Chapter 164
Going to the court at Maoshi does not mean that from this hour onwards you will be conscientious in handling government affairs until dark.

There is no such thing.

In ancient times, the class of officials belonged to the upper class of the whole society.

If their lives are still the same as the old scalpers, from five in the morning to six in the evening in the concept of time in later generations, can they bear it?

Can't stand it.

This is not to say that it is like the later generations, hold a meeting, make a summary, discuss and discuss the direction of government affairs in the future, etc.
Even the ancients were generally tougher in life.

But you must know that the class of officials is not ordinary people.

Ordinary people can be busy from dawn to sundown, work at sunrise and rest at sunset, because they have life and a family behind their backs.

If he didn't do it, he would starve to death.

But these officials are different.

On this point, Zhu Zhanji has been following the old man, and he dare not say it elsewhere, but the officials in the capital, although the court did not set any rules, they all have their own schedules in private.

Drink tea, chat for a while, think about where to go at night, which girl to listen to.

Although it is all human nature, what Zhu Zhanji hates the most is this kind of fake diligence.

It sounds like everyone worked hard and worked hard,

Going to the court at Maoshi, not to mention those who live close by, and those who live far away, have to get up half an hour in advance to wash and prepare, and they also have meals and itineraries on the road.

The most important thing is not to be late.

The ancient court is not like the later generations, it doesn't matter if you are late once or twice.

For such an era, if you are late once or twice, once you are caught, it is basically equivalent to stamping a lazy label on you as an official.

After all, prejudice is the same in any era.

In later generations, being misunderstood by the leaders made it a big deal for us to change jobs, but here it is different.

Not to mention that you alone have a high probability of not being able to change in this life, even your family, from generation to generation, basically cannot escape this leader.

Just imagine, once or twice such a routine is okay, but every day, who can bear it.

Even though ancient people generally went to bed early at night, this kind of work and rest time is still too pedantic.

Obviously, we can change to a convenient and comfortable time for everyone, so why bother.

In the early morning, we all got enough sleep, and we can go to work after sleeping comfortably, how nice it is.

Of course, besides these, there is another very important reason for this is Zhu Zhanji himself.

Thinking of the next [-] years, getting up at [-] o'clock every morning, this is really earlier than the chicken.

Let alone more than sixty years of living like this, he couldn't hold on to it for a month.

I don't want to hold on for a day.

Therefore, it is imperative to restructure the time for daily government affairs, and no one can stop him.

But in fact, to be honest, Zhu Zhanji didn't just think about himself when he did this.

Because the identities of those who deal with government affairs are different, it seems that they are the only ones who are busy because of this matter, but in fact, there are countless people behind them who are busy because of their time rules.

In this way, the scale is not small.

Not to mention that those officials like to read a book and read it very late every night.

In this way, the loss to the body is very large.

Insufficient sleep is a very big factor affecting health.

Even bigger than the impact of your poor diet.

For normal people, as long as they can eat well, sleep well every day, and have a regular life and a healthy working environment, the chances of getting seriously ill in this life are actually very small.

Of course, except for special circumstances, such as genetics and the like.

And this time, if the system can be truly reformed, it will be a good thing for those who serve their group.

For example, eunuchs and maids, including the servants of those officials' houses.

Their social status cannot be compared with these officials.

These people get up at [-] o'clock every morning, and basically can't rest until very late.

Their physical health is also a big concern.

Furthermore, there is the whole world. If the imperial court can formally reorganize this time and spread this way of working with efficiency to all parts of the country, such a change will not be small.

Among other things, many of the papers that Zhu Zhanji reviewed every day when he was in charge of the country were about officials who fell ill or died suddenly.

This kind of thing happens from time to time, not uncommonly.

Officials in the Ming Dynasty were different from before.

Many previous dynasties had physical fitness requirements for officials and imperial examination candidates.

For example, the Six Arts started from the Zhou Dynasty, the six basic talents required by the Zhou King's official school: ritual, music, archery, royal, calligraphy, and mathematics.

Among them, shooting and imperial training will indirectly exercise the body.

In the Tang Dynasty, almost everyone was equipped with a sword.

It has always been a tradition for literati to favor martial arts.

This is also the reason why many world-famous generals often appeared among the noble children of many previous dynasties.

In fact, in any field, if the family conditions are good, the offspring will have advantages.

There is no such thing as poor people who are prone to generals. Counting the world-famous generals in later generations, several of them were born in real poverty.

Still the same sentence, those who were born in bitter cold died.

I dare not say it is impossible, but the probability is still low.

So it leads to a big problem that most of the officials look like sour scholars.

Physical fitness is generally poor.

Especially in the imperial examination system of the Ming Dynasty, the selection rule was stereotyped selection.

It has nothing to do with physical fitness.

And if people in the world want to get the opportunity to be promoted in this situation, they can only follow the rules of the court, abandon those things that should not be wanted, and those things that will waste energy and time, and change them to special study articles.

Therefore, even if it is to reduce the deaths of these officials, it is imperative for Zhu Zhanji to do this.

Moreover, this will also lead to a greater difference between literati and generals.

What will eventually appear will be like the Song Dynasty, where civil servants and military officials form two camps.

Isn't it because of the power of the civil servants that the Song Dynasty perished because they valued literature over military affairs?
Therefore, in Zhu Zhanji's plan, the reform of the imperial court's daily morning court and the handling of government affairs is just the beginning.

A small start.

But things are often like this. A small thing that happened in this palace will have a very big impact after it is spread to the world.

To use a sentence in later TV dramas, if the court is rotten, the world will be rotten.

A small hobby of a king in the Song Dynasty when he was selecting talents led to the demise of the Great Song Dynasty.

Now what Zhu Zhanji has to do is to start from this point and tell everyone in the world that he is different this time.

He wants to fundamentally reform the system of the Ming Dynasty!
Because no matter how much hope and expectation Zhu Zhanji has for the Ming Dynasty, everything must be changed in essence.

It's as if the Ming officials and gentry took over and led to the demise of the Ming Dynasty, it was because the deposed Zhongshu Province set by Taizu was reappeared under a different name.

Therefore, only by first changing the system that affects the operation of the entire world can we expand the area based on this system and strengthen the entire country.

This point can be clearly seen from history.

The establishment of great countries in later generations, which one did not start with an initial ideological innovation.

And no matter how much effort you make, if there is no assistance and support from the system, everything will be like a moon in the mirror.

In less than 50 years, it will become history and rumors.

Wang Mang is a clear example.

Just like a tree, the trunk is not straight, no matter how beautiful and neat the leaves are pruned, it is still a crooked tree.

And Zhu Zhanji wanted to start with a routine first, and his real purpose was to start from this entry point and start with the wind direction of the entire court.

Stereotyped selection of scholars will be abolished, but this is also just a means, the purpose is to let the world learn from civil and military practitioners.

Tang shi was very good at this point.

Literati are martial arts.

What a wonderful era this is.

Speaking of this alone, later generations may not necessarily do better than Tang shi.

Wen Ke draws a pen to secure the world, Wu Neng immediately decides the universe.

This is a healthy and prosperous dynasty that Zhu Zhanji expects.

Just imagine that the generals in the DPRK and China don't know a lot of Chinese characters. How dare you hand over the country's elite army to such a person?

With a sickly look, he almost didn't pee after two steps. How dare you entrust him with state affairs?
As for saying that there are two systems, military and military, and literary and cultural, this is also nonsense.

Not to mention that the consumption itself is double, and it is double the expenditure for an imperial court. After all, two training systems with different directions have been established.

In other words, starting from the actual business, what is there in this world? The business professions have nothing to do with each other.

Even if you bend down to plant in the field, you need to read more books to understand the growth habits of these crops in order to have more harvests.

On the contrary, no matter how many things you have in your mind, you will be exhausted sitting on a chair watching the memorial, how much can you use the things in your mind.

Of course, Zhu Zhanji is not the only one who knows this.

There are many smart people in this world.

The reason why the Ming Dynasty still adopted stereotyped selection of scholars, and the Qing Dynasty also continued to use this system, its essence is to consolidate autocratic rule.

Generally speaking, to borrow a sentence from later TV dramas, stereotyped selection of scholars is a cage for the people of the world.

As long as you want to get a chance to be promoted, you have to get into the cage of stereotyped writing.

Including the Song Dynasty's emphasis on literature over military affairs is the same reason.

If everyone in the world starts to study every word and sentence, and their thoughts are restrained, it will naturally make the dynasty rule more lastingly.

Looking back on the progress of the entire human race, it is not difficult to see.

Gathered together for survival from the very beginning.

Then maintain it through the system.

In the end, due to the solidification of classes, contradictions and divisions occurred.

This natural law is also the same in the dynasty.

The stereotyped selection of scholars and the emphasis on literature over military affairs are more straightforward, in order to make these people who may rebel in the future cause less harm to the dynasty itself.

What kind of group is the most intelligent person in an era must be scholars.

Fools don't read books.

Those smart people know that reading is the only way to advance in class and live a better life.

Those who can't even understand this principle are not fools, but they are definitely not smart.

And through stereotyped selection of scholars, emphasizing civility over martial arts, imprisoning such a group of the smartest people and making them sick one by one, even if they want to rebel, they have no ability.

This point, Zhu Zhanji is clear, and many people are also clear.

But those people dare not do it, and they can't do it.

Although Zhu Zhanji can do it and dares to do it, this will endanger his rule.

The monarchs of all dynasties were also unable to do it for this reason, and did not dare to do it.

The reason why Zhu Zhanji dared to do it was because he had the ability to distinguish himself from other kings.

Because he has seen the final result of the natural involution of the survival of the fittest in the entire human race.

In later generations, this is called the people.

Now, this is called common people!
Whether you like it or not, the result is the same.

The entire human society will continue to change along with such a natural development (involution) process.

And only when a correct answer appears, the process of history will stop repeating the cycle.

To be simple and straightforward is to grasp the basic situation of the common people and open up the promotion channel of the class.

Through continuous rectification of the administration of officials, the negative impact of capital, gentry, and gentry on society will be eliminated.

By building the idea of ​​the Ming community, replace the backward idea of ​​imperial power.

Of course, this span is a bit big, and Zhu Zhanji knows it well.

But in such an era, as long as you take the center, grab the middle point.

It's like between 1 and 2, not only 2 can save lives.

1.1, 1.2 can also save lives.

Just like the ideological system of later generations, after thousands of years, it is also only 1.1, 1.2.
The so-called 2 is just the definition of contemporaries.

In today's era, although Zhu Zhanji cannot directly depose the imperial power, he can still maintain the basics of the people and eliminate the influence of inherent class on the promotion channel of class.

Therefore, after knowing these things, what Zhu Zhanji faced was a test paper that knew the answer.

It's like in later life if you want to go out to eat a delicious meal, the first thing you need to do is to earn money for the meal.

Then find a good time and find a good companion.

Then head out together and get the end result of a good meal.

This is the process after knowing the answer.

On the contrary, if you don't know the answer and you want to eat a delicious meal, you will think, go to the vast sea to catch a fish, and then you have to travel thousands of miles to the seaside, and then grill it, and you have to eat it in the vast sea. Find a suitable partner in the sea.

Simply fantastic.

This is the difference between the two.

Although this example is rough, the truth is the same.

Of course there are still difficulties, but if you don’t give it a try, Zhu Zhanji, who is already destined to sit on the throne and become the top ten thousand people, what is there to do in this life?

Just like a person surnamed Ma in later generations said, he hated money very much.

Although this statement is a bit Versailles, it is the reality.

When having a good living condition has become something within your fingertips in life, pursuing a higher purpose is the only way to go.

Material needs have an end.

But the need for thought never stops.

At his level, money is really not the ultimate goal of pursuit, money is just a tool for him to fulfill his ideological needs.

Just like him, Zhu Zhanji, the material goal pursued by the common people in this world is too easy for him.

In his twenties, he had already achieved all of this. If he didn't have a spiritual pursuit, in the next sixty years, he would either delete his account and practice again, or he would have to become a monk.

But it is definitely impossible to delete the number and retrain.

And it's kind of nonsense to become a monk.

So building a powerful dynasty is his only choice.

Just like the emperors of all dynasties.

(End of this chapter)

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