After seeing this result, the audience at the scene were naturally satisfied.

This is what they chose.

Finally, the Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu and Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui started the rewards.

According to Zhu Zhanji's previous plan, all the top winners were rewarded with official titles, gold, silver and jewelry, and at the same time announced the establishment of a new Yamen in the imperial court.

Xuan Tong Division.

Zhu Gaoxu, king of the Han Dynasty, was appointed as the head of Xuantong, and his official title was the third grade.

Zhu Gaosui, king of Zhao, served as deputy Xuantong, and his official rank was from the third rank.

The official title awarded to the winner this time is the opera yamen under Xuantong.

The highest official in the yamen is the fourth-rank official, and he is the envoy of Xuantong.

At the same time, it was announced to everyone present that opera theaters under the Xuantong Division will be built in various places in the future.

The first theater was built in the capital.

Later, it will be built in major cities.

The content prefaced by today's opera will continue to be performed in theaters around the world.

At the same time, it is announced to the world that anyone who is capable of opera can pass the assessment of the Xuantong Division and directly join the Xuantong Division.

To reserve talents for the future construction of Xuantong Division in various places.

After the drama competition ended successfully.

Under the auspices of King Han and King Zhao, the imperial court continued to start competitions in all walks of life, such as novels, painters, and folk information dissemination.

At the same time, after the official establishment of the Xuantong Division, with the entry of a large number of people, many things can be arranged in advance.

Such as newspapers, official newspapers, comic books, and novels.
From the production of content, to the planning of content into volumes, to the production and sale of newspapers and periodicals in various places, etc.

All can be done in advance.

In addition, it is also necessary to find some craftsmen who are good at carving to help print those comic books, novels, etc. in the future.

You can even make some pictures in the text.

In short, according to Zhu Zhanji's thinking beyond the times, in line with today's actual situation, the disadvantages of the current era are reformed.

Make ideological unification and publicity the top priority of the imperial court.

When everyone knows that Emperor Taizu established the Ming Dynasty because he rebelled on behalf of the people and established the Ming Dynasty after experiencing the suffering of the people in the war years, and knew that the old emperor Zhu Di attacked Mobei several times because of the border troubles, After knowing that Zhu Zhanji launched a conquest because of foreign rebellions in various places.

What a big role it will play in the rule of the imperial court.

And that Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu and Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui were implementing Zhu Zhanji's plan step by step.

Although the two brothers are happy to have some power in their hands now, they used to be the powerful princes of the Ming Dynasty after all.

There is still a huge gap between them.

Although neither of them said it, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

However, when the two brothers gradually felt dissatisfied with the power they had now.

A rumor that started to spread from the people made the two brothers experience a feeling they had never had before.

Although no matter whether it is this competition, or the following competitions and the establishment of Yamen, anyone who knows clearly knows that it is Zhu Zhanji's idea.

But on the bright side, what everyone saw was Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu and Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui presiding over such a thing.

Naturally, all this will be attributed to them.

The construction of theaters in various places, and the holding of various competitions.

And the spread of those good stories made the reputations of Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu and Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui highly praised among the people.

In particular, theaters around the world will spend the revenue of the month from time to time to perform for free for the hardworking people who look down on the theater, and invite them to watch it in the theater.

This is undoubtedly a benefit for the poor people.

Whenever those poor people pass by the theater in the city and see those high-ranking officials and dignitaries coming out of the theater happily, how could they not have the desire to go in and watch a play for themselves? .

But they don't have this extra money.

Now, their wishes have been fulfilled.

Theaters in some places not only often perform for the poor people, but also send theater actors to various villages to perform for the people in their villages.

Coupled with this wonderful content, these people also remembered the goodness of the imperial court and the goodness of the Xuantong Division.

And these, in the end, are all attributed to the stewards of the Xuantong Division, Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu and Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui.

Originally these Kings of Han and Zhao were not clear.

It wasn't until one time when they inspected around the capital that they disguised themselves heard such rumors.

In the past, they only knew the pros and cons of power in their hearts.

It was also the first time to hear such simple appreciation and longing from the mouths of the common people.

This kind of praise is different from the flattery of those officials in ordinary times.

These are the heartfelt thoughts of the common people.

The two who felt this feeling for the first time felt great satisfaction in their hearts.

This is like a person who has done all kinds of bad things since he was a child, but accidentally does a good thing, and he is praised by many people.

was regarded as a hero.

This feeling directly affected the thoughts in the hearts of the two brothers.

When helping Zhu Zhanji with other errands, he became even more energetic.

For people like the two brothers, even a hundred thousand taels of silver is not as exciting as these simple compliments from the common people, and it makes them even more happy.

It also gave them the urge to do something good for the people for the first time.

the other side.

In the palace, Zhu Zhanji, who is now entangled in various busy government affairs, heard from Jin Yiwei about the change of his second uncle and third uncle in his spare time.

There was an involuntary smile on his face.

As the nephews of these two, Zhu Zhanji still has a deep understanding of them.

From the actions and movements of these two uncles, it can be seen that the two uncles seem to have changed.

From the very beginning, I was urged by the officials below to do the errands.

Up to now, they don't need anyone to tell them, they have successfully transformed themselves into a qualified person in charge of the Xuantong Department.

Many things don't need others to say much at all, they start to prepare and do things by themselves.

For example, free performances for poor people everywhere.

In the past, they would not care about these.

You might even think it's a waste of money.

But now, they are more active than anyone else in their enthusiasm for this kind of thing.

If Zhu Zhanji hadn't said it, the theaters in these places would be responsible for their own profits and losses, and they would arrange those free performances according to their actual operating conditions.

I'm afraid these two dare to give all these theaters for free.

At the same time.

Zhu Zhanji was also very satisfied after seeing the figures and situations recently reported by the Xuantong Division.

Of course, what is satisfying is not the speed of construction in various places, but the effect.

Although the Xuantong Division's plan is still in its infancy.

But the effect is still very good.

There is a positive discussion about the imperial court, and judging from the situation reported in various places, the effect is very good.

The most intuitive thing is that after watching these operas everywhere, literati and ink writers write poems and lyrics.

Basically, it is based on the contents of those operas, which are expanded to explain.

There are also ordinary discussions among the common people.

These are undoubtedly expanding the effect of the Xuantong plan.

It also allowed the legitimacy and authority of the emperors of their old Zhu family to increase all the time.

Many things are like this. It may be said that after doing these things, there will not be even a single person who is willing to work for the old Zhu's family.

But this kind of thinking will slowly and subtly change people's thinking and way of thinking.

Especially those kids.

When they were young, they grew up watching the stories of the old Zhu family emperor.

Then a seed of serving the country will be deeply rooted in their minds since childhood.

The name of the emperor is no longer the image of the world's largest landlord and prince in the minds of the common people.

It is synonymous with country.

It is synonymous with the common people in the world.

Doing things for the emperor is no longer a court eagle, but serving the country.

There seems to be no difference between the two, but when it comes to the critical moment, the difference is huge.

Just like the soldiers on the battlefield.

For the sake of money, for the sake of power, none of them may go up to die on the mountain that is heavily defended by the enemy.

But if it's for the sake of serving the country, they are willing to not give a copper coin.

After all, people live in this world to satisfy two things, one is the thing in the brain, and the other is the thing in the stomach.

They can kill for the contents of their stomachs, and can even eat people.

But for the things in his head, this life can be lost.

At this time, Zhu Zhanji, who was sitting on the dragon chair, seemed to be resting with his eyes closed.

But in fact, I have been thinking about things in my mind.

A series of reforms carried out by the line of thinking has been steadily developing and perfecting.

Although there are still many things that can be done in the future, it will take time to settle.

No hurry.

Xuantongsi has his second uncle and third uncle doing it.

For the time being, he can rest assured.

The inherent thinking changes within the imperial court are also changing rapidly.

Accompanied by the students from the school he established outside Nanjing City, they joined the court.

Changes within the imperial court have also had great success so far.

At the very least, the assessment system of the court has now become a stone in the heart of every court official.

It doesn't matter if they want to see it or not.

Including imperial examination reform and so on.

These soft, imaginary affairs can come to an end for the time being.

What has to be done is to develop steadily.

Next, the hard, substantive changes will be the top priority.

Thinking of this, after drawing a grand blueprint for the future of the Ming Dynasty in his mind, Zhu Zhanji couldn't help but think of Ma Bao and his fifth brother Zhu Zhanyi who had been at sea for a long time.

Because the final results of their trip will directly affect Zhu Zhanji's plan for the development of the Ming Dynasty.

Although money seems to have little effect, everything, all industrial innovations and industrial adjustments, need to be driven by money.

Only when he has a thorough grasp of the financial economy of the Ming Dynasty can he completely let go of his hands and feet and follow his own plan to push the big ship of the Ming Dynasty to the process of industrialization.

Of course, Zhu Zhanji was not really idle until Ma Bao and the fifth brother Zhu Zhanqian came back.

In another secret place, some printers rewarded by Zhu Zhanji's system are continuously printing the currency of the Ming Dynasty in the future.

At the same time, led by Hubu Xia Yuanji, including those students in the school who are proficient in mathematics, they are also calculating and planning day and night, and the specific data of the new currency of the Ming Dynasty will be implemented next.

Work hard for the imperial court to control the national economy and finance.

In a city near Shanhaiguan.

The old man Zhu Di, the prince Zhu Gaochi, and the princess Zhang Yan have been looking forward to the next content of those operas since they watched the finals from the capital.

Until the imperial court announced the establishment of the Xuantong Division.

And after the construction of various city theaters is completed.

They immediately came to the local theater and started watching.

Almost every time there is new content, they will come here to watch it for the first time.

After this period of change, the old man Zhu Di and the prince Zhu Gaochi's conjectures about Zhu Zhanji have also been confirmed one by one.

"The Xuantongsi that this kid created this time is really powerful. Now, the people all over the world are turning to him."

Prince Zhu Gaochi said with some emotion.

Although the old man Zhu Di on the side has passed the initial stage of shock after so many days, thinking about it now, he still feels incredible for Zhu Zhanji's move.

If Zhu Zhanji hadn't been his own grandson, he would have to tear that kid's brain open to see what was in it.

How could this kid come up with so many good ideas.

How did this kid think of this theater thing.

How can you think of disseminating your ideas through the theater?

However, Zhu Di is Zhu Di after all, and it has been so long, so he won't be too excited.

Instead, after hearing the words of the boss Zhu Gaochi, he muttered: "Now that these things are over, this kid should be about to ascend the throne, right?"

Hearing his old man suddenly mentioned this matter, Prince Zhu Gaochi was also taken aback, but after carefully counting the days, he also said: "Well, it should be soon, I guess it will be the last few days."

Hearing this, the old man Zhu Di nodded, and then said: "In a blink of an eye, the stinky boy is about to ascend the throne. It seems that his big marriage is still in sight."

"However, it's a pity that I can't personally host the enthronement ceremony for that kid."

Hearing this, the prince Zhu Gaochi couldn't help laughing and said: "Father, what is there to regret about this, think about it, since ancient times, there have been several new emperors who have been presided over by the old emperor himself."

After being said by his boss, the old man Zhu Di also came back to his senses, and after thinking about it, he couldn't help laughing.

But in fact, the old man Zhu Di said so, but what he was thinking in his heart was not at all.

It doesn't matter whether he is present or not at the enthronement ceremony.

The reason why he sighed so suddenly was that what he was thinking about was actually his great-grandson.

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