Although they are not worried about His Royal Highness, the culprit who caused all this to happen, they are all loyal to the emperor.

All of a sudden, they all imitated the appearance of the British Duke Zhang Fu, knelt down in front of Zhu Zhanji, and tried their best to persuade him.

Zhu Zhanji, who was standing on the dragon platform at this time, looked at the scene in front of him, but walked down unhurriedly.

When he came in front of the British Duke Zhang Fu, he bent down slowly and stretched out his hands to help the British Duke Zhang Fu who was kneeling on the ground with his head buried on the ground.

"It worries the British public."

Listening to Zhu Zhanji's calm tone in front of me, and his expression as if he suddenly changed at the moment.

The British Duke seemed to see the humble, courteous, strategizing, and resourceful His Royal Highness the Grandson again.

The other generals on the side also raised their heads slightly, and looked at His Highness the Grandson in front of the British Duke.

Looking at the eyes of the British Duke in front of him and the generals around him, Zhu Zhanji smiled and said: "Everyone, get up."

After finishing speaking, he turned around slowly and came to the dragon platform. Looking at the cavalry army of the grassland coalition army that was getting closer and closer to them in the distance, Zhu Zhanji did not panic at all like these generals. Slowly said to the messenger beside him: "Come here!"

"Order the three armies, and everyone retreats fifty steps! The front army becomes the rear army, and the rear army becomes the front army. The sword and shield soldiers step forward to block the cavalry attack, and the spearmen attack the enemy with spears! Don't seek to kill the enemy, unload the enemy. Army impact!"

"Five layers stacked front and back!"

After Zhu Zhanji finished speaking, when the messenger standing on the side was still a little confused and didn't know what happened, Zhu Zhanji immediately sneered and said, "Don't do it yet!"


After the first messenger turned and left, Zhu Zhanji said to the second messenger who came up again: "Order the Shenji Battalion! The firecrackers stepped forward and stood in front of the sword and shield soldiers. enemy!"

"Order the artillery position. After the enemy enters the attack range, the firepower will be fully activated! All the new artillery will be put into use, don't care about ammunition, and try to stop the first wave of the enemy's impact!"


The orderly roared, turned and went down to deliver the order.

At this time, the No.3 messenger also came in front of Zhu Zhanji.

"Order the troops on the east and west sides of the city to return to defense immediately and attack on the left and right wings, forming a siege of the enemy!"


"Come on!"

"Order the fifth emperor's grandson, Zhu Zhanqian! Lead the fifth army battalion and [-] cavalry to attack immediately, go around to the enemy's rear, and block the enemy's escape!"


Following Zhu Zhanji's unusually calm and orderly order, all the generals present froze in place.

They didn't understand how the seemingly absurd His Royal Highness Taisun, who had vowed to take down the city behind him today at all costs, seemed to be a different person at this moment.

The contrast between before and after is so huge.

Especially from His Royal Highness's order just now, it seems that everything that happened at this moment was within his expectation.

And everything he did was waiting for this moment.

Those arrangements that seemed ridiculous to them before.

Order the cavalry to attack the city, order only the spearmen, and the five infantry battalions to attack the city on both sides of the city
This series of measures has suddenly undergone earth-shaking changes at this moment.

If the goal is to siege.

All of this is of course extremely unreasonable.

But now, when the goal becomes encircling the enemy cavalry, it becomes so reasonable.

As if everything was prepared for this moment.

When everyone present was still immersed in shock, Zhu Zhanji on the dragon platform slowly turned his head to look at the crowd, and said: "Everyone, the enemy is coming, and you will continue to stand here ?"

After hearing Zhu Zhanji's reminder.

The generals present woke up one after another, and then bowed to Zhu Zhanji on the dragon platform, and immediately rushed towards their respective troops according to their previous military positions.

Then Zhu Zhanji saw Yu Qian and the British Duke Zhang Fu were the only ones left in the field, and said to the British Duke, "British Duke, the war is tense now, please go to the former army and supervise the battle."

"In this battle, we must keep all the prairie coalition forces here."

After hearing Zhu Zhanji's words, the British public Zhang Fu finally confirmed his conjecture.All the previous actions were not caused by His Royal Highness Changsun's misconduct and random command. Behind this seemingly random command, it was actually to show the enemy's weakness and lure the enemy to go deep.

From the beginning to the end, the grandson in front of him did not regard the enemy army in the city as his real target, but his real target was the grassland coalition army hiding around waiting for an opportunity!

All the seemingly chaotic arrangements were all to open a big pocket and put all the prairie coalition forces in it.

One battle, and all achievements!

After realizing that His Highness Taisun actually had other plans, his British Duke Zhang Fu naturally obeyed His Highness Taisun, the current commander of the army.

But after taking orders.

The British public Zhang Fu quickly discovered the only loophole in this arrangement.

"His Royal Highness, if the enemy army in the city suddenly rushed out when the two armies were fighting, wouldn't our army want to bow down and face the enemy?"

"Once it is rushed into the formation by its army, the entire camp of the army will be completely overwhelmed. I am afraid the situation will not be optimistic."

Knowing that His Royal Highness had made detailed arrangements for everything, the British Duke Zhang Fu also became a little more cautious when speaking. According to what he said in the past, under the enemy of the Ming army, it must be A disintegration, the result of a big defeat.

But now there is only one not-so-optimistic description.

For the worry he said, Zhu Zhanji is naturally clear in his heart.If he really didn't make arrangements, the consequences would probably be more serious than what he said.

But since he already knew it, how could there be no arrangements for this possibility?

Even if he didn't see it himself, when many generals in that army argued, they also said it was possible.

Although the people present at the time did not discuss a good result.

No one has been able to come up with a solution to this problem either.

Facing the question from the British lord Zhang Fu, Zhu Zhanji smiled and said, "Don't worry, British lord, people in this city can't get out."

Seeing the confident expression on Zhu Zhanji's face, the British Duke Zhang Fu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Now that His Highness Taisun has arranged everything properly, he doesn't need to worry so much anymore, he just needs to follow His Highness Taisun's instructions to supervise the pre-war army.

Do your part as a servant.

Immediately, Zhang Fu bowed his hands to His Highness Taisun on the dragon platform, and said: "If that's the case, then the general will go."

After that, he turned and left.

After the British public Zhang Fu left.

Soon, the prairie cavalry army in the rear also killed at this time.

Although Mahamu in the distance was very surprised when he saw that the Ming army had taken precautions, but no matter what, now that the army had already arrived, it would be impossible for him to order the army to retreat at this time.

Besides, Mahamu is very confident. Under the charge of his army of more than 10 cavalry, even if the Ming army is prepared, so what?
With his division of troops to such an extent, even if the old man Zhu, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, came, he would not be afraid at all.

With the addition of 5 troops in the city, we can cooperate with them both inside and outside.

Attacking the inside of the Ming army at close range, under this situation, even the gods can't save them!

At this time, Mahamu seemed to have seen the scene of the Ming army's disastrous defeat.

He even thought about how to maximize the benefits after defeating the Ming army.

at the same time.

A cavalry army of 40,000 people is waiting in a remote valley.

In the former army of the Ming army, the British Duke Zhang Fuzheng looked solemnly at the grassland cavalry army that was approaching rapidly in the distance.

Fighting against the grassland army and facing the enemy's charge, the best solution is to alleviate their impact.

As long as the impact of their cavalry cannot break through the defense of the Ming army's former army, then the Ming army will surely win this battle.

But if the resistance of the former army is broken through and the entire Ming army camp is in chaos, it will be a gang fight.

How it turns out depends on destiny.

Come to think of it, this is why His Royal Highness asked him to supervise the former army.
However, he, Zhang Fu, was very experienced in dealing with the cavalry attack of the grassland army.

Facing such an impact, according to the tactics of the Ming army in the past, it was very simple.

The artillery first disrupted the cavalry, followed by firecrackers and bows and arrows, and then the defensive camp composed of swords and shields and spearmen.

Finally, the cavalry interspersed into the stopped army of the enemy.

As a result, the enemy troops cannot be connected end to end.

Then the spearmen advance forward, narrowing the scope of the battle, and siege the enemy.

With the advantage of numbers, it is natural to win.

The Chinese army, on the dragon platform guarded by the Imperial Battalion.

Zhu Zhanji waved slowly, and called Yu Qian who was on the side.

While looking at the battlefield in the distance, he asked Yu Qian who was beside him: "When you wrote the velvet policy to the emperor before, I remember a saying that said, it is better to build the Great Wall with thousands of soldiers than the people of the world. "

Yu Qian nodded when he heard this.

In this regard, Zhu Zhanji did not express any opinions, but continued to ask: "You know, when will people in this world have people's hearts?"

Hearing Zhu Zhanji's inexplicable question, Yu Qian frowned suddenly.

When will the people of the world have their hearts?

What is the problem.

Yu Qian, who didn't know why, was about to ask something, but Zhu Zhanji suddenly smiled and said: "People's hearts, truth, morality, kindness, conscience... These things that sound beautiful only exist within the range of cannons .”

"Remember, when you can't beat others, the books you have read all your life are just waste paper, not even as good as toilet paper when you wipe your ass."

As soon as Zhu Zhanji's voice fell.

Just then, an explosion sounded suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, there was one after another, the artillery positions of the Shenji Battalion were bombarded.

However, compared with the previous Ming army artillery, the power of the artillery this time is obviously completely different from the past.

Fifty new artillery pieces were fired together.

The sound of explosions was endless.

And after those shells fell into the enemy army, there was a second explosion soon.

In previous battles with the Ming army, those prairie troops had never seen such artillery.

Those fired shells, after falling into the enemy army, actually produced a second explosion!
Around the explosion point of the shell, countless cavalrymen who were galloping were suddenly turned upside down by the explosion.

Originally, the speed was extremely fast, and it seemed that the grassland cavalry army was about to rush into the Ming army's camp in a blink of an eye. Amid these continuous explosions, the entire front army camp was beaten into chaos.

This weapon beyond the current era conquered these wolf cubs on the grassland in an instant.

No matter how brave you are, under such indiscriminate bombing, there is no room for resistance.

In a short period of time, hundreds of new-style ammunition were poured into the grassland army under fifty artillery pieces.

Countless flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Countless screams instantly filled the entire battlefield.

In an instant, everyone on the entire battlefield looked at everything in front of them in shock.

They really couldn't believe that this was actually a weapon of their Ming army!

Their artillery is actually so powerful!

Those prairie cavalry who were once very famous in the whole world seemed to be paper in the sound of these artillery fires.

Even those generals who knew the existence of these artillery in advance had never seen such a scene.

These artillery were used for the first time after they came to the grassland.

Such astonishing power conquered everyone in an instant.

The British Duke Zhang Fu who was standing in the front of the army looked at the scene in front of him, and at the same time he was shocked, and even sighed at their grandson.


Absolutely a genius!
For the first time on the battlefield, he had such a performance.

As for the cannon, he knew very well that it was also developed by His Highness the Grandson.

Such a person is simply born to be a god on the battlefield!

It seems that everything can be used by it.

And all changes in the situation seem to be included in its calculations.

At this time on the dragon platform, Zhu Zhanji squinted at Yu Qian who was beside him with a dull face, and suddenly asked with a smile: "Yu Qian."

Hurrying back to his senses, Yu Qian immediately cupped his hands at Zhu Zhanji and said, "Your Highness."

Zhu Zhanji smiled and asked: "If you are from the prairie, my Highness asks you, do you still have people and truth at this moment?"

After Zhu Zhanji finished asking, Yu Qiandang froze in place.

In such a scene that is almost like a massacre, is there still a human heart, a conscience, and those so-called truths?
Are the teachings of the sages that I have read still useful at this time?

In an instant, Yu Qian suddenly understood what the grandson in front of him had just said to him.

And with the first round of artillery attack.

The front army of the entire prairie cavalry army suffered unprecedented heavy losses.

Originally, according to their previous speed, the cavalry army should have arrived in front of the Ming army at this time, but now there are very few people who can rush over.

And after the first round of shelling ended.

The artillery positions run by God are preparing for the second round of shelling.

In order to deal with the prairie cavalry army that had already rushed past the explosion point of the artillery, the crossbow battalion and firecracker soldiers in the Ming army were all ready.

When those people came within their attack range, they immediately started shooting under the command of the British Duke Zhang Fu.

Bang bang bang.

The crisp sound of firecrackers permeated the entire battlefield.

What followed was the rain of arrows that filled the sky.

The warriors among the countless prairie cavalry troops had no chance of surviving under such an indiscriminate attack.

Countless corpses fell to the ground in an instant.

Some of the surviving horses ran around.

At this time, Mahamu, who was behind the army, watched all this from a distance, feeling extremely anxious.

I thought this attack would be very simple.

However, he really did not expect that the Ming army's counterattack would be so fierce!

Especially the artillery that has never appeared on the battlefield.

The explosion that would occur after landing gave a lot of pressure and damage to the vanguard of their army.

Countless soldiers died under this round of attacks.

The following firecrackers and bow and arrow attacks, although nothing surprising, were all methods that the Ming army used well in the past.

However, it also gave them endless threats from the army.

I don't know how many soldiers died under this round of attacks.

But even so, no matter how worried and distressed he Mahamu was, there was nothing he could do.

The only way now is to continue to charge.

As long as they can break through the camp of the Ming army, the cavalry in the rear will follow this gap and completely break through the entire camp of the Ming army.

In general, the whole battle is not much different from the previous battles with the Ming army.

Although under the attack of those artillery, they lost a lot of soldiers.

But these are not enough to completely change the situation of the war.

At the same time, this moment is also the time when the combat effectiveness of the entire Ming army is weakest.

No matter what methods the Ming army is hiding, as long as they can firmly break through the Ming army's camp according to the previously planned combat method.

Then nothing will change.

Soon, after the Ming army's three-axes combat method was completed, the speed of the prairie cavalry army began to increase again.

Seeing that more and more prairie cavalry have rushed to the front.

The sword and shield soldiers and spear soldiers in front, because there are not too many people, the pressure is already very high at this time.

It seems that those cavalry may break through the camp at any time.

At the same time, the troops behind the grassland coalition forces are constantly rushing forward.

Every extra second, more cavalry rushed to the front to fight with the Ming army.

Even the British Duke Zhang Fu, who stood in the middle of the former army and supervised the battle, was under double pressure at this moment.

According to His Royal Highness Taisun's method, if they have not been broken through after the Ming army encircled the grassland army, the victory of this battle will be assured.

Once the spearmen on both wings did not encircle the prairie army, if their front army had been broken through.

It is not certain what the result will be.

But now, because those spearmen are on the east and west sides of the city, and they are all infantry, it will take some time to rush to the two wings of the battlefield according to His Royal Highness Taisun's order, to encircle the grassland army and share the pressure.

Can they still accept it here?

Seeing that more and more people from the prairie army had come to the front, Zhang Fu had nothing to do.

Not only here, he was even more worried about the rear of the army.

Will the grassland army in the city double-team the Ming army at this time?

Although His Royal Highness Taisun has said that there is a solution, everything is unknown before it happens.

Just before the front army formation, more and more grassland army troops had arrived.

Seeing that the former army's defense line was about to be broken through.

Zhu Zhanji, who was in the middle of the army and was standing on the dragon platform observing all the situation on the battlefield, suddenly shouted to a messenger beside him at this moment: "Do it!"

Listening to Zhu Zhanji's inexplicable words, when Yu Qian didn't understand why, a team of more than [-] people immediately started to act amidst the shout of the orderly.

One by one, they ran behind the former army's defensive camp.

After igniting the explosive pack in his hand, he stood in a row according to the method rehearsed in advance, and threw it towards the densely packed enemy camp.

There were bursts of explosions.

After each explosive package explodes, it will turn a large group of grassland soldiers around it upside down.

This scene is like the Plants vs. Zombies Zhu Zhanji played in his previous life. A bomb killed countless enemies.

After the people in the first row finished throwing these explosive packages, they immediately withdrew from the side and continued to prepare towards the rear.

And the soldiers in the second row had already prepared explosives, and they treated them like grenades, and threw them towards the dense grassland army in front of the Ming army.

Under such a dense attack, the power of those explosive packages was brought into full play.

The explosion of each explosive package will kill at least three or four prairie cavalry on the spot.

After several rounds of throwing by these people.

The pressure in front of the Ming army instantly eased a lot.

Whether it was the soldiers on the prairie who were killed by the bombing, or panic appeared in the sound of these explosions.

All caused their attack on the Ming army's defensive front to stagnate.

The British public Zhang Fu, who saw this scene, was shocked, but at the same time, ecstasy appeared on his face.

Seeing that the Ming army's line was about to be unable to defend, the appearance of this mere 500 people bought the Ming army precious breathing time.

But unfortunately, the number of these explosive packs is not too much.

Although the number itself is not large, under the throwing of these hundreds of soldiers, the speed of consumption is still very fast.

Although these attacks brought great gains to the Ming army.

It also brought a lot of casualties to those grassland troops.

But it can't hold back the large number of grassland troops.

In less than 10 minutes, more and more grassland troops gathered on the front line.

However, after seeing this scene, Zhu Zhanji, who commanded the overall situation on the dragon platform, was not in a hurry.

Because he had already seen the troops on the left and right wings of the Ming army, rushing to the battlefield.

Next, we only need to fight for some more time for them to keep advancing from the two wings of the prairie army and reduce the battlefield time, and this battle is sure to win!

At this time, Mahamu, who was behind the grassland army, and the leaders of the various tribes in the grassland, after seeing the changes on the battlefield, all showed expressions of horror.

"Mahamu! Withdraw your troops quickly! The Ming army will encircle us!"

On the side, a leader of a grassland tribe immediately shouted at Mahamu.

However, how could Mahamu have not noticed the changes seen by the leader of the grassland tribe?
Although he was surprised at the speed at which the Ming troops on the left and right wings came.

I also understand that all this is a trap set by Zhu Zhanji, the grandson of the Ming Dynasty.

But now that things have come to this point, the army has rushed into the battlefield, and now they want to withdraw, can they withdraw?

Once they retreat, the next step is the defeat of the grassland army!
If you hand over your back to the enemy, then this battle will be completely over.

What follows is the massacre!

Instead of being chased by the Ming army and killing chickens and cattle.

It is better to continue to attack at this time, and perhaps be able to break through the defense line of the Ming army before the encirclement occurs.

At this time, Mahamu, who was already tense to the limit, responded unceremoniously to the words of the tribal leader: "Shut up!"

After all, he continued to look at the battlefield.

Although the Ming army on the left and right flanks gradually surrounded them, fortunately, the army in front of them had achieved considerable results.

The attack of the prairie army has permeated the entire defense line of the Ming army, and even the defense line of the Ming army in some places has begun to show defeat.

It was as if the flood had broken the dam.

At first it was only a small gap, but this gap will be completely broken through in a very short period of time, and even the entire defense line will be defeated.

While he was happy about the battle on the front line, what made Mahamu very puzzled was why the [-] troops in the city didn't show up at this time?
According to the situation in the past, the army in that city should be dispatched when their army hits the defense line of the Ming army.

He absolutely did not believe that his grandson Yexian, whom he had placed high hopes on, would not even be able to see this situation.

I couldn't help shouting in my heart: Ye first, hurry up!

However, he shouted in his heart, and the people in the city were destined not to hear him.

It's not that the people in that city don't know that it's time to do it, but that he has no way to lead the army out!
At this time, in front of the north and south gates of the city, there were countless spearmen of the Ming army, holding spears in their hands, and standing in front of the gate.

At the same time, countless soldiers were throwing stones at the grassland army among them.

Even throw in a dynamite bag from time to time.

At the narrow gate of the city, the superiority of the grassland army inside could not be brought into play at all.

Whenever they were about to rush out, someone in the Ming army would suddenly throw in a bag of explosives, killing dozens of people.

There is also that stone, which has killed an unknown number of soldiers.

And that's obviously not an idiot first, he can naturally think of using this method to hit the Ming army, and it's even easier to hit the Ming army from the top of the city.

But they have no explosives!

Not even rocks!

In this city, it is completely empty city!
Nothing at all!

It was as if everything had been cleaned up, as if Zhu Zhanji had already figured out all of this, leaving nothing for them to defend the city at all.

No dynamite, no bows, no stones, not even wood!

Even if they want to tear down the city to get stones.

However, the city here is completely different from other cities.

Not to mention that it cannot be dismantled, even if some are dismantled, there are still some broken cement, which has no lethality at all!

Yexian, who was inside the city at this time, was more anxious than his grandfather Mahamu outside the city.

Today, he suddenly felt that they were in the middle of the city, as if they had gotten into the coffin of the Han people.

And here is the mass grave prepared by Zhu Zhanji, the grandson of the Ming Dynasty, for them!

Because they carried a lot of food with the army before, they were not afraid of being trapped, but they couldn't get out either!
This city is like an unbreakable iron barrel!
While guarding against the people outside, the people inside must never even think about going out!

Along with the battle situation at the gate of the city, it is constantly being reported to Zhu Zhanji in the form of battle reports.

Zhu Zhanji stood on the dragon platform, looking at the entire battlefield situation in front of him, he understood that it was time to close the net, and the people in the city should also be buried for the compatriots on the battlefield!
Thinking of this, Zhu Zhanji immediately said to the people around him: "In that city, you can do it!"

A lieutenant who had been with Zhu Zhanji when he built the city had a smile on his face when he heard Zhu Zhanji's words, and shouted a little excitedly: "The last general obeys!"

Following that, the officer turned and walked towards the gate of the city.

A bow and arrow team of 100 people began to come to the edge of the city wall.

They raised the bows and arrows in their hands, pointed towards the sky, and drew the bows and arrows.

Arrows with ignited arrows, like shooting stars, began to shoot into the city.

After shooting one round, the second round continues, and the third round continues.
A huge explosion sounded in the city.

Everyone stopped shooting arrows.

At the same time, the successive explosions began to resound densely in the city.

Before building this city, Zhu Zhanji brought dozens of carts of gunpowder.

They were all buried in various places in the city by Zhu Zhanji.

Of course, if it's just these words, as long as the grassland soldiers in the city find a suitable place, they can still escape.

Since Zhu Zhanji could think of this, why didn't he solve it?
In the city at this time.

Accompanied by the sound of explosions, although those inside were shocked, the soldiers inside were also extremely frightened.

But although the explosion was terrifying, its actual lethality was not great.

After all, the city is too big.
These explosives simply cannot spread throughout the city.

Just when the soldiers gradually calmed down and stopped taking these explosions seriously.

The sparks produced by the explosion were like sparks of fire on the grassland in an instant. The flames continued to rise, and the fire became bigger and bigger!

Like the oil all over the sea, the moment the spark appeared, it began to burn like a prairie fire in the entire city!

Explosives cannot spread all over the city.

But oil can!

This is an accidental discovery by the Ming army on the grassland.

A huge oil field!

These dark things, those Ming soldiers naturally don't know what they are.

But Zhu Zhanji knows!
Although it is not yet possible to use these oils where they should appear.

But as a tool to eliminate the enemy in this city, they can!
Under the land of the city, Zhu Zhanji buried a whole layer of oil in it!

Even the sand and stones that spread all over the surface have been covered by the oil.

It's just that under the cover of a layer of dust, nothing can be seen.

And with this fire getting bigger and bigger.

The entire city made of concrete is like a furnace, starting to burn everything in it!
No matter how brave the fighters are, they cannot escape the burning of the fire.

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(End of this chapter)

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