Daming: Let you do your best to manage, do you go to health?

Chapter 181 The results came out, everyone was happy.

Looking at the old man who seemed to know everything, the Crown Princess Zhang Yan beside him couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

Did this old man guess that the second and third child would come over?

Or, the old man had already notified them in secret.

Immediately, the Crown Princess Zhang Yan looked at the Crown Prince Zhu Gaochi beside her.

At this time, the prince Zhu Gaochi was just like the old man, with a look of course on his face, and he seemed not at all surprised by the arrival of the second and third children.

At this moment, the second and third children behind him also hurriedly caught up.


The second child Zhu Gaoxu and the third child Zhu Gaosui shouted at the old man with a little excitement on their faces.

After the old man gave a soft 'hmm', the second child and the third child looked at the boss and the princess beside them.

Said: "Boss, sister-in-law."

After Zhu Gaochi and Zhang Yan responded politely, the second child, Zhu Gaoxu, smiled at the old man and said, "Father, how did our family offend you, and how did we come up with this fake death?" , after hearing the news of your death, my son, I cried for a long time and kowtowed several times in front of the coffin."

"After the youngest told me that you are not dead, I still can't believe it."

Hearing what the third child said on purpose, the third child on the side suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the second child.

It seemed to be threatening him with something.

But now that I have said it all, the third child will be angry no matter how angry he is, it will not help.

He hurriedly said to the old man Zhu Di: "Father, I can't help my son. The second child will rebel if he speaks. My son, I think it's okay to make trouble in this family. How can we really do it? So for the sake of our Ming Dynasty As for my own people beating my own people, I have no choice but to tell my second son the news."

At this time, the third child, Zhu Gaosui, also went all out.

It never occurred to him that the second child who had a good chat just now sold his third child just like that.

That being the case, he can't be blamed on the third child.

And the second child also panicked after hearing the third Zhu Gaosui say that about himself.

"Third, what nonsense are you talking about!?"

At this time, the old man Zhu Di, who was standing opposite them, listened to the scene of his two sons betraying each other, but he didn't answer them at all.

For these things, he, Zhu Di, had already guessed, thought of it, and understood what was going on.

So no matter what the second and third children said, the old man would not believe it, he would only believe in himself.

But it's been a long time since I saw these two sons of my family. Seeing that they are still the same as before, they pinch each other as soon as they meet, Zhu Di actually feels quite interesting in his heart.

As for the boss and princess Zhang Yan at the side, she couldn't help shaking her head and smiling when she saw the two princes.

While the second child and the third child were still arguing, the old man didn't want to listen to their babbling, so he deliberately said with a straight face: "Okay, have you finished talking nonsense? If you two haven't finished arguing, Or if you haven't thought of how to fool the old man, you should find a place to discuss it first, and then come to see me after discussing it."

Hearing what the old man said, and his posture of wanting to leave, the second child stopped messing around with the third child, and hurriedly walked forward, staying by the old man's side, and asked tentatively: " Dad, you said that you have been in suspended animation for so long, when will you return to the palace? If you don't return to the palace, the ministers in the court will push that kid Zhu Zhanji up, and then you will be fine There is no place to sit when I come back.”

Does the second child, Zhu Gaoxu, not understand what the old man is thinking?

He understands.

The reason for asking this question is entirely to find out what the old man's attitude is now.

But the old man didn't care about these things at all, instead he asked bluntly: "Why, you are not happy and unhappy about letting your eldest nephew be the emperor?"

Hearing this, the second child, Zhu Gaoxu, hurriedly laughed and said, "How come, whoever you want to do the throne can do it, son, how dare I say anything, it's not that my son doesn't know what you are doing Did you plan to?"

"What's more, judging by your current physique, father, it's normal to do it for another few decades. Besides, there is my elder brother. Even if you want to take a rest, you can't let the elder brother rest too."

The second child is still pretending to be confused.

But the old man said directly: "Don't think about it, I have discussed it with the boss, and the throne will be handed over to that kid Zhu Zhanji. This matter will not change."

"What else do you have to say?"

Seeing that the old man said these words so bluntly this time, the second child Zhu Gaoxu obviously did not expect it.

For a moment, I really didn't know how to answer the conversation.

At this moment, the old man Zhu Di suddenly stopped, and then said to the second and third children beside him: "You two, if you feel that you don't want to do things under your elder nephew, you feel embarrassed, it's okay, You don't have to do it, either follow the old man and me to go shopping around, or let the boy arrange a fief for you, and you go to live your own life."

"But if you two still want to do something, there are some things that you brats can't say to you two uncles. For me, the old man. If you want to do something, do it well and be obedient. Don't be obedient all day long Make trouble for your eldest nephew."

"Why, I found two court ladies, and I just want the old man and I to meet that brat by myself? The second child, I have some thoughts, so I have to keep it by myself. In the past, with your father and me, there are some things that a father can only do. Turn one eye and close the other. But now your father is not the emperor, although that brat is still very patient with you, but this man, if you respect me one foot, I will let you one foot."

"If you continue to force others step by step like this, such a good relationship, such a great friendship, will be forced to disappear."

"At that time, don't blame your fathers for not coming out to intercede with you."

When saying these words, the old man Zhu Di was still very serious.

Although he wanted to take the opportunity to wake them up, he was just like this. He didn't want to deliberately hide so much about his family, and he didn't want to be too hypocritical.

If you have anything to say, let's say it on the bright side.

Especially at this point.

This is no longer like when he was the emperor in the past, the few cubs here were messing around, and he, as a father, was just a kid messing around.

And Zhu Gaoxu, the second child who was said by the old man, also knew that this problem could not be avoided, so he could only say helplessly: "My son knows."

Hearing what the second child Zhu Gaoxu said, the old man Zhu Di looked at the third child Zhu Gaosui again, and said, "What about you?"

The third child, Zhu Gaosui, had no more demands on this kind of thing, Dang even said: "My son also knows."

Seeing this, the old man gave up.

Then he said: "Okay, let's do what we need to do, let's walk around and leave."

Hearing this, the second child became anxious.

He still remembered the plan before coming here.

"Father, you said you would not let your son cause trouble for that elder nephew, and your son agreed, but where are you going after you leave? You have to tell your son, if you don't let your son be the emperor, then you will be your son." Head office, you are so old, we sons have to be filial."

Listening to the second child's words, although the old man Zhu Di is very aware of his second child's temperament, as long as he is told his location, this kid may not know what to do.

But think about what this kid said, he doesn't need to be a father, but he doesn't need to be his business.

It can't be said that for the sake of myself, my sons are not allowed to be filial.

Besides, they're a family, and if the family doesn't even know where your old man is or when he died, it's nothing.

Thinking of this, the old man had no choice but to say: "You don't need to know the place, Huang Yan, do you know? If there is anything you need to tell the old man, go to Huang Yan in Dongchang, and he will pass the message to me. "

Although the second child was still dissatisfied with the result, seeing that the old man refused to speak, he also knew that with his father's character, he would definitely not speak again.

He had no choice but to reluctantly agree.

Just when the second child and the third child still wanted to walk with the old man for a while, at least send them out of the city.

Behind them, outside the palace, several eunuchs hurried out.

While running, he shouted, "Han Wang Ye! Zhao Wang Ye!"

Listening to the shouts behind him, the old man Zhu Di would definitely not show his face in front of these people.

After all, these people are people who used to be around him. Some people may not be known to Zhu Di, but these people do know Zhu Di.

So Dang even ordered the second and third to go about their own affairs.

Although Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Gaosui were still a little hesitant, they thought that they were still in charge of this competition, and some things really required them to come forward.

In desperation, he had no choice but to follow the old man's words, turn around and walk towards the palace.

And the other side.

After watching the performance and getting the answer they wanted, the old man Zhu Di and the prince Zhu Gaochi did not stay in the capital anymore, but went directly outside the city.

The gate of the palace.

After seeing Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu and Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui coming towards them, the eunuchs said out of breath, "Han Wang, Zhao Wang, finally found you."

"The competition, the competition is coming to an end, and you two have to make the final evaluation. Without you two, this competition cannot go on."

Listening to what they said, the second child and the third child naturally wouldn't say anything, they just nodded and walked towards the palace.

Behind the Han King Zhu Gaoxu and Zhao King Zhu Gaosui, several eunuchs followed from a distance.

Then they whispered to each other: "Who were the King of Han and King Zhao talking to just now? I looked at that, why do they look so much like the old emperor and the prince?"

"No, I look alike, although I can't see the face, but the figure is too similar to the emperor and the prince."

"Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense, talk about those nonsense, can it be the emperor and the prince? Don't use your brains, just talk nonsense all day, go back quickly"

The leading eunuch said.

But even though he said that, he actually had some doubts in his heart.

After all, the figures of the emperor and the prince are too familiar.

The most important thing is that the two people's figures are too similar.

Looking from a distance, those who didn't know really thought that the emperor and the prince had come back to life.

But it's impossible to think about it.

If this person dies, he can still come back to life.

So rationality made him completely suppress this idea.

The scene of the competition.

At this moment, the performance of the finals on this stage is almost over.

This time the finals were held together with the semi-finals, that is to say, there were four teams participating.

Each represents a different theater.

Although no final result has been drawn until now, with the popularity of public opinion in this competition so high, the popularity of their four theaters has reached its peak.

With the continuous precipitation in the future, I believe it is still possible to become the top four theaters in the Ming Dynasty.

Of course, this is based on the fact that they can still win the top four titles in the competition next year or the year after.

Returning to the scene of the competition, Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu and Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui sat in their exclusive seats and watched the performance below.

What makes them very strange is that the situation and content of this performance are completely different from before.

Compared with the dull operas in the past, this time the performance is very interesting.

Even though you continue to watch from halfway up, you can still easily enter that state of watching.

Until the performance finally ended, the second child and the third child felt a little regretful in their hearts.

Although they knew the performance content of this competition in advance, they never paid attention to the content itself.

So I don't know the situation of this kind of performance at all.

So they didn't watch the game for the first time before the competition started, but chose to chat in the hut by themselves.

It was because they felt that this competition was nothing to watch.

Fortunately, the selection mechanism for this competition is different.

It is not necessary for the two of them to directly select the winner based on the performance on the spot, but through the reaction of the audience on the spot, let the audience score directly, and then finally get the one with the highest score based on these scores to be the final winner.

With the continuation of this competition.

According to the process prepared in advance, after the second and third children came to the stage and said a few scenes, they began to judge according to the final scores.

Among the choices of these audiences.

Almost no suspense.

Except for the story about the grandson in the third scene, which made the audience not know how to choose, for the rest, they can basically exclude any external intervention and directly choose what they think is the best choice. good show.

After the officials at the scene collected the scores and began to calculate them.

This link in the middle is the time for advertising.

Several people who had prepared in advance began to tell the advertisements prepared by the shops and merchants in the capital.

until this is all over.The results are finally in.

No accidents.

The first one had a story about Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang and won the first place.

The story of Zhu Zhanji when he was a grandson was selected as the second place.

Of course, this show can get the second place to a large extent because Zhu Zhanji will soon be the emperor.

Although the viewers below seem to be just spectators, their identities in life cannot be completely ruled out.

The story of the old emperor Zhu Di came in third.

The story of Prince Zhu Gaochi is ranked fourth.

Overall, this result is acceptable.

It not only took care of Zhu Zhanji's attitude, but also actually chose the best program.

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