Chapter 144 Break the game!

"It's certainly feasible to move back to Yingtian Mansion, and it's not an exaggeration to endure humiliation to ensure the stability of the Daming Society, but after a hundred years, how should we face the ancestors of my Zhu family, how to face the emperor's grandpa, and how to deal with them?" To the soldier who died fighting the enemy for the peace of the country and died on the battlefield!"

"I want to tell them that the descendants of the Zhu family have failed to live up to their expectations, and that the land conquered by the emperor's grandfather Wuzheng and Mobei was handed over to Oala? If we talk about Jiaozhi, it will still be taken away by the younger generation of the Li family? If we want to talk about the Kanto, in the end it will still be Lost it?"

"I don't want Zhu Zhanji's face, so I don't want it, but what about you, can you really have a clear conscience when you see those soldiers and generals after a hundred years?"

From the beginning to the end, Zhu Zhanji's tone was very calm, but calm and scary.

There was no emotion in the tone, but all the anger and determination were vividly expressed.

Although these officials did not say anything about giving up these places, according to their methods, Jiaozhi, Guandong, and Mobei will inevitably fall into trouble if they do not receive the support of the court for a long time.

There is nothing wrong with retreating to Yingtian Mansion and sitting in Yingtian Mansion to coordinate the overall situation, but it is giving up the entire northern part of the Ming Dynasty.

The entire northern provinces, seeing that the imperial court has withdrawn from Shuntian Mansion, what will they think.

What would the soldiers at the border think, the emperor ran away first, and still tricked the soldiers to serve on the battlefield?

How can there be such a good thing in the world.

How to choose is the right one, and Zhu Zhanji doesn't know how to choose the wise monarchs of all dynasties.

But he only knows one thing.

The imperial court cannot retreat!

Not only do not retreat, but also fight!

It's no fun to fight your own people, if you want to fight, you can fight foreign enemies!

If you have the ability, use it on foreign enemies!
"Yang Shiqi!"

"Chen is here!"

"Order Ma Bao to order the treasure ships of his fleet to inspect and intercept the Japanese pirate ships along the coast of the East China Sea, and cut off the escape route of the Japanese pirates!"


"Order you, Yang Shiqi, to be the governor of this war against Japanese pirates, and to mobilize troops, food and grass from various yamen in strict places to kill all the Japanese pirates in their cradle!"

Regarding Zhu Zhanji's order, Yang Shiqi obviously didn't think about it, but after being a little dazed, he immediately replied: "My minister obeys!"

After all, Zhu Zhanji turned to look at that book, and said, "Zhang book!"

"Wei Chen is here!"

"I order you to go to the land of Jiaozhi immediately, let you be the governor of Jiaozhi counter-insurgency, and have the authority over the chief envoy of Jiaozhi. I will hand over all the military and government affairs of Jiaozhi to you. I can't wipe out the rebels. Don't Come back and see me!"

This is the first time that Zhang Ben has been sent by Zhu Zhanji since he entered Beijing. Naturally, he did not dare to be negligent in the slightest, so he immediately replied: "Don't worry, Your Highness, this humble minister will definitely do his best! I won't return today!"

Finally, Zhu Zhanji looked at the vassal kings present, then walked over slowly, cupped his hands to the vassal kings in front of him, and said, "Uncles, now that Daming is at the point of life and death, my nephew is already dead." There are no soldiers available, so I would like to invite all of you uncles to lead the troops in their respective fiefs, and follow the orders of the Ministry of War to counter the rebellion in various uprisings within the territory!"

Listening to Zhu Zhanji's words, and the respectful and solemn request in front of all the ministers present, the vassal kings looked at each other without any hesitation. Although the strength of their fiefdoms is very limited now , it does not pose any threat to the entire imperial court, but it is still no problem to quell some ordinary uprisings and wipe out hundreds of rebels who may not even be fully equipped with weapons.

After thinking of this, everyone did not hesitate at all, and also gave Zhu Zhanji enough face, saying: "I will obey your Highness's order!"

Zhu Zhanji called them uncles in front of everyone, and was respectful in everything, how could they be really ignorant.

The difference between monarch and minister is still very clear.

After hearing everyone's promise, Zhu Zhanji also said respectfully: "Nephew, thank you uncles again!"

After finishing speaking, he turned around and looked at Yang Rong, one of the three Yangs in history, and said, "Yang Rong!"

"Chen is here!"

"I order you to take over Yang Shiqi's position as Minister of the Ministry of War, and coordinate the military affairs of various places in the capital!"

When Zhu Zhanji said this, everyone was surprised again.

Yang Shiqi rushed to the coastal area to wipe out the Japanese pirates, and Yang Rong took over as Minister of the Ministry of War. No, His Royal Highness is leaving?


When everyone was shocked, Zhu Zhanji also said: "The Wara tribe has attacked me several times. How can the land of Mobei that the emperor's grandfather conquered all his life allow him to take it so easily? This time, we I must personally lead five thousand cavalry from the outskirts of Beijing to Mobei, and personally chop off the head of Chuoros Tuhuan!"

Zhu Zhanji knew it very well.

Although Mobei is now completely in the hands of the Ming army, due to the degree of development of Mobei and the problem of population density, the degree of control is very limited.

It is precisely because of this that even though many people know that Mobei has fallen into the hands of the Ming army, they still have their abacus there, coveting the land of Mobei all the time.

So, this time, when Chuoros Tuhuan once again attempted to get his hands on Mobei, he wanted to give him a head-on blow!

It is also telling everyone that Mobei is the land of his Ming army!

No one can even think about trying to get involved at any time!
Of course, other than that, it was also out of worry about Nachoros Tuhuan, after all, this person was the figure who unified the entire Mobei in the history of Wala.

Compared with his son Yexian, this person is the one who revived Wala.

Perhaps because of China's thousands of years of history, Rongdi in the north has always been the biggest threat to the Central Plains of China.

Therefore, as long as there is a slight crisis in the north, Zhu Zhanji will never accept it.

Especially now that the overall situation in Mobei has been determined, they have not lived such a good life in Huaxia for many years.

Only when there is no threat from foreign enemies can their Ming Dynasty truly let go of their hands and feet to develop.

He will never allow such a good situation to be broken!

At the same time, the crisis in the Ming Dynasty seems to be full of crises in all directions, but in Zhu Zhanji's eyes, there are actually only two real crises.

The first one is the second uncle and third uncle outside the pass, and the second is the Wala tribe in Mobei.

As for the Japanese pirates, Jiaozhi, and Nuer Gandusi.

In these areas, except for the Japanese pirates in the eastern coastal area, there was no pre-prepared troops stationed after the Japanese soldiers were drawn.

The rest of the places actually had the original garrisons of the Ming army.

In this case, even if they rebel, there will not be too much crisis in a short period of time.

After sending important court officials there, I believe the situation will be eased to a certain extent.

As for Mobei, although Yu Qian is also there, Yu Qian has not grown to the level of Yu Shaobao in history at this time, and it is not known whether he can control the situation.

In addition, the distance between the cities is too far, and it is still too difficult to form a connection with each other. Whether it is supplies or other issues, they cannot be underestimated.

Once the cities in Mobei are occupied by those Oirats, Zhu Zhanji has no capital to burn the cities a second time.

It is impossible to gather a large army to encircle and suppress like the old man in a short time.

Once the city of Mobei is developed by it, it will be extremely difficult to restrain it at that time.

It was even dozens of times more difficult than the old man's restraint of those Mongolian tribes at that time.

Therefore, he must defeat it before everything happens!
Of course, the reason why he chose the Wala tribe in Mobei as his first target is also because the cavalry under his command just formed restraint against these prairie cavalry.

If the other party underestimates the situation, perhaps it is possible to do everything in one battle.

After all, the total strength of the Nawala tribe is only about 20,000 people.

Compared with the Japanese pirates who can retreat to the sea at any time, the Jiaozhi rebel army hiding in the mountains and forests, and the Northeast Jurchen tribe, they are the best to defeat.

Now the entire Ming Dynasty is like a chessboard in all directions.

Since it was a game of chess to break the game, it was natural to pick a soft persimmon and pinch it.

Destroy all the way first, and you can give confidence to the people of the world.

Stabilize the situation.

However, just after Zhu Zhanji said that he was going to lead the army to Mobei in person, the surrounding ministers stood up one by one.

"No! Your Highness!"

"Your Highness is now the backbone of the imperial court and Ming Dynasty. If His Highness goes to Mobei, I'm afraid the hearts of the world will be unstable!"

"Yes, Your Highness, the army of the King of Han and King Zhao is just outside the Shanhaiguan Pass. If His Highness goes to Mobei, I'm afraid they will attack Shanhaiguan as soon as possible!"

"Your Highness, it is absolutely impossible!"

"Your Highness is the foundation of the imperial court for a hundred years. If His Highness loses it, the Ming Dynasty will be in danger!"

"There are more than [-] cavalry from the Wala tribe, but there are only [-] cavalry in the suburbs of Beijing. How can they be the opponents of the Wala tribe?"


Obviously, everyone disagrees with Zhu Zhanji's plan to personally send troops to Mobei.

Too dangerous.

However, in the face of everyone's persuasion, Zhu Zhanji did not shake his mind at all.

Instead, he looked at all the people present and asked, "If I don't go to Mobei this time, who would dare to say that we will defeat the Wara tribe? The Wara tribe is always threatening my cities in Mobei. If these cities fall into In their hands, our Ming army has no way or ability to encircle and suppress Mobei on a large scale in a short period of time. I would like to ask you, in three to five years, when Navala grows bigger, how should we solve it? "

Facing Zhu Zhanji's question, everyone present was dumbfounded.

They really didn't know what to say to Zhu Zhanji's question.

But Zhu Zhanji did not intend to give up on this, and continued to ask: "Just now, both Yang Shiqi and Zhang Ben said that the 500,000 Ming army outside Shanhaiguan is the source of disaster. I agree with this, but what should we do if we want to break the situation?" ?”

"The defeat of the 500,000 army outside Shanhaiguan does not mention whether it is possible, and what will happen. Just say that the 500,000 army is defeated. After killing each other, how much strength does our Ming army have?"

"The battle outside Shanhaiguan can't be fought, and it can't be fought. As long as I do it, my ten-year foundation in the Ming Dynasty will be short. The affairs outside Shanhaiguan can only be planned slowly. The [-] Japanese soldiers and the original garrison inside the pass will confront him inside the pass. , is the best way now."

"But don't we just do nothing?"

"Sit back and watch the lands of the Ming Dynasty being occupied by foreign enemies? Are the people captured by foreign enemies?"

"My personal conquest of Oala this time is the beginning of this break-up! As long as the Oirat tribe is broken and the pressure on the imperial court is reduced, the [-] troops in the entire Mobei can be liberated. As long as the Japanese pirates in the southeast coastal area are eliminated, Ma Bao's The treasure ship fleet went north along the coast and landed along the coast of Nuer Gandusi, and I led tens of thousands of troops from Mobei to reinforce at the same time."

"Under attack from three sides, we can keep Nuer Gandusi stable, and maybe we can do our best in one battle and completely wipe out those Jurchen tribes who pretended to submit to the court!"

"In this way, the 500,000 Ming troops outside the Shanhai Pass can be surrounded from the north and the south. Only when the disasters in the Ming Dynasty have been eliminated can they form a deterrent to the King Zhao of the Han Dynasty outside the Shanhai Pass. Collect the power of the whole country and focus on here."

"Faced with pressure from all directions, I believe my second uncle and third uncle will make the best choice!"

In a moment, Zhu Zhanji said all his thoughts.

Facing the predicament, it is one way to defeat the 500,000 troops outside Shanhaiguan and force the entire Ming Dynasty to eliminate the scourge by itself.

But it is also a way to eliminate all the scourges in the surrounding area first, and then concentrate our forces and energy to deal with the 500,000 troops outside the Shanhai Pass.

Even compared to the first method, the loss of the second method will be much smaller.

At least the combined strength of the Nawala, Cochin, and Jurchen tribes is far less than the 500,000 troops outside the Shanhai Pass.

The combat power is also far inferior to the 500,000 Ming army.

Since the right time and place are not in my favor, then make a big move!

While it might sound unrealistic to talk about it these days, it's all typed!
It's impossible, and you'll only know if you fight first!

Although Zhu Zhanji's words made everyone present see a possibility, it was only a possibility.

If you want to defeat Oala, and then solve the Kanto issue, and even attack the 500,000 Ming army outside Shanhaiguan from the north to the south, let alone the difficulty, even if it is possible, how much time will it take?

One year, two years?

Will the King of Han and King Zhao outside Shanhaiguan give the court so much time? !

Yang Shiqi was the first to raise objections, saying: "But Your Highness, have you ever thought that once the news of His Highness leading the army to the north is spread, the Han King and Zhao King outside Shanhaiguan may act immediately! At that time, if the soldiers in the pass can't stop it, the entire Ming Dynasty may fall into the hands of King Zhao of Han!"

If His Highness Taisun had said that someone else would carry it out, perhaps he, Yang Shiqi, would not have said anything, but now, His Highness Taisun went out in person.

This has a completely different meaning!
At a critical moment, His Royal Highness Taisun, who is a ruler, left the center of the court. This has a great impact on the hearts of the people in the world!
With the grandson present, even if Yang Shiqi left the court and Zhang Ben left the court, it would not have much impact on the overall situation.

But once the grandson is gone, the hearts of the people in the capital may be unstable!

However, after hearing Yang Shiqi's words, Zhu Zhanji immediately shook his head, sighed again, and said: "If fate is like this, I, Zhu Zhanji, have nothing to say, but here, even if the second and third uncles Sitting on this throne, Mobei and the Kanto region will never be allowed to lose!"

Then he pointed to the dragon chair behind him and said: "The emperor sitting on that dragon chair is not called Zhu Zhanji, but the ancestral land will never allow foreign invaders to touch it!"

"Don't persuade me, I've made up my mind."

After finishing speaking, Zhu Zhanji looked up and shouted to the surroundings: "Zhu Zhanyong!"

Hearing Zhu Zhanji's shout, Zhu Zhanyong, who was hiding in the corner, came out with a surprised face.

He didn't know what his elder brother told him to do at this time.

After all, his role has always been to run errands for the elder brother and do some money business.

But when he came out, Zhu Zhanji pointed at him and said, "After I leave, my third younger brother, Zhu Zhanyong, will be in charge of this capital, assisted by Yang Rong and Yang Pu, and will take care of the overall situation!"

(End of this chapter)

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