Chapter 145 The death of the king.

"Your Highness!"

Listening to what the people around him wanted to say, Zhu Zhanji directly interrupted what they wanted to say.

He said again: "There is no need to discuss this matter again."

Then he pulled the youngest Zhu Zhanyong over with one hand, and said, "Brother Jingcheng will leave it to you."

Listening to Zhu Zhanji's words, Zhu Zhanyong is still in a daze and has not recovered.

"Brother, I."

However, when he saw his elder brother's eyes, Zhu Zhanyong swallowed back what he wanted to say.

"Don't worry, brother."

Seeing this, Zhu Zhanji smiled.

Then he looked at Yang Rong and Yang Pu.

Especially Yang Rong, who can plan and make decisions, is mature and prudent, and is especially good at planning border defense affairs.It is said in history that he "wields his weight with ease and makes decisive decisions when things happen".

The reason why he dared to hand over all the affairs in the capital to the third child was because of this person.

Nowadays, the most important thing in the affairs of the Ming Dynasty is the defense over there.

With him assisting the third child, I believe the situation will be stabilized.

Thinking of this, Zhu Zhanji said slowly: "This matter has been decided in this way, everyone step back."

Although there are still many people who disagree with Zhu Zhanji's plan, they can't stand Zhu Zhanji's mind.

They could only retreat according to Zhu Zhanji's words.

In Shang's study.

After Zhu Zhanji carefully instructed the youngest Zhu Zhanyong to be optimistic about the imperial court and take good care of his mother at home, Zhu Zhanji did not stay, and left the capital as soon as possible, and gave the five thousand cavalry formed before Called over.

They headed towards that Mobei together.

Zhu Zhanji knew very well that his actions this time depended on his speed.

If all problems can be solved in a short period of time, then the overall situation can be settled.

If there is still no progress after the second and third uncles outside Shanhaiguan break through Shanhaiguan, then the game is over.

So I didn't give myself much time to prepare.

He only ordered the people in the army to bring more than half a month's food and sufficient ammunition, and then went straight on the road.

Mercedes-Benz on the avenue, at this time Zhu Zhanji was unprecedentedly dignified.

This was the first time he encountered such an uncertain situation after coming to the Ming Dynasty.

But there is no way, since you have chosen, you have to admit it!
The day after Zhu Zhanji left the capital.

In a farmyard behind Shanhaiguan.

The old man Zhu Di stood in the yard and watched the information sent by Huang Yan, the governor of the East Factory, his brows gradually knit together.

"Wala, Jurchen, Li Li, Japanese pirates"

"Okay, it all popped up all at once. If that's the case, then you can't blame me."

"There are also those officials and gentry, it seems that they are too kind to them! How dare they secretly fund the rebellion of those unscrupulous people at this time, well, since they have all jumped out, let's clean them up together!"

As he said that, the old man Zhu Di squinted his eyes, looked at Zhu Gaochi beside him, and said, "Boss, in the current situation, I'm afraid we won't be able to relax anymore."

Listening to his father's words, Prince Zhu Gaochi naturally understood the meaning of these words.

Now there are rebellions in all directions in the Ming Dynasty, which is beyond their expectations.

Although this incident itself is that they want to seduce those hidden crises to emerge by themselves, so as to catch them all.

But the original plan was to let that kid Zhu Zhanji do this, and he just happened to have a look at this kid's ability.

But now, it doesn't work.

Enemies have appeared in all directions in the Ming Dynasty today, and outside Shanhaiguan, the second and third led an army of 500,000 to rebel.

If they don't show up at this time, won't the kid be driven crazy?
After all, he has no soldiers in his hands.

No matter how great the ability is, it is difficult to deal with it without soldiers.

Immediately, Zhu Gaochi said with a smile: "Since you have already thought about it, Dad, I can do it according to your wishes."

Hearing this, the old man Zhu Di nodded his head, and when he was about to give some order, Huang Yan who was at the side hastily reminded: "Your Majesty, there is still a message that the grandson is in the court."

Hearing Huang Yan's words, even though the old man Zhu Di already had his own ideas, he still smiled and said, "Come on, let's see what that kid from that family does."

With that said, he opened the information.

After his careful inspection, his brows tightened for a while, stretched for a while, and tightened again for a while.

In the end, he frowned and handed the information to the boss beside him, Zhu Gaochi, and said, "Look."

Seeing the old man's expression, Zhu Gaochi's heart tightened, and he quickly took over the information and read it.

After he read all the information in this intelligence, he frowned and said, "Father, how dare this kid go to Mobei with only 5000 people!"

"Five thousand against twenty thousand, isn't that a death sentence?"

Zhu Gaochi didn't have any objection to Zhu Zhanjining's approach of refusing to retreat, but he still felt that it was too dangerous and too reckless for the kid to lead 20,000 cavalry to face the [-] people's Oirat soldiers in Mobei .

Listening to the words of the boss Zhu Gaochi, the old man Zhu Di on the side seemed a little calm, and he couldn't see what he was thinking.

"This kid's bones are really hard. I didn't notice it before."

When he said this, the old man Zhu Di had both approval and worry in his heart.

What I commend is that this kid usually doesn't look glib, but when it comes to critical moments, he is a child of his old Zhu's family after all, and he has no intention of retreating at all.

Not only did he not follow the words of those ministers, he retreated to Yingtian Mansion to sit in command, in order to preserve the court.

He also has to personally lead five thousand soldiers and horses to fight a bloody path for the Ming Dynasty.

Quite a bit of the meaning of the death of the king.

And it is precisely these that are worrying.

Although the problems on the surface of the Ming Dynasty seem very difficult, as long as his old man Zhu Di speaks out, the 500,000 troops outside Shanhaiguan will turn their spearheads to suppress those rebellions.

But that kid doesn't know.

That kid's job is to risk his life to fight a bloody way for the Ming Dynasty.

If something bad happens, his old man will regret it.

While the old man Zhu Di was thinking about this, the prince Zhu Gaochi beside him couldn't bear it anymore.

"Father, that kid is reckless, we can't do it, if something bad happens to that kid, we father and son will be sinners!"

"Father, send someone to chase that kid back immediately!"

Now that he knew that his boy's life was in danger, how could Zhu Gaochi care about so many things, all he wanted was for his boy to come back safely.

However, facing Zhu Gaochi's words, the old man Zhu Di thought carefully for a moment, then raised his hand to interrupt Zhu Gaochi's words.

Then, as if he had made some important decision, he said: "In my opinion, Zhu Zhanji is by no means a reckless person. Since he has decided to conquer the Wara tribe himself, he must have some confidence." .I believe that kid can't do the thing of sending him to death."

"Now that kid has led his army away for a day, if we go after him now, we probably won't be able to catch up."

"According to that kid's thinking, he must be the first to eradicate the threat around the Ming Dynasty, and then attack the army outside Shanhaiguan. Force the second and third to compromise. If that's the case, why don't we let that kid do it?"

"This time, if that kid can lead the five thousand troops, the current chaos will be settled, and the world will be at peace, and no one will be able to shake that kid's throne. On the contrary, if we come forward at this time, we can help What about that kid?"

"When the news spread that the turmoil outside Shanhaiguan was quelled, I'm afraid that kid has already met the Wala people."

"And our appearance will only affect the achievements that kid should have made."

"The scourge of the Japanese pirates in the east has Yang Shiqi personally going to quell the chaos, and Ma Bao's treasure ship fleet cooperates. I believe it will not be difficult to solve the scourge of the Japanese pirates. With Zhang Ben going to the south, it is not difficult to stabilize the situation. Now it's up to that kid The situation in Mobei."

Listening to his father's words, although Zhu Gaochi understood what his father meant, he also understood that his father was doing it for the boy's good.

In order for him to secure the throne.

However, how could he, a father, watch his own children risk their lives.

"Father, the sword has no eyes on the battlefield!"

However, the old man Zhu Di seemed to have made up his mind, and said: "Since that kid has already decided what he is going to do, we elders should give the child a chance. The reason for going to the battlefield. Didn’t that kid lead the army for the first time, and he also defeated Mahamu?”

"Let him go."

But Zhu Gaochi still said: "Father!"

"do not talk!"

Seeing his father's face, Zhu Gaochi stood aside and gritted his teeth tightly.

Knowing that it was difficult for him to convince the old man, Zhu Gaochi could only pray for his child in his heart.

Just when the father and son in the yard had conflicts again because of this incident, although Huang Yan who was standing by the side definitely couldn't say anything at this time, after thinking about it, he still told a piece of news .

"Your Majesty, the Crown Prince."

"The minister here has another piece of news."

Hearing Huang Yan's words, the old man Zhu Di, who was a little unhappy because of the boss's dissuasion, frowned and said, "Hurry up!"

Hearing this, Huang Yan hurriedly nodded, and then said: "Your Majesty, according to the reports from the East Factory's spies, Grandson Concubine seems to be happy."

Hearing this news, the expressions of the two who were originally angry suddenly changed at this moment.

Then he stared at one eyeball and said, "What did you say? Say it again!"

Huang Yan understood the thoughts of the two people in front of him, and hurriedly repeated: "Concubine Taisun, I am happy."

Hearing Huang Yan's reconfirmation, the old man beside him, Zhu Di, burst out laughing after a brief moment of sluggishness.


"Good boy!"

After laughing, standing in the yard seemed to feel uncomfortable from left to right.

If they were still in the palace at this moment, they would have called that kid Zhu Zhanji over immediately to ask.

But now that he is here, he is hiding it by feigning death.

I was a little impatient for a while.

I can't even ask my grandson-in-law in person.


In Dingbei city.

At this time, Zhu Zhanji's younger brother Zhu Zhanyi was discussing the current situation with Yu Qian.

"Master Yu, now we just hide in this city every day is not an option. We have sent out several waves of scouts, but they were all killed by the people from the Navala tribe. Although Dingbei City relies on the potatoes and The sweet potatoes are not worrying about eating, but the food in other cities will definitely not last long."

Listening to the words of the fifth emperor's grandson Zhu Zhanqian, how could Yu Qian not know about these things, but now he is trapped in this Dingbei city, and he can't even get any news from the outside world, what can he do?
Although the distance between the various cities is not close, the strength of the Nawala tribe is not too many, only about [-].

But the [-] troops of our own side are distributed in various cities, who knows where the troops of the Nawala tribe are.

The scout teams sent out before were all discovered and massacred.

Not to mention the infantry in their city.

Once someone finds out on the way to deliver supplies, don't think too much about the outcome.

Thinking of this, Yu Qian also replied with a sad face to Zhu Zhan, the fifth emperor's grandson beside him: "His Royal Highness, although the current situation is very tense, we are in this land of Mobei, and there is no one The method. Instead of acting rashly, it is better to wait for the support of the court."

"The news about our place has been sent back to the imperial court before. I believe that the imperial court will definitely find a way to support us and help us solve our current predicament."

But Zhu Zhanqian still said: "You and I also know the news from the court before. The emperor's grandfather passed away, my father died, and the king of Han and the king of Zhao were still rebelling outside Shanhaiguan. Now there is only my elder brother in the court. One person presides over the overall situation, and the imperial court itself has no soldiers to use, and guaranteeing itself is a problem, so how can there be energy to help us."

"What I mean is that the imperial court definitely won't be able to help us solve these problems in a short period of time. Instead of sitting still and waiting to die, we might as well do something. Although the soldiers and horses in our city are all infantry and only one thousand cavalry, our The total number of troops is also about [-], if we can deal with it properly, even if we face the [-] cavalry of Wala, we may not necessarily be defeated."

Listening to these words, Yu Qian also understood the meaning of the five grandsons, but he couldn't.

When I was with the emperor and grandson before, I often heard them say that you can't win by yourself, but you can win by the enemy.

He has also read this in military books.

Now that the two armies are facing each other, the other side knows them, but they don't know each other.

You don't even know where the opponent is and when the attack will occur, so how to fight this battle?
Once he rashly leads his troops out of the city, the result will inevitably be as stated in the Art of War, actively exposing his weaknesses to the enemy.

And if there is any problem with the [-] troops in Dingbei City, the situation in Mobei will be over.

Although they are trapped in the city and cannot get out, at least there are [-] troops and sufficient food that can be mobilized at any time, which can ensure that they have the ability to do it when the fighter appears.

(End of this chapter)

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