Chapter 172 This Feeling. Comfortable!

To deal with such things as rebellion, there has been only one rule for the emperor's family since ancient times, which is to cut the grass and root out.

This is almost an unwritten rule.

Better, confinement, permanent confinement.

This is already for the sake of family affection.

After all, this kind of matter is related to the whole world, and it is their Zhu family's country and society.

But now look at Zhu Zhanji, not only is he not confined, but he has not cut grass and roots, so that he can come and go freely to enjoy himself.

Now let the second child and the third child regain some power in their hands.

Although Zhu Di didn't think it was right to do so as an emperor who started his career by rebellion, besides being an emperor, he was also a father and a grandfather.

How can Zhu Di be unhappy when he sees that his family is harmonious after he gets old.

How could he not be happy to see that the successor whom he personally selected had such a heart for his uncle.

But after all, there was Fan Zhong in front of him, the old man Zhu Di was so happy in his heart, but on the surface he still pretended to be calm.

"This kid, regardless of severity, is still young."

Hearing Zhu Di's words, Fan Zhong scratched his head and dared not speak.

But no matter how stupid and straightforward he is, he can always feel that what the emperor Zhu Di said is a little weird.

This grandson didn't do anything to his uncle, shouldn't you be happy who is watching behind the scenes?

But he didn't dare to say that.

He could only stand aside and giggle with him.

At the same time, listen to the emperor ask some things, and then answer.

On the other side of the capital.

With the news that the imperial court held various competitions spread to various places in recent days, many people responded.

For those folk actors, novelists, and painters, their social status is actually not high.

Even because they put their living conditions in other people's pockets, their status in this society is not as high as that of farmers.

Because in the eyes of the common people in today's era, no matter what, farmers control their own stomachs.

They grow enough crops each year to meet their own food needs.

But those actors are different, they rely on those judges.

Whether you can get enough to eat depends on others.

And when the ability to eat a full stomach is controlled by others, it is determined that this person will not have too high a social status.

This is ancient times.

It is different from the era of mutual cooperation of various types of work in later generations.

It is precisely because of this environment that a small-scale peasant thinking has been created.

Zhu Zhanji once watched a drama in his previous life, in the Ming Dynasty in 1566, the beginning of the whole drama revolved around the transformation of rice into mulberry.

And the reason why those common people are unwilling to choose an option that can obtain higher returns is precisely because of this small-scale peasant thinking that has been deeply rooted in the land of China for thousands of years.

As far as food is concerned, ensuring the stability of being able to eat is better than everything else.

Of course, there is no problem with this kind of thinking in ancient times. The ancient social system did not have any promise of support.

Everyone lives in the country on an individual and family basis.

So to survive stably, this is an inevitable need for everyone.

In this case, actors, painters, novelists, no matter how much money you can earn, when you see an opportunity that can be recognized by society, the enthusiasm that burst out in an instant is simply unimaginable.

It's like Huashan discussing swords in martial arts novels, competing for the number one in the world.

At the same time, this competition not only has a title.

The most important thing is that while gaining fame, you can get the approval of the imperial court and the establishment of the imperial court.

And according to the imperial court's announcement, these people can be officials!
Those with outstanding performance and outstanding ability can get the monthly salary of the imperial court.

The combination of these benefits has become the target of people all over the world.

It is the people who have fields at home, and it is the first time that they envy these groups.

Gradually, after receiving the news, these people, who were afraid that they would not be able to catch up, began to rush towards the capital.

Some even don't hesitate to spend all the money at home for money, but they also want to come to the capital to try it out.

During this process, Zhu Zhanji seemed to be very aware that many people in these groups might not be in good condition, so he also issued a document along the way, asking the governments of all state capitals to take good care of these people.

If there are people who don’t have enough money to eat, they can take the lead in borrowing from the yamen.

After verification by the imperial court, it will be returned from the national treasury.

As a result, more and more people rushed to the capital to participate in the competition.

It was quite a lively scene that was only available during the imperial examination.

Although compared with the number of scholars who participated in the imperial examination, it is naturally impossible to have so many people, but this is the first time it is held, and it is extremely difficult to have such a situation.

With more and more people like this, Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu and Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui, who are in charge of these competitions, are gradually getting busy.

Although it is far from the big things they have done in the past, this is the only thing they can do now.

However, the two of them can freely decide on some ordinary trivial matters, or order someone to handle them in detail, but now it seems that the time for the start of the competition is getting closer and closer.

The Han King Zhu Gaoxu and the Zhao King Zhu Gaosui couldn't help muttering.

the reason is simple.

The competition is about to start, and they still don't have a detailed competition system and competition content.

The most important thing is that they don't know what Zhu Zhanji's kid is holding this competition for.

Take the imperial examination, for example, in order to recruit talents from all over the world.

In this way, they clearly knew a direction in terms of the imperial examination system and assessment content.

But now, they don't even know the direction, and they don't even know why this competition is held, how to formulate this competition system, and the content of this competition?

Although Zhu Gaoxu, the king of Han, and Zhu Gaosui, the king of Zhao, both agreed to Zhu Zhanji to preside over the competition, but after all, they are uncles, and with some troubles before, how could they behave like a courtier? Immediately ran to Zhu Zhanji and called His Highness Taisun, and then asked for instructions.

At this time, they were also worrying and discussing this matter in this room.

"Third brother, you also know my second brother Ni's temper. If I go, I won't be able to pass through that door. You have been thick-skinned since you were a child, and you are fine. I think you can go."

Hearing this, the youngest Zhu Gaosui immediately said: "You have been thick-skinned since you were a child. Your second brother is embarrassed, but I am embarrassed? If you don't go, I won't go either."

Seeing the youngest Zhu Gaosui's face of a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water, the second Zhu Gaoxu is also helpless.

All the errands have been accepted, and now it's this time, if you can't even do this little thing well, it can't be justified.

Leaving aside being laughed at, I'm afraid that the officials in the court will say that their eldest nephew is too soft-hearted, and that these two uncles are more than successful than failures.

At this time, the heart of the second child and the third child is still quite complicated.

I want to do well, but I am afraid that I will be a little embarrassed.

I want to not do it directly, but I also want to do it, and I want others to say that they have the ability.

I am even more afraid that others will say that they can't do it.

Just when the second and third children in this house were worrying about this matter, Zhao Quan and Eunuch Zhao from the palace suddenly came to the Han Palace.

"My lord."

Outside the study room where the second and third were discussing matters, a servant yelled softly at the door.

Hearing this voice, the second child who was frowning and didn't know what to do, immediately vented his anger on this servant.

"Didn't I tell you not to disturb me when I'm discussing things?"

Listening to Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu's words, the servants outside the door were also taken aback by the sudden scolding, but after thinking about it carefully, they still chose to withstand the pressure and said to the inside: "My lord, the palace's Eunuch Zhao is here."

inside the house.

Zhu Gaoxu, who suddenly heard the servant's words, was startled.

Zhao Quan?

He couldn't help but look at the third child beside him.

The third child, Zhu Gaosui, was just like the second child, with a puzzled look on his face.

But after thinking for a while, the second child, Zhu Gaoxu, said in a mild tone: "Bring Eunuch Zhao over here."


After a while.

Zhao Quan came to Zhu Gaoxu's study in the Han Palace with a smile on his face.

"Little one, I have seen the two princes."

Listening to Zhao Quan's words, Zhu Gaoxu, who is also an old acquaintance with Zhao Quan, naturally didn't make any distinctions, and he didn't intend to be courteous. He asked: "Eunuch Zhao, but I haven't seen you for a while, and you came here suddenly this time, what's the matter?"

Hearing this, Zhao Quan immediately smiled and said: "What can you do with a small thing? Isn't it just a matter of doing errands for a few masters?"

What Zhao Quan said was very subtle.

Several masters.

From the moment he entered the door, he didn't show any changes from the past.

He didn't say that because the grandson was in power now, he ran to the grandson eager for quick success, nor did he say that he had forgotten the old emperor, nor did he show that he had any relationship with the two princes.

Respectful and respectful as before, without the slightest sloppy.

Listening to Zhao Quan's words, the second and third child felt a little better.

After returning to the capital for so long, this is the first time they feel the same as before.

How do you say this feeling is comfortable.

At this moment, Zhu Gaosui, the youngest on the other side, also said, "So, the eldest nephew is looking for us?"

Hearing this, Zhao Quan nodded quickly, and replied to the Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui with a smile on his face: "The words of Zhao Wangye, it is His Royal Highness Taisun who has something to do."

As he spoke, Zhao Quan took out a booklet from his bosom, and handed it respectfully to Zhu Gaoxu, the king of the Han Dynasty who had a higher status in front of him, and at the same time said: "His Royal Highness wants to give this to the two princes, Your Highness said, I was too busy a few days ago, I forgot all about the competition, I hope the two princes will not be offended."

"In addition, the contents of this notebook are some ideas of His Highness the Grandson. I would like to ask the two princes to have a look and see if this method is feasible. If it is feasible, the two princes will choose it at their discretion."

When he said this, Zhao Quan again emphasized words such as "thought" and "selection", but after saying it, there was no trace, which made people feel no discomfort at all.

As for the current situation and thoughts of the two princes, I guessed a lot.

It took great care of their current extremely sensitive self-esteem.

For Zhao Quan's kindness, Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu and Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui were well aware of it.

Because dealing with this Zhao Quan is not once or twice, and they still have some understanding of Zhao Quan's effective method.

This scene was just like when the brothers made a mistake before the old man 'died', and Eunuch Zhao would reveal some information to them without any trace.

When he understood all this, and realized and felt the kindness from Zhao Quan for the first time, the Han King Zhu Gaoxu was also an understanding person, and for the first time after hearing these words, he arched his hands with the respect of a prince, Looking at Zhao Quan, he said, "In this case, I would like to thank Eunuch Zhao."

Seeing this scene, Zhao Quan knew that the King of Han understood, and still waved his hands with a smile on his face and said, "Don't you dare? The little one just wants to pass a message to His Royal Highness. Now that the message is over, the young one will retreat first." down."

Hearing this, although Zhu Gaosui, the third child, didn't fully understand the thoughts between the second child and Zhao Quan, but seeing that the second child surrendered, he naturally didn't need to put on airs, and quickly turned to Zhao Quan. Quan cupped his hands and said, "Then Eunuch Zhao, go slowly."

Zhao Quan nodded with a smile, and without waiting for the King of Han and King Zhao to say anything, he hurriedly said: "The two princes stay behind, and the younger one retreats first."

After finishing speaking, he turned and left the study.

After Zhao Quan left, the third brother Zhu Gaosui glanced at Zhao Quan who was gradually leaving outside the door, then turned to look at the second child, talking about the competition.

But the second child on the side, although his eyes were looking at the booklet in his hand, he didn't know what he was thinking in his heart.

He didn't listen to what the old third said at all.

Finally, he clapped the folder in his hand, and shook his head with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

It was only then that the second child really heard what the third child said.

"Second, second? Second! I'm talking to you, what are you thinking?"

Turning around, the second child, Zhu Gaoxu, looked at the third child with a smile, and said, "What are you talking about? Tell me, I'll listen."

Seeing the appearance of the second child, the third child was only puzzled for a moment, and then asked again: "I said, should we call a few more ministers over to discuss how we should arrange the next competition."

Hearing that this question was asked, the second child Zhu Gaoxu immediately smiled, and then threw the booklet in his hand into the arms of the third child, and said, "What are you discussing? What else can you discuss? Just follow the contents of this booklet manage."

But the third child who heard this frowned and said: "Just follow the method in the booklet? Second child, didn't we discuss it before, this time we have to make things beautiful, otherwise it will be easy to invite people to gossip ?”

(End of this chapter)

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