Daming: Let you do your best to manage, do you go to health?

Chapter 171 What the hell is this kid doing?

Compared with the fifth child, it is much easier to explain to Ma Bao.

First of all, there is no need to tell him too many details, and Ma Bao has more experience in this field than himself, so it is enough to tell him clearly what he wants him to do.

The rest is up to them themselves.

After finishing these things, Zhu Zhanji also looked tired.

There's been too much going on lately.

First of all, it is necessary to change the ethos of appointing officials by the imperial court, and then arrange for that kid Zhu Zhanyong to make major changes to the infrastructure of the Ming Dynasty.

Before that, the silver problem must be solved as soon as possible.

And this problem is not solved overnight.

Although accompanied by the fifth Zhu Zhanyan and Na Mabao to Dongpu, they may be able to solve some of the problems in this area first.

But the inflow of silver is not the inflow of real productivity, Zhu Zhanji is still very clear about this.

At the same time, with the inflow of a large amount of silver, there will inevitably be the problem of private silver inflow.

This situation is likely to turn into the loss of Daming's assets.

Those foreigners exchanged a large amount of silver for a large amount of goods within the Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, currency restructuring is also imperative.

This time, the reason why the old fifth was the first to bring in a large amount of silver was not only to solve part of the financial pressure first, but also to promote the currency within the Ming Dynasty.

Because only with enough silver and gold can the currency promoted by the Ming court be accepted by the common people.

Otherwise, the common people will be full of doubts about the imperial currency, and it is not clear whether this currency can be used for a long time.

Whether there will be a depreciation problem, only after linking this currency with the silver and gold can the people of the Ming Dynasty be completely at ease.

Because throughout the history of China, silver and gold have always been the precious metals used to measure currency in troubled times.

In the hearts of the people, its weight is still very large.

Of course, the reason why Zhu Zhanji didn’t directly use gold and silver was that apart from preventing foreigners from using these precious metals to quietly hollow out the Ming Dynasty, there was also another very important reason that he couldn’t conduct a complete cleanup of gold and silver. Take control.

But on the contrary, if he has established a good and deep influence between the currency promoted by the Ming court and the people through this method, and has gained the trust and support of the people, then he can control the amount of currency promoted by the court. The economy of the entire Ming Dynasty.

Only when the economy is in his hands can Zhu Zhanji's control over the Ming Dynasty truly reach its peak.

Only then can he wield the entire Ming Dynasty like an arm.

Because some decrees of the imperial court will directly affect the situation of all walks of life in the entire Ming Dynasty.

Just when Zhu Zhanji was sitting on the dragon chair in the Qianqing Palace, thinking about these recent measures and future plans.

the other side.

Zhu Zhanji's mother, the princess Zhang Yan, also came to a farmyard outside Shanhaiguan after leaving the capital.

At this time, Zhang Yan, the Crown Princess, and Fan Zhong, who was ordered to escort the Crown Princess to Nanjing City this time, looked at the farmyard in front of them, with expressions of disbelief still on their faces.

"Crown princess, the emperor and the prince, are they really not dead?"

At this time, Fan Zhong looked at the last stage of the journey to reveal the result, but he still couldn't accept such a fact in his heart.

The emperor is not dead.

The prince is not dead.

Not only did they not die, they lived well.

It is even possible that they are gathering together and talking happily at this time.

Talking about something interesting.

But think back to the recent days, the chaos that broke out in the entire Ming Dynasty.

Fan Zhong really couldn't believe this fact.

After making such a big commotion, you said they are not dead?
And the expression on the face of the crown princess beside him was not too different from that of Fan Zhong.

Looking at the farmyard in the distance, he also said: "Don't say you don't believe it, even I, if I didn't see the prince is still alive, I wouldn't believe it. What is the matter with the Zhu family's father and son?" It can be done. It can even do things like death by suspended animation."

Speaking of this, the crown princess Zhang Yan seemed to think of something, then turned her head to look at Fan Zhong, and said: "After a while, you will know if I am lying to you. Taisun knows, you understand that, right?"

Hearing what the Crown Princess said, Fan Zhong nodded and replied: "According to the agreement between me and you, the Crown Princess, as long as the Emperor and the Crown Prince really don't die after entering, then you will change the itinerary this time, and you will end up paying for it." You keep it secret, but if the emperor and the crown prince are not there after entering, then you will definitely report this matter to His Royal Highness the grandson."

Listening to Fan Zhong's words, the Crown Princess also sighed helplessly for Fan Zhong's elm brain.

This is Fan Zhong. If it were someone else, as long as the princess concubine spoke, that person would definitely agree.

After all, she, Zhang Yan, is the princess and Zhu Zhanji's biological mother.

Even if she did some things to conceal her grandson, it was also concealing her son.

Who would worry about these things?

Even after her crown princess agreed to owe the other party a favor, the other party may not know how happy she is.

Thinking that I personally chose Fan Zhong to be the escort this time, I really shot myself in the foot.

"Okay, let's go."

The princess said helplessly.

After the princess and Fan Zhong came to the gate of the farmyard, there was no one outside this seemingly ordinary farmyard.

But when the people inside agreed and went to report, they successfully entered the farmyard, only to find that there is a universe inside the farmyard.

Not to mention that the yard looks very big, and it is divided into a front yard and a back yard.

Not to mention the backyard, it was the place where the emperor and the prince lived daily.

In the front yard, they not only saw Jin Yiwei, the eunuch of the East Factory, but even Huang Yan, the factory supervisor of the East Factory.

The moment he saw Huang Yan, Fan Zhong still believed half or half of what the Crown Princess said.

Just ask, who in this world can send Dongchang, and who can let the factory supervisor of Dongchang hide in the front yard and wait for orders.

Coupled with the tight defense inside the farmyard, it can be seen that the characters in it are definitely not ordinary people.

But in today's world, apart from grandson Zhu Zhanji, who can mobilize these people at the same time.

The only answer is the dead emperor and prince.

When they arrived at the backyard of the farmyard under the guidance of the Jinyiwei and Dongchang eunuchs, the old man Zhu Di and the prince Zhu Gaochi had already been waiting in the lobby.

Follow the two into the lobby.

When Fan Zhong saw Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi sitting on the throne with his own eyes, he immediately knelt down in front of them excitedly, and shouted to Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi: "Your Majesty! Prince! You really are. "

Fan Zhong didn't dare to say the word death, it was unlucky after all.

But what he wanted to express has been clearly expressed.

Seeing Fan Zhong's excited expression, even when there were tears in his eyes, Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi on the main seat just looked at each other with a smile.

As monarchs, they naturally encountered many such things on a daily basis.

Many people want to express their loyalty in this way.

But whenever they encounter this kind of thing, not only will they not be moved by it, but they will also become very alert in an instant.

But now when seeing Fan Zhong like this, both the old man Zhu Di and the prince Zhu Gaochi believed in what he expressed.

"Okay, big man, cry and cry, what do you look like, get up."

Although Zhu Di was blaming in his words, everyone could hear that he was expressing kindness.

And Fan Zhong also wiped his tears and snot, got up and said to Zhu Di: "Your Majesty, when I heard this news, I felt very uncomfortable thinking that I would never see the Emperor again in this life. But I never Thinking that now, there is still a chance to see the emperor again, and hearing the emperor's teachings, the last general... the last general is excited."

Although some of Fan Zhong's words were not on the table, Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi liked Fan Zhong more and more after knowing who Fan Zhong was.

Looking at the situation in the field, Zhu Di couldn't help but shook his head, then looked at the princess beside him, and said with a smile: "Hey, I gave birth to a son who didn't live up to expectations, and I took this kid to hide After enjoying a few days of leisure here, this kid can't bear to say that his daughter-in-law is sad at home."

"When I was young, I couldn't live without his mother, but now I can't live without my own wife."

"Not promising, not promising."

As he said that, the old man Zhu Di got up slowly, and then said to Fan Zhong: "Come with me, tell me about the recent events in the court, and make room for the couple to talk about."

Listening to the old man Zhu Di's words, the Crown Princess Zhang Yan was not at all embarrassed.

It is said that her concubine's hypocrisy is due to the prince's pampering, but the world doesn't know, as the first daughter-in-law of his old Zhu family, how little she Zhang Yan is pampered by the emperor.

After all, she was in the royal family, if the old emperor hadn't turned a blind eye and deliberately indulged her, Zhang Yan wouldn't have lived a happy life.

When Empress Xu was still there, her daughter-in-law received a lot of favor from the parents.

After all, there are few people in his old Zhu's family. If the first daughter-in-law doesn't favor her, who will favor her?

"Then thank you, Father."

If this is the princesses in the weekdays, which one would dare to let the old man make room.

Zhang Yan was the only one who dared to accept this favor so openly.

When the old man Zhu Di heard this, he couldn't help smiling, and led Fan Zhong towards another room.

After the old man left, before the concubine Zhang Yan could say anything, the prince Zhu Gaochi couldn't help asking: "Is the family okay?"

Zhang Yan nodded, and before she had time to say anything, the crown prince Zhu Gaochi asked again: "Where's our eldest grandson? How is it? Is the grandson concubine okay?"

Zhang Yan could only helplessly say: "Okay, everything is fine, originally I didn't plan to go out this time, I wanted to take good care of that girl Shanxiang, but you sent a letter, I can only come out first with an excuse .”

The prince Zhu Gaochi nodded, and then continued to ask: "Also, what is that kid Zhu Zhanji doing recently? Why do people in Dongchang say that that kid is doing novels, theater troupes and other things recently?" ? Didn’t that kid get dizzy, thinking that the world is stable and he’s starting to enjoy himself?”

Although the crown prince Zhu Gaochi appeared calm on the surface, he still cared about his boy very much.

Especially now that it has reached this level, it is only one step away from the throne.

If this kid comes up with something else recently, he will inevitably have to toss a lot of things in the middle.

Regarding the question Zhu Gaochi asked, Crown Princess Zhang Yan did not answer directly this time, but after thinking about it carefully, she said: "Those things are indeed my son's idea, but I don't seem to be looking at my son for pleasure. Don't Look at him making so many messy things, but he didn't delay any of the business."

"Recently, I've been so busy that I got home very late."

"Because of this, that girl Shanxiang nagged me a few times."

"You said that if your son really wants to have fun, he shouldn't look like this."

Listening to his wife's words, the prince Zhu Gaochi thought about it and thought it was the same.

He still has a little understanding of his own kid. If he really wanted to have fun, he wouldn't do so many things to cover it up.

Thinking of this, Zhu Gaochi also decided that his kid must have some tricks up his sleeve.

It's just that it looks a little nonsense on the surface.

After figuring this out, Zhu Gaochi also heaved a sigh of relief.

No matter what the kid wants to do, as long as the kid doesn't want to learn from Yang Guang, then everything will be easy.

Even if he did something wrong, it doesn't matter.

After all, which emperor didn't do one or two wrong things.

As long as the direction is right and the attitude is right, then everything will be fine.

After letting go of this matter in his heart, Zhu Gaochi finally had the mind to say something considerate to his wife.

the other side.

After the old emperor Zhu Di took Fan Zhongzai to another room, Zhu Di was similar to the prince Zhu Gaochi, and the first sentence he asked was about the affairs of the court.

The father and son usually look like they want to enjoy life in peace, and neither of them is willing to show any reluctance to let go.

But now it's behind the scenes, but one by one is more energetic than one by one.

After asking Fan Zhong about some recent affairs in the court, and having a general understanding of the current situation in the court, Zhu Di immediately asked the same question as Prince Zhu Gaochi.

It's all about Zhu Zhanji's recent competitions.

They were all afraid that Zhu Zhanji had lost control of himself and wanted to start having fun.

However, when Fan Zhong said that the recent competitions were directly handed over to Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu and Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui, and Zhu Zhanji himself did not intervene too much in this matter, the old man Zhu Di was relieved.

If this is the case, Zhu Zhanji really didn't do it for pleasure.

But that kid, what exactly do you want to do?

Although Zhu Di couldn't figure out this question for a while, he was still very happy with the news that Fan Zhong revealed just now.

Regarding the affairs of the court, Zhu Di has always been worried about two things.

One is why that kid Zhu Zhanji made so many tricks.

The second is Zhu Zhanji's attitude towards King Han and King Zhao.

Regardless of the boy's attitude before, at that time the second child and the third child had soldiers in their hands, and Zhu Zhanji had to weigh it even if he wanted to deal with them.

But now.

The second child and the third child have nothing in their hands.

There is nothing but the name of a prince.

There is no threat to Zhu Zhanji's throne at all.

In this case, no matter how the kid Zhu Zhanji deals with his two uncles, there is no problem.

And if you want to see through the essence of a person, you can only see clearly at this time.

But no matter how worried he was before, the result now satisfies him.

Although neither Fan Zhong nor Na Dongchang found out anything about this conversation.

But from the fact that Zhu Zhanji has already started to ask these two uncles to handle the matter of the competition, it can be seen what kind of idea he has in mind.

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