Daming: Let you do your best to manage, do you go to health?

Chapter 133 Big nephew, your uncle is here!

Chapter 133 Big nephew, your second uncle is here!
Seeing the raging fire, the eyes of those in the city also widened.

He thought he was going to die.

I also thought about how I would die.

He would die on the way of charging, he would die under the siege of the city, he would die under the iron hooves of the Ming army, but he never thought that one day he would be roasted to death alive!

Roasted to death like roast beef and mutton!

Thinking of the disdain in his heart when he saw Zhu Zhanji, the grandson of the Ming Dynasty, fleeing in a panic with his troops, even forgetting to enter the city.

Thinking of the contempt in Zhu Zhanji's heart when he led the army and was unable to attack the city for a long time.

At this moment, he finally understood everything.

It wasn't that the grandson of the Ming Dynasty was too stupid and had a false name, but that he was too arrogant!

Thinking of everything that happened in the past few days, I also understand that Zhu Zhanji, the grandson of the Ming Dynasty, never regarded him as an opponent from the very beginning.

From the moment he led the army into the city, his life had already fallen into the opponent's hands.

You can take it when you want it.

And the reason why it took so long was that what he was looking at was the grassland army hidden in the dark!
Because only after all of their armies are wiped out, can the Ming army completely remove the hidden dangers that threaten their stability in the north.

Only by annihilating all the alliances of the grassland tribes, can the entire land of Saibei be included in their Ming Dynasty's territory.

At this moment, he finally woke up.

But it was too late.

In this raging fire, everyone in the city has nowhere to hide!
Thinking of my own stupidity, I also regretted it first.

Seeing that the fire was about to sweep towards them, the flames like a storm were about to burn everything about them.

He also stood in the corner of the city, listening to the pain and wailing of countless soldiers in the fire, he roared loudly!


Accompanied by his roar, a prairie fire filled the entire city.

Seeing almost invisible flames, it has the ability to annihilate everything.

In history, the Oala tribe in the west of Mongolia developed into a sphere of influence covering the entire northern part of the country, and even conquered the Jurchen, and its power reached the northern border of North Korea. The Mongolian Khan who even single-handedly made the Tumu Fortress has not yet grown up. At that time, he died in this scene, which was carefully designed by Ming Taisun.

This fire burned to death [-] soldiers of the Tatar tribe, the biggest killer move of the grassland coalition forces, and the hope of Mahamu, the leader of the Nawala tribe.
The soaring flames above the city and the thick smoke attracted the attention of countless people on the battlefield.

In addition to the continuous explosions that came from the city earlier, almost everyone except the soldiers who were fighting had noticed this place.

Of course, there is no lack of Mahamu who is standing on the hill and observing all the developments and changes on the battlefield.

When he saw the flames rising from the city, Mahamu, who was watching everything on the hill, felt his heart sink.

Originally, when he realized that the people in the city had not led the army out, Mahamu had already noticed something was wrong.But there is always a trace of fantasy in his heart, the fantasy that his grandson, Chuoros Yexian, can lead an army out of the city, and together with his grandfather, he will fight against the Ming army that invaded their land. These enemies were strangled on their home soil.

But everything is impossible
The army that has never rushed out from the beginning to the end, it is impossible to rush out at this time, and under the fire that filled the sky in the city, Mahamu knew very well that under such a fire, no one could survive .

Even if it was his grandson of Choros Mahamu, it was impossible.

For a moment, Mahamu's eyes turned red.

Before this battle started, he thought that this battle might fail, but even if he failed, he would protect his grandson and escape first.

flee to a faraway place.

Even in a brand new and unfamiliar land, with the ability of his grandson Yexian, he can definitely re-establish his Oala tribe.

But he never thought that Yexian would die before his grandfather.

Mahamu, whose eyes were red and his heart filled with murderous intent, saw that the prairie army still had the upper hand in that field, and the defense line of the Ming army was about to collapse gradually.

Mahamu has already thought about what to do after defeating the Ming army.

He wants revenge.

He wants to avenge his grandson.

He wants all the Ming troops who entered the Saibei Grassland to stay here!

He wants everyone to be buried with his grandson first!

Just when everyone thought that the prairie army would soon overwhelm the defense line of the Ming army, causing the formation of the entire Ming army to be chaotic, and everyone fell into a situation of fighting each other.

The familiar explosion sounded again.

Such a voice seems to be the voice of a devil to everyone in the prairie army today.

Because once such a sound is heard, it means that some of the soldiers in their grassland will die.

And this time, they were not disappointed.

Accompanied by Zhu Zhanji, who was standing on the dragon platform and watching the entire battlefield situation, when he saw that the defense line of the Ming army was about to collapse, and the Ming army on both wings was about to encircle and compress the grassland army
He immediately played the last hole card he had prepared for this battle.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

A series of explosions sounded from the feet of the prairie army.

This is the last big dish that Zhu Zhanji prepared for them.


Landmines were not a rare thing in the Ming Dynasty, because the combat form of landmines, which were buried in the soil and detonated, existed as early as the Song Dynasty, and it was used a lot in the Ming Dynasty.

Its name in the Ming Dynasty was Gunpowder Pao.

However, after the improvement of Zhu Zhanji's firearms research office, countless steel balls and iron balls were added to these mines.

Through the special base of the mine, it will explode inside, and the moment the impact force is generated, countless steel balls and iron balls will be impacted out of it.

According to their original experiments, within a radius of five meters of a landmine, not a single blade of grass would grow!

Although it is a bit exaggerated to say this, in their experiments, there has not been any instance of living things surviving within five meters of the mine.

In front of this kind of big killer, it is the rainstorm pear blossom needle, the king of hidden weapons in those martial arts novels in the previous life, and it is just the younger brother.

Within five meters, indiscriminate attack.

Under the huge impact, the tiny iron balls and steel balls instantly scattered, and the moment they came into contact, they would instantly tear the flesh and penetrate the body.

Under Zhu Zhanji's order to detonate, within the dense grassland army.

In an instant, blood mist appeared for a moment in the range of all the buried mines.

Countless fresh blood swayed in the air in an instant, scattered like mist.

Because there are too many people, and there are forty or fifty mines buried, although there is no particularly big movement at the moment when the power is generated, Zhu Zhanji standing on a high place can clearly see that the entire grassland army Holes appeared in the densest places.

Those grassland soldiers who were in the attack range of the mines seemed to be stripped of their lives by the god of death in an instant, and they all lay limp on the ground without too many screams of pain.

Heaps of corpses formed.

With the instant death of these grassland soldiers not far from the Ming army's defensive line, the Ming army's defensive line got a moment of respite.

But in the next second, countless grassland soldiers rushed over.

It's not that they are not afraid of death, but the Ming army on the two wings, holding spears one by one, is constantly compressing the space of the battlefield, driving the Mongolian cavalry in it towards the center.

The scope of their activities and operations has been continuously reduced.

Naturally, the combat effectiveness of the grassland army could not be fully developed.

However, in this way, the Ming army's front, which had just had a moment of respite, faced the possibility of collapse at any time.

When Zhu Zhanji on the dragon platform had nothing to do, the appearance of two armies behind the prairie army finally made Zhu Zhanji heave a long sigh of relief.

The fifth Zhu Zhanqian, who led the [-] cavalry from the Fifth Army Battalion in a feint attack to the north, finally rushed over at this time.

According to Zhu Zhanji's order, he led the cavalry of the Ming army in an instant and blocked the retreat of the grassland army.

at the same time.

Zhu Gaoxu, the king of the Han Dynasty who had secretly acted with Zhu Zhanji before, also brought the [-] battalion of [-] cavalry that had been secretly dispatched early to kill here.

Beside him is Zhu Zhanji's third uncle, Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui.

The moment he approached the battlefield, regardless of whether Zhu Zhanji in the army could hear it or not, the leader of the Han King Zhu Gaoxu shouted loudly: "Big nephew! Your second uncle is here!"

Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui behind him also said: "And your third uncle!"

This Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui really never forgets to add himself.

It sounded very exciting at first, but after he yelled such a voice, it was very embarrassing.

However, when Zhu Zhanji saw this scene from a distance, his hanging heart finally let go at this moment.

Just a moment.

After the [-] cavalry led by the fifth brother Zhu Zhanqian blocked the retreat, the [-] cavalry led by the second uncle Zhu Gaoxu and the third uncle Zhu Gaosui instantly plunged straight into the encircled center like a steel knife. Prairie Army.

These prairie troops did not have spears, swords and shields, nor did they have Shenji Battalion and explosives.

Under the full charge of the [-] cavalry from afar, the entire prairie army was rushed out of a battle line in the center, and the entire prairie army was divided into two.

But their actions did not stop.

After passing through these prairie troops, they turned around from another direction.

Prepare for the second charge.

Seeing the prairie army that was encircled and had no fighting skills, instead of ordering people to squeeze the battle space with all their strength, Zhu Zhanji ordered the messengers around him to use a flag to send a flag to the people in the distance. The fifth brother Zhu Zhanqian issued a tactical order.

After seeing the order given by his elder brother with the semaphore, although the fifth brother Zhu Zhanqian didn't understand it, he immediately gave the order to the people around him, exposing a gap behind him.

At the same time, under Zhu Zhanji's command, a gap was deliberately exposed between the armies on the two wings.

When the besieged soldiers of the prairie army saw that there was a gap to escape, they were facing a desperate situation, and they had to put all their eggs in one basket, as if they saw the hope of escape in an instant.

In the situation where the Ming army was all around and might die at any time, those so-called heroic prairie cavalry, no different from normal soldiers, began to flee quickly from the gap deliberately set up by the Ming army.

With the escape of the first man, the escape of the second man.

The entire prairie army no longer had any fighting spirit and morale, like a bereaved dog, desperately fleeing from the gap.

There were even scenes where people crowded, bumped into each other, and were trampled to death by horses.


Everyone no longer dealt with the battle in front of them, and began to rush towards the only gap where they could survive in a panic.

And after these prairie troops lost any intention of resisting, the pressure of the Ming army around them disappeared instantly, and they began to attack the back of those prairie troops.

The army was defeated like a mountain.

Even if some of the small leaders and commanders of the grassland tribes called them desperately, there was no response.

The battlefield situation that was originally evenly matched and ready to fight, the moment Zhu Zhanji released the gap, there was no longer any suspense.

The surrounding Ming soldiers began to massacre the Mongolian army.

The [-] cavalry led by the second and third uncles began to chase the escaped Mongolian cavalry.

Release means release, but it does not mean that they will not be killed.

Letting them out was to destroy the morale of the Mongolian army, and the pursuit was to kill all the vital forces of the Mongolian cavalry as much as possible.

With the army under the command of Zhu Zhanji, the situation of the entire battlefield was changed in an instant. The British Duke Zhang Fu, who was in the front army and supervised the battle, was also quite shocked by the methods of His Royal Highness.

If everything before was just the grandson's success in showing the enemy his weakness and luring the enemy to go deep, then this time commanding the whole army to deliberately expose flaws to let the enemy escape is to show people's hearts through. Thoroughly.

This is also very in line with the Art of War, that a besieged city must be destroyed.

The method of using troops is not to face high hills, not to turn against hills, not to follow if you pretend to be north, not to attack sharp soldiers, not to eat baited soldiers, not to block returning divisions, besieged divisions must be quelled, and poor enemies should not be forced. This is the method of using troops.

It means that when encircling a city, a gap must be left.But that is to leave a gap, not to let it go, but to pre-set an ambush at the place where the enemy must escape, so that the enemy will fall into the ambush circle during the hasty escape.

Although His Royal Highness Taisun did not set an ambush in advance, but with the [-] cavalry army formed by the King of Han, those who escaped had no chance to escape at all.

This is the same reason as the preset ambush.

Up to this moment, the British Duke Zhang Fu, who had followed the emperor for many battles, finally understood why the emperor insisted on leaving the country to the grandson.

Needless to say, its ability in government affairs.

How could he, who is in such a high position and authority, not be aware of this.

However, he never thought that His Royal Highness, who is absolutely gifted in government affairs, would have a strangely high understanding of military affairs.

You know, this is the first time he has led troops to fight with the army.

And it is the first time to command such an army of hundreds of thousands.

Although the entire hundreds of thousands of troops are commanded by various officers and generals, he only needs to command the overall situation according to normal command methods, such as semaphore, to mobilize everyone.

But even so, the talent is shocking enough.

In the future, following His Highness the grandson in the actual command of the army, such as personally leading an army of about [-] people, after continuous learning and accumulation of enough experience, the potential that he can unleash is really shocking and expectant .

Even compared with the current emperor, I'm afraid it won't be too much.
Thinking of a rumor once in Beijing, saying that His Royal Highness Taisun's temperament is more like the founding emperor Taizu, he just laughed it off at the beginning, but now, he feels that this statement is very reasonable.

Thinking back to the time when Emperor Taizu started at a young age, he didn't even know a single word, and he even learned his own name from Empress Ma.

Not to mention any art of war.

But look at what Emperor Taizu did after that, not to mention leading an army to conquer the world, even his ability to manage politics is far beyond ordinary people.

You must know that the government affairs of the Ming Dynasty during the Hongwu period were all handled by the emperor himself after the Zhongshu Province was abolished.

It can be seen that this ability to govern.

There is also the ability to fight, as if he was born to be a general who fights. Except for a period of time under the command of Chuyang King Guo Zixing, he learned everything else by himself.

Over the past few hundred years, the one who dared to say that he could surpass Emperor Taizu in terms of military means, that is, Li Shimin of the Tang Dynasty, can be used for comparison.

As far as this is concerned, Li Shimin took a lot of advantage.

After all, his family background is extraordinary, he is the descendant of Tang Guogong.

There are people on the top to take care of it, and Guanlong Group's support behind it.

Although judging from the record, it is indeed very powerful, and I don't know how many national forces have been wiped out.

But it is not as good as the emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty who brought down the country with a broken bowl. While fighting, he had to deal with politics. When the food and grass were gone, he had to raise money by himself.

Think about this His Royal Highness
When I was a child, I didn't see how talented and learned.

But look at today, in terms of politics, the entire imperial court is only dared to compare with the experienced crown prince.

Military is also a blockbuster.

But is it a replica of Emperor Taizu?
And that tyrannical side, judging from outside rumors, it seems to be very similar.
The Ming Dynasty was able to produce such a character in the fourth emperor 45 years after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

It really is the heavens who care about him, the Ming Dynasty, and the old Zhu's family.
With the encirclement of the Ming army on the frontal battlefield, almost all the Mongolian soldiers were either captured or killed on the spot, on the hills in the distance.

Mahamu stared at all this with red eyes.

He couldn't believe it.

Their prairie coalition was defeated just like that.

This battle was defeated, and the [-] to [-] troops of the coalition forces of various tribes in the grassland were wiped out. His Mongolian clan would not have any ability to resist the Ming Dynasty within a hundred years.

Just when Mahamu was thinking about the future situation of all ethnic groups in the grassland, behind him, a sweaty man from the Tatar tribe suddenly said, "Mahamu."

Listening to the voice behind him, Mahamu didn't have any intention to talk to him at this moment, when he was about to open his mouth to say something angrily, a machete was suddenly inserted into Mahamu's chest.

Looking at the tip of the knife on his chest, Mahamu turned around in disbelief.

But seeing that Tuotuobuhua said with a gloomy face: "You have to pay the price for this big defeat!"

at the same time.

Just as the officers and soldiers of the Wala tribe guarding Mahamu stared at this scene with wide-eyed eyes, and were about to draw their swords to protect their leader Mahamu, behind them, a dozen soldiers of the Tatar tribe , directly drew a knife and cut them all to the ground.

When Mahamu was dying, Tuotuobuhua slowly came to his side, pulled out the scimitar from his body, and left directly with the leaders of the surrounding grassland tribes.

The war here is over, and it's time for them to flee for their lives.

Following the end of the great battle on the edge of Baihaier Lake, on a hill in the distance, Zhu Di, who was sitting on that chair with his head propped on one hand, watched the great battle, but It was a sudden smile.

Then he stood up slowly, with his hands on his hips.

Sighing, he said to Fan Zhong beside him: "Thousands of sails pass by the side of the sunken boat, Wan Muchun in front of the sick tree"

"This person can't accept it."

"You still have to do what should be done by young people. It's not necessarily a good thing that the old man has been occupying the position."

While speaking, Zhu Di's face was full of oldness in the short moment when he got up, as if he had aged several years in this instant.

There is no spiritual head in the past.

Listening to what the emperor said, Fan Zhong, who was standing by the side, understood it no matter how big-minded he was.


I wanted to comfort Fan Zhong who said that the emperor is not old, but Zhu Di interrupted him.

Then Zhu Di turned around slowly and said, "Let's go, go down and have a look."


Accompanied by Zhu Di leading the troops down the hillside to the battlefield that just ended, Zhu Zhanji and the others immediately noticed him.

Under the leadership of Zhu Zhanji, everyone came to greet the old man Zhu Di.

But the old man didn't seem to want to say anything more at this time, and said to the generals present: "The war has just ended, so do what you need to do, don't worry about me, an old man."

Hearing the emperor's words, everyone looked at each other, then turned around and returned to their respective teams, and began to clean up the battlefield and do some things after the battle.

At this time, Zhu Gaoxu, the King of Han, and Zhu Gaosui, the King of Zhao, also returned with their troops.

After seeing the old man, they also confessed to their subordinates that after setting up the army, they galloped along with the youngest Zhu Gaosui.

When he got close, he got off his horse, saluted the old man, and said in a rough voice: "These wolf cubs in the prairie run fast, and they run away one by one, and they can't see anyone after turning over a mountain."

After saying this, he seemed to feel that something was wrong again, and hurriedly added: "However, not many escaped, hundreds of people, most of them were either captured or killed."

Hearing what the second child said, the old man Zhu Di nodded calmly, and then said to the people around him, "Let's go, walk around with the old man."

After all, everyone went towards the gate of the city.

When walking into the gate of the city, although the fire in the city had long been extinguished, the temperature inside was still very high, and after a gust of wind blew, one would feel the heat blowing towards one's face.

Seeing that the old man was about to move forward, Zhu Zhanji stopped the old man's movement for safety reasons.

It's really hard to tell whether there is still a fire burning in here, after all, it is broad daylight.

If some colorless flames are still burning, they will be blinded.

Seeing this, the old man didn't insist.

He just stood at the gate of the city with everyone, looked inside from a distance, and smelled the smell of burnt corpses at the gate of the city.

There are a total of 50,000 people in this city.

When seeing the fire burning inside, many people crowded at the gate of the city, which also resulted in the largest number of charred corpses at the gate of the city.

Almost piled up into a hill.

After looking at it twice, the old man didn't respond, he just said, "Let's go, there's nothing to see."

Walk on the battlefield outside the city.

Looking at the busy soldiers around, they were either treating the wounded, or detaining the prisoners and liquidating the casualties, but there was nothing wrong with them.

The old man Zhu Di suddenly reached out and waved at the King of Han and King Zhao.

At the same time as the two came over, the old man Zhu Di also put his hands on the shoulders of the two, and said, "It's a good day today, why don't you go around with my old man?"

Hearing the old man's words, the Han king Zhu Gaoxu and the Zhao king Zhu Gaosui naturally had no objections. Although they didn't understand why the old man was going, they still agreed.

Afterwards, under the guard of Fan Zhong's Yuqian camp, the group rode away towards the distance.

Galloping on this prairie, wantonly whipping the horse under his crotch, without worrying about anything.

Accompanying everyone to the highest hill within a radius of ten miles, the old man Zhu Di left Fan Zhong and his Yuqian camp under the hill, and only took Zhu Zhanji and his two uncles, and rode on On that hill.

Standing on the top of the hill, overlooking everything around.

While the four members of Old Zhu's family were quietly looking into the distance, snow gradually began to fall in the sky.

The snow in Saibei comes early.

At this time in previous years, the ground was covered with pure white snow.

Looking at the snowflakes all over the sky, the mist rising in the mid-air between the hot and cold, and the setting sun that is about to set after the snowflakes and mist.

At this moment, the old man with an old and tired expression on his face looked at the mountains in the distance at the top of the hill where there were only the four of them, and said slowly, "You guys, what is the name of the mountain at the end of the sky?"

Hearing the old man's words, Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu was the first to speak: "Father, we have never been here before, who knows what it's called."

Hearing that, the old man didn't say anything.

Just quietly watching.

At this moment, Zhu Zhanji, who was sitting beside the old man on horseback, looked at the exhaustion on the old man's face, and his rather emotional tone. Suddenly, for some reason, Zhu Zhanji felt uncomfortable Feel.

As if something important was about to be lost.

That kind of uncomfortable and worrying non-subjective consciousness.

He looked at the emperor's grandfather who had fought all his life beside him, and at the armor that was still draped over his shoulders at this moment.

Zhu Zhanji said slowly: "Grandpa, can't you move?"

Listening to his grandson's words, the old man Zhu Di smiled, but he didn't hide anything this time, and said, "When people get old, they can't control their bodies anymore. The world is too big to move."

"Besides, where does this hit count as a head?"

"Grandpa fought all his life and never took down Saibei, but now you have taken it down. You are better than grandpa."

Zhu Zhanji on the side listened to his grandfather's emotion, but he didn't feel any complacency in his heart.

Is he strong?
However, relying on some foresight from previous lives, he has come to today.

But as for my grandfather, he was born in this era, grew up in this era, and became the king of this era.

He is really good.

"Grandpa, grandson is far behind you, this time he just took advantage of it."

Listening to his grandson's words, the old man Zhu Di suddenly laughed twice.

Then he quietly watched the beautiful scenery in front of him with his two sons and grandson.

Like feeling, and like muttering to himself, he said: "Life is so short, such a country, wouldn't it make people nostalgic?"

The four of them just watched quietly, looking at the country that has now become their own land after this war.

It wasn't until the sunset was about to set that day and the sky was getting darker that the old man Zhu Di slowly grabbed the reins of the horse, turned around and prepared to go back, and asked the Han King Zhao next to him: "Second and third, What do you think of your nephew?"

Hearing the old man's question suddenly, both Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu and Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui were taken aback.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Extraordinary in martial arts, resourceful, insightful, young talent!"

Listening to the second child's words, the old man Zhu Di suddenly smiled, then turned his head to look at Zhu Zhanji beside him, his eyes full of doting.

"Then let this kid be the successor of our old Zhu family, what do you think?"

Following the old man's words, the three people on the side pulled the reins and stopped at the same time.

The old man Zhu Di held the reins, looked left and right at Zhao Wang and Han Wang, and understood their reactions.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Zhanji was also stunned there.

Then the old man turned his horse's head, looked at the three people in front of him, and said: "Father is old, this throne will be handed over sooner or later, and I want to give each of you one, but there is no way, there is only one throne, and there is no other way." There can only be one."

"To whom?"

As he said that, the old man Zhu Di seemed to be recalling, and said: "The boss is the prince, he should inherit the throne, but you also know that he is not in good health, and letting him take the throne is not good for him, it is harming him. If the body works hard for a few more years, I'm afraid it won't be saved."

"What about you, second child, you often tell people that you look like me, yes, you are indeed like me when I was young. But you are brave and foolish, and you can fight wars, but this kind of governance, as the saying goes, governing a big country is like cooking a small fish, this You can't do it. You can't do it well either."

"The throne is entrusted to you, and you learn from your father, fighting everywhere? But do you have a good son like the boss who can help you handle government affairs? You don't. Now the recovery of Saibei is a certainty, and the Ming Dynasty does not need it." One more emperor like your father who fights everywhere."

At this time, the old man did not have the majesty of the emperor in the past, only the kindness of a father, patiently persuading his son.

After talking about the second child, he looked at the third child again, and said, "Others don't know about your third child, but daddy does. You want to be the emperor too."

Hearing the old man's words, when the youngest Zhu Gaosui was about to refute something, the old man Zhu Di immediately raised his hand and interrupted him.

"Father knows, father knows, but your third brother is not as good as your second brother in fighting wars, and not as good as your elder brother in governing the country. In addition, you have stayed in the Jinyiwei for too long these years, and you can only see those chickens and dogs. Machinations on the table."

"You are not fit to be an emperor."

Listening to the old man's words, Zhu Zhanji on the side also looked at the third uncle beside him.

He knew that the old man was right.

Historically, his third uncle had rebelled, and it was still when the old man was alive.

United with Huang Yan from the East Factory.

It's just been discovered.

After talking about the three sons, the old man finally looked at Zhu Zhanji and said, "Look left and right. Among the people in our old Zhu's family, this kid really has the appearance of an emperor."

Speaking of this, the old man also laughed, and said: "Can you manage politics? This battle is not bad. He is a good seed."

"However, if you are too young, what should you do?"

With that said, the old man looked at the second and third children beside Zhu Zhanji.

And the second and third child also woke up suddenly after feeling what their father said, and hurriedly said: "Father, don't worry, we will definitely help the elder nephew well."

Although when they said this, neither of them was very willing.

But the old man still nodded and said, "Father also hopes that you can help me well."

While speaking, the old man wanted to turn around and ride on his horse to continue walking.

But at this time, Zhu Zhanji, who was sitting on the horse, suddenly spoke.

"Grandpa, you just finished the battle of Saibei, so you're going to let it go?"

Hearing what his eldest grandson said, the old man Zhu Di was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Why, are you still unwilling?"

Zhu Zhanji immediately said: "Grandpa, grandson has worked so hard to help you finish this battle. Your life is considered complete. Wenzhiwugong, you can see grandpa even if you go down in the future, but you didn't think about it." Will you live with me as a grandson?"

Zhu Zhanji's words stunned everyone present.

I don't understand what he meant by that.

At this time, Zhu Zhanji also continued: "Grandpa, how old is your grandson this year?"

When the old man frowned, Zhu Zhanji said directly: "The grandson is only in his early twenties this year!"

"Grandpa, how old were you when you became the emperor? 42! How long have you been in the job? It's only been 20 years now. You have lived a lifetime and wanted to be the emperor, so you went to be the emperor and worked for 20 years. But my grandson, I'm not yet at ease, I've just been married to Concubine Grandson for less than half a year."

"You tied my grandson to that broken dragon chair right now? If my grandson lives to the age of my great-grandfather, there will be 51 years left!"

"51 years! I spent all day in that dilapidated palace, walking two steps to the east and two steps to the west. When I opened my eyes, I saw the ministers. When I closed my eyes, my mind was full of government affairs. I spent all day talking with the old eunuchs and maids in the palace. We wandered around, thinking about it would make us feel aggrieved."

"On the contrary, grandson thinks that grandpa, you are in such good health now, and you should learn more from grandpa. If you work for another ten years, 71 is not too much, right? At that time, you will choose between my father, my second uncle, and my third uncle. One, do it for another ten or 20 years, and when you are all satisfied with it, I will do it again for my grandson.”

"Don't make it so that our family fights for the throne all day long, as if it's such a big treasure. And let Grandpa, you think about our family fighting for the throne all day long."

Listening to Zhu Zhanji's inexplicable words, the three present were really stunned.

Let's not talk about whether what this kid said makes sense, this guy is really brave.

Dare to say anything.

There is no taboo about fighting in battle or how old the old man will live.

And the old man also laughed angrily at this time, lifted the whip in his hand and swung it away.

Although he was avoided by Zhu Zhanji, he still said: "You brat, you dare to say anything, even your grandpa's age is programmed."

After finishing speaking, the old man Zhu Di turned around and led the three of them back towards the army.

On the way back, Zhu Zhanji also came to the old man's side and said, "Grandpa, look at this large piece of land. If you say you want to give it up, you will give it up? It's finally settled in Saibei. You can't just let it go Ah, thanks for that?"

"No matter how hard you build this Saibei, it's easy for us to build a city now, so you order our fifth son to lead people here to build a city, and don't build more. First build him a forty or fifty cities. Here is a large area. If the land is really used well, your achievements will be unprecedented in the ages."

"No matter which dynasty or generation it is, even if there is someone who brought down the Saibei, who did you see really merged the Saibei with our country? But it's different now. When the time comes, we will move the people in the territory here , and these local herdsmen, no matter what blood they are, we all treat them equally, learn our Han Chinese Tang poetry and Song Ci, and recognize our Han ancestors."

"At that time, all the children born in this land will be the children of our Ming Dynasty."

"Just like the methods written in Yu Qian Ping Rong Ce, within a dozen or 20 years, we will all be citizens of the Ming Dynasty."

"Think about it, these things only happened under your rule. If you go down with these things, it will be much more powerful than just taking down Saibei and Annan, not to mention seeing your ancestors. When I went out to visit, I ran into the old Li’s family, or the old Liu’s family, and it’s good to talk about it. Maybe Grandpa will set up a table for you to eat when he’s happy.”

Listening to the nonsense of his eldest grandson, for some reason, the old man was really happy to hear it.

I don't care that the people around me think that the emperor is old and disrespectful, and he smiled and asked Zhu Zhanji who was on the side: "Why, aren't you afraid that grandpa will take your credit? You fought the battle of Saibei, and grandpa followed It’s good for you to be a little bright, if this takes away your credit for governing Saibei, it’s not justified, right?”

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanji really didn't care.

He said vowedly: "Grandpa, you are so welcome, you can just sit at ease. If you think this credit is not enough, give your grandson a few years, and your grandson will help you to bring down the Khan Genghis Khan of the Yuan Dynasty. I will lay down all the land for you. I will bring you back some blond women, and when you meet your ancestors, you will bring them down, so that your grandpa will see them very rarely."

As soon as Zhu Zhanji said this, the old man Zhu Di burst out laughing.

But after laughing instinctively, I felt that this was really inappropriate, so I hurriedly waved the horsewhip in my hand at that kid Zhu Zhanji, and said, "Stinky boy, you are talking nonsense, even your great-grandpa has arranged it. If you talk nonsense again, you will be beaten to death with a whip."

Seeing this, Zhu Zhanji also quickly shut up.

Seeing that the old man seemed to be in better spirits again, he felt a little relieved.

He knew very well that the old man had passed away within the past two years.

Historically, he died of illness in Yumuchuan because of the failure of the last personal expedition, although it is said that he died of illness because he was injured while leading the army and was not treated in time.

But who knows if there is any reason why the heart is vented after the defeat and the bed is bedridden.

Although the Ming army has won a big victory now, it also made the old man fulfill his long-cherished wish for many years.

Not only in history, but also in many cases in previous lives.

A mother has been ill for a long time, but she persisted for the sake of her young child, and even became a medical miracle for later generations.

But when his child got married, he died within a short time.

The reason why he was able to persist for such a long time may not be the reason why he has been holding his breath.

Therefore, whether it is for his own happy life in the future or for the old man to live a few more years, Zhu Zhanji must find a way to make the old man's tone come up again.

After all, the old man is only 62 years old this year. Although he is not young, normally speaking, it is still possible to live for another ten years without being seriously injured like in history.

Therefore, this cake must be painted.

The words also hinted at the old man everywhere, make more achievements, as long as it can't be used, so that the ancestors can't find any reason.

And let the old man enjoy a bright future.

But don't say it, this method is really useful.

When he was on the hill just now, the old man still looked tired and old, but now, the spirit that had disappeared before came back.

Thinking of this, Zhu Zhanji was also thinking in his heart, after going back this time, he must go to the school to find a few books about health preservation, and give the old man a good conditioning.

 Ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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