Chapter 141 You are really fighting!
He said with a look of surprise: "This kid's thoughts are deep enough!"

"If he keeps going like this, how can we fight this battle? Before the battle is fought, the whole world belongs to him!"

"Second, don't just talk about that kid, you have to find a way."

Hearing what the third child said, Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu frowned and said: "According to common sense, this battle is basically a failure now, no matter whether we attack Shanhaiguan or other passes, that kid has already occupied an absolute advantage in the court. "

"In addition to winning people's hearts this time, it would be disadvantageous for us to do it again when the world is united. Besides, we have no reason to do it now. What are you talking about, that kid's position is not right?"

"The boy's canonization ceremony was presided over by the old man himself. In addition, this time the incident happened suddenly, and the boy's movements were also fast. We were completely passive. It must be impossible to think of a way from the boy himself. The only thing that can be thought of , just like the old man back then, he took the name of Qing Jun, but..."

Speaking of this, Zhu Gaoxu handed over the information he read earlier to the third brother Zhu Gaosui, and said, "Look at it, you boy."

Seeing the helplessness and emotion on the second child's face, the third child Zhu Gaosui was really puzzled.

Immediately, after receiving the information, he looked carefully.

But when he read the information, the expression on his face was exactly the same as that of the second child Zhu Gaoxu.

Helpless, emotion.
"Now they have released all the people in our house, saying that they can leave the capital anytime and anywhere, and even come to the outside of the customs. Now the whole capital knows about this. You said, how can this Qing Dynasty be cleared?"

"If people let people in your house be bewitched by officials, then what is not bewitched?"

Listening to the second child's words, the third child Zhu Gaosui also had mixed feelings in his heart.

For princes like them, especially for him, such things as power have come to an end.

Status, power, money.

What else do they want?
Eating, drinking, and sleeping, how come they haven't gotten the best of this world yet?

For him, the only reason for the rebellion was to help the second child to rise to power, and perhaps he could have more status and power in the imperial court.

But if you help the second child to get to the top, can you really get these?
Moreover, the premise of obtaining these is to pull down the one from the throne.

But who is that on the throne now?
It's from their old Zhu's family.

is a family.

It's their nephew.

Once you rebel, you will abandon all your family ties.

In this rather tangled situation, his eldest nephew set an example for them with his actions.

Nothing hard for their families.

Knowing that they were going to rebel, knowing that they were only short of an excuse to do it, but that kid still chose family affection.

Knowing that in the future, the family members in their house might be able to threaten them, but that kid didn't do it.

Because they are family.

They were even allowed to come outside the customs.

Regardless of whether the kid was trying to block their mouths in this way, the matter was actually done.

After all, facing the situation where his two uncles were preparing to lead the 500,000 army to rebel, that kid also put his family first.

He didn't make it difficult for his two uncles' families because of these.

Thinking of this, how could Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui not feel emotional.

After a long sigh, Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui still looked helplessly at his second son Zhu Gaoxu, and asked, "Then this is the situation now, and we must come up with a solution."

But the second child, Zhu Gaoxu, also said: "Is there any way, there are only two options before us, one is to hand over the military power, and the two brothers will go back to worship with the old man's coffin honestly. That kid's heart will not do anything to our brothers, maybe he will give him a good fief."

"Second, let's go to war directly."

"It's just that I don't know how to fight the battle after the war begins."

Hearing this, Zhu Gaosui, the third child, couldn't help answering: "Then you mean, this rebellion will stop, hand over the military power, and go back, hello me, hello everyone?"

Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu sighed helplessly after hearing this, and said, "It stands to reason that we have only this way to go."

Hearing this, the youngest Zhu Gaosui was taken aback for a moment.

"In theory? Second child, you don't really want to do it, do you?"

Obviously, the third child, Zhu Gaosui, could hear the second child's words.

But amidst the questioning voice of the third child Zhu Gaosui, the second child Zhu Gaoxu smiled and said, "Yes!"

Faced with the choice of the second child, the third child Zhu Gaosui never thought that since the second child knew so many reasons, why did he insist on doing it when it was not good for him in all aspects?
Could it be that, just for the sake of the throne, he didn't care about anything?

Can you even risk your own life?

"Second brother, you should think about it clearly. Once you do this, you won't be able to take it back."

However, the second child, Zhu Gaoxu, just smiled and said, "Of course we won't be able to take it back, and this attempt is very likely to fail, but we must do it!"

The second child's words became more and more outrageous, making the third child Zhu Gaosui's brain unable to keep up with the second child.

"No, second child, you say you can't win, and you want to rebel at the same time, what are you thinking in your head, don't you just let it go?"

Seeing that the third child gradually became impatient, the second child Zhu Gaoxu couldn't help but smiled again, and then said pretending to be profound: "The third child, since the old man passed away, haven't you noticed anything wrong?"

The second child's words immediately made the third child's heart tense.

Frowning, staring carefully at the second child Zhu Gaoxu in front of him, he asked: "Second child, just speak up if you have something to say, why are you beating around the bush all this time?"

Seeing that the third child was becoming more and more impatient, the second child, Zhu Gaoxu, no longer tried to be impatient, but got up slowly, and in the absence of anyone around, he still cautiously came to the third child Zhu Gaosui's side, whispering in his ear. He whispered: "Third brother, I have gone to see the old man's coffin. Although the material of the coffin is very good and the weight is heavy, there is a lot of difference in the middle."

Zhu Gaosui, the third child who heard this, shrank his pupils instantly, and asked the second child, "Second child, what do you mean by that? You mean."

Before the third child finished speaking, the second child Zhu Gaoxu smiled and nodded very firmly.

But the third child only thought about it for a while, and then said questioningly: "Second child, no way, this matter is so big, since Fan Zhong has been by the old man's side all the time, the old man's body should not be killed Someone stole it?"

As soon as the third brother Zhu Gaosui's words came out, the smug smile on the face of the second child Zhu Gaoxu disappeared immediately, and then he frowned, and said to the third child, "Third child, do you understand?"

The third Zhu Gaosui said: "I understand. The old man's body is gone, not in the coffin. Tell me, maybe that kid Zhu Zhanji was stolen."

Seeing that the third child was still not enlightened, the second child Zhu Gaoxu was almost speechless.

"After the old man died, he went directly into the coffin. Fan Zhong said that he was afraid that the army's morale would be unstable, so he did it according to the emperor's last will. The tens of thousands of soldiers around the Chinese army commander's tent, everyone has a pair of eyes. , two ears, wanting to transport the old man’s body out without revealing any news, how could it be possible.”

"Besides, when I was carrying the coffin, I specially ordered my cronies to carry it."

"At that time, the news of the old man's death probably hadn't spread to the capital, and the kid was still on the way to meet the holy driver and didn't go back. How could he have already started at that time."

Hearing the words of the second child Zhu Gaoxu, the third child also showed doubts on his face.

"Since it wasn't that kid, where did the old man's body go? Who would want the old man's body?"

Seeing that the third child, Zhu Gaoxuan, was still wondering where the old man's body had gone, he hadn't thought about whether the old man was dead or not, and the second child, Zhu Gaoxu, noticed something was wrong, and looked at it with suspicious eyes. Turning to the youngest Zhu Gaosui, he asked, "Sir, tell me the truth, are you deliberately pretending to be stupid in front of your second brother?"

"On weekdays, you are the most clever boy, but now you are suddenly stupid?"

Hearing this, the youngest Zhu Gaosui hurriedly said with certainty: "Second, what do you mean by saying that? You said you wanted to rebel, and I joined you in creating it. If you don't believe me, tell me sooner." , I’ll go back to my Shuntian Mansion, you can rebel here by yourself.”

Looking at the third child who was about to break up when he spoke, seeing his completely different temperament from the past, thinking about this kid's previous temperament, the more the second child Zhu Gaoxu thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong.

Ever since the old man passed away, this kid has been very abnormal.

I thought this kid was a little nervous for a while because he really wanted to rebel, but now it seems that it can never be that simple.

Thinking of this, the second child's face suddenly changed, and with a smile on his face, he walked to the third child Zhu Gaosui, hugged him, and said with a smile: "Look at you, what's the hurry, second brother, I'm just Just ask, what's the rush? No, no, no."

Then he put his arms around Zhu Gaosui, the third child, and asked with a smile: "Third child, in this situation, is it possible that the old man is playing a big joke on us?"

Looking at the smiling second brother Zhu Gaoxu, without thinking, Zhu Gaosui immediately said: "Absolutely impossible! Second child, what are you thinking! What a big deal the death of the emperor is, the old man is the emperor Don't you know? If it doesn't work out, the world will be in chaos, no matter how much dad likes to play, he can't make fun of us brothers with world events."

Listening to the third child's words, the smile on Zhu Gaoxu's face grew stronger.


"Yes, absolutely impossible, you don't have to think about it, second child, this is absolutely impossible!"

But Zhu Gaoxu was not in a hurry when faced with the appearance of the third child in his family. Instead, he asked with a smile: "Then why did the old man's body disappear? Why did it disappear?"

Facing the second child's question, the third child Zhu Gaosui immediately pushed down the arm that was on his shoulder, stared at his eyes, and said, "Why did the old man's body disappear? How do I know? Second child, you won't Do you suspect that I stole the old man's body? I am rebelling against you, what do I want the old man's body for!"

"Heaven and earth conscience, if I, Zhu Gaosui, stole the old man's body, I will be struck with a thunderbolt! The whole family will die!"

Hearing the sworn words of the third brother Zhu Gaosui, the second child Zhu Gaoxu just smiled and said: "The third brother, what are you doing? Look at how my second brother is, my own brother doesn't believe me. I How could you doubt you? This was created by the two of us together. If the five thunders are not the five thunders, the whole family will die. If your whole family dies, your second brother will suffer too. Tired?"

Hearing this, the third brother Zhu Gaosui also said: "I am a good and proper Prince Zhao, and I was going to rebel with the second brother, you, what do I want the old man's body for?"

In this regard, the second brother Zhu Gaoxu did not deny it, and said in agreement: "Yes, the third brother, I still know what you are like, the second brother. I will definitely not steal the old man's body, but I will accompany the old man Fake death to lie to your second brother, right?"

The third child, Zhu Gaosui, was full of grievances: "Second child! You still don't believe me!"

Zhu Gaoxu said with a smile: "Why don't you take this matter and swear again?"

Hearing this, the youngest Zhu Gaosui was stunned for a moment.

"Why, don't you dare?"

Hearing this, Zhu Gaosui, the third child, straightened his neck and said, "Send it as soon as you want, there is nothing you dare not do!"

"If I, Zhu Gaosui, accompany the old man to lie to my second elder brother Zhu Gaoxu, then I will be punished with a thunderbolt, and the whole family will not be allowed to."

But before the oath made by the third brother Zhu Gaosui was finished, the second brother Zhu Gaoxu directly punched the third child Zhu Gaosui in the stomach when he was not prepared.

After being punched, Zhu Gaosui suddenly felt severe pain in his abdomen.

Accompanied by the severe pain, the whole person also bent down, and sweat broke out on his forehead.

And that Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu no longer pretended.

"The whole family will die badly? Don't drag me if you want to die yourself."

"Honestly! Are you kidding me with the old man?!"

Hearing this, the third brother Zhu Gaoxuan still wanted to quibble, but when he saw the second child took another step closer, he quickly reached out his hand to stop the second child Zhu Gaoxu's movement, and said innocently, "I really didn't!"

"You're not telling the truth, are you?"

"Stop stop! I say, I say!"

Looking at the angry second child, the third child Zhu Gaosui was also helpless.

"Father is not dead."

After Zhu Gaosui finished speaking, the second child Zhu Gaoxu also put down his hand.


The old man really didn't die!
But before he could be happy for guessing the result, he took a look at the youngest Zhu Gaosui who was bending over and covering his belly in front of him, and immediately lost his temper, and walked towards the youngest angrily, while He scolded: "Bastard, don't tell me such a big thing, and join the old man to trick me! I rebelled and the old man chopped off my head, what good is it for you!"

Seeing that the second child was about to make a move, the third child Zhu Gaosui hurriedly took a step back, and said, "The old man forced me to do it! I can't help it either!"

"There is no way? Well, there is no way! If there is no way, you can't give me a hint? Just watch me get my head chopped off by the old man?!"

Hearing this, the youngest Zhu Gaosui also said helplessly: "Second brother, the old man forbade me to talk about this matter, saying that our two brothers are surrounded by people. If I dare to say it, the old man will definitely punish me! Besides Well, Dad won’t really cut off your head, at most it’s just a punishment, it’s not like it’s happened before. You rebelled before, and it was the old man’s rebellion, did he really chop you off?”

Hearing this, Zhu Gaoxu also understood everything: "I said recently why this butt always follows others, the relationship is that you and the old man have united."

But after waking up, he still pointed to the third child and said, "Can this time be the same as last time? How old is the old man? He is determined to make Zhu Zhanji the emperor this time. After his death, I Rebellion, can he spare me?! Fortunately, I was cautious and didn't let him get the evidence, otherwise you will wait to burn paper for me next year!"

Listening to the second child's words, the third child also gradually recovered from the severe pain just now, and then said: "Second child, it's not enough, at most I will lock you up for two days, it can't be true"

Although the third brother Zhu Gaosui said so, but thinking about it according to the second child's thinking, he himself did not believe what he said.

But after he finished speaking, he added: "But I can't help it. Dad threatened me face to face, saying that if I dare to tell you the truth, he will throw me directly to a mountain villa in the suburbs of Beijing. I will die in my life." Don't think about it."

Speaking of which, he seemed to think of something again, and continued: "Besides, don't pretend to be loyal to your second child. You found out that the old man's coffin was empty early in the morning, and you still tricked me to rebel against you. Why? If the old man is really alive, he plans to throw me out to take the blame? Don't think that your second child is the only one who is smart, and my third child is a fool!"

Zhu Gaoxu, the king of the Han Dynasty who was given this reason to reply by the third child, really couldn't think of any rebuttal at this moment.

At the beginning, the reason why he deliberately seduced the third child to speak out about the rebellion was because he guessed that the old man might not be dead.

In case this matter is really what he thinks, then he can still hold this kid together.

The old man might chop off his second child's head on impulse, but if there were two, he would have to think about everything.

Moreover, it was precisely for this reason that he hadn't done anything before he had figured out what was going on.

Take a quiet look first to see how deep the water outside is.

Is the old man dead, the body was taken away by someone, or he is not dead, and he is watching secretly to see if his second child is going to rebel.

But he never expected that not only was the water depth outside, but also the water inside his tent was not shallow.

This youngest, knowing that the old man is not dead, even the old man told him face to face, really gritted his teeth and didn't say anything!
Fortunately, he didn't really do it.

Otherwise, the old man must have ten thousand ways to hold him down before he makes a move.

Just when the two brothers in the tent were silent.

The third child couldn't help it first, and said: "It's okay, I didn't tell your second child about this. I made mistakes first, okay? Anyway, there is no rebellion now, so it's not a big deal."

Zhu Gaoxu, who sat down on the table, glanced at him and then turned his head again.

And the third child came over step by step, pretending to be close on purpose, and asked puzzledly: "Second brother, I have not figured out one thing. Since you already knew about dad and him Probably not dead, why do you still pretend to be rebellious?"

"And you just said that you still want to rebel even though you know the situation is unfavorable?"

"Aren't you rushing to put your head under daddy's knife?"

Hearing the third child's question, Zhu Gaoxu sneered and didn't want to talk to him.

Seeing this, Zhu Gaosui was also helpless, and came to the second brother Zhu Gaoxu with his neck held high, and said, "Yes! Second brother, I was wrong, can I admit my mistake? If you really think that punch just now was not enough, Come again, hit again!"

That Han King Zhu Gaoxu didn't hesitate at all, and he punched the youngest Zhu Gaosui in the abdomen again.

The location is still the same location.

This time, the third child was not only sweating on his forehead, but tears were streaming from the corners of his eyes.

While flushing from the pain, he said in pain, "Second brother, you fucking hit me!"

After punching the old man again, Zhu Gaoxu finally let out his breath.

After waiting for a while, when the third child Zhu Gaosui's abdomen didn't hurt so much, he asked Zhu Gaoxu, "Second child, you beat me too, can you say that?"

But the second child still just sneered, and said: "Think about it with your dog's brain, the old man made such a big scene of feigning death, do you think it's just to cheat my son? A mere King of Han?"

After finishing speaking, he ignored the third child and left the camp directly.

Among them, Zhu Gaosui, the third child, after hearing what the second child said, thought about it carefully, and when an answer appeared in his mind, a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Obviously, he already figured out why the old man hid by feigning death.

If the old man faked his death this time just for the two brothers, he wouldn't need to make such a big fuss at all.

In that army before, the boss and Zhu Zhanji didn't have any military merits, and naturally they didn't have any prestige.

In addition, the army should be firmly in the hands of his own family, so he and the king of Han could logically become the old man's right-hand man.

But since the last battle Zhu Zhanji commanded in Saibei, that kid's prestige in the army was not inferior to his Zhu Gaosui and his second child Zhu Gaoxu in this battle alone.

You just need to give him some time, and he will take over the old man's position in the future, that's a certainty.

What's more, there are people in the army who are loyal to the old man like British Duke Zhang Fu and General Chen Mao. With their support, even without his second and third children, he can still gain a firm foothold in the army.

Therefore, just for these, the old man is not necessary at all.

For a while, Zhu Gaosui, the third child, also had a general understanding of his father's thoughts.

 You may not believe it when you say it, the poison did not run away, and the acid crawled overnight.

(End of this chapter)

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