Daming: Let you do your best to manage, do you go to health?

Chapter 165 Ancestral system, can't be abolished!

Chapter 165 Ancestral system, can't be abolished!

During the few hours in the middle, all the ministers who left Fengtian Temple were thinking about a problem.

What exactly does His Royal Highness want to do this time?
If it is said that when they first heard the news, most people would naturally think that it was His Highness Taisun’s whimsy. After all, His Highness Taisun is still very young, and it is the first time that His Highness is in charge of the overall situation, and he has never even been a real one. emperor.

So in order to make some changes, different from the previous things, this is the way of thinking.

However, as they continued to think, they found that this problem seemed not as simple as imagined.

Taisun is young, but look at what he has done all the way, which one is really in line with what a young boy should do.

Conquer Mobei from the north, and the world will be settled in the first battle.

In the second conquest of Oirat, [-] cavalry troops defeated [-] Oirat cavalry known for their cavalry, and the damage was almost negligible.

He led the army to Nuer Gandusi, although he had the superiority in military strength, but His Royal Highness Taisun killed them all in the deep mountains and old forests that the Jurchen tribes were most familiar with.

almost exterminated it.

The entire Nuergandusi will no longer be troubled by these Jurchen tribesmen.

When wars were raging all over the Ming Dynasty, when chaos was about to break out, he decided to lead an army with [-] available troops to meet the enemy despite all opinions.

Turning the tide, so that Daming almost no longer border scourges.

If these can only reveal the military talent of His Majesty the Great-Sun, then when the Ming Dynasty was about to be in chaos, how could a few letters have stabilized the hearts of the people in the world by strategizing?

This kind of method is not to mention a young man, but those old foxes in the court, who dare to say that it can be more beautiful than His Royal Highness Taisun.

This is just a recent matter, let's move forward.

Implement new policies, plant new crops, canals and reservoirs, etc.
Is it possible that these are what a teenager should do?
At the same time, when the absurd actions of His Highness the Grandson did not surprise everyone when the final result appeared?

But now, His Highness Taisun said that he would rectify the time of the court, but he said that His Highness Taisun was young?

is it possible?
However, if His Highness Taisun's move was not an absurd one on the spur of the moment, then why?
And why did they deliberately make such a noise before going to court for the first time?

What purpose is there that they have not seen through?

Based on past experiences and what they heard in Fengtian Hall today, there are not a few ministers who think that there is some kind of deep meaning behind His Highness Taisun's move.

Most of these people are also wily old guys.

However, no one can think of the real reason behind all this.

What is the purpose of changing the hour of the court?
Except that His Highness Taisun himself wanted to sleep more, they really couldn't think of any suitable reason.

After all, the fact that His Royal Highness Taisun likes to enjoy leisure has spread throughout the capital long ago.

Although they didn't know whether all this was deliberately pretended by His Royal Highness Taisun.

But if you can't figure it out, you can't figure it out. It didn't take long in the middle. After Sishi went to court, His Royal Highness Taisun will definitely give everyone an explanation.

So when the time came to Sishi, the outside of Fengtian Hall at this time was already full of people, as it was in Zaomao.

It's just that it's more lively than this morning.

All the people gathered together in groups of three or four, discussing what happened when they went to court early this morning, and they were all guessing at each other's intentions of His Royal Highness the Grandson.

But when the time finally came to the Si hour amidst the discussions among the crowd, they did not wait for the imaginary cry of the court.

However, Zhao Quan, who had served the old emperor Zhu Di, still came.

Just when everyone was staring at Eunuch Zhao in a daze, waiting for His Highness Grandson's announcement.

However, Zhao Quan and Eunuch Zhao said: "His Royal Highness ordered that the ceremony be held in a different place this morning, and it will be held in the open space behind Fengtian Hall. Everyone, please come with me."

Speaking of which, Zhao Quan, who used to be an old man next to the old emperor Zhu Di, naturally did not need to explain anything in front of these officials like those newcomers.

In his instinct, the words that come out of his mouth are the meaning of the emperor, which cannot be questioned by anyone.

So after finishing speaking, he turned around and walked towards the back of Fengtian Hall.

Passing around the Fengtian Temple, as soon as they turned the corner, everyone saw that sitting in the open space paved with large bricks behind the Fengtian Temple.

While drinking tea, while waiting.

But before these officials stepped forward to ask for clarification, the leader Eunuch Zhao said again: "Everyone, before going to meet the grandson, you still need to follow the old slave to change your clothes."

"Change clothes?"

All the officials who heard this were stunned again.

But Zhao Quan still didn't give them a chance to ask questions, and went directly to a palace next to the open space again.

Before and after arriving at the palace, Zhao Quan held a smiling face and said: "My lords, this is a place specially set up by His Highness for you to change your clothes in the future. This is the whole courtyard. You can change your clothes according to the signature in front of the door, my lords." , each went to the corresponding room to change clothes."

"The clothes that need to be replaced have been ordered by the old slave to be prepared according to the size of your lords. You can rest assured to change them."

Looking at the smile on Eunuch Zhao's face, most people here also know this old eunuch.

Before the emperor and the grandson announced the final result, it was as difficult as heaven to get some news from the old eunuch.

So even if they were full of doubts in their hearts at the moment, they could only do what he said.

Everything can only be known after seeing His Royal Highness the Grandson.

It takes less than a moment, because everything has been prepared in advance, so it doesn't take too long to just change a piece of clothing.

Waiting for everyone to change their clothes and come out, then Eunuch Zhao said: "Now that you have changed, you can follow the younger one to meet His Highness."

Hearing this nonsense for a long time and finally being able to see His Highness, the mood of these ministers at this moment is as vivid as that of a beautiful girl who has just entered the palace.

After going through so many trials, I was finally able to meet the people I wanted to see.

Under the leadership of Zhao Quan, everyone came to Zhu Zhanji who was sitting in the center of the field in front of Zhu Zhanji according to the queue, but it was different from when he looked at His Highness Taisun from a distance just now. Surprisingly, there were more than [-] strong men with similar clothes to them.

But none of these things must be what these ministers are most concerned about at the moment. They are most concerned about what His Royal Highness is going to do, so they can't wait to ask: "I have seen His Highness, Your Highness, today."

But after the official spoke first, His Highness the Grandson who was sitting on the chair immediately raised his hand to interrupt him, and then felt the eyes of everyone present, and said with a smile: "I know everyone I think in my heart, but before that, you must first follow the methods of these teachers, and everyone must learn a sport."


The word that came out of Zhu Zhanji's mouth once again made everyone present in doubt.

I thought I could finally figure everything out after changing clothes this time, but now His Royal Highness wants them to learn another sport.
But since His Highness Taisun has already said it, no matter how anxious they are, they can only follow His Highness Taisun's words.

As the teachers around Zhu Zhanji began to organize these ministers to themselves one by one according to the pre-determined list, after starting to teach according to the contents of their respective lists, these ministers also began to follow the words of these teachers. Learned behind these teachers.

There are those who play badminton, those who exercise, those who do Tai Chi, and those who train various physical fitness
In short, they are divided into categories, and they are taught different items according to their different ages.

A full half an hour.

The entire open space behind Fengtian Hall looks like a training place.

And the clothes that the ministers changed before are also clothes that are convenient for sports.

Now when training with these instructors, I will not experience any discomfort due to clothing problems.

After the half-hour training ended, it was just as Zhu Zhanji had expected.

Whether young or not, beads of sweat appeared on the foreheads of each of these ministers.

Seeing them all out of breath and embarrassed, Zhu Zhanji couldn't help laughing.

After standing in line in front of him again according to everyone, this time Zhu Zhanji didn't show off again, but directly stated his purpose.

Although there are many words to say, in the final analysis, it is one sentence.

According to your respective physical conditions, Zhu Zhanji found that the physical problems of the courtiers have become a major problem hindering the operation of the court.

Therefore, in order to be able to eliminate this hidden danger, and for these courtiers to serve the court better, Zhu Zhanji specially developed a training plan for the physical fitness of these courtiers.

At the same time, it also matches the requirements of an assessment.

Whether it is an official in the court, a Beijing official who cannot enter the court, or a local official from various places, everyone needs to meet the court's physical requirements for them within the time specified by the court.

If you cannot meet the requirements of the imperial court within the required time, you will be temporarily suspended from your duties by the imperial court.

This regulation is true for everyone, regardless of their status or official position, no one is spared.

Including Zhu Zhanji, they must also achieve the same physical fitness as these courtiers.

Take this as an example.

He also stated that in the future, martial arts practice will be permanently added to the evaluation of officials and the evaluation conditions for appointment and dismissal.

It will even add the condition of physical fitness assessment to next year's imperial examination.

Zhu Zhanji's short speech made the ministers who were already out of breath due to physical training even more anxious and out of breath.

Seeing them panting heavily but unable to say anything, Zhu Zhanji immediately showed a wise attitude: "Do you have any objections to this?"

Looking around at the crowd, seeing that they were all panting heavily, he immediately said, "Since there is no such thing, then we will do it this way from now on."

After finishing speaking, he seemed to think of something, and hurriedly said to these people present: "Now that you are provided with such an opportunity to exercise every day, you have opened the back door for you. You should have a good training."

"In addition, the imperial court's future schedule has also been prepared. After a while, each of you will take a copy back home, and you will follow the new regulations in the future."

However, the stakes are high.

Don't look at His Majesty's just a few simple words, but these few words are fatal.

These few changes alone are enough to change the trend of the entire Ming Dynasty.

So although the officials standing in front of Zhu Zhanji were very tired, even too tired to speak, some people stood up desperately and shouted at Zhu Zhanji out of breath : "His Royal Highness, old minister, old minister has something to say."

Looking at the appearance of this Yushitai official, Zhu Zhanji was amused for a while, but he stopped and asked, "Let's talk."

Hearing that, after thanking the official, he hurriedly said to Zhu Zhanji: "Your Highness, the ancestral system cannot be abolished! If the ancestral system is moved lightly, it will definitely cause chaos!"

However, Zhu Zhanji naturally had expected the possible opinions of these officials, so in the face of his opposition, Zhu Zhanji did not show the slightest panic or dissatisfaction, but at the moment he finished asking, Zhu Zhanji Ji asked back without giving him any time to think: "Then dare to ask Mr. Liu, at your current age, why do you look so tired after punching for half an hour just now?"

"With your strength and body, do you think I can entrust you with my important affairs? If I entrust it to you, you may do it well? If I entrust it to you for a five-day time-consuming errand, you may do it in three days." ? Can you survive these three days?"

Zhu Zhanji's series of questions completely confused Mr. Liu from Yushitai.

I was tired just now.

Being able to ask questions and organize the language before His Royal Highness left, is already doing his best.

Now that this question has just been uttered, I heard Zhu Zhanji's repeated rhetorical questions.

After His Royal Highness finished speaking, he didn't even remember the question he just asked clearly, so how could he answer clearly and decently.

Seeing him like this, Zhu Zhanji didn't make it difficult for him, but just asked another question easily.

"You can't even answer my few questions, let alone take on a big responsibility."

Then he said earnestly: "Master Liu, when you can exercise your body to the point where you can handle it easily after training, come and tell me the difference."


Listening to Zhu Zhanji's words, Mr. Liu wanted to say something, but Zhu Zhanji interrupted him directly.

"There is no need to discuss this matter again."

Having said that, he left immediately.

From the beginning to the end of this matter, although Zhu Zhanji's means of promotion were not very grand, he had his own direction.

If you want everyone to understand and approve you before doing anything, it is better to ask the enemy to straighten his head and let you chop.

(End of this chapter)

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