Chapter 142 Besieged on all sides,

"Each one of them can have [-] minds, and not one has a fuel-efficient lamp."

The third child, Zhu Gaosui, shook his head, thinking of his family members, and sighed helplessly.

Living in such a family is really exhausting.

Either you cheat me or I cheat you all day long.

Early the next morning.

With the news that Han King Zhu Gaoxu decided to attack Shanhaiguan, the entire Ming Dynasty, and even the entire eastern part of Asia, experienced great shock.

There was a sound of explosions from the artillery of the Shenji Battalion, and those forces and countries that either had secret operations within the Ming army or arranged scouts around the Ming army immediately began to spread the news to the world at the fastest speed. in the hands of their masters.

However, this decision of Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu seemed very hasty, and no one knows about it now.

Even the generals in the barracks didn't know anything about it.

It also includes the Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui.

However, with the sound of artillery in the early morning, the generals in the barracks instantly woke up from their tents.

One by one, they looked around in a panic.

At the same time, he hurriedly asked the soldiers outside the camp: "What's going on, what's going on? Why is there the sound of artillery?"

In the minds of the generals in the entire Ming army, the artillery positions under the command of the Shenji Battalion are the top priority of the Ming army.

It is the foundation of the entire battle formation of the Ming army.

No matter in any battle, the 500,000 troops of the entire Ming army were deployed around the artillery positions of the Shenji Battalion.

Therefore, in their hearts, the artillery position has an extraordinary meaning.

How could he not panic when he heard the explosion of the artillery now.

However, no matter what the generals asked, the soldiers around them didn't know anything.

Things that none of their generals knew, let alone their soldiers.

For a while, without knowing the situation at all, these generals headed towards the Chinese army commander's tent where the Han king Zhu Gaoxu was located, wanting to ask clearly what happened to make such a mess happen. There was a big movement, and even the explosion of the artillery rang out.

You know, now is the time to be stationed after the war, and they are inside the territory of the Ming Dynasty. If there is a problem here, it is by no means a trivial matter.

And at this moment in the Chinese military camp.

Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui had already come to the handsome tent, and just walked into the tent, he immediately asked Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu in the tent: "Second brother! Since you know everything, how dare you do it! Really! Don't want to live anymore!"

At this time, Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui was really anxious.

No matter how rebellious the second child was before, he didn't do any substantive actions.

But now.

After knowing the news that the old man was still alive, he dared to do it!

Listening to what he said yesterday, I thought he was acting like a rebel to cooperate with the old man.

But now that the cannons have sounded, this is a real rebellion!
After the old man knew the news, he was appointed to deal with him when he came back!

However, Zhu Gaoxu, the King of Han in the tent, sat on the chair, looked at the third son Zhu Gaosui who was looking anxious in front of him, but just sneered and said: "Since it is a drill, if you don't act realistically, others will Do you believe it?"

Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui, who was still anxious just now, was startled when he heard the words of the second child Zhu Gaoxu.

In an instant, he also understood the meaning of the second child.

My heart gradually calmed down.

Just after waking up, he heard the sound of cannons, and thought that the second child really dared to rebel after eating a bear's heart and leopard courage.

Now that I hear him say that, I understand.

This second child is selling the old man.

But think about it, if the second child doesn't do anything, the old man will definitely be disappointed with him when he comes back.

After all, the second child really wanted to rebel.

Only to find out later.

But now, the reason why he did this was to make up for his previous actions.

At that time, when the old man comes back, he can also excuse that it is to secretly help the old man act.

Then it all makes sense.

Thinking of this, the third child, Zhu Gaosui, slowly sat down on a chair beside him, and said to the second child: "Then you don't know how to say it, and I was shocked, I thought your second child was really insane. "

But no matter what the third child said, the second child Zhu Gaoxu had a look of disdain on his face.

Obviously, he was still brooding about the fact that the third child was hiding the truth from him.

Not even after one night.

Just when Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui was about to persuade the second child, the generals of the army rushed here one after another.

Seeing the anxious expressions on their faces, Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu and Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui in the tent understood why they came.

"Lord Han!"

"There was a sudden explosion of artillery in the army just now, but is there an enemy attack?"

"Yeah, I heard that just now!"

"Could it be that the artillery and ammunition of the Shenji Battalion were not well preserved and accidentally ignited?"


As the generals in that field had different opinions, the Han King Zhu Gaoxu who sat on the main seat did not say anything, but waited quietly.

It wasn't until the many generals in that field finished speaking one by one, and the scene became quiet, that Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu slowly got up and said, "The explosion just now was not due to the failure of the artillery and ammunition of the Shenji Battalion, nor was it caused by the enemy. attack."

"They bombarded Shanhaiguan after following the king's order."

As soon as Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu's words were spoken, all the generals in the entire barracks fell silent instantly.

All of them stared wide-eyed, looking at the Han King Zhu Gaoxu who was sitting on the main seat, showing incredulous expressions.

"King of Han, you can't take such a joke! This bombardment of Shanhaiguan is tantamount to rebellion!"


After seeing the expressions of the generals below, Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu raised his hand unhurriedly, interrupted everyone's conversation, and then said: "To tell you the truth, this king has decided to lead the army to attack Shanhaiguan last night. , Assault all the way, go straight to the capital of Shuntian Prefecture, Fengtianjing is difficult!"

"On the side of the Qing emperor, punish the treacherous ministers!"

After Zhu Gaoxu finished speaking, the generals in the field fell silent again.

They really did not expect that Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu would say these words so bluntly.

If the bombardment of Shanhaiguan just now was just a possibility of rebellion, the words of the Han King Zhu Gaoxu now confirm this statement.

The King of Han is not likely to rebel, but really wants to rebel!
Moreover, he has already put into action for this, bombarding Shanhaiguan!
Facing the King of Han's naked rebellion, some of these generals immediately questioned: "The King of Han said that the purpose of attacking Shanhaiguan this time was to appease Heaven and punish treacherous ministers. The last general dares to ask, Who is a traitor in the court? When will the court need the king of Han to lead an army to calm the situation?"

Hearing the words of the general in front of him, the Han King Zhu Gaoxu who stood in the first row was not surprised at all.

He had expected this scene to happen.

Immediately, he said: "The incident happened suddenly this time. Everything in the capital was conveyed orally through the people in the capital. Whether you believe it or not, you will know it after walking in the capital with me."

Although Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu's words did not have the slightest credibility, but in the face of the opponent's completely shameless behavior, what can these generals say.

Is it really necessary to let the person who conveyed the information verbally come face to face?
But since the King of Han dared to say that, he was naturally fully prepared.

Just find someone to coerce and lure, and you can do this.

Therefore, whether to call or not, and whether to confront them face to face, actually have no effect at all.

But he was helpless. They were all subordinates and could not disobey the command of the general.Even if the other party's words are hard to convince the public, but they have said it, let them see it in the capital.

Although they all understood that when the army entered the capital, everything would be settled, and whether it was consistent with what the King of Han said had no effect.

But now I can't say anything.

Just when the few loyal court officials among these generals wanted to speak, they were all stopped by the people around them.

They all understood that if the King of Han dared to speak here today, he must have prepared everything.

Against him at this time, the result can only be tragic, and it will have no impact on the overall situation.

On the contrary, some of the direct descendants of the King of Han showed surprise on their faces when they heard that the King of Han had finally made up his mind to rebel.

Seeing the various expressions on the faces of all the people present, Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu gave enough time to the spies and scouts in the army, and said, "Today is just a small test, ten days later, the army will officially start attacking the city!"

"Okay, let's all go down and get ready."

Hearing Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu's words, the generals present left the military tent with complicated thoughts.

Seeing the backs of them leaving one by one, the Han King Zhu Gaoxu in the tent finally showed a smile on his face.

But when he found that the third child in the tent, Zhu Gaosui, was still there, his expression changed, and he said, "Go away too."

Listening to his second brother's words, Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui wanted to say something, but chose to shut up.

He shook his head helplessly.

This second child really holds a grudge.

Just when the news in the military camp spread to the entire military camp after the generals left.

If the previous bombardment was still false, then what Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu announced to all the generals in the army would definitely not be false.

These conclusive information also began to spread in all directions.

In less than five days, news about the movement of the 500,000 troops outside the pass spread to all parts of the country.

Even those foreign powers have also received this news.

For a while, everyone began to prepare intensively in secret.

He wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to earn a lot of money from Daming Dynasty.

Outside of here, in the capital city of Shuntianfu in the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Zhanji, as the ostensible ruler of the entire Ming Dynasty, naturally learned the news through various means.

Including the farmyard in Shanhaiguan, the old men Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi also received the news.

For such a situation, the old man Zhu Di and the prince Zhu Gaochi naturally would not have any surprises, because they were waiting for this moment.

And Zhu Zhanji in the capital also began intensive preparations and responses.

Everything he has done before has been shown to his second and third uncles to the greatest extent. Since the second and third uncles insist on not accepting the favor, then he can only be forced to confront the second and third uncles head-on. up.

At this time, in Shanhaiguan, in addition to the [-] Shandong Japanese soldiers mobilized earlier, another [-] troops were urgently mobilized from various places.

In other words, there are more than 150,000 troops guarding Shanhaiguan today.

Although there is still a big gap with the 500,000 troops in the hands of the second and third uncles outside the pass, relying on the defense of Shanhaiguan, it is really hard to say whether the victory or defeat will be won.

As long as he can withstand the offensive of the second and third uncles in a short period of time, his 500,000 troops can be exhausted outside the pass, until the supplies are completely exhausted.

Of course, Zhu Zhanji is not idle about other places.

Although the entire Ming Dynasty's internal forces were almost exhausted under such circumstances, even if there were still places where troops were stationed, they were all confidential places of the Ming Dynasty, and there was no room for loss, and they could not be transferred.

But he urgently mobilized a cavalry army of 5000 people.

Stationed in Shuntian Prefecture, ready to respond to all parties.

Although the number of cavalry troops of these 5000 people is not large, it may not play a big role in this case.

However, this cavalry team is different from other cavalry teams in that this is the first light cavalry army in the Ming Dynasty equipped with matchlock guns!
Through training, I have become familiar with changing ammunition, shooting and galloping on horseback at the same time.

Unlike those in the Shenji Camp of the Ming Army who held sticks with a tubular fire stick made of iron in front of them, this is a real gun with aiming and range effects.

Although it is not so accurate, it is naturally infinitely stronger than these most primitive firecrackers.

If it is in the case of large corps fighting, this kind of arquebus may not be as powerful in actual combat as those firecrackers, one piece at a time, but the victory lies in its convenience.

Especially after being equipped on the cavalry, coupled with the innate mobility of the cavalry, no one dares to underestimate the power of such an army.

As long as the soldiers are used properly and are not dragged by double-teaming, they can shoot directly and long-range at medium and short distances, even after dismounting, they can also serve as a team of gunners.

It can be said that there are basically no disadvantages and can be applied in any combat scenario.

In general, Zhu Zhanji, who knew that the entire Ming Dynasty was about to enter the precarious situation, naturally did not leave any room for it, and was preparing with all his strength.

Ten days passed quickly.

While everyone was waiting for the news from Shanhaiguan, the first battle report to be sent back to the imperial court was not from Shanhaiguan, but from Yu Qian in Saibei.

The current leader of the Wara tribe, Chuoros Tuhuan, is the son of Mahamu and the father of Yexian. In history, the leader of the Wara tribe who conquered the entire Eastern Mongolia before Yexian led the Wara tribe. The land that the army took down.

Although they have nothing to do with those cities, they can cut off the connection of these cities in the middle.

Force the defenders stationed in various cities to go out of the city to fight.

Although [-] troops were stationed in these cities in Mobei at the beginning, after these troops are distributed in various cities, the number of people in each city will not be too many, and each city only has a few thousand people.

Although the defense of the city is sufficient, it is tantamount to a dream to go out of the city to fight those Mongolian cavalry troops.

And the second news that reached the imperial court was that the Jurchens of Nuer Gandusi rebelled!
They wanted to take this opportunity to completely get rid of the Ming Dynasty's rule over them.

The third is from Annan, which is today's Jiaozhi.

Li Li claimed to be the King of Pingding, and Lanshan Township rebelled against the Ming Dynasty. Pan Liao, Zheng Gongzheng, Li Hung and other rebels responded in the territory.

The fourth is from Shandong and Nanzhili. After the Japanese soldiers were deployed, the coastal areas of Shandong and Nanzhili did not have much defense against the Japanese pirates who landed secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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