But if they are happy, others will be busy.

As the master of the enthronement ceremony, Yang Shiqi immediately stopped the other six ministers as soon as he left the Fengtian Hall, and then discussed the grandson's enthronement ceremony.

The ceremonies, expenses, fees, and various etiquettes and banquets of the grand ceremony.
All of these are to be determined.

The grandson in the court also said that it was a good thing, so don't make a joke because of it.

When something goes wrong, the common people will have to question whether the emperor who complied with the destiny is true.

After all, people don't care about your mess, they only see what they think.

At the beginning, Zhu Zhanji played such a trick that fell from the sky in the ceremony of canonizing the grandson, but it fooled many people.

There are rumors among the people that Zhu Zhanji is a god from the sky who has descended to earth.

That's why it fell from the sky.

Such rumors also just confirmed the statement that the emperor came here by luck.

The rationality of the royal family and imperial power also comes from this.

Therefore, Yang Shiqi also knew that the enthronement ceremony this time could be very mediocre, but it must not cause any trouble.

If there is no trouble, there may not be rewards, but if there is trouble, there will be severe punishment.

This is also a challenge for Yang Shiqi.

Of course, he is not the only one who has to be busy with this matter.

Just talk about Zhu Zhanji himself, don't look at the appearance of throwing his hands away from the shopkeeper in the court, but he really can't shake this matter.

In the past, whether it was the death of the old man Zhu Di, or the death of his father and prince Zhu Gaochi, he could pretend that nothing happened.

There is no need to think so much.

But now it's different.

Now he is about to ascend the throne.

Some things that I didn't do after returning to the capital before, but now I have to start making preparations.

And the first thing that Zhu Zhanji must do is to establish the rewards for the officials after this enthronement ceremony.

Those who have merit will be rewarded.

At the same time, he had to carefully consider the future layout of the court.

If the score is not good, the people below must have opinions.

Although it is not so serious, it undoubtedly increased Zhu Zhanji's workload a lot.

Among them, the appointment of officials in the court is still acceptable so far.

However, the candidates for the provincial chief envoys who are released to the outside world need to be carefully considered.

After all, although these people dare not say that they are emperors under the rule of the imperial court, they can barely ask for it.

If these people are not firmly controlled by Zhu Zhanji, no matter how many people are loyal to him in the court, it will be useless.

But it is precisely this that is most unsatisfactory today.

Just talking about the six ministers of the court, there are enough candidates.

But if the left and right ministers of these provinces are counted, Zhu Zhanji has not enough people in his hands.

Even if he has trained a lot, these people still need a long time of experience to reach this position.

Now it seems that maintaining the previous situation has become an inevitable choice.

Thinking of this, Zhu Zhanji, who was still sitting in the dragon chair of Fengtian Temple and meditating at this time, could only sigh helplessly.

There is no way, he also knows that many things cannot be done overnight.

Now it seems that it can only be changed slowly along with the continuous expansion of new education.

"Zhao Quan!"

Immediately after Zhu Zhanji got up, he looked at Zhao Quan who was standing aside and waiting quietly.

After hearing Zhu Zhanji's words, Zhao Quan also hurried to Zhu Zhanji, bowed and asked, "Your Highness."

"Get ready for the sedan chair, and follow me to the musketeer camp to have a look."


After Zhao Quan left to send an order to prepare the sedan chair, Zhu Zhanji soon drove to the musketeer camp in the capital in a dragon chase.

After Zhu Zhanji left the capital to fight in Mobei, the musket manufacturing in the capital did not stop.

On the first day Zhu Zhanji returned to Beijing, the reserve of muskets had reached more than a thousand.

Later, after Zhu Zhanji returned to Beijing and ordered full production, the number of muskets also increased greatly.

So far, in addition to the muskets already equipped in the musket battalion, the number of newly added muskets has reached more than [-].

Therefore, upon hearing the news, Zhu Zhanji immediately ordered the number of people in the Musket Battalion to increase by another 3000 people.

These people are all selected from among the outstanding soldiers in each military camp.

Of course, the main selection group was placed in the Three Thousand Battalion.

After all, one of the most important points of musketeers is the requirement for equestrian skills.

A quarter of an hour later.

Zhu Zhanji also came to the gate of the musketeer battalion while sitting on the dragon.

The first time he saw Long Zhuo, Zhu Zhanji also needed to reveal his identity, and these people knew it well.

In addition, the previous musket battalion was led by Zhu Zhanji himself, so these people knew Zhu Zhanji's identity.

After arriving in the camp smoothly, Zhu Zhanji immediately saw the soldiers in the camp who were constantly training marksmanship.

Of course, it's not all about these.

There are also many soldiers who are training the skill of using muskets on horseback.

In short, the classification is aimed at some items that must be used proficiently on the battlefield.

For these, Zhu Zhanji is still very satisfied.

While Zhu Zhanji was still observing the entire barracks, the fifth brother Zhu Zhanqian who received the news also rushed over.

When I came to the front, I first respectfully saluted Zhu Zhanji as a monarch and minister, and then said kindly after getting up: "Brother, why do you have time to visit the barracks today?"

Listening to the kid's question, Zhu Zhanji looked at the training of the soldiers and said, "I'm looking for you today because I have something very important."

After finishing speaking, he glanced around and said, "Go, go to the room and talk."

Hearing this, the old fifth Zhu Zhanqian took the lead to guide the way.

A moment later, as Zhu Zhanji and Zhu Zhanyi dismissed the people around them, Zhu Zhanji also began to talk about the intention of this trip.

"I came here specially today. First, I want to see how your training is going. Second, there is something I plan to ask you to take someone there."

"But the specific situation of this trip is hard to say. It may be very dangerous, or it may be very simple. You have to do it yourself according to the situation."

"How about it, do you have the confidence to lead the soldiers on a trip alone?"

Listening to Zhu Zhanji's words, knowing that it was for military affairs, the face of the fifth brother Zhu Zhanqian couldn't help but become solemn.

However, after thinking about it carefully, the fifth brother still said: "Brother, just tell me, where do you want me to lead troops to fight, as long as you say it, brother, I will fight. Let’s fight first! Even if you die, you will sacrifice your life for the country.”

Hearing what this kid said, Zhu Zhanji laughed out loud.

But after laughing, he still said solemnly: "I want you to go to Dongpu, and I don't want you to really kill them, and it's not an easy thing to kill them. What I want you to do is to personally meet with the Emperor of Japan on my behalf to discuss the trade between the two countries."

"Of course, the Dongying people have a characteristic, that is, they bully the weak and fear the strong. This time, although what I want you to do is to discuss the trade between the two dynasties, the reason why you have to go is to find an opportunity for them. Show off the strength of our Ming army."

"Only in this way, those Dongying people will obediently discuss business matters with us."

"And the main point of your discussion on this trip is to ask the emperor of Dongpu to give us the place of Ishimi, as my dynasty's foothold in Dongpu, and our dynasty's trade with that Dongpu will also start from there."

"Besides, I want the Emperor of Japan to promise that in Ishimi, we have complete ruling power. We have all the powers in this place. Even the people of Japan, we also have the right to execute."

"Of course, if we can talk about it, we can talk about it. If we can't talk about it, don't worry. Take Shi Jian down first."

"In this process, when to show force, you can decide for yourself, and you can decide according to the situation."

"However, remember not to worry. Although the firearms of the Musket Battalion are powerful, they are not invincible. If you are not careful, you may fall into the enemy's siege due to the inferior number of people. Show force must be moderate."

"If they take a tough attitude, how to start the war will be discussed after my news."

Listening to Zhu Zhanji's words, Zhu Zhanqian also gradually understood the purpose of his elder brother asking him to go this trip.

For this place Ishimi.

Although he couldn't figure out why his elder brother had to take down such a small place as Dongying, these were not what Zhu Zhanqian needed to consider, what he had to consider was how to handle this matter well for his elder brother.

Thinking of this, Zhu Zhan immediately said: "I understand, don't worry, brother, I will definitely take care of this matter for you!"

Seeing that the fifth child is so confident, Zhu Zhanji also smiled, and then said: "But you don't have to worry, you are my own brother after all, how can I let you go to die? I will let that horse Bao will go with you, and he will lead the treasure ship fleet to give you momentum in the back, but after arriving in Japan, Ma Bao will stay at sea for all things, and you will have to rely on you boy for the specifics of how to do it. .”

Originally, the old fifth was naturally courageous, and he didn't have the slightest fear of going to a strange place to talk about these things with a group of strange people. Now that he heard that Ma Bao led the Ming Dynasty's treasure ship fleet accompanying him, his heart was full of fear. Even more daring.

Their treasure ship fleet of the Ming Dynasty is the best in the world.

With them here, just relying on the Japanese pirates in Japan, they can turn against the sky.

"Brother, don't worry, leave this matter to me!"

Seeing this kid's newborn calf not afraid of tigers, Zhu Zhanji felt that the person he chose this time was really the right one.

Let the ministers in the court talk about it, maybe it can be discussed, but these ministers have a Confucian look in their bones.

To deal with the bastards in Japan, the Confucian temperament is not only useless, but also easy to be looked down upon by them.

It's as if the Ming Dynasty is afraid of them.

After all, this trip was a pretense to discuss trade between the two countries, and the real intention was to ask the Emperor of Japan for the place of Ishimi.

Of course, the emperor of Dongpu should be a puppet placed on it if nothing else happened during this period, a thing that was emptied.

But for Zhu Zhanji and the others, it doesn't matter whether they are puppets or not.

All he wanted was a channel of communication.

Who is behind this decision-making has nothing to do with them.

All he wanted was for Shi Jian to get his hands on this place.

Therefore, with Zhu Zhanqian's character, he probably wouldn't give those people too much good looks.

Only by showing those people's force in person, those Dongpu people, who are slavish in their bones, will obediently offer Shi Jian's place with both hands.

And as long as Shi Jian has this place in his hand, then Zhu Zhanji also means that there will be a steady stream of gold and silver for him to use.

Only by possessing enough hard currency heavy metals such as gold and silver can he have the capital to establish a top-down economic and monetary system within the Ming Dynasty.

Only when this economic and monetary system is settled, can he better rule and use the Ming Dynasty.

The ultimate goal is to carry out a series of reforms within the Ming Dynasty.

Let the fire of the industrial age be ignited on the land of China.

Thus opened the curtain of the age of great navigation.

Using foresight to firmly control the blood of that industry, or directly transport it back to the country, is equivalent to mastering the national destiny of the next 500 years.

But the most important thing is to get the place of Shi Jian first and lay down the foundation of the Ming Dynasty.

In the next hour or so, Zhu Zhanji began to take the trouble to explain to the fifth Zhu Zhanqian what he needed to pay attention to in this line of business, and told Zhu Zhanqian everything he could think of in advance as much as possible.

After all, the earlier the gold and silver were brought to the country, the earlier his hands and feet in the country would be released.

And the reason why he couldn't go in person this time is because Dongying is a place, it is a place that pays tribute to the Ming Dynasty every year, and Zhu Zhanji is the new king in the future. place.

That's too embarrassing.

The second is that his identity is different now, and he cannot go to many things in person.

He still needs to preside over many domestic affairs.

Without him, many things really wouldn't be able to change.

At the same time, he has to prepare in advance for the entry of gold and silver in the country.

After carefully and repeatedly telling Zhu Zhanji all the things he could think of, and asking him to prepare in advance and leave soon, Zhu Zhanji left the Musketeer Camp.

Ma Bao was also summoned in the court.

This trip is not so much that Zhu Zhanji put all his expectations on the fifth Zhu Zhanqian, but on Ma Bao.

Compared with the fifth brother Zhu Zhanqian, Ma Bao is really familiar with such things.

Only when Ma Bao is there can Zhu Zhanji truly feel at ease.

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